Asian Architecture [ARC 2213] PROJECT 1: CASE STUDY







the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building ABSTRACT The practical usage of Feng Shui as an design element in contemporary architecture to improve the well-being of human coexist world-widely despite of the illogical transcendental side. For some reason, the 5000-year-old tradition, whose principle are based on harmony with the natural flow of the forces of energy subconsciously adapting to human needs as a scientifically proven way of life especially in Malaysia. With arrangement of spatial layout being a prominent element in determining the experience of user in space, it is important to discover the relation between principle of Feng Shui elements and how it adapt to Chinese culture in Malaysia by tracing back to earlier history. Literature review based on various resources regarding local Feng Shui residential building is carried out to strengthen the research. The area of scope of research encompass Cheong Fat Tze mansion(1880) in Penang and villa bungalow at Valley TTDI(2010) to further showcase adaptation of Feng Shui in Malaysia’s residential architecture throughout late back to modern era. It is obvious and evident that the approach of Feng Shui in Cheong Fat Tze mansion is a tool for rich people and is said to be based on Chinese hocus-pocus belief. In the case of Valley TTDI, Feng Shui approach is after demystification and scientifically interpreted by creating a psychologically healthy environment towards different architectural style. It has come to a conclusion that these two building demonstrate the use & adaptation of Feng Shui in modern Malaysia residential building. While one illustrate the adaptation of Feng Shui as cultural element, the another portray the environment response to promote well-being. Personally, it is a fantastic experience to discover the unique aspects of Feng Shui based on these two case studies.


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building Introduction The current Feng Shui system can be traced back to culture of ancient civilizations, Zhou Dynasty, China that we tend to called ‘primitive’ particular for the usage of divination for grave site. Today, it is playing its role world-widely not only as an eastern way of Feng Shui practicing but also as a role in creating better architecture in western world. As a practice that has been influenced in spiritually world that is known as TIAN(heaven), DI(earth) and REN(human) at first place, the linkage under the human and nature of built environment subconsciously lead it in becoming an art of science of better living. In order to achieve more successful and happiness in life, people tend to believe in things such as worshipping of god in first place because of the power of positive energy it brings toward oneself. By proving the practicality and advantages of life enhancing influences Feng Shui bring around by also the means of avoiding and minimizing the harmful effects with the technology and knowledge we have nowadays, it could be why the reason Feng Shui is gaining its popularity in architecture especially among the Malaysian Chinese in Asian countries. The use and adaptation of Feng Shui is further reflected by overlooking the ways and subjectivity of incorporating Feng Shui’s element in residential architecture of different area. The viability of this case study paper stands upon the following questions: -

1. What is the definition of Feng Shui? 2. What is the cultural significance of Feng Shui in relation to Chinese beliefs? 3. How is the usage of Feng Shui in Malaysia?


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4. What are the differences between the Feng Shui of traditional and contemporary Chinese residential architecture in Malaysia? 5. What are the challenges pose and advantages of having Feng Shui elements in modern Malaysia residential building design?

What is the definition of Feng Shui?

The Chinese believed there were five determinants in life and Feng Shui is one of it. Determinants are seen as the made up of a specific person at any specific criteria and time. The winds are mild The sun is warm The water is clear The trees are lush -The Chinese Burial Book

Feng Shui is literally understand as wind and water in Chinese and originated from this poem. It is also one of the earliest Chinese geomancy systems where air, water and various nature aspects is interpreted as the essential elements for one survival. Ancient terms states that the concept of Feng Shui, “K’an Yu” mean to cover and support and translated as “under


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building

the canopy of heaven”. Under Chinese translation, it implies the action of “observe the cosmic scale environment around us”.

According to Smith (2006), Feng Shui is the environmental determinants that create the energy forces which has an auspicious potential affecting people’s lives. The principles of Feng Shui is not just a way of decorating and furnishing an environment but comes to us as a 5000 years old tradition where it is placed on an idea of protecting the village and homes in relation to contours and shapes of land from harsh environment. Today, Feng Shui is translated as the studying of all forms of “Qi” as a tool for improving our live. It will be based on the analysis of Qi that relate to the source of block and to identify the key psychological elements as the source of problem in forming pattern of behaviour around a person with space.

