Culto Familiar de Alabanza y Adoración, 11:00 am. Oración de Bienvenida y Saludo

Worship Notes

*Vienen con Alegría Salmos 98: 1-6 Tiempo de Reflexión y Confesión *Tal Como Soy Tiempo de Alabanza y Adoración *Eres Todo Poderoso * Al Que Me Ciñe de Poder *Satúrame, Señor Diezmos y Ofrendas *Demos Gracias Prédica: Título: La Gran Comisión Lectura: Marcos 16: 9-19 Johnny Llerena

Sympathy The White Plains family extends its heartfelt sympathy to Bob, Jeff, Julie, Travis, and Shelby Hinshaw, and Carol Davison and family on the death of Polly Hinshaw; to Bill and Nancy Cole on the death of Bill’s mother, Mary; to Carol and Ted Creekmore on the death of Carol’s mother, Sarah Roberts; and to Peter Bishop on the death of his brother, Donald.

*Pescador de Hombres Comunión Dulce Comunión Oración de Envió *El Profeta Anuncios: 

Cena para Dos, 18 de marzo a las 4:00pm. Registrarse con María Guzmán al 919-761-3173.

Servicio de Domingo de Ramos, 25 de Marzo a las 11:00am.

Servicio familiar de Jueves Santo y Cena, 29 de marzo a las 6:00pm en el gimnasio.

Vigilia de Oración, hombres y mujeres de Fe, y pijamada para niñas y niños, sábado 31 de marzo, 8:00pm. Si alguien necesita un consejo o necesita oración, al final del servicio una persona de Stephen Minister estará disponible en la esquina izquierda de adelante de este lugar.

Prayer Concerns Anna Avery, Anjalie Bhattacharyya, Carol Boykin, Maria del Carmen Burgos, Joyce “Boo Boo” Byrd, Roy Carawan, Glenda Darrell, Jack Farmer, Rob Frohlking, Tempie Furr, Jennings Gaddy, Carol Garland, Dylan Harrell, Eleanor Hennis, Hortencia Herlinda, Bob Hinshaw, Larry Hollis, Becky Humphrey, Fred Jetter, Pat Johnson, Phyllis Lang, Dick Orander, Gary Parker, Lorraine Perkinson, Amy Pethick, Glen Phillips, Don Remley, Carolyn Richardson, Ginny Sapp, Lois Smit, George Smit, Al Tahan, Harlyn Van Sloten,Lilly VanStory, Tracey Walden, Eloise Walker, Elaine Zisek, and those serving in the Armed Forces

Join Our Church Family! Interested in membership? Email:

[email protected]

Third Sunday in Lent

March 4, 2018 4 de marzo 2018

Iglesia Metodista Unida

White Plains United Methodist Church (919) 467-9394 [email protected]

Traditional Worship, 8:30am *Dedication of Gifts—The Doxology Welcome and Announcements Prelude Chorale Prelude on the “The Cross” Charles Hubert Hasting Parry *Call To Worship Change My Heart, O God TFWS #2152 Jesus promised that we would not be left alone, that God would send a comforter. It is by the power of that same Holy Spirit that we gather to worship today. Come, Holy Spirit , Come Holy Spirit, come. Change My Heart, O God TFWS #2152

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. The Great Thanksgiving

UMH #61

Time of Prayer Invitation, confession, Pardon and Peace

Musical Setting D, UMH #23

(Communion will be served by intinction. Ushers will direct the congregation. We offer a station for communion that is gluten-free, vegan, and "top 8" allergen-free.)

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

UMH #8

*Closing Hymn Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart *Dismissal with Blessing


Postlude Recessional in D

John 14:15-21

NT #103

Welcome...We’re Glad You Are Here! Get Down God Is Able Blessed Be Your Name Prayer and offering—Dr. Lee Heathcoat Offering Cornerstone

Prayer After Receiving Communion

Prayer For Illumination Gracious God, through the life, death and resurrection of your Son your kingdom has broken into our troubled world. As we hear your Word, give us grace to respond in faithful obedience, that our lives may be signs of new life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

UMH #500

Message A Disciple’s Heart—By the Power of the Spirit Rev. Ray Warren Children 3 years-2nd grade are invited to E9 for Children’s Church during the Message and will re-enter the service after the Message.

*Choral Response Sevenfold Amen Chancel Choir and Credo

John Rutter

Alexandre Guilmant

Scripture John 14:15-21 Communion Breathe Response/final Remarks

Karen Lee Scott *Congregation standing Children ages 5 and under are welcome in the children’s wing for nursery care at any time during the 8:30 service.

Message A Disciple’s Heart—By the Power of the Spirit Rev. Ray Warren The Offertory It Happened that Fateful Night


Breaking the Bread and Giving the Bread and Cup

*Hymn of Praise Come, Thou Almighty King

Anthem Gracious Spirit Dwell with Me Chancel Choir and Credo

UMH #95

We’d love to get to know you, and we’d like for you to get to know us! Feel free to sign the pew pad when it is passed your way if you’d like to share your contact info with us. Thanks!


