Optimal Training Design for Channel Estimation in Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks with Individual and Total Power Constraints Feifei Gao, Tao Cui, and Arumugam Nallanathan, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract In this paper, we study the channel estimation and the optimal training design for relay networks that operate under the decode-and-forward (DF) strategy with the knowledge of the interference covariance. Except the total power constraint on all the relays, we introduce individual power constraint for each relay, which reflects the practical scenario where all relays are separated from one another. Considering the individual power constraint for the relay networks is the major difference from that in the traditional point-to-point communication systems where only a total power constraint exists for all co-located antennas. Two types of channel estimation are involved: maximum likelihood (ML) and minimum mean square error (MMSE). For ML channel estimation, the channels are assumed as deterministic, and the optimal training results from an efficient multi-level waterfilling type solution that is derived from the majorization theory. For MMSE channel estimation, however, the second order statistics of the channels are assumed known, and the general optimization problem turns out to be non-convex. We instead consider three special yet reasonable scenarios. The problem in the first scenario is convex and could be efficiently solved by state of the art optimization tools. Closed-form waterfilling type solutions are found in the remaining two scenarios, of which the first one has an interesting physical interpretation as pouring water into caves. Index Terms Channel estimation, optimal training, decode-and-forward, relay networks, maximum likelihood, minimum mean square error, waterfilling, cave-filling, majorization theory. F. Gao is with the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119613, Singapore (Email: [email protected]). T. Cui is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA (Email: [email protected]). A. Nallanathan is with the Division of Engineering, King’s College London, London, WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom (Email: [email protected]). April 15, 2008



I. I NTRODUCTION Employing multiple antennas can boost the system capacity by simultaneously transmitting multiple data streams [1], [2] and enhance the transmission reliability by using space-time coding (STC) techniques [3], [4]. Unfortunately, packing more than one antenna onto a small mobile terminal faces many difficulties such as the size limitation and the hardware complexity. In order to overcome these difficulties, one would resort to the relay network, where the spatial diversity is achieved when relays are deemed as “virtual antennas” for the desired user [5]- [13]. These relay nodes can either be provided by the telecommunication agency or could be obtained from other cooperative users [9]- [11], where the latter scenario is also referred to as cooperative communication, since each user, although acts as a relay for a certain period, still has its own information to transmit. The relay based transmission is usually divided into two phases. During Phase I, the source broadcasts its information symbol to all relays. During Phase II, the relays would either choose to amplify and retransmit the received signal, or to decode the information bits first and then transmit newly encoded symbols. The former process is referred to as amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying and the latter is referred to as decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. Various cooperative diversity schemes and STC techniques have been developed in [7]- [13]. Channel estimation and optimal training design for AF relay networks have been recently introduced in [14], where it is shown that the estimation scheme in AF relay networks is quite different from the traditional point-to-point communication systems. For DF relay networks, however, the transmissions during Phase I and Phase II are actually separated by the decode and re-encode strategy. Hence, the channel estimation is similar to that in the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, and can be separately performed for the two phases. However, since relays are geographically distributed, the individual power constraint for each relay has to be considered. These individual power constraints form the major challenge and, most time, bring difficulties to the optimization approach. Although there exist many training based channel estimation methods for traditional point-to-point systems [15]- [19], channel estimation with individual power constraint for each antenna has not yet been considered either in relay networks or in the traditional multiple access systems, to the best of the authors’ knowledge. April 15, 2008



In DF relay networks, nevertheless, a total power constraint is also included when there exists a central control unit (CCU). Although the CCU cannot allocate the power to each relay from a common power pool, it can still determine how much power each relay will spend within its own power constraint1 . In this work, we derive the optimal training for both the ML channel estimation and the MMSE channel estimation based on the knowledge of the interference covariance matrix and with individual and overall power constraints. For ML channel estimation, a multi-level waterfilling type solution is obtained by using majorization theory [20]. However, the problem of MMSE channel estimation turns out to be non-convex and is hard to solve. We instead consider three special yet reasonable scenarios, i.e., 1) white noise & correlated channels; 2) white noise & uncorrelated channels; 3) equal power constraint & independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) channels. The optimization in the first scenario can be converted into a semidefinite programming (SDP) problem and can be efficiently solved by SDP tools. The solution to the second scenario has waterfilling structure but has both the ground and the ceiling restrictions. Due to this specific physical meaning, we name this new structure as cave-filling. The solution to the third scenario is shown to be similar as the one in [18], [19], after some tricky reformulation. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II provides the system model of DF based relay networks. Section III and Section IV presents the ML channel estimation and the MMSE channel estimation as well as their respective optimal training design. Section V displays simulation results to corroborate the proposed studies. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section VI. Notations: Vectors and matrices are boldface small and capital letters, respectively; the transpose, Hermitian, and inverse of the matrix A are denoted by AT , AH , and A−1 , respectively; tr(A) is the trace of A, and [A]ij is the (i, j)th entry of A; diag{a} denotes a diagonal matrix with the diagonal element constructed from a; d(A) and λ(A) denote the vectors formed by the diagonal elements and the eigen-values of A, both arranged in non-decreasing order; x ≤ y implies the element-wise 1

Consider the scenario where one source needs several relays to help forwarding the message to the destination due to certain

reasons. It is then natural for the source to afford the power consumed at all relays. It is also reasonable that the source has it own budget on how much power it can afford. All these facts justify our introduction of a total power constraint onto all the distributed relays. Note that the total power constraint is a unique property resulted from the relaying nature which does not exist in multiple access systems.

