USO0PP2243 8P2

(12) United States Plant Patent

(10) Patent N0.:


US PP22,438 P2

(45) Date of Patent:

Jan. 3, 2012




Int. Cl. A01H 5/00


Latin Name/1 Verbenaxhybrida Vanetal Denomlnanoni Flagdena

(52) (58)

us. Cl. ..................................................... .. Plt./308 Field of Classi?cation Search .................. .. Flt/308



S ee app It ?lf lt hh't. lea Ion e or Comp e e Seam 15 Dry

Henricus Godefridus Wilhelmus

Stemkens’ Enkhulzen (NL)



Primary Examiner * Annette Para

Assignee: Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel


(74) Attorney’ Agent’ or Flrm i 8' Matthew Edwards



Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35

A 116W Verbena plant named ‘Flagdena’ particularly distin guished by the large tri-colored, white and 2 distinct tones of

U_S,C, 154(b) by 0 days,

red-purple ?owers, medium green foliage, medium sized creeping and trailing plant habit with good branching and is early to ?ower.

(21) Appl. No.: 12/806,706 (22) Filed:


Aug. 19, 2010


2 Drawing Sheets


2 ‘Flagdena’ has not been observed under all possible envi ronmental conditions. The phenotype may vary signi?cantly

Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed:

Verbenaxhybrida. Varietal denomination: ‘Flagdena’.

with variations in environment such as temperature, light

intensity and day length. BACKGROUND OF THE NEW PLANT


The present invention comprises a new Verbena, botani cally known as Verbenaxhybrida, and hereinafter referred to

by the variety name ‘Flagdena’.

Plant Breeder’s Rights for this cultivar were applied for in Canada on Feb. 9, 2010 (#10-6831) and in the European Union on Sep. 29, 2009 (#2009/1907). ‘Flagdena’ has not been made publicly available more than one year prior to the


?ling of this application.

‘Flagdena’ is a product of a planned breeding program. The new cultivar has large tri-colored, white and 2 distinct tones of

determined to be basic characteristics of the new variety. The

red-purple ?owers, medium green foliage, medium sized creeping and trailing plant habit with good branching and is

bena as a new and distinct variety.

The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are

combination of these characteristics distinguishes this Ver

early to ?ower.

‘Flagdena’ originated from an open pollinated hybridiza


tion made in the summer of 2004 in a controlled breeding

The accompanying photographic drawings show typical

environment in EnkhuiZen, Netherlands. The female parent was the unpatented proprietary plant designated ‘G0549-1 ’ with white ?owers. ‘G0549-1’ less seed set and has fewer

being as true as possible with an illustration of this type. The

?owers than ‘Flagdena’.

photographic drawings show in

?ower and foliage characteristics of ‘Flagdena’ with colors

The male parent of ‘Flagdena’ was an unknown Verbena

plant in the greenhouse with the female plant. The resultant seed as sown in February 2005.

‘Flagdena’ was selected as one ?owering plant within the progeny of the stated cross in the August 2005 in a controlled


FIG. 1, a whole ?owering plant, in FIG. 2, a complete umbel, and in FIG. 3, a close-up ofthe ?owers. DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION

environment in EnkhuiZen, Netherlands. The ?rst act of asexual reproduction of ‘Flagdena’ was

The aforementioned photographs were taken in April 2010

accomplished when vegetative cuttings were propagated

from plants growing in a greenhouse trial in Gilroy, Calif.

USA. These plants were growing in 4 inch pots and were approximately 15-16 weeks of age. The plant descriptions and measurements were taken in BRIEF SUMMARY OF INVENTION 35 late May 2010 in Hillscheid, Germany on about 12 week old plants that had been planted into 12 cm pots and were grown Horticultural examination of plants grown from cuttings of on benches in a greenhouse at a minimum temperature (heat

from the initial selection in August 2005 in a controlled envi ronment in EnkhuiZen, Netherlands.

the plant initiated in August 2005, and continuing thereafter,

ing temperature) of 120 C. From April on, a minimum night

has demonstrated that the combination of characteristics as herein disclosed for ‘Flagdena’ are ?rmly ?xed and are

temperature of 8° C. was held, while day temperatures were

retained through successive generations of asexual reproduc tion.

much higher, depending on outdoor temperature. Color references are made to The Royal Horticultural Soci

ety Colour Chart (R.H.S.) 2001.

US PP22,438 P2 3



Lastingness of individual blooms on the plantiAbout



‘Pink Parfait’ (unpatented)

Flower color:

White and red-purple Candy-pink/raspberry-red

Flowering response: Foliage size:

Earlier to ?ower Smaller

FragranceiNone. 5

In?orescence horizontal diameteri5.3-5.8 cm. In?orescence depth (l’l€ighZ).i2.5-3.5 CH1.

Quantity of?owers and buds per in?orescence.*10-15.

Somewhat later to ?ower Larger

Bud (lust When Starting to Show Color)Z COlOKiMOSHy RHS N155B OI‘ some Slightly RHS 56C.

Length.*2.1-2.4 cm. Plant:


Form, growth and habitiHerbaceous, initially spread-

WidthiUp to 0.7 cm.

shape'iMamly tube'shaped’ future Corona Small and

ing, later becoming decumbent to trailing.

round at the upper end

Plant heightiAbout 8.0 cm.