Wilbur Held

Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship.

Please silence your cell phone before the service of worship begins.

Devices are available near the entrance of the Sanctuary for those needing assistance with hearing the service.

White Plains UMC

White Plains UMC

White Plains UMC

White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We are honored by your presence in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center, C200.

White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We are honored by your presence in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center, C200.

White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We are honored by your presence in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center, C200.

Church Office

Church Office

Church Office

If you have a need or question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or email [email protected]. Office hours are from 8am to 5pm Monday-Thursday, and 8am to 3pm on Friday.

If you have a need or question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or email [email protected]. Office hours are from 8am to 5pm Monday-Thursday, and 8am to 3pm on Friday.

If you have a need or question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or email [email protected]. Office hours are from 8am to 5pm Monday-Thursday, and 8am to 3pm on Friday.

Available for Children

Available for Children

Available for Children

Nursery Care by our Nursery Team during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School for children ages 3 years - 5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years—2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service when announced and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service.

Nursery Care by our Nursery Team during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School for children ages 3 years - 5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years—2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service when announced and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service.

Nursery Care by our Nursery Team during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School for children ages 3 years - 5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years—2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service when announced and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service.

Sunday Schedule

Sunday Schedule

Sunday Schedule

8:30am 9:45am 11:00am

8:30am 9:45am 11:00am

8:30am 9:45am 11:00am

Traditional worship service, Sanctuary Sunday school for all ages Embrace, contemporary worship in the Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary


Traditional worship service, Sanctuary Sunday school for all ages Embrace, contemporary worship in the Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary


Traditional worship service, Sanctuary Sunday school for all ages Embrace, contemporary worship in the Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary


Our greeters and ushers are available to answer questions.

Our greeters and ushers are available to answer questions.

Our greeters and ushers are available to answer questions.

Visit for more information.

Visit for more information.

Visit for more information.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events UMM Breakfast

March 10

Easter Food Distribution

March 22 (4-6pm)

Palm Sunday

March 25

Holy Thursday

March 29 (7pm)


March 30 (7pm)


April 1

Blood Drive

April 28 & 29

UMM Breakfast

March 10

Easter Food Distribution

March 22 (4-6pm)

Palm Sunday

March 25

Holy Thursday

March 29 (7pm)


March 30 (7pm)


April 1

Blood Drive

April 28 & 29

UMM Breakfast

March 10

Easter Food Distribution

March 22 (4-6pm)

Palm Sunday

March 25

Holy Thursday

March 29 (7pm)


March 30 (7pm)


April 1

Blood Drive

April 28 & 29

Ministry in Action - Announcements

March 4, 2018

Ministry in Action - Announcements

March 4, 2018

Ministry in Action - Announcements

March 4, 2018

The United Methodist Men's breakfast meetings are the second Saturday of each month. The next UMM meeting is March 10, at 8:30am in the CLC. Our speaker this month is author Ronny Herman de Jong. She has a compelling story as a survivor of two Japanese concentration camps during World War II. For more information see

The United Methodist Men's breakfast meetings are the second Saturday of each month. The next UMM meeting is March 10, at 8:30am in the CLC. Our speaker this month is author Ronny Herman de Jong. She has a compelling story as a survivor of two Japanese concentration camps during World War II. For more information see

The United Methodist Men's breakfast meetings are the second Saturday of each month. The next UMM meeting is March 10, at 8:30am in the CLC. Our speaker this month is author Ronny Herman de Jong. She has a compelling story as a survivor of two Japanese concentration camps during World War II. For more information see




We are still accepting signups for our summer Appalachia Service Project mission trip. Adults and youth ages 14 and up are welcome. More information at

We are still accepting signups for our summer Appalachia Service Project mission trip. Adults and youth ages 14 and up are welcome. More information at

We are still accepting signups for our summer Appalachia Service Project mission trip. Adults and youth ages 14 and up are welcome. More information at




Can you smile or shake a hand? We seek to be an inviting and welcoming church, and we're always looking for new folks to add to our hospitality team! Email [email protected] to learn more.

Can you smile or shake a hand? We seek to be an inviting and welcoming church, and we're always looking for new folks to add to our hospitality team! Email [email protected] to learn more.

Can you smile or shake a hand? We seek to be an inviting and welcoming church, and we're always looking for new folks to add to our hospitality team! Email [email protected] to learn more.




Did you miss Game Night last week? Don't worry, we're having another on March 16. We meet the third Friday of every month from 6:30 to 9:00pm in the Chapel. Bring your favorite board game and a snack to share!

Did you miss Game Night last week? Don't worry, we're having another on March 16. We meet the third Friday of every month from 6:30 to 9:00pm in the Chapel. Bring your favorite board game and a snack to share!