April 15, 2008



inequality for vectors x and y; A 4 B means that matrix (B − A) is positive semidefinite; I is √ the identity matrix, and E{·} denotes the statistical expectation; the imaginary unit is j = −1. II. S YSTEM M ODEL OF DF R ELAY N ETWORKS Consider a wireless network with M randomly placed relay nodes Ri , i = 1, . . . , M , one source node S, one destination node D, and MI interfering nodes Ij , j = 1, ..., MI operating in the same frequency band, as shown in Fig. 1. Every node has only a single antenna that cannot transmit and receive simultaneously. The channel between any two nodes is assumed quasi-stationary Rayleigh flat fading in that it is constant within one frame but may vary from frame to frame. Denote the channel from S to Ri as gi , from Ri to D as hi , from Ij to Ri as fji , from Ij to D as qj respectively2 ; namely gi ∈ CN (0, σgi ), hi ∈ CN (0, σhi ), fji ∈ CN (0, σfji ) and qj ∈ CN (0, σqj ). We assume perfect synchronization among S, Ri and D. However, no synchronization assumption is made for interfering nodes and only the statistics of the interference are known at Ri ’s and D. The training is accomplished by the following two phases, each containing N consecutive time slots. For Phase I, the transmitter broadcasts the training signal s to Ri ’s and D. The received signals at Ri is expressed as ri = gi s +


fji sj1 + nri



where sj1 is the equivalent based-band signal from Ij during Phase I and nri is the white complex Gaussian noise at the ith relay. During Phase II, Ri sends out the training signal3 si of length N and D receives

h MI  1 X  ..  y = [s1 s2 . . . sM ]  .  + qj sj2 + nd2 = Ch + nd | {z }  j=1 C {z } | hM n d | {z }




Note that, the interference, if any, affects both the relays and the destination, which is a highly undesired scenario.


The relays do not need to decode the training signal s of the Phase I, but rather send new training signals to the destination.

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where sj2 is the signal from Ij during Phase II and nd2 ∈ CN (0, N0 I) represents the complex white Gaussian noise vector at D. The equivalent colored noise nd has the covariance Ã !ÃM !H  MI I  X  X } = N I + E Rn = E{nd nH q s q s 0 j j2 j j2 d   j=1



which is assumed known to the destination. The task of the channel estimation includes estimating each gi at Ri and estimating all hi at D. The former can be carried out using the same algorithm as in the traditional single-input singleoutput (SISO) system. We omit details for brevity. In the remainder of the paper, we will only focus on estimating hi . Meanwhile, N ≥ M is required since there are M unknown channels to be estimated. Assume, during the training process, Ri can maximally provide the power of pi . Then the individual power constraint of Ri could be expressed as [CH C]ii ≤ pi .


To offer a more general discussion at this point, we assume that there exists CCU, and the overall training power consumed from relays is limited by P ; namely tr(CH C) ≤ P.


Note that CCU in distributed relay network cannot allocate power to each relay from a common power pool but rather control the power level of each relay within its individual power constraint P to meet certain purpose. There are two degenerated cases. First, if P ≥ M i=1 pi , the total power constraint is redundant. Second, if P ≤ mini pi , all the individual constraints are redundant. In the P following, we assume that mini pi < P < M i=1 pi . Remark: The model here also applies to the multi-access system if only the individual power constraint is imposed. However, whether there can be a total power constraint should be based on some reasonable assumption. The related discussion is out of scope of this paper and will be omitted here.

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A. Problem Formulation The ML estimation considers the deterministic channel, and the channel h should be estimated from 1


H −1 −1 H −1 2 ˆ M L = (Rn− 2 C)† R− h n y = (C Rn C) C Rn y


with the error covariance matrix ˆ M L − h)H (h ˆ M L − h)} = (CH R−1 C)−1 . E{(h n


−1 The mean square error (MSE) is then tr((CH R−1 n C) ) and the optimal C can be found by solving

the following constrained optimization problem P1: P1:

−1 min tr((CH R−1 n C) ) C

s.t. [CH C]ii ≤ pi ,


i = 1, . . . , M

tr(CH C) ≤ P. Without loss of generality, we assume pi ’s are arranged in non-decreasing order and define p = [p1 , p2 , . . . , pM ]T . Before we proceed, we give several definitions in majorization theory. More results on majorization theory can be found in Appendix I and [20]. Definition 1: For any u = [u1 , u2 , . . . , un ]T ∈ Rn , let u(i) denote the reordering of the components of u such that u(1) ≤ . . . ≤ u(n) .


Definition 2 : For any two u, v ∈ Rn , we say u is majorized by v (or v majorizes u) and write u ≺ v if k X i=1 n X i=1

u(i) ≥ u(i) =

k X i=1 n X

v(i) , v(i) .


(10) (11)


If only (10) holds, we say u is weakly majorized by v and write u ≺w v [20, A.2]. Note that u ≺ v implies u ≺w v. April 15, 2008



Theorem 1: Define a new problem P2: P2:

−1 min tr((DH R−1 n D) )



s.t. DH D is diagonal d(DH D) Âw p,

tr(DH D) ≤ P

where Âw is defined in Definition 2. Suppose the optimal solution to P2 is Do . There exists a unitary matrix U, such that the optimal Co for P1 can be obtained as Do UH . Proof: See Appendix II. The way to find U will be exhibited in Section III-C.


