

Registration No.: RTU/Nnnl31 12012

National Federation of IndianRailwaymen . 11O055 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHT ' Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) No. II/34/Part17



Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon'ble Minister of Railwavs. Rail Mantralaya, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi RespectedSir, Sub:

Suggestions for upgradation and upliftment of Production Units on Indian Railways-reg.


NFIR's letterNo. Ill34lPart 16 datedI3l07l2l7 addressed to Hon'ble MR. ******{<*{<*

NFIR vide its letter bearingNo. lll34lPart 16 dated I3l07l2ol7 had given suggestions to the then Hon'ble MR Shri SureshPrabhufor upgradationand upliftment of ProductionUnits on Indian Railways taking into considerationthe technical,financial and other relevantfactors. While enclosing copy of the said letter, Federationrequestsyou to seethat the Railway Ministry considers the suggestionsseriously for implementationin the overall interest of the Indian Railways.

DA/As above


Yours sincerely, .

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)' -!

General Secretary Copy togetherwith the enclosureis forwarded to the Chairman,Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessaryactionplease. Copy togetherwith the enclosureis forwarded to the Member (Rolling Stock), Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessaryaction please. to the GeneralSecretariesof affiliated Unions ofNFIR. l/Copy ' Media CentreAJFIR. ' i

Phone: 01'f-2334330s,6s027299, Rty.ogo-222a9,22626, Fax: 011-29744013, Rty.22382 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.nfirindia.org



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Shri $ureslaFra fuu, Hlrn'b!e &l*xister sf &.aihv*vs. Rail X.{antrala3'a, RaisinaRced. New Dalhi RespectedSir, Sub:

Sr;ggestioxsfcr upgradaticrnand upliftment cf Fr*di:cti*n Linits on IndianRail,u'a'slt**nno*n The Fr*duction Units cn Indian Railways have baen rnanufacturjngLoccm*tives, Caaches,trVheetrs etc. indigenousiy at tieelowest cost. Diesel Locomstive Works, Varanasi {DL1&''}.Rai} Ccach Factcry, Kap*rthala {RCF}, integral CoachFactorS,Ferambur,Chennai {ICF} 'etc are shining jex'els emong thern, out of whic}: DL\4I is cne af the three largest manuf'acturers*f Diesel Locor:rotivesin the world. 2. NFIR desires t* bring to the kind notice of the Han'ble MR. fhat there is h*ge pctentiai of export *f the manufactured products cf these Production {:ni:s to the neighbouring and other developing c*unfrie$, marketsof, Easf and South-EastAsia, Aftica and elren io Ewap*an counlries x'hich may als* result generation of employment opporrunitiestn the unemployedskilled prrsonnelin the Country. 3. ln this coirne*tion,NFIR cites an exampleof DLW" You rnay trs arvarethat tke DLW has been facing existentialcrisis rnainly due to,electrificatia* and les* allocationof flnds f,or production of Diesel Locos" This Production Unit needsr*dical refom: in a businesslike tllann€r *'ith the help cf a tsa:n af highly campetentpraftssionals.Federatio*gives follawing suggestiansto achi*vethe intendedgoals. 5. 5.1

AUTONOM}" DESIGI{ AND DEVELOP]VIENT Complet* independencefrom RDSO in designand dwelcpment of new product lines. resalution af technicalissues:' The Design Oflice needstc be strengthenedwjth more prominenee in postings and training of engineers.The Engine Developr*ent Directorate of RDSO be brought under the administrativecontrol of DLIV.




5.2.1 Rervrite the rules of business:- Multiple stages cf Financial justifications tifi irnovation and sapsinitiative. The cmrent systemof Financeinvolvsnent is meant frlr open ling'srrdis n*t conduciveto a productionset-up. Cantd"Page...?

j 3, *ly, eeS*g Phane: 011"23S4330F, 65S17299,Riy.030.2t4ffi, 2t62fi. Fax : S11-23744CI E-mail: [email protected],Website: www.nfirindia.org




*-6;, t;L:,,|*rlll ;nd fa'aini:rg:-lt il l:*e*ssixr"-l' 1*t"*nt>1*grv F.*il:','rsi. Yr*!lx* i:: is:l*r"arii'ts.," j.:l*;"::al t,szs*,xzd lia:ti<',t':ttr] i5f ir t* anricii 1l,g |;*4r,1,i*rlgr:ba:;*. it: *';*ri. z','j'i;:'tlz't c*$t*t:set"*xtsti t.\T3t;{.e*h;"1*ldb* rtiaix*r1 b'3 z':*t:^Wa11ars1 *rrlfits ntaj* f:r;:iz:x;:,b' 1,t:t *l*\U i*r \l:tis p"ux;p;'st1,,tt:* ,',p*tt"*ntir*l-l' at the git**"s1irrll*i nL\\i '


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Tlie s3,st*1r*{'suppiia.r **prcr;l bf, trtDSO ar':dI}LS, is **1 **nt3vt:iz'r:to {*:?!i5fet11 the *rpn:iier rtrel'ek-ipm*:ri$ys{crs *f cirnjiar }i1** qr.1alit!. Str-lli nrti'it rr:*irtr ,s;i13:." it ca* duplieate th* sr:pplier appt*va1 s-vxt*v:ni" lfieliat: *ranxfa*tr:r*rs. ?* siafi

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s}:*aidbe chain:- A largt r:ur:drer*f *ert:rplexsub-s3rs{ems Ar:cillarisati*;r gf lhc sr":pp}rr., gir,eri oilt tg a*ciliarjct lc,iti:lons tenxl &s$Jre*it>ff-take"Th*y *xli be gir'*n lar:d rq'ithin glLW cal:1pust* se -i;p sh

\Vith these changes,*LW ca* *ctu*l}y tre**me a netcleusftrr inrligenoustechn*l*gy der,elopme*ta;rdstaffupsasu'e]l.



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The *tieselenginesmadeby DL1V are amongthe most efficie*t of all diesel enginesin the warld. Iniouse R&D irrasgiven its enginesElectr*nic Fuel hrjection and Comm*rr Rail Direct Injec.tion designs almosf at tirr sam* time as witb eithel diesel angine nrakers.Tirey have a read-rfuarketin high capacityDC Setsnrarket"Someof the areas wtrrer*DLW ra* easily expandare: {i} {iii {iii} {ivi

$C S*ts for CaptiveFcwer Generation.DLW hasbeena major eupp}ierto the Nuciear FctrverCcrporation,a denrandingend-user. $C Setsfcr Standb5'or EackupPower or }eak Ha*r F*wer' DC Setsfor pruject sites{i & ii} abcveareentirely difTerentapplicatians. l}iesel Engin*s ftrr Marine Applicatir:n- Largeyachts.an-troardp*wer *tc.

s s{}ME :i\,1r{}RT"fiqr $?gFs Cr*et* a coxnniited cadre of design anci manufactur-ingprofessionals. Lcng tern p*sli*gs could be *n *as3'solutiotr. 9.2 *riiig uuifunnity ix designs- International Markets clefi:and standardizecl s*li.:ti*ns' 'llhis shbuld b* ai*ecJ by i:itter FracurerneilI rn'bich hal'e beex $rr*verrovel years'


prtlce$$*s e*d aa*illarisati$il"

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Ezt-,y:.:t';,'trlaz G'i i2 *'i',: it:. itl;'e;:tet"i{:1:,t':i:ri:tr:;' ' niti ii-t iile *ql;:i'e"::tit i'tii" i::'i""2'r::': i,1,.;l!t;g tsa:;"tv.



Dei:r:i'jt;iic' r'r rrl:;]ilcfi te,,i:s l';''r***";'sa'.et9'"i1tp*:1,. *,.1 S*t-uy * tu11-fi*ils::iizz*'rtr;sst f.'1'!:5 tttr"r ltt uzr-cas* "a{ier prrtt?1.it:rri'=. *a1*t qLil"tit\: p{}{}t ttt letT]-ig Tstsi*C i*, bif#cr*! ttii its salcs *g*in:;t niuri,r crpenss.*:r aepi:tati*Eicisi:rthis ra'oitr,t'SlJlES/;r:..s Ssr*fir^t:entritbfd-":"Th{.2' r;;ri. Jt hstsi{}si retct#|"",l* otftat'crsuxtrii:sdi.tt to;tit; r:':c{.ssiyc r*s. lu r ox tlz d } i i . lzct,erefito.ified utztprcsotz::C .{r;i ?,.i Emissianstantlardsr.'itrlhr. an in:perlir*eniin *peni:rgr4: the Riesierntxark:et*"We::eed tp sei-up i6c6 e:riss.i*nstandards*f *ur *rl'n anri derelop,procurelecfulo1*giesto n:etciiilrem. 8.{

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Ernporner tire Gh4 to sanctionfcrreiguvisits both fcrr expl*rin$ nev'r*arkets axd'sftar salessuppo:1.

9 : SET:LTP.AGOI.,ERNT]!;GCOUNCIL Set-upa G6verningCouncil 01'expe$s,includingselectedretiredofficers,u'trrichc4n nroniior the perfcrmanceof the DLtr *nd p;cffer adl'ice, both in'lerqs of financiel viabil ity', technoi ogical adequacy and rna*'"ai5a1nY. : . ' . 10. ft{IfEDIATE STEP '!er-up Reportro be $sbmittedin u o1*-*un eom*iitee tb x'ork on thesesuggestions. l$.i threemoirths. l0.Z .If,IE.,war.:tsto reachits target of S.s 4000 Crcresof,Rotling Stock.Exportsannualls completelyout of the box thinliing is needed. 10.3 An Export Prornotion Directorateneedsto be set-upin Railwa-vBoard more than Federation hopes that the Railway Minist4" would consider a!o11esuggestions seiiously,and take decision for irnplenrentationin the interestof Indian Railways and the Nation. Ycurs faith ,,:,:*.


(Dr. I!!. Raghavaiahli.

GeneralSecretary Copy :to:the'Chairman;,Railway"Board, Nerv Delhi for informafion and necessaryEction please. Copy to the Member (Rolling Stock)" Railt'a3' Btard, New Delhi for information and nccessarJ' actionplease.


Suggestions for upgradation and upliftment.PDF

Page 1 of 4. &,. NFIR Registration No. : RTU/Nnnl31 12012. National Federation of Indian Railwaymen. 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHT . 1 1O 055 ' Affiliated to : Indian NationalTrade Union Congress (INTUC). I nternational Transport Workers' Federation (lTF) ? No. II/34/Part 17 Dated: 04/1212017. Shri Piyush ...

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