Figure 1:Feng Shui Analysis (Smith, 2006, p.10)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building In relation to definitions above, Feng Shui is a way of dynamic science that focused on the compatibility of both the built and natural environment. As the environment is made to enhance postitive energy, the person live within is affected as a harmonious effect .It creates the embodiment of characteristics of a site on the person who live within it. In other words, Feng Shui is also an art of adaptation and expression of human beings as universe and symbolic meaning changes over time to form environments that were favorable.

What is the cultural significance of Feng Shui in relation to Chinese beliefs?

THE ANIMAL SYMBOLISM History The cultural significance would be starting from the inherent link to origin of Chinese, China where it has the strongest traditional Chinese culture and identity. “The Origins of Feng Shui,” n.d., para. 1 stated, ‘Zhai Bu’ divination was the earliest method in determining the fortune of dwelling during the Zhou Dynasty from 11th century BC to 256 BC. For example, the auspiciousness of a grave site is determined by using ‘Zhai Bu”. Existence of an underground spring below the burial site determined the suitability of the site where this practice was known as the emergent form of Feng Shui. (“The Origins of Feng Shui”, n.d.)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building The Form School As refer to existing historical information, Smith (2006) outlines that the early schools of Feng Shui arose between 4000 and 5000 years ago in the small village in the north of China. The principles started and exist till now with the forming of the earliest schools of Feng Shui by focusing on the relationship between the geographical feature of land and four cardinal directions of the compass. The Chinese associated the animals as an important symbolic role to each of the four directions. Having the north as black tortoise, the east was the green dragon, the south was the red phoenix, and the west was the white tiger, the core idea of this symbolism is exactly the same with the belief of Chinese culture in the Zodiac system of twelve animals. The Chinese believes that each animal represent its auspiciousness with the characteristics of the animal. Auspicious setting exists if the natural geographical features resemble these four animals. This early approach which called the Form School exist till today with the usage of Lu’o Pan, an Chinese Feng Shui compass to determine and analyze the direction of a setting.



EAST GREEN D R A G O N Figure 2: Landscape in relation to animal symbolism (“HuangHe”, n.d.)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building Yin and Yang

“Premise caring for the transformations of cities must never become a war of truths, ideologies, or dogmas. It should be undertaken as a game of balancing less with more, too little with too much.” (Fingerhuth ,2004, p.115)

One of the way of conforming to space problem is through Yin and Yang.The dynamics Yin and Yang originated from the Taoism cosmology where during later time, the Yin and Yang theory become one of the main theories of mostly ancient Chinese schools of thoughts. According to this theory, everything in our Universe is composed of two opposing, but deepyly interconnected forces – the Yin (feminine) and the Yang (masculine). (“The Yin Yang Theory and Feng Shui,” n.d., para. 1-2) In Yin and Yang principles, Feng Shui is based on conscious interaction with rationality. Two Feng Shui forces interact and the harmonious interaction between them formed the Tai Chi.

Figure 3: Yin and Yang symbol (

The balance aspects of our environment is formed by the balance of energies Yin-Yang , whether colors, shapes, materials or other design components. It can also read as the dynamic THUANG HUAH JIUNN

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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building balance of energy and forces, for example, every reaction is counter-balanced by another reaction to create harmony. In past, Chinese believes activities and anomalies in sky (heaven) are connected to events on earth. Yin


Energy that is receptive, yielding, and passive

Energy that is assertive, creative, and initiating















Area of inactivity : garages, empty dwellings, toilets and

Area of activity : dwellings with frequent activity

closets Table 1: Yin and Yang aspects (Smith,2006,p.33)

What makes the two aspects above in relevant to significance of Chinese culture and beliefs is that the Feng Shui elements are playing an important and common role by term of symbolism and god worshipping from historical era to zodiac system and religion belief in present. The tradition of Chinese thinking has many different criterion but the necessity of belief in luck, destiny and feng shui are an intrinsic part of the cultural identity. By this it means to create a strong link between Chinese beliefs and Feng Shui to create profound interests of Chinese to adopt Feng Shui not only as a way of living and boosting the positive energies but also as an immense culture experience transformed from past.