1 2

Since DH D is diagonal, we can represent D as QΣD where Q is an N × M orthonormal matrix 1


2 and ΣD2 is a real diagonal matrix with diagonal element σD,i ≥ 0. Since the column order of Q 1

2 can be changed arbitrarily with the corresponding interchange of σD,i , we can always assume that 1

2 σD,i are arranged in non-decreasing order. Then P2 becomes µ³ ¶ 1 1 ´−1 H −1 2 2 min tr ΣD Q Rn QΣD


Q, σD,i

s.t. QH Q = I k X i=1

σD,i ≤

k X

pi ,

k = 1, . . . , M


σD,i ≤ σD,i+1 ,

σD,i ≥ 0,


σD,i ≤ P.


Suppose the eigen-value decomposition (EVD) of Rn is Rn = Un Σn UH n , where Un is an N ×N unitary matrix and Σn = diag{σn,1 , . . . , σn,N } is a diagonal matrix. Since the column order of Un can be changed arbitrarily if the diagonal elements in Σn are interchanged accordingly, we can always assume that σn,i are arranged in non-decreasing order. Then, we get into the following theorem:

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Theorem 2: The optimal Q to (13) is Un [IM , 0TM,N −M ]T and the optimal σD,i can be found from M X σn,i σ i=1 D,i

min σD,i

k X


σD,i ≤


(14) k X

pi ,

k = 1, . . . , M


σD,i ≤ σD,i+1 ,

σD,i ≥ 0,


σD,i ≤ P.


Proof: See Appendix III.


We can remove the constraints σD,i ≥ 0 and σD,i ≤ σD,i+1 since an optimal solution always satisfies them. This point will be made clear later. B. Convex Optimization via Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) Conditions Clearly, (14) is a convex optimization problem with respect to unknown σD,i ’s. Since p1 < Pk∗ P ∗ P < M i=1 pi , there must exist an integer k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , M − 1}, such that i=1 pi < P while Pk Pk Pk∗ +1 ∗ i=1 pi , for k = k +1, . . . , M are redundant i=1 σD,i ≤ i=1 pi ≥ P . Therefore, the constraints and can be removed for the time being. The Lagrangian of the optimization problem is written as à k ! ÃM ! k∗ k M X X X X σn,i X + µk σD,i − pi + ν σD,i − P L= σ D,i i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 k=1


where µk and ν are Lagrange multipliers and the KKT conditions are listed as k∗

σn,k X µi + ν = 0, − 2 + σD,k i=k

1 ≤ k ≤ k∗,

σn,k + ν = 0, k ∗ + 1 ≤ k ≤ M, 2 σD,k à k ! k X X µk σD,i − pi = 0, 1 ≤ k ≤ k ∗ , −





σD,i − P


= 0,

µk ≥ 0,

ν ≥ 0.


The solutions to the KKT conditions can be found from the following algorithm: Algorithm 1: Multi-Level Waterfilling

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1) Set j = 0, k0 = 0.

Pt ∗

2) For each kj + 1 ≤ t ≤ k , calculate the water level to t are saturated) and the water level saturated). If the water level


Pkj i=1

i=kj +1


Pkj i=1

i=kj +1

pi σn,i

i=kj +1


pi σn,i

i=kj +1

pi σn,i

(hypothesizing patches kj + 1

(hypothesizing patch kj + 1 to M are

is the lowest, go to 3). Otherwise, if index t0 gives Pkj+1 σn,k i=k pi j +1 Pkj+1 √ σn,i i=k +1

the lowest water level, set kj+1 = t0 and calculate σD,k =

for kj + 1 ≤ k ≤


kj+1 . If kj+1 = k ∗ , then j := j + 1 and go to 3); otherwise, j := j + 1 and go back to 2). 3) Calculate σD,k =

Pkj σn,k (P − i=1 pi ) PM , √ σn,i i=k +1

for kj + 1 ≤ k ≤ M .


Proof: See Appendix IV.


Algorithm 1 actually describes a way of multi-level waterfilling, as shown in Fig. 2. Each of √ the M patches corresponds to one unknown variable σD,k and has a patch-width of σn,k . A total amount of water P is going to be poured into all the patches. As the water is being poured, the water level for all patches will increase simultaneously. However for each patch, there is a maximum possible water level that is computed from the step 2). Once the water level of a patch reaches its maximum, the water level of this patch will not be enhanced, and remaining amount of the water can only be poured into the other patches. After all the water are poured, the final water level on the k-th patch is the optimal value σD,k . Step 2) in fact guarantees that the final water level of the k-th patch is always lower than or equal to that of the k + 1-th patch for k = 1, . . . , M − 1. From Algorithm 1, the water level needs to be calculated

k∗ (k∗ +3) 2

times in the worst case.

C. Algorithm to Find C from D After obtaining the optimal σD,i , we need to construct the original C for problem P1 such that all the constraints are satisfied. From proof of Theorem 1, we know that the σD,i ’s are the eigenvalues of CH C and d(CH C) ≤ p is required. Therefore, as shown in Corollary 1, we first need to find the diagonal values of CH C such that d(CH C) ≤ p and d(CH C) ≺ d(ΣD ). The solution is obviously not unique. Nonetheless, we here provide a simple way to find one d(CH C). Denote d(CH C) = [c1 , c2 , . . . , cM ]. Algorithm 2: Finding Diagonal Elements of d(CH C) 1) Set ci = σD,i for all i. April 15, 2008



2) For i = M : −1 : 2, if ci > pi , then set ci := pi and set ci−1 := ci−1 + (ci − pi ). Proof: See Appendix V.


