643-2449 9:00 AM — 3:00 PM


Saint Aloysius Parish 115 Madison Street Sauk City, Wisconsin 53583 608-643-2449

Fr. Kevin D. Holmes, Pastor Fr. Faustino Ruiz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Bill Green, Adult Evangelization Milton Pozo, Hispanic Ministry 608-347-4309 Maggie Opichka, Finance Manager Ann Cicero, Secretary SCHOOL OFFICE John Brennan, Principal Julie Lamberty, Secretary RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & YOUTH MINISTRY John Ramthun, Director Sarah Ramthun, Director



AMAZING GRACE PRAYER CHAIN If you, or someone you know, are in need of prayers, please call the parish office. HOSPITALIZATIONS Please call the parish office to inform us of any illnesses, surgeries, or hospitalizations.

MASS SCHEDULE Daily — 8:15 a.m. Saturday — 4:30 p.m. Sunday — 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. La Santa Misa en español — todos los domingos a las 12:30 p.m. Saturday— 8:00 a.m. Perpetual Help Devotion

EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION Weekly — from 9:00 AM on Wednesday until 7:45 AM on Thursday in the Blessed Sacrament chapel

SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS BAPTISM: To make arrangements for baptism, please call the rectory. MARRIAGE: Arrangements and dates must be made at least six months in advance with the parish priest.

December 3, 2006 First Sunday of Advent

RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:30-4:15 PM Sundays 7:00-7:45 AM and 9:30-10:15 AM


Saint Aloysius Parish

December 3, 2006 First Sunday of Advent


Help your family prepare for Christmas as never before:

One family. One journey. One child who would change the world forever...

TODAY, Sunday, December 3 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. St. Al’s School Gym

* Breakfast of eggs, pancakes, sausage links, applesauce, donut holes, coffee, milk and juice * Visit with Santa * Professional portraits available from MF Photography (to be delivered this week) * Wreaths & roping, Sinsinawa and other homemade baked goods, handmade jewelry, SAUKPRAIRIEOPOLY, and Scholastic books all available for sale * Cash raffle drawing- $1,000.00 Grand Prize - at noon * Spectacular chance raffle prizes for all ages

The Nativity Story

All parishioners are invited to enjoy this movie at the Bonham Theater on Friday, December 8, 8:00 p.m. (Other show times available by calling 643-8504.)

Celebrate the Christ Child! Rosary Making


You are invited to select a tag from the tree in the side lobby. Please return your new, unwrapped gift to the

tree by this Friday, December 8th. Thank you!

Annual Cookie Walk

The Habitat for Humanity of Sauk Columbia Area Cookie Walk will be held on Saturday, December 9, 8:30 AM till noon, at St. Al’s gym. Donations of cookies can be brought to the gym at 7:30 AM that day. Thank you for helping to make this event successful!

H.E.L.P. Collection

The annual Help Excite Little People toy collection is underway. Donations of new or gently used toys and items for teens may be brought to the Washington Avenue entrance of the First United Church of Christ through December 13. All items collected are distributed in the Sauk Prairie area.

Rosary-making meetings are Tuesdays at 6:30 PM (no meeting on December 26 or January 2). Meet in church to pray

the rosary, and then proceed downstairs to make rosaries. If you would like to learn how to make rosaries, rope or chain,

please join us. We can teach the young and the not-so-young! If you already know how, we would love to have you as

well. Supplies are provided, and the rosaries are used for missionary work here and around the world!

Catholic Men’s Retreat

The dioceses of Wisconsin are co-sponsoring a Men's Retreat for single men, ages 18-29, at beautiful St. Francis Seminary on the shores of Lake Michigan in the Milwaukee area from Friday evening, January 12th through Sunday morning, January 14th. The retreat will focus on Catholic Identity, Mission, and Discernment. Any interested men should contact Fr. Jim Bartylla at 608-821-3095 or [email protected] for further details or registration.

Calling Altar Angels! Do you like to work behind the scenes to get a job done? Now that our renovated church is so beautiful, we are looking for volunteers to help keep it looking its best. There are a wide variety of jobs to do; some need to be done every week, some less often, most take less than an hour to do. To find out how you can help, meet in the side lobby on Wednesday, December 6 after the 8:15 Mass, or on Thursday, December 7, at 6:00 PM. If you are unable to come to either meeting, please call Sandy at 643-2878.

Question of the Week:

Bless our Priests The Diocese of Madison is pleased to introduce a special collection specifically for the retired priests of this Diocese. All funds received will be used to directly support the rising cost of healthcare for those priests who have faithfully served, and the many retired who continue to serve, in our parishes. Please consider making this December 16/17 collection a part of your year-end giving.

Are there animals in heaven?