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building How is the usage of Feng Shui in Malaysia?

“Conciousness of man’s harmony with the universe should be integrated into the gestalt of the city.” (Fingerhuth ,2004, p.173)

The evolution of human consciousness from the pre-modern to the beyond-the-modern era helps human deal and decipher and make sense of how the cities, and the world we live in. We experience the physical world with our sense. Our emotions, on the other hand, help us process this information into experiences of thought and intuition and therefore linked through feeling and sensing. A renewed interest is formed between the integration of human consciousness and built environment. This leads to a dramatic shift in social and cultural consciousness and calls for active reflection in our cities. In Malaysia, Feng Shui is integrated with architecture to achieve the full potential in creating the most positive atmosphere in order to succeed. For examples, Brown, (2009) has explained that phenomenon of Feng Shui is gaining foothold in the modern society where it is used by all strata of society, from famous celebrities and major corporations to the family living down the road – because intuitively it makes sense: you feel better and operate at your full capacity in the Figure 4: Evolution of human consciousness from the premodern to beyong-the-modernera (Fingerhuth, 2004, p.89)

right atmosphere. It is understand that the usage of Feng Shui in residential architecture and immediate environment influence the


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building relationships, health and moods, creativity, finances and family life, spiritual life and career. The usage of Feng Shui in Malaysia has been use as knowledge of architectural practice and discipline in modern Chinese merely than just a superstitious belief in Malaysia. Feng Shui tools are used to analyze and enchance the potential space and its occupants. The tools included:1. The Commanding Position 2. The Bagua 3. The Five Elements However, only the Bagua and the Five Elements would be discussed under this topic as the Commanding Position is more interrelated towards the interior arrangement of furniture rather than architecture.

THE BAGUA Bagua is a template that is consisted of eight trigrams and it can be used to analyze and utilize in design of spaces. The spaces are to be laid in a way that will maximize potential of each aspect of our individual life, family and business. By dividing a building or space into nine equal sectors and overlay on floor plan with the use of a Lu’o Pan, a reading of the building is determined as related to specific areas of our life. They include basic compass direction, element and season of the year, various part in the body, members in the family, colour and specific shapes. (Smith, 2006, p. 41)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building Below indicates a diagram and table on how a Lu’o Pan reinterpreted and simplified at the modern period:

Figure 6: Modern reinterpretation of Bagua in plan layout(

Figure 5: The Bagua (Smith,2006, p.42)

Path in Life

Refers to career, entrance into a private space


Refers to self-cultivation, spirituality and selfdevelopment

New Beginnings and Family

Identifed with both biological and nontraditional family units. Practice related to a person or company


Refers to wealth, talents and abundance


Refers to reputation or fame

Primary Relationship

Refers to marriage and relationship

Completion and Children

Related to creativity and trouble of finishing anything

Helpful People

Related to travel and one’s relationship with people who are not family members

The Essence

A person’s being and aspects of life. Also known as Health

Table 2: The Bagua’s area of life (Smith, 2006, p.42)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building THE FIVE ELEMENTS “Wuxing” (Five Elements) provides a framework for viewing the components of any system, their relationship, and the pattern of motion based on their interaction.With wuxing we can employ analogy to understand the world. We can use the obvious qualities of one system to describe unknown and/or unspecified qualitites or one another.” (Bramble, 2003, p. 23)

The practices of Feng Shui identify the Five Elements as a theory associate with the Yin-Yang principle. It is a metaphor to the balance of energies. Each element has at least some of the characteristics that react with one another. The five physical elements included Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood. Take the Fire as examples, Fire leaves ash and creates Earth. The five elements play an important role in making the space feel complete by considering the balance of energies between the space and people. The cycle is vital to ensure Primary Purpose of the place are more conducive and comfortable where the distinctive features of the built environment can affect the wellbeing of the person. It is enhances area of life in association with Bagua and plan layout of a building design. The aims of these tools are to create spaces focusing on visualizing successful outcome.