After obtaining d(CH C), we can find a unitary matrix UC via the algorithm provided in [21, H Sect. IV-A] (as explained in Lemma 2), such that UC DH DUH C has diagonal elements d(C C).

The final optimal C is DUH C as has been indicated in Appendix II. IV. M INIMUM M EAN S QUARE E RROR BASED C HANNEL E STIMATION Denote the covariance of h as Rh , which is assumed known at D. The linear MMSE estimator of h is expressed as: ¡ ¢ ˆ M M SE = E{hyH }(E{yyH })−1 y = Rh CH CRh CH + Rn −1 y. h


The error covariance of the MMSE estimator is H −1 −1 Cov(∆w) = (R−1 h + C Rn C)


and the optimal training should be obtained from H −1 −1 min tr((R−1 h + C Rn C) ) C

s.t. [CH C]ii ≤ pi ,


i = 1, . . . , M

tr(CH C) ≤ P. The general solution to (18) is currently unknown. However, (18) can be converted to a convex problem under several special scenarios. For example, when each relay can offer sufficiently large power, the individual power constraints can be removed. Then, the problem becomes the same as the one in the traditional co-located transmission [19]. In this section, however, we consider three special yet reasonable transmission scenarios under which the convexity of (18) can also be obtained. A. White Interference and Correlated Channels The case is valid when the interfering users also transmit the white data sequence4 or when there is no interference at all. Let Rn = σn I in this case. Then the cost function (18) becomes 4

The data from any user, no matter the primary user or the interfering users, are normally white after the interleaving.

April 15, 2008



−1 H −1 H tr((R−1 h + σn C C) ). Denoting W = C C and using an auxiliary matrix T, the optimization

can be rewritten as [14] min tr(T) T,W   T I <0 s.t.  −1 −1 I Rh + σn W [W]i,i ≤ pi ,

tr(W) ≤ P,


W < 0.

Therefore, (19) is the so called semi-definite programming (SDP) for the variables T and W. Since both the cost function and the constraints are convex, the SDP formulation could be solved efficiently by interior point methods [22]. The convexity of (19) ensures that its global minimum can be found in polynomial time. The arithmetic complexity of the interior point methods for solving the SDP (19) is O(M 6.5 log(1/²)), where ² > 0 is a constant to control the algorithm accuracy [22]. After getting W, the training matrix C can be obtained by the corresponding decomposition. B. White Interference and Independent Channels Assuming independent channels is reasonable for relay networks since relays are geographically distributed over a certain region. The optimization problem (18) remains unchanged, except that Rh = diag{σh,1 , . . . , σh,M } is a diagonal matrix. The following theorem characterizes the optimal solution in this scenario. Theorem 3: The optimal CH C must be diagonal under the white interference and independent channels. ˜ such that C ˜ HC ˜ = diag(CH C), which means Proof: For any matrix C, we can always find a C ˜ HC ˜ satisfies all the constraints. From the following inequality [23] that C −1

tr(A ) ≥


([A]ii )−1 ,



where A is an arbitrary M × M positive definite matrix and the equality holds if and only if ˜ −1 ) than tr((R−1 + ˜ provides a lower objective value tr((R−1 + σ −1 C ˜ H C) ˜ HC A is diagonal, C n h h σn−1 CH C)−1 ). Therefore, the optimal CH C must be diagonal.

April 15, 2008




Let CH C = diag{σC,1 , σC,2 , . . . , σC,M }. The optimization problem (18) can be written as M X




i=1 σh,i

1 +


σC,i σn

s.t. 0 ≤ σC,i ≤ pi , i = 1, . . . , M M X

σC,i ≤ P.


The corresponding Lagrangian is L=

M X 1 i=1 σh,i

1 +

σC,i σn


! σC,i − P




µi (σC,i − pi ) −



νi σC,i ,



where λ, µi , νi are the corresponding Lagrange multipliers. The KKT conditions are M X

σC,i ≤ P,




σC,i ≤ pi ,

σC,i , µi , νi , λ ≥ 0,

! σC,i − P

= 0,

µi (σC,i − pi ) = 0,

νi σC,i = 0,


1 σn ( σh,i + 1

σC,i 2 ) σn

+ λ + µi − νi = 0.

The optimal σC,i is derived as   0,     pσ n − σC,i = λ      pi , ©

or more concisely, σC,i = min max{0,

λ≥ σn , σh,i

p σn λ

2 σh,i σn


p σn ( σ 1 + σ i )2 n h,i




2 σh,i σn


1 p σn ( σ 1 + σ i )2

σn }, pi σh,i





Proof: See Appendix VI.