Last Week: Where does Holy Water come from? Usually, Holy Water is the same as water that we would drink, except that it has been blessed by the hands and words of a priest, who is able to bless. Occasionally, Holy Water comes from a fountain or spring where a miracle has happened, like in the cave at Lourdes. Many people have been healed after touching that water. It is already blessed, and does not need to be blessed again.

School News

Religious Education & Youth Ministry News

John Brennan, Principal; 643-6868; [email protected]

John & Sarah Ramthun; Directors of RE and Youth Ministry 643-4062; [email protected] [email protected]

DISTINGUISHED GRADUATE AWARD Nominations are open for the First Annual St. Aloysius 2007 NCEA Catholic Elementary School Distinguished Graduate Award. This award is intended to honor graduates who have made a contribution to American life and/or the Catholic Church. Consider someone you know for outstanding personal and professional achievements and for being the personification of how Catholic schools educate people to take leadership roles in their community. Nominees must be ten years past graduation. To nominate someone, complete the simple form available at the school or church offices, and submit by 3:00 PM on Monday, December 4, 2006. The award will be presented on Sunday, January 28, 2007, in the school gym, following the 10:30 AM Mass.

ACCREDITATION RENEWED! The Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA) announced that St. Aloysius School, Sauk City, had its accreditation renewed by the association. WRISA recognizes St. Aloysius School as being in compliance with its standards and confers membership in the association. “We applaud the accomplishments of St. Aloysius School and its commitment to ongoing school improvement,” said Beatrice Weiland, Executive Director of WRISA.


Advent not only signals the forthcoming birth of our Lord, it is also the beginning of the fourth year of Eucharistic Adoration at St. Aloysius. It is still going strong! Now is the time for you to join many other parishioners in being scheduled adorers. Adoration is from Wednesdays at 9 AM until Thursdays at 8:45 AM. We especially need a scheduled adorer from 1-2 AM. Come, relax with the Lord for an hour! Call 643-2449 or 643-8674 to sign up.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception Friday, December 8, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated on Thursday at 7:00 PM and Friday at 8:15 AM and 5:00 PM.

Classes resume TODAY December 3!!

High School Women’s Night Friday, December 8 - Saturday, December 9 5:00pm Mass @ St. Al’s for the feast of the Immaculate Conception

6:30 Dinner at El Paisano Restaurant Mexican restaurant across from Blue Spoon

8:00 Movie - The Nativity Story @ Bonham Theater

After movie - 11:00 am Saturday @ Sarah’s Ice cream, crocheting (bring your own or learn if you’d like), games, movies, hanging out, etc. Bring a snack to share and stuff to stay for the night (and $ for dinner and movie).

Come to some of the festivities or all! Call Sarah with questions (643-4062; cell - 658-4719).

Students, as we await Christ’s coming at Christmas, think about how you will use Advent to strengthen your relationship with God. Come, Emmanuel, Come!

PARISH LIBRARY NOTES THANKS to the men and women who have been helping in the library refurbishment and updating. Your help is greatly appreciated! Two marked tables of materials have been placed in Room C downstairs of the rectory. Feel free to take what you can use! Please check your home for any parish library materials that you may have checked out in the past and return them to the basket in the narthex so that we can include them as we sort. Call Deacon Bill with any questions!!

Guided by the Spirit

~ MILITARY ADDRESSES ~ Pam Sternberg is compiling a list of names and military addresses from our parish. Contact 643-4931 or [email protected]

Over the past few weeks, our parish Core Committee members met in separate focus groups of parishioners to conduct our self study. We used some of the results of the CARA survey to help us reach conclusions. This “Parish Conversation Phase” is the first of eight steps in the planning process outlined by the diocese. Watch for more information in the near future. Please pray that our Core Committee will be blessed and strengthened as it participates in Guided by the Spirit.

Thanks to all who participated and made the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service such an inspirational event. The combined choirs did a beautiful tribute and the liturgy by the local churches made this event a most meaningful one. Thanks, also, to the parishioners who donated baked goods and to those who served them.

Adult Evangelization News

Ministerio Hispano

Deacon Bill Green, Director [email protected] or 643-2449

Milton F. Pozo-Mazzini, Director [email protected] ó llamar al 608.347.4309

PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY The Italian Pilgrimage will take place from April 30—May 10, 2007. Itineraries and brochures have been mailed to those persons who have indicated an interest in traveling with the group. Taking a pilgrimage requires an act of Faith. Never doubt that this act of faith will be recompensed handsomely by the unforgettable mind, body and soul experience that awaits you. This tour includes a lot of visits to many expensive cities. It tries to encompass a good overall sample of the famous and not-so-famous (but very beautiful) sites of Italy. It is well-escorted professionally and spiritually. There will never be a perfect world scenario in which to travel. However, we will be escorted all the way from the USA, in Italy, and back to the USA. Pray and seriously discern going on the pilgrimage with us. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. (Call Deacon Bill at 643-2449 or 644-1519). Return your reservation forms to Landa/Cleary Travel ASAP. DEADLINE IS APPROACHING!!!