Figure 7: The Five Elements Diagram ( ts.jpg)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building What are the differences between the Feng Shui of traditional and contemporary Chinese residential architecture in Malaysia? Case study 1 – Cheong Fat Tze Mansion Located in 14 Leith Street, 10200 Georgetown Penang is Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion which was built in 1880. The land plot was built in heavy consultation with the era’s preeminent Feng Shui masters to give a traditional Chinese home of very modern Anglo-Indian residential style at that era. The mansion functions also as business meeting and administration of the Vice-Consul Generalship and formal greetings of hall. It was known that the spaces inside the building were constructed with Feng Shui principles for different functions such as ancestral prayer, dining and family. (“History,” n.d., para. 2-5)

The owner of the mansion, Cheong Fatt Tze was reputed to be one of the richest men in the East with the title of “Rockefeller of the East”. (Oon, 2010)

Feng Shui Analysis on Spatial Layout Wang (n.d.) points out that the building traditional Chinese Feng Shui’s principle was used to design the mansion. The whole building was angled to the to the desired compass degree, in order to tap in the most auspicious Ruling Yang Qi. Qi is also known as vitality that impacts our lives.

Figure 8: Plan layout of the mansion (Wang, n.d.)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building While white color is a common color for buildings in those day, blue is used instead as it is a color with auspicious allusion to the heaven while the building sits on ground which believes to create harmony. The superstition reason to refer white as ”white business” as a sign of funeral and reverence for dead showing the injection of Chinese tradition into Feng Shui of that period. (“Mansion’s Architecture,” n.d., para. 1-4)

Figure 9: Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion ( /CIMG1977.jpg.html)

The structure main supporting pillars also stands as Feng Shui numerical marvel where they are calculated based on Chinese lunar birth date and imposed as in Bagua form of the mansion. The Feng Shui principles would be layout as well based on water-flow and wind-flow lines which would best suit his zodiac.


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building

Figure 10: Bagua natal chart (Wang, n.d.)

Figure 11: View to main hall from courtyard ( m/architecture-feng_shui.htm)

‘Wind-water’-shed The layout of servant quarters built to be parallel to the front of the main building so that an even and balanced energy flow passing the property. The house is situated on site so that it is “off the dragon’s back”. When translated, it means the building to face the sea, to have hills behind for protection and thirdly to be inclined on a slope. The third criterion which was not really conceivable was brought about by adding granite steps to the back of the central courtyard. Thus, the back part was elevated around 11 inches creating a situation where the building sits on a man-made inclined topography.

Figure 12: Bird eye view of mansion and servant quarter (


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building

Figure 13: Ground floor plan and first floor plan (

Figure 14 Simplified floor plan layout ( tairs.gif)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building The spaces were built around central courtyard which open to sky and further extended to encompass four courtyards. The five courtyards symbolize the Five Elements. When these conditions are fulfilled, Heaven’s Qi is able to come down to Earth via rain, fertilizing and making prosperous the house. The Qi is further retained using loop drain systems underneath floor to provide maximum Feng Shui potential.

Figure 15: Drainage hole at courtyard leads to the underneath drainage system (

Case study 2 –The Valley TTDI The award winning development (Asia Pacific Property Award 2010 Best Architecture, Residential Category) is a 3 storey villa bungalow situated in Bukit Indah, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. The villa is built in 2010 where it is nestled at edge of a tropical-rainforest. It is known to inherent one of the best Feng Shui residential in Klang Valley due to the luxurious

Figure 16: Villa bungalow at valley TTDI ( 4a90a64f7e07c89131e5.jpg)

natural surroundings. (“Valley TTDI” ,n.d.) THUANG HUAH JIUNN

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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building

Figure 17: Location and surrounding context of Valley TTDI (

Feng Shui Inspired Design Spiral City Formation is formed by the main entrance location and the combined elements from surrounding hills and natural water feature. The factors ensure positive Qi can be maintained efficiently and sufficiently in the valley. Furthermore, the correct location of water body on the east side ‘pulls’ beneficial Qi into the site. (“The Valley TTDI”, n.d.)