Plant height (in?orescence included).iUp to 16.0 cm. 15

Form and WPe-isess?e; Salverform, Composed of 5

Plant widthiAbout 41.0 cm.

partly fused petals with a base of a narrow tube.

Roots: Number of days to initiate and produce rootsiAbout 10-14 days at about 22 degrees C.

Zj/peiFine, ?brous, free branching.

Immature color, upper surface.*2 upper petals are RHS N57A with a white patch basally; 3 lower petals are RHS 155D with a ?ush of RHS N57B at the margins


ColoriRHS N155B.

fading slightly inward to RHS 65A. Lowersury‘aceiRHS 155Awith RHS 62B to RHS 62D


around the margins.

ArrangementiSingle and opposite, decussate on upright directed stems. Immature, leaf color, upper surfaceiRHS 137C. 25 Lower surfaceiBetween RHS 138A and RHS 138B. Mature, leaf color, upper surfaceiRHS 137A. Lower surfaceiRHS 138A to RHS 138B but a little more yellowish. Length.i5.5-6.5 cm. 30

Mature color, upper surface.*2 upper petals are RHS N57B with a white patch basally, maturing to a mot tling of between RHS N57B and RHS N57C with a white patch basally; 3 petals are white with a heavier mottled ?ush of between RHS 65A and RHS 65B coverin about 1/2 of each petal. Lower surfaceiRHS 155Awith RHS 62C to RHS 62D around the margins.

Width.i2.8-3.9 cm.

Floret diameter*2.1-2.3 cm.

ShapeiDeltoid, not dissected. Base shapeiAcute to attenuate.

Apex shapeiAcute to obtuse.

Floret depth.i2.0-2.2 cm. Length ofpetals.i0.6-0.9 cm. Width ofpetals.40.7-0.9 cm.

MarginiDistinctly crenate or dentate, with incisions 35 of about 0.4-0.6 cm.

Petal shapeiObcordate. Apex shapeiEmarginate.

Texture, upper surfaceiSlightly glossy, with sparse,


short hair.

Petal texture, upper surfaceiSmooth and glabrous.

Lower surfaceiShort, stiff hair mainly along the veins; some glandular hairs.

Lower surface. iSmooth and glabrous. 40

Color of veins, upper surfaceiRHS 144A becoming

Corolla tube length.*1.8-2.1 cm.

Corolla tube color insideiRHS 150D.


Tube color outsideiRHS 150D or sometimes RHS

Color ofveins, lower surfaceiRHS 145B.


Petiole coloriRHS 145B; with RHS 145C on the under side. 45

Length.40.1-0.4 cm.


Diameter*0.1-0.3 cm. Texture. iHirtellous. Stern: CharacteristicsiSide branches develop potentially at 50 very node.

Color ofstemiRHS 137C. Length of stemiApproximately 18-26 cm. Diameteri0.4 cm. Length of internodes.iApproXimately 4-6 cm. Texture. iRough; densely covered with hair; hirsute. Color ofpeduncleiRHS 138A. Length ofpeduncle. iMost often 4.5-6.5 cm.

Zj1peiFive sepals whose margins are fused to each other along their length, with a transparent membrane of less than 0.1 cm in width and with one smaller sepal attached to the base of the calyx. Color ofsepalsiRHS 143B to RHS 143C.

Length ofsepals.*1.1-1.3 cm. Width of sepals.40.2-0.3 cm. Sepal shapeiLinear. 55 Apex shapeiAcute. Margins. iEntire. TextureiDensely covered with short hair. Reproductive organs:

Peduncle diameteri2-2.5 cm.

TextureiRough, densely covered with short glandular 60 hair; hirtellous. In?orescence: Zj/peiUmbel-like, but actually a spike, umbrellashaped to roughly semi-spherical. Blooming habitiFlowers continuously. 65

Quantity of in?orescences per plantil 0-1 5.

Corolla texture, insideiGlabrous. Outside.4Glabrous basally; glandular hairs at the ?are.


Length.*1.5-2.0 cm. Style coloriRHS 144C. Style length.*1.3-1.8 cm. Stigma coloriRHS 143B. Stamens. iAnthers and ?laments fused to upper half of corolla tube; four anthers with two pollen sacs per


US PP22,438 P2 5 Color Of?ZamenmiRHS 150D t0 RHD 155B. Lenglh?lamenls.40.l cm. Anlher colokiRHs Nl44B.

léeolgihojgf zllqlzehlfiiglg'sl 10B1 5 Cm'

6 Disease/pest resistance: Disease/pest resistance has not been observed on this hybrid. What is Claimed is_

1. A neW and distinct Variety of Verbena plant named

P ' ' 5 ‘Flagdena’ substantially as illustrated and described herein. Pollen amounLiModerate. Fertility/seed seLiHas not been observed on this hybrid.






US. Patent

Jan. 3, 2012

Sheet 1 M2

US PP22,438 P2


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U S. Patent

Jan. 3, 2012

Sheet 2 M2

US PP22,438 P2

Verbena plant named 'Flagdena'

Aug 19, 2010 - Primary Examiner * Annette Para. (73) Assignee: Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel. (74) Attorney' Agent' or Flrm i 8' Matthew Edwards. (CH).

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