El Horario del Ministerio Hispano: Martes 10am – 6pm (acción social de 3-6pm) Sábado 10am – 6pm (casas de oración de 5-6pm) Domingo 10am – 6pm (visiteo familiar de 3-6pm)

PALABRAS DE PADRE FAUSTINO Queridos hermanos: El próximo domingo comienza el tiempo de adviento. Tiempo de esperanza y tiempo de preparación. Para nosotros los católicos, un tiempo especial para fortalecer las virtudes familiares, como pueden ser el amor a los hijos con la debida paciencia, educándolos en la disciplina y en el esfuerzo; el cariño entre los esposos, amándose y respetándose como Dios quiere, lo cual significa, que no debe haber violencia, ni insultos, sino el trato dulce y pacífico para que el amor siga creciendo entre ellos; los padres de familia, buscando en todo momento como dar buen ejemplo con su comportamiento, sabiendo que Dios ha puesto en sus manos la educación de sus hijos, y amando a sus esposas con devoción; y las madres de familia, que constituyen el pilar y el fundamento de toda familia, con alegría y con esfuerzo, encomendándose a nuestra Madre la Virgen María. Si todos ponemos de nuestra parte, qué duda cabe de que la familia será el primer núcleo de formación de auténticos discípulos de Jesús, y cristianos que sepan amar de corazón. p. Faustino


IMPORTANT NOTICE!! THE PARISH LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FOR UPDATING AND REFURBISHMENT. CALL DEACON BILL IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HELPING WITH THE LIBRARY PROJECT. SOON, WE WILL AGAIN BE PLACING LIBRARY MATERIALS IN THE NARTHEX. Materials that are no longer going to be used in the library will be placed on a marked tables in Room C so that parishioners may take them for use in their homes.

We are in need of area rugs, floor lamps, easy-chairs and small endtables for the refurbished library. Please call Deacon Bill if you wish to donate any of the above items you no longer need at home. HAVE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKED AT THE SANTA’S BREAKFAST DEC. 3RD COURTESY OF PARISH NURSES. Please remember our men and women in military service in your daily prayers. They give much through their service to us and our entire country. Both Mens and Womens Retreats are being planned for the winter months. Watch for details.

La próxima Misa en Santa Cecilia: 26 de Noviembre a las 6 pm 604 Oak Street, Wisconsin Dells Favor de comunicar esto a sus familias y vecinos.

Para recibir los Sacramentos favor de llamar y dejar su mensaje con nombre, numero de teléfono y fecha del sacramento o pasar por la oficina después de Misa. Si tienen interés en ayudar nuestra Iglesia, necesitamos: Acólitos, Lectores, Caballeros que nos ayuden con la colecta y distribución de los libros, Familias que desean llevar el ofertorio de pan y vino al Sacerdote y Músicos.


Hay animales en el


¿De dónde procede el agua bendita? LA SEMANA PASADA: Normalmente el agua bendita es la misma que utilizamos para beber pero con la especial característica que ha sido bendecida por las manos y las palabras de un sacerdote, el cual, como sabéis muy bien, es otro Cristo, el representante de Cristo aquí en la tierra. Ahora bien, hay fuentes de agua en la tierra, que por haber ocurrido en ella algún milagro extraordinario, se considera a esa fuente y al agua que tiene, se la considera agua bendita, como sucede en el caso del agua que procede de la Gruta de Lourdes, en Francia, con la que se han curado milagrosamente muchos hombres y mujeres. .

Mass Schedule, Readings & Intentions Monday, December 4, 2006 Is 2:1-5 / Mt 8:5-11 8:15 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration Adorers Tuesday, December 5, 2006 Is 11:1-10 / Lk 10:21-24 8:15 a.m. † Gerald & Margaret Kemmer (Michael Peeples Family)

The Weeks Ahead December 3 - 12

COLLECTIONS NOVEMBER 25-26, 2006 Envelopes: Offertory: Total

$5,505.00 $337.44 $5,842.44

Wednesday, December 6, 2006 Is 25:6-10a / Mt 15:29-37 8:15 a.m. † Mike Ryan (Della Ryan) 10:30 a.m. Maplewood Village: Communion Service

BUDGET Envelopes: Offertory:

Thursday, December 7, 2006 Is 26:1-6 / Mt 7:24-27 8:15 a.m. † Frank Basthemer (Betty & Joe Dischler) 7:00 p.m. † Ruth Straub (Family)

