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Proclamation No. 131/1998 Office of the President Establishment Proclamation

Page 862




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A PROCLAMATION TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA WHEREAS, it is found necessary to establish the Office of the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of

Ethiopia; NOW,THEREFORE,in accordancewith Article55(1)


of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of ~-PC C6,. Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows: ~O ~":E- "fT~IlJC1r1: Jrih4.+ 0.+ -"'IIl!t-t! ~CP:E- 1. Short Tide -, 4I1J'C;if01/Ilif'JI" "..o, A.111"'''~"ftfA II This Proclamation may be cited as the "Office of the I' +C=\"I .President Establislhment Proclamation No. 131/1998." OILO ~cP~ m-"~ "~r~ILJS1+" "7"+ fJ\.+f"A"1 2. Definition t.1.t.I\,£ Jl'fDht.iL1ce tT11A.h C6(1-RAC ~m- II In this Proclamation: "President" means the Head of , . State of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, e. - tID!t!t,. 3. Establishroent i' fT~ILJS~'" ,..ih4.+, 0.+ (bilO 0'-1\ "Jrih4.+ 0..,," ~, f"tmd.) t.(\-1 'f;FAt; ih~'£ (1m-~+ 1. The Office of the President (hereinafterreferred to as




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"the Office" is hereby established as an autonomous organ having its own juridical personality.

2. The Office shall be accountable to the President. .4. Powers and Duties of the Office' The Office shall have the following powers and duties:

1) to establish an efficient working system for the execution of the powers and duties entrused to the President, under the Constitution and other laws;

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.,,, t.t;!;'r ~Y..t.A ~?t"" .7'1.1fI-t-rC iIJ.lSC Ii +'t !Df2li 't.,..

.Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.6 100'November, 1998-Page 863

~. I1WMi:m-hlf' 'h'H'.lJ-9""0'''''' "+~'i 0"~1! ~~~ h"""Li1~~ "'If,."" /"-I:i1'£ ; "..t'-r~

2) to collect, in cooperation with pertinent bodies, upto--dateinfonnation on major political, economic and oy..,nt,.CC 'h'}:"h:J>c\.9'~ "..,lIofi i1,,:r:m- ;lC social activities carried out at the national, inter0""" national and regional levels; as well as to compile 'HIC w:";rCC OIJ~~ OY(}II(}ofi ; "m'i:"C' "'I:"~ofi I and make same available; [. T ("ft~,}i: 01;l\.il.Y'}'i O~.(-r..,.r-kl ;-'11f1~ """ 3) to prellar~and submit a draft text, of occasional o.,.w()~ w:,...,. f""Llh"'''A4.'''''' V1t.!l ODAbh-1- I national addresses the President makes on television nt'h1'-o .,.wi1r-:f'i 04f..j.'...~7i,. ,..hc a..,.:f '\OIJ;rCC and the radio to the Ethiopian peoples, as well as of f ;Jt,. fI(}11'h'},(tlJ-9""OA'- A'- fU1C,gJ-hlf''i 'A'" speeches b~delivers.at the anntaljoint seiSion of the . ~ct:';i' h"'~ ; ""I'-9':f '''f,.' MI(}OO-.}-" 'l"''''C ~ ~ House ofP~ le~'~. 'teesenta~ and the."ouse of ','~ ",' hn...,~'" "'I:"~-fl ; the FecFratiQDand;at~a4'ious >-a()mest..~~; inter.. !!. AT(,,"~,}'I:fDl/.+Cn-; , ~h ~r-':f') 'hf~~08~ national conferences; ,-.,.,ltw.'} fm-Plk ?~-fl "'I:".~ofi 1 ,4) ...to"amine >~.Jl1~~:~mitteit 'to .' . ~e Wesident ?;. AT (..,t~"i:"" Aa."'(}":fm-' ~tJ"~+ -Mn.me1'O:J> and give pertfhen1adviCethereon; no~~1'') OY~""11f' ; fllDt;"I,I' a.:J-:r:dY)I"h+~ ' 5) 'to 'tbsuM that' proper'ineanies are taken for. the f.t,.CC ,..~f,. OYi1~'(-'i noh;r.,.A ; security of the President and his family; to manage }. T(,,'t~"i: f"'r'-O~.,.(}n-'} A'- A'- h'f:A "'ml,9'~'i and follow-up the administrative.".affairs ,of. his. '



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10) to conduct, in cooperation with relevant organs>:~e; event whereby the President appoints:~bas~dors ~d other envoys ~ w~U~ cqnfers lligh military titles ~~ ,a'X~s ,orders" '1X1~a1Sand prizes, in .' :. accordance Withthe law; , 1.1) to consider petitions.su~mitted to the President and : faciFtate the direc~ng" thereof to the ~oncemed

H!' AT~'t~,}i: fDt+Cn- "n..i:;r9':f,})'fODtOlJc{W~ Ai1":"







; maintain same;.

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8) to conduct, in consultatio.nwith relevant organs,the event whertby fo~ign'afubassadbrs present their ciedehdatsito'the President'and take leave of him at the coticltrsiohof their tertfi C1fduty; 9) 'toktep minutis',df detibotations.1ldd betWeen the President and foreign digttttarie~ officiaHyreceived by him, and to.systematicatly Qrganize and prqperly

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6) "to , cqoidin~te occasi08SWheiebythe~esident gives audiencet:as f<;!D.!!d, '~p,proPriaie, 'to~tbe represeritatives of various sec.torsof the soCietyand to others;' 7) upon an official visit to .Ethiopiaby a foreign Head of State, to create a conducive. atmQ~e,jn cooperation, wi. .~nt. GfflCes,for, the, Q~~~l success of the visit; and to follow-up the implemen-





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12) to maintain close relations with entities"under the patrOfiageof the Presiderit and tbfullow-up, from time to ft1\\e,the mu~ oflttiradtivity; 13) to handle, in cooperatiun wi'ti ith&seccmeemed, all req\fisites forj theePeSident'stravel abtoa(,i on, an official visit or o~ise; 14) to~orJc DUt ,~









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Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.3 10" November. 1998-Page 864


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17) to carry out such other relevant activiti~ as are conducive for the accomplishment of its;' respon~. f~ ihll.+ 0.-1:,,~,.. sibility. / 5. Organization of the Office ~ ihll. + 0.-1: ; The Office shall have: 00D1..,P'+ f"tar, ; i' 1) a government -appointed ; u) f~ihL+ 0.-1: ;)ltd-; (a) Head of the Office. A) fT~'lJC1-1: A~ ~JC+ ; (b) Special Assitance to the President, tit) fT~'lJC1-1: A~ ""7t}~; (c) Special Advisor of the President. lID) fT~'lJC1-1: A~ ...0.+ a:,.; 'A'i (d) Chief of Presidential Special Security; and "hLIt1.fD





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Office shall be audited. annually, by the Auditor General.





4) In the absenceof the Head of the Office,one of he

other senior officials. referred to in Article 5( 1) hereof, shall act on his behalf; on the basis of a decision to be given by the President. 7. The Budget of the Office The budget of the Office shall be approved by the Hause of Peoples'Representatives. 8. Books of Accounts 1) The Office shall k~p complete and accurate books of accounts. 2) The books of accounts and financial documents of the

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Effective Date This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 1a" day of November, 1998. Done at Addis Ababa, this 1011t day of November, 1998. NEGASO GIDADA (DR.) PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBUC OF ETHIOPIA


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