Figure 18: Bird eye view to valley TTDI ( icture/640/HP1603.jpg)

Figure 19: View from TTDI ( e424c72ac85651b3a635366.jpg)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building From the above information, it is known that the environment is the factors that influence the energy of a residential area. In modern interpretation, it is the changes of state of a person’s energy as a result of the process arriving at a home. The dramatic shift in energy of the person’s as entering a space from another, for example, entering an exciting environment affects how a person’s well-being subconsciously. It is observed that the Feng Shui adapt in a way that is coherent with the modern scientifically proven theory by adapting to establish a relationship from the city with the surrounding landscape. The practical way in justifying Feng Shui principles create a psychologically healthy environment for the client.

Feng Shui application can be seen through from the basic spatial layout of the floor plan where all the spaces are applied in “Golden Rectangle” proportion where it has comfortable impact on space users proven since the age of Parthenon. (Smith, 2006)

Figure 20: Ground floor plan of the villa bungalow ( lan/640/21cb78b911b74c59a7786991f0b6ab03.jpg)


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building The primary purpose of space located within specific “gua” of Bagua is the factor to determine the usage and arrangement of space. Projection made as well as allocation of living room in Career or Path in Life “gua” signifies the application of

Figure 21: Living room ( ee4670ae13e8258bb4e8de.jpg)

Feng Shui principles. (Smith, 2006, p.73) To justify the statement with scientifically, the

smooth transition of space is the determinant of mood of a person along each space. The placement of living room in the middle entrance and why it is known as career path because living room is the introduction to our interior environment where when we are entering or bringing guest in, it would mean of the first impression the space give out to the users. The relaxing area are which encompass the swimming pool is situated right at the wood based ‘Family’ gua. The placement of water is said to nurture growth of wood at the space. A personal private own space to relax where the boundary is set off and within own residential area Figure 22: Outside courtyard with swimming pool facility ( e/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/m/ampang.jpg)

definitely provide a different spatial experience for the users. In the case of


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building residence, the internal courtyard given promotes interaction in family in long term based. Different open space in the residency is said as Qi gathering area. It invites nature into the home while providing quality visual breathing space to the user.

Figure 23: Advertisement of the property developer showing the validity of Feng Shui elements by Feng Shui Master ( b.jpg)

The case study informs a different thinking in adaptation of Feng Shui in modern residential building from the pre-modern period to modern period. It is a contrary to popular belief that Feng Shui is a form of religion or superstition culture and a form natural science that is resulted from a combination of scientifically proven principles and theories. They share a common goal in order to provide a way of living in harmony with the nature. What are the challenges pose and advantages of having Feng Shui elements in modern Malaysia residential building design? The challenges face today by Feng Shui is of the misconceptions of Feng Shui due to its application with Bagua and Yin-Yang theory that seems to be Chinese culture myths. The pull from illogical transcendental side (superstitious belief) is the way to encourage the exploration of THUANG HUAH JIUNN

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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building Feng Shui elements in residential building design. The way of creating and improving existing space where the environment maybe adding to a person’s problem from different time period would definitely need a high creativeness due to the facts that environment accessibility to residential space is reduced as the number of population increases significantly. However, the advantage of having Feng Shui is proven when it has 5000 years old history which reinforces the practicability especially in today’s technology advance period. It has more influence when the effort is done. It optimizes the environment for individual life because of its principles that are able to change a personal belief and pattern of behavior.

In conclusion , the way of Feng Shui adapting in Malaysia to the challenge of caring for the continuous transformation of cities from the basic of understanding nature to human needs is not only an exemplification of the dense cultural meaning, but also an immediate response to environment as well as promote of well-being around. The Feng Shui principles can be integrated from a micro scale of residential building with the macro scale with the urban planning of neighborhoods to harmonize and enhance earth’s energy. In other words, it is also a way to enhance sustainability of life of each individual on earth. The shallow definition of Feng Shui discipline cannot be overlook by just as a mere cultural belief but should be share around the world. If an individual has limited capacity, there is that much the Feng Shui can change the world where it is a yield of powers of landscape throughout time and space which has a greater power than one can imagine.