¥ PM

Substituting the expression for σC,i into i=1 σC,i = P , we obtain ½ ½ r ¾ ¾ M X σn σn min max 0, − , pi = P (25) λ σh,i i=1 q from which we can calculate the optimal value of λ1 . The left-hand side of (25) is a piecewiselinear non-decreasing function of 1/λ, with breakpoints at

σn 2 σh,i

1 and σn ( σh,i + σpni )2 , so the equation

has a unique solution. This solution also has a waterfilling type structure for the following reasons. p σn n We may think γ = as the water level associated with the ith patch, while think σσh,i and λ April 15, 2008



σn σh,i

+ pi as the ground level and the ceiling level of patch i, respectively. The patch structure with

both ground level and ceiling level is illustrated in Fig. 3. Then we flood the region with water to a depth γ. Note that those patches which have ceiling levels lower than γ will be saturated and no more water will exceed the corresponding ceiling levels. The total amount of water used is P σn then M i=1 min{max{0, γ − σh,i }, pi }. We keep on flooding the patches until we have used a total amount of water equaling to P . The depth of water above patch i is then the optimal value σC,i . There exists difference between this new type of waterfilling and that of the multi-level waterfilling, where in the former we only consider one water level γ during the optimization. Due to its specific physical meaning, we will name the new structure as cave-filling. Algorithm 3: Cave-filling 1) Sort the ground level according to another index set [i] such that

σn σh,[i]

≤, . . . , ≤

σn . σh,[M ]

2) Set k = 1. 3) Find index Mk such that

σn σh,[Mk ]

σn σh,k

+ pk . Calculate

¶ ¶ X Mk µ k−1 µ X σn σn σn σn Pk = + pk − + pk ) − ( + pi ) . − ( σ σ σ σ h,k h,k h,i h,[i] i=1 i=1 If Pk = P , set γ =

σn σh,k


+ pk . If Pk > P , go to 4); If Pk < P , then k := k + 1 and go back

to 3). 4) Apply the traditional waterfilling algorithm over patches k to M with a total power P − Pk−1 i=1 pi ; namely, calculate γ from ½ ¾ M k−1 X X σn max 0, γ − =P− pi . (27) σ h,i i=1 i=k Proof: See Appendix VII.


Corresponding to outer iteration in step 3), the traditional waterfilling in step 4) is referred to as the inner iteration. C. Equal Power Constraints under i.i.d. Channels. The assumption of i.i.d. channel is reasonable when distances between different relays and the destination are relatively the same. The assumption of the same maximum power consumption p = pi is also valid when relays are the same type of mobile terminals. April 15, 2008



Under this circumstance, we may denote Rh = σh I, and the optimization is rewritten as −1 min tr((σh−1 I + CH R−1 n C) )



s.t. [CH C]ii ≤ p,

tr(CH C) ≤ P.

Theorem 4: The optimal CH C would have equal diagonal values under equal power constraints and i.i.d. channels. 1/2

Proof: Denote the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the optimal C as C = UC ΣC VCH , where UC is an N × M orthonormal matrix, VC is an M × M unitary matrix, and ΣC = diag{σC,1 , . . . , σC,M } is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements. Define F as the M ×M normalized discrete Fourier transform matrix with [F]ij =

√1 e−j2π(i−1)(j−1)/M M

and construct

˜ = CH VC F. Note that, C ˜ HC ˜ = FH ΣC F is a circulant matrix5 and, therefore, has a new matrix C ˜ −1 ) ˜ H R−1 C) equal diagonal elements tr(CH C)/M . Meanwhile, the objective function tr((σh−1 I + C n −1 H H ˜H ˜ remains the same as tr((σh−1 I+CH R−1 n C) ). Since [C C]ii = tr(C C)/M ≤ maxi [C C]ii ≤ p,

˜ would satisfy all the individual power constraints. Besides, the total power constraint is using C ˜ H C) ˜ = tr(CH C). So, we can always consider the optimal C that has equal also satisfied since tr(C diagonal elements in CH C.


The optimization is rewritten as −1 min tr((σh−1 I + CH R−1 n C) ) C


s.t. CH C has equal diagonal elements tr(CH C)/M ≤ p,

tr(CH C) ≤ P.

As we only consider the non-degenerated case with P < M p, we can remove the constraint ˜ = CVC F such that tr(CH C)/M < p. Meanwhile, since we can always find a unitary matrix C ˜ has equal diagonal elements and gives the same value of objective function, we can first look ˜ HC C into the following optimization: −1 min tr((σh−1 I + DH R−1 n D) ) D


tr(DH D) ≤ P. 5

From [24], we know that X = FH YF is a circulant matrix for any diagonal matrix Y.

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Now the problem becomes the classical one that has been discussed in [18], [12] and the solution 1/2

H is D = Un ΣD VD where Un is the eigen-matrix of R−1 n , VD is any M × M unitary matrix √ √ √ 1/2 and ΣD = diag{ σD,1 , σD,2 , . . . , σD,M } is a diagonal matrix. If the eigenvalues of Rn are

arranged in non-decreasing order, then the optimal σD,i follows the weighted waterfilling structure: ½ r ¾ σn,i σn,i σD,i = max 0, − . (31) ν σh p The water level 1/ν should be found from ½ r ¾ M X σn,i σn,i max 0, − = P. (32) ν σh i=1 1/2

Finally, the optimal solution C to the original problem (28) is C = Un ΣD F. Corollary 2: If P ≤ min M pi , the optimization can be solved similarly as (30). i

Proof: Consider a new problem by changing individual power constraints to [CH C]ii ≤ max pi i

while keeping the total power constraints the same. The new problem should have an optimal objective value less than or equal to that of the original problem. From (30), we know the final ˜ HC ˜ to this new problem has equal diagonal value P/M . Since P/M ≤ optimization solution C min pi , all the individual power constraints are also included in the original individual power i

constraints. So the optimization to the new and original problem are the same.