Did you miss Game Night last week? Don't worry, we're having another on March 16. We meet the third Friday of every month from 6:30 to 9:00pm in the Chapel. Bring your favorite board game and a snack to share!




Holy Week is coming! Mark your calendars now for these services:  Palm Sunday (Disciple's Heart wrap-up) - March 25 at all services  Holy Thursday - March 29, 7pm in the Sanctuary  Tenebrae - March 30, 7pm in the Sanctuary  Easter Services - April 1, 6:30am sunrise service at Bond Park, 8:30 and 11:00am services on our main campus. Culto en español a las 11:00am tambien. Holy Communion will be offered at all services.

Holy Week is coming! Mark your calendars now for these services:  Palm Sunday (Disciple's Heart wrap-up) - March 25 at all services  Holy Thursday - March 29, 7pm in the Sanctuary  Tenebrae - March 30, 7pm in the Sanctuary  Easter Services - April 1, 6:30am sunrise service at Bond Park, 8:30 and 11:00am services on our main campus. Culto en español a las 11:00am tambien. Holy Communion will be offered at all services.

Holy Week is coming! Mark your calendars now for these services:  Palm Sunday (Disciple's Heart wrap-up) - March 25 at all services  Holy Thursday - March 29, 7pm in the Sanctuary  Tenebrae - March 30, 7pm in the Sanctuary  Easter Services - April 1, 6:30am sunrise service at Bond Park, 8:30 and 11:00am services on our main campus. Culto en español a las 11:00am tambien. Holy Communion will be offered at all services.




White Plains UMC Blood Drive—Sharing Life. Saving Lives. WPUMC will host a blood drive, through The Blood Connection, on Saturday, April 28, from 10am to 2pm, and on Sunday, April 29, from 4pm to 6pm, in our parking lot. For every person who donates, a $10 donation will be made to WPUMC. Go to to sign up.

White Plains UMC Blood Drive—Sharing Life. Saving Lives. WPUMC will host a blood drive, through The Blood Connection, on Saturday, April 28, from 10am to 2pm, and on Sunday, April 29, from 4pm to 6pm, in our parking lot. For every person who donates, a $10 donation will be made to WPUMC. Go to to sign up.

White Plains UMC Blood Drive—Sharing Life. Saving Lives. WPUMC will host a blood drive, through The Blood Connection, on Saturday, April 28, from 10am to 2pm, and on Sunday, April 29, from 4pm to 6pm, in our parking lot. For every person who donates, a $10 donation will be made to WPUMC. Go to to sign up.




Easter Fair—Join us as we experience the resurrection through stories, crafts, and games on April 1 during the Sunday School hour, 9:45-10:45. Please donate bags of candy now for our Sunday School Easter Egg hunt on Easter morning.

Easter Fair—Join us as we experience the resurrection through stories, crafts, and games on April 1 during the Sunday School hour, 9:45-10:45. Please donate bags of candy now for our Sunday School Easter Egg hunt on Easter morning.

Easter Fair—Join us as we experience the resurrection through stories, crafts, and games on April 1 during the Sunday School hour, 9:45-10:45. Please donate bags of candy now for our Sunday School Easter Egg hunt on Easter morning.




Don’t miss our annual tradition of the Easter Flower Cross. Please bring some fresh flowers to worship with you on Easter morning and help add to the beauty. Amber Foster-Smith will be taking photos of individuals and families in front of the cross during the Sunday school hour, which will be available for you to download later free of charge. Another great reason to invite friends for Easter!

Don’t miss our annual tradition of the Easter Flower Cross. Please bring some fresh flowers to worship with you on Easter morning and help add to the beauty. Amber Foster-Smith will be taking photos of individuals and families in front of the cross during the Sunday school hour, which will be available for you to download later free of charge. Another great reason to invite friends for Easter!

Don’t miss our annual tradition of the Easter Flower Cross. Please bring some fresh flowers to worship with you on Easter morning and help add to the beauty. Amber Foster-Smith will be taking photos of individuals and families in front of the cross during the Sunday school hour, which will be available for you to download later free of charge. Another great reason to invite friends for Easter!

White Plains United Methodist Church

Mar 4, 2018 - White Plains UMC Blood Drive—Sharing Life. Saving Lives. WPUMC will host a blood drive, through The Blood Connection, on Saturday, April. 28, from 10am to 2pm, and on Sunday, April 29, from 4pm to 6pm, in our parking lot. For every person who donates, a $10 donation will be made to WPUMC.

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Oct 15, 2017 - if you'd like to share your contact info with us. Thanks! CCLI#967142 ... during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center,. C200.

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3 days ago - Susan Hayman, Eleanor Hennis, Hortencia Herlinda, Bob Hinshaw,. Larry Hollis ... Pat Johnson, George Miller, Gary Parker, Amy Pethick,.

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White Plains United Methodist Church
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