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building REFERENCE Bramble.C(2003). Architect’s Guide to Feng Shui, Burlington, Architectural Press Publications, 23. Brown,S.(2009). The Feng Shui Bible:The Definite Guide to Practicing Feng Shui, London, Octopus Publishing Group, 8. Dr.Ong,H.Tatt(2003). Haunted Buildings:Science and Feng Shui, Malaysia, Gui Management Centre. Fingerhuth(2004). Learning From China: The Tao of the City, Berlin, Birkhauser, 89, 115, 173. Lee,C.H(2010). The Feng Shui of The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, Georgetown, Penang. [Website]



cheong-tatt-tze-mansion.html Master.Lam.K.C and Lam.K.S(1999). The Feng Shui Kitchen, London, Gaia Books Limited Oon,M. (2010). Cheong Fatt Tze Mansions in Penang, Malaysia. (a feng shui analysis) [Website]



penang-malaysia-a-feng-shui-analysis/ Skinner.S(2004). Feng Shui Style: The Asian Art of Gracious Living, United Kingdom, Tuttle Publishing. The Mansion’s Architecture. [Website] Retrieved from architecture-feng_shui.htm The Origins of Feng Shui. [Website] Retrieved from THUANG HUAH JIUNN

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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building The Valley TTDI. [Website]

Retrieved from

developmentreview.aspx?pid=1603 Too,L.(2002). Flying Star Feng Shui for the Master Practitioner. , London, HarperCollins Publishers. Vincent, M.Smith(2006). Feng Shui : A Practical Guide for Architects and Designers. , Illinois,AEC Education, ix-xiv, 10, 32-33, 41-43, 70, 72-73. Wang,T. (n.d.).The Blue Mansion. [Website] Retrieved from The_Blue_Mansion.php


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building FIGURE LIST Figure10:Feng Shui Analysis………………………………………………………………….5 Figure 11: Landscape in relation to animal symbolism…………………………………….7 Figure12: Yin and Yang symbol……………………………………………………………....8 Figure 13: Evolution of human consciousness from the pre-modern to beyond-themodern-era……………………………………………………………………………..10 Figure14: The Bagua…………………………………………………………………………..12 Figure 15: Modern reinterpretation of Bagua in plan layout……………………………….12 Figure16: The Five Elements Diagram……………………………………………………...13 Figure 17: Plan layout of the mansion……………………………………………………….14 Figure 18: Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion…………….……………………………………… ...15 Figure 10: Bagua natal chart……………………………….………………………………...16 Figure 11: View to main hall from courtyard………………………………………………..16 Figure 12: Bird eye view of mansion and servant quarter………………………………...16 Figure 13: Ground floor plan and first floor plan…………………………………………...17 Figure 14 Simplified floor plan layout………………………………………………………..17 Figure 15: Drainage hole at courtyard leads to the underneath drainage system……...18 Figure 16: Villa bungalow at valley TTDI………………………………………………….…18


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the use and adaptation of feng shui in spatial layout 2013 of modern malaysia residential building Figure 17: Location and surrounding context of Valley TTDI………………………….19 Figure 18: Bird eye view to valley TTDI……………………………………………………19 Figure 19: View from TTDI………………………………….……………………………....19 Figure 20: Ground floor plan of the villa bungalow……………………………………..20 Figure 21: Living room……………………………….…………………………………......21 Figure 22: Outside courtyard with swimming pool facility………………………….....21 Figure 23: Advertisement of the property developer showing the validity of Feng Shui elements by Feng Shui Master…………………………………………………....22

TABLE LIST Table 1: Yin and Yang aspects…………………………………………………………….9 Table 2: The Bagua’s area of life………………………………………………………….12


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the harmful effects with the technology and knowledge we have nowadays, it could be why the reason Feng ... Figure 1:Feng Shui Analysis (Smith, 2006, p.10) ...

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