V. S IMULATION R ESULTS In this section, we numerically examine the performance of our proposed channel estimation algorithms as well as the optimal training designs under various scenarios. The signal-to-noiseratio is defined as SNR= P/M N/N0 with N0 = 1 (average power over time and spatial index). The channels hi ’s are assumed as circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random variables with P variances σh,i normalized such that M i=1 σh,i = M . The channel covariance matrices Rh has the following structures: [Rh ]i,j =


σh,i σh,j ε1


where ε1 < 1 is a real scalar that affects the correlation between channels. Interference covariance matrices Rn in our example has the similar structure as Rh , where a real scalar ε2 < 1 is used to

April 15, 2008



control the correlation between noise. The average interference power is assumed to be 10 times of the noise so that tr(Rn )/M = 11N0 . The training sequence ˆsi that is the scalar multiple of the optimal si will be named as the proposed training sequence (Proposed T). Correspondingly, the L2 norm of the optimal si will be referred to as the proposed power allocation (Proposed P). The proportional power allocation (Proportional P) is defined as pˆi =

p PMi



P . We mainly compare the proposed training sequence with both

orthogonal training (Orthogonal T) and random training (Random T). Therefore, the following 6 different types of the training scenarios will be examined: “Proposed T, Proposed P”, “Proposed T, Proportional P”, “Orthogonal T, Proposed P”, “Orthogonal T, Proportional P”, “Random T, Proposed P”, “Random T, Proportional P”. For all numerical examples, we use 10000 Monte-Carlo runs. A. ML Channel Estimation To exhibit the effect of the correlated channel and the colored interference, we adopt a relatively large ε1 and ε2 as ε1 = ε2 = 0.9. In Fig. 4, we display the MSEs of the ML channel estimation versus SNR for different training scenarios where M = N = 4. We can see that, the proposed training with the proposed power (the optimal solution) is slightly better than the proposed training with the proportional power. The orthogonal training under both power allocations have more than 6 dB SNR loss compared to the optimal one. The performance of the random training has around 20 dB SNR loss compared to the optimal one and is not stable6 since we assume the smallest possible N . We then increase N to 8 while keeping all other parameters fixed and show different MSEs in Fig. 5. Most observations are the same as those in Fig. 4 except that the performance of the random training becomes more stable and is better than that of the orthogonal training. For orthogonal and random training, although the proportional power allocation gives better performance than the proposed power allocation in Fig. 4, it gives worse performance in Fig. 5. B. MMSE Channel Estimation 1) White Interference & Correlated Channel: To exhibit the effect of the correlated channel, we here adopt a relatively large ε1 as ε1 = 0.9. The convex optimization is conducted by the SDP tool 6

The same phenomenon has been observed in [14].

April 15, 2008



SeDuMi v1.1 [25]. The MSE of different algorithms as a function SNR is shown in Fig. 6 with M = N = 4. We find that the proposed training sequence under the proposed power allocation gives the best performance. Interestingly, the proposed training sequence with the proportional power allocation is always parallel to the optimal one but has 1 dB SNR loss. Meanwhile, the orthogonal training with the proposed power allocation performs worse at lower SNR region but performs close to the optimal one at high SNR region. This is reasonable and agrees with the intuition that under the white interference and with high SNR, MMSE estimation will become similar to ML estimation whose optimal training sequence should be orthogonal training. Nonetheless, with proportional power allocation, the orthogonal training still has a 1-dB loss at high SNR. For random training, the one with the proposed power allocation is 2 dB better than the one with proportional training. However, both of them perform much worse than the proposed training under the proposed power allocation. 2) White Interference & Uncorrelated Channel: In this case, the proposed training is orthogonal. Therefore we only compare it with random training. The MSE performance of the 4 different training scenarios are shown in Fig. 7 with M = N = 4. Similarly, the proposed training with proportional power performs 1 dB worse than the proposed training with the proposed power allocation, and the random training suffers from a larger SNR loss. 3) Equal Power Constraints & i.i.d Channel: To exhibit the effect of the colored interference, we choose a relatively large ε2 as ε2 = 0.9. In this case, we find that the proportional power allocation is the same as the proposed power allocation. We thus only compare different schemes under the proposed power allocation. The MSEs are shown in Fig. 8. It is seen that the orthogonal training incurs a 2-dB loss over the optimal training, while the random training suffers from a significant loss. From simulations in the MMSE case, we find that: 1) the proposed training sequence always performs better than other training sequences with the same power allocation; 2) the proposed power allocation always performs better than the proportional power allocation under the same training sequence.

April 15, 2008



C. ML Channel Estimation versus MMSE Channel Estimation Finally, we compare the ML channel estimation and the MMSE channel estimation with M = N = 2. We consider two cases: ε1 = 0.9, ε2 = 0 (case 1 in Section IV) and ε1 = 0, ε2 = 0.9 (case 3 in Section IV). The MSEs of different algorithms as a function of SNR are shown in Fig. 9. In both cases, the MMSE estimator outperforms the ML estimator in lower SNR, while the two estimators have nearly the same performance at higher SNR. This agrees with the phenomenon in the traditional SISO or MISO channel estimation [17]. VI. C ONCLUSIONS In this paper, we studied the training based channel estimation in relay networks using DF strategy. The major challenge is that there exists an individual power constraint for each relay node as well as a total power constraint over the whole network. Both ML and MMSE estimators have been investigated. The ML based channel estimation was solved thoroughly by using a multilevel waterfilling algorithm. For MMSE estimation, however, the general problem turns out to be non-convex and is difficult to solve. We instead consider three special yet reasonable scenarios, all of which can be converted to convex optimization problems and the last two scenarios have the waterfilling type solutions. Meanwhile, we name a new type of waterfilling structure as cave filling where there are both grounds and ceilings for water patches. Numerical examples have been provided from which we find that the proposed training and the proposed power allocation are both important to achieve the best channel estimation. A PPENDIX I M AJORIZATION T HEORY Majorization theory has been used to convert some matrix-valued non-convex problems into scalar-valued convex ones in [26]. Here, we briefly introduce some basic results on majorization theory [20]. Lemma 1 [20, 9.B.1]: For any n × n Hermitian matrix A, there is d(A) ≺ λ(A). Lemma 2 [20, 9.B.1]: For any u, v ∈ Rn satisfying u ≺ v, there exists a real symmetric matrix A whose eigenvalues are v and diagonal elements are u. April 15, 2008



The matrix A can be eigen-decomposed as UA diag{v}UH A . A practical algorithm to find UA was proposed in [21, Sect. IV-A]. ˜ ≤ u such that u ˜ ≺ v. Lemma 3 [20, 5.A.9.a]: For any u ≺w v, there must exist an u Corollary 1: For any u, v ∈ Rn satisfying u ≺w v, there exists a real symmetric matrix A whose eigenvalues are v and diagonal elements d(A) ≤ u. Proof: Straightforwardly from Lemma 2 and Lemma 3.


A PPENDIX II P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1 We need to first proof the equivalence between P1 and P2. It suffices to show that for any feasible point C in P1, there is a corresponding feasible point D in P2 which gives the same objective value, and vice versa. The proof needs some basic knowledge of majorization theory which has been briefly introduced in Appendix I. 1) P1−→P2: Let C be any matrix in the space restricted by the constraints in P1 and the −1 H corresponding objective value is tr((CH R−1 n C) ). From the constraints of P1, we get d(C C) ≤

p and therefore d(CH C) Âw p by definition. From Lemma 1 in the Appendix, we know λ(CH C) Â d(CH C) so λ(CH C) Âw p. Suppose the eigen-decomposition of CH C is CH C = UC ΣC UH C and −1 H −1 H −1 define D = CUC . Then, we have tr((DH R−1 n D) ) = tr((C Rn C) ). Since D D = ΣC

is a diagonal matrix, there is d(DH D) = λ(DH D) = λ(CH C) Âw p. Moreover, tr(DH D) = tr(CH C) ≤ P . Therefore, for any feasible solution C to P1, D = CUC is always a feasible point in P2 with the same objective value. 2) P2−→P1: Let D be any feasible solution to P2. Since DH D is diagonal, then d(DH D) = λ(DH D) Âw p. From Corollary 1 in Appendix I, we know there exists a real symmetric matrix A such that d(A) ≤ p and λ(A) = λ(DH D). Therefore, A is positive semidefinite and can be expressed as UDH DUH for some unitary matrix U. Define C = DUH . Note that d(CH C) = −1 H −1 −1 d(A) ≤ p, tr(CH C) = tr(DH D) ≤ P , and tr((CH R−1 n C) ) = tr((D Rn D) ). Therefore,

for any D in P2, there is also a corresponding feasible point in P1 with the same objective value. Theorem 1 is implicitly proved from the above proof.

April 15, 2008





2 We first prove that the optimal ΣD2 QH R−1 n QΣD must be a diagonal matrix. Note that the

optimization can be separately conducted for Q and σD,i . The objective function can be equivalently written as

³ 1 ´ 1 −1 −1 2 −1 tr (ΣD2 QH R−1 QΣ ) = tr((QH R−1 n n Q) ΣD ). D


Suppose the eigenvalues of QH R−1 n Q are λi , i = 1, . . . , M which are arranged in non-decreasing order. From [27, Eq. (4)] we know H


−1 −1 R−1 n Q) ΣD )




λM −i+1 σD,i

M X σn,i ≥ σ i=1 D,i


where the second inequality comes from [28, Theorem 10, pp. 209] and the property that σn,i ’s are arranged in non-decreasing order is also utilized here. The first equality holds when the eigenmatrix of QH R−1 n Q is an appropriate permutation matrix. Clearly the lower bound of the objective PM σn,i function is i=1 σD,i and is achieved when Q = Un [IM , 0TM,N −M ]T . Note that this Q is derived when we assume that σn,i and σD,i are arranged in non-decreasing orders. Otherwise, Q should be Un left-multiplied by some appropriate permutation matrix. Remark: This structure of Q tells that, the optimal training should apply all energy on the eigen-modes that correspond to the smallest interference levels, i.e., the smallest σn,i . A PPENDIX IV P ROOF OF A LGORITHM 1 First, it is observed that

PM i=1

σD,i = P must hold at the optimal point. Otherwise, ν = 0 and


− σ2n,k + ν = 0 cannot hold for k ∗ + 1 ≤ k ≤ M . Without loss of generality, suppose that at the D,k

optimal point, only m out of k ∗ µk ’s are non-zero, or the equality of the corresponding constraint holds. Denote these m µk ’s as µki , i = 1, . . . , m with k1 < k2 < . . . < km . The assumption indicates µk = 0 for 1 ≤ k < k1 . Then, m

σn,k X + µki + ν = 0, 2 σD,k i=1

k1 X i=1

April 15, 2008

σD,i =

k1 X

pi .

1 ≤ k ≤ k1

(35) (36)






Define ν1 =


n,k µki + ν, we have σD,k = for 1 ≤ k ≤ k1 . This is exactly the weighted ν1 p √ waterfilling by considering 1/ν1 as the water level and σn,k as weight for patch k, 1 ≤ k ≤ k1 .


Note that the waterfilling here is different from the traditional one [26] in that the water patches p here has zero bottom level for all k. Therefore, the water level 1/ν1 can be explicitly calculated as



Pk1 √ i=1

pi σn,i

. In fact, when we pour the water into different patches, the water quantity for patch

1 ≤ k ≤ k1 increases while the ratio σD,1 :, . . . , : σD,k1 = is kept until the overall water quantity reaches

σn,1 :, . . . , :

Pk1 i=1



pi . Obviously, this ratio indicates that σD,k1 ≥

. . . ≥ σD,1 . Next, we consider µk2 , µk3 , . . . , µkm in a similar way. When it comes to j, 2 ≤ j ≤ m, we need to solve m

σn,k X µki + ν = 0, − 2 + σD,k i=j kj X i=1

σD,i =

kj X

kj−1 < k ≤ kj ,


pi .



As (39) holds for all 1 ≤ j 0 < j, (39) is equivalent to kj X

σD,i =



σn,k νj

for kj−1 < k ≤ kj and the corresponding p water level is 1/νj . At this point, we see that multiple water-levels coexist for the proposed

Define νj =


µki + ν, there is σD,k =

pi .

i=kj−1 +1

i=kj−1 +1


kj X

algorithm. For the same reason, σD,k is in non-decreasing order for kj−1 < k ≤ kj . Moreover, p since νj = νj−1 − µkj−1 ≤ νj−1 , the water level 1/νj is also arranged in non-decreasing order. √ Considering the fact that σn,i is arranged in non-decreasing order, we know that the optimal σD,kj−1 +1 is greater than or equal to σD,kj−1 . Therefore, σD,i , i = 1, . . . , km should be in nonPkj p i=k +1 pi decreasing order. Meanwhile, the water level 1/νj can be explicitly calculated as Pkj j−1 √ . i=kj−1 +1

April 15, 2008




Lastly, we have −

σn,k + ν = 0, 2 σD,k


σD,i = P −

km < k ≤ M, km X


pi .



i=km +1

p The corresponding water level is 1/ν =



pi , √ σn,i i=km +1 i=1

q and σD,k =

σn,k ν

for km < k ≤ M .

Similarly, σD,k should be in non-decreasing order for km < k ≤ M and σD,km +1 ≥ σD,km . The above discussion not only provides the way to design the algorithm but also confirms the validity of omitting the constraints σD,i ≤ σD,i+1 and σD,i ≥ 0 in the first place. The solution ©p structure follows a weighted multi-level waterfilling with multiple water levels at 1/νj , j = p ª √ 1, . . . , m, 1/ν and the weight for the ith patch is σn,i . The illustration of the proposed weighted multi-level waterfilling is given in Fig. 2, where it is seen that different patches may have different water level and different weight. The area of the cross section, which is weight×water-level will be the power that is poured into this specific patch. The cutting point kj , j = 1, . . . , m can be obtained from the testing, which is given by step 2) in Algorithm 1. A PPENDIX V P ROOF OF A LGORITHM 2 1) Proof of d(CH C) ≺ d(ΣD ): From the initialization, we know


i=1 ci


Pk i=1

σD,i for all k.

From the algorithm, the excessive part (ck −pk ) will be included into ck−1 . This does not change the PN P equality M c = i i=1 σD,i . Meanwhile, since more value are included into ck−1 , the inequality i=1 Pk Pk i=1 σD,i for k = 1, . . . , M − 1 will hold. i=1 ci ≥ 2) Proof of c1 ≤ c2 ≤ . . . ≤ cM and d(CH C) ≤ p: From the algorithm, we know ck ≤ pk and ck is already in non-decreasing order after the initialization. If at the current step ck is smaller than pk , then ck−1 will be kept unchanged and ck−1 ≤ ck still holds (remember ck won’t be decreased in all previous steps). If on the other side ck is greater than or equal to pk , then ck is updated to pk and ck−1 is updated to ck−1 + (ck − pk ). However, at the next step, this ck−1 will be upperbounded by pk−1 and the excessive part ck−1 − pk−1 will be added to ck−2 . Bearing in mind that pk ’s are arranged in non-decreasing order, we know that ck−1 ≤ ck still holds. This process continues until k = 2. April 15, 2008



The speciality happens for c1 since there is no behavior regarding to whether c1 is greater or less than p1 . Therefore, we only need to prove that the final c1 satisfy c1 ≤ p1 and c1 ≤ c2 . These two things can be proved together. If c2 ≤ p2 still holds after getting the increment, then, there will be no increment for c1 . In this case, the final c1 is the same as the initial c1 , which is exactly σD,1 , and the proof is completed. Otherwise, c2 > p2 and the excessive part will be added to c1 . Bearing in mind that c2 may also receive the increment from the previous steps, we suppose an maximal integer r0 ∈ {2, 3, . . . , M }, such that ck is equal to pk for 2 ≤ k ≤ r0 when the algorithm goes to P0 the last step. Then, the final c1 is σD,1 + ri=2 (σD,i − pi ). From the optimization process, we know r0 