ENVELOPES: This week: Fiscal Year:

($2,379.62) ($32,754.90)

OFFERTORY: This week: Fiscal Year:

($374.10) ($1,201.04)

Friday, December 8, 2006 - Immaculate Conception Gn 3:9-15,20 / Eph 1:3-6,11-12 / Lk 1:26-38 8:15 a.m. † Agatha Haas (Family & Friends) 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish - Bilingual Mass Saturday, December 9, 2006 Is 30:19-21,23-26 / Mt 9:35-10:1,5a,6-8 4:30 p.m. Ed Hager (Family) Sunday, December 10, 2006 Bar 5:1-9 / Phil 1:4-6,8-11 / Lk 3:1-6 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. † Dolores Ganser (Frederick & Ann Urben)

Liturgical Roles Weekend of December 9-10, 2006 Servers 4:30 p.m. Molly Bannan, David Breunig, Laura Boehmer 8:00 a.m. Jacob & Jordan McNeely, Casey Peetz 10:30 a.m. Logan Christy, Nathan Cicero, Renee Dischler Readers 4:30 p.m. Bill Liegel, Jeanne Taylor 8:00 a.m. Carrie Skinner, Ginny Wyttenbach 10:30 a.m. Mary Brennan, BJ Chrisler Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4:30 p.m. Beverly Marklein, Mary Jo Paper, Deacon Bill 8:00 a.m. Debra Kraemer, Margaret Nelson, Brenda Murphy 10:30 a.m. Don & Kathie Bauer, Jeff Bichl Greeters 4:30 p.m. Jim & Lisa Breunig, Keith & Beverly Foye Greg & Alice Hutter 8:00 a.m. Edna Hart, Dolores Moen, Colleen Schutz, Bob Hanko Family 10:30a.m. Tim Heiney Family

Vocations Chalice This weekend, at the 4:30 Mass, the Vocations Chalice will go to the Cliff & Annette Kaufman. Next weekend, also at the 4:30 Mass, the Chalice will go to Dan, Sandy & Mela Wasilewski.

$7,884.62 $711.54 $8,596.16

If you would like to begin EFT donations, please contact Maggie in the parish office. SCRIP Please remember our SCRIP program when doing your Christmas shopping this year. Order forms are available in the church office. The deadline for the last order before Christmas is Friday, December 8th. Also, don’t forget, you can always purchase the following SCRIP in the parish office: Piggly Wiggly, Sentry, Mobile, Kwik Trip and Kohl’s Dept Store. Thank you!

Sunday, December 3 8am - 1pm - Breakfast With Santa 9:15 am - preK-5 RE 5:15 pm - MS Youth Choir Practice 6:00 pm - MS Open Gym 6:30 pm - MS Youth Groups Monday, December 4 3-6 pm - MS Open Youth Room Tuesday, December 5 6:30 pm - Rosary & rosary-making Wednesday, December 6 3-5:30 pm - HS Open Youth Room 5:30 pm - HS Open Gym 6:30 pm - HS Youth Group Thursday, December 7 Lunch - Youth Room open for HS 7:00 pm - Vigil Mass for Holy Day 7:00 pm - Men’s Group Friday, December 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception 5:00 pm - Mass for Holy Day 6:30 pm - Dinner at El Paisano 8:00 pm - The Nativity Story (movie) After Movie - HS Women’s Night

Saturday, December 9 8:30-noon - Habitat for Humanity Cookie Walk in gym Sunday, December 10 9:15 am - preK-5 RE 5:15 pm - MS Youth Choir Practice 6:00 pm - MS Open Gym 6:30 pm - MS Youth Groups Monday, December 11 3-6 pm - MS Open Youth Room Tuesday, December 12 6:30 pm - Rosary & rosary-making

Area Events The Singing Men Of Oak Brook and The Heritage Singers - In concert with the Sauk Prairie High School Band. Today, Sunday, December 3, 4:00 p.m. at the River Arts Center. Tickets available at the door one hour before the show. Our Lady of Guadalupe Diocesan Celebration - Saturday, December 9 at St. Joseph Church in Madison. Procession begins at 5 p.m., Mass celebrated by the Bishop at 5:15 p.m., reception following. Knights of Columbus Bingo - Sunday, December 10, 1-4 p.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Poynette. Festival of Lessons and Carols - Sunday, December 17, 4 p.m. at the Bishop O’Connor Center. Presented by the Madison Diocesan Choir. Admission is free; please bring a non-perishable food item.

Saint Aloysius Parish

This “Parish Conversation Phase” is the first of eight steps in the planning process outlined by the dio- cese. Watch for more information in the near future. Please pray that our Core Committee will be blessed and strengthened as it participates in Guided by the Spirit. Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Friday, December 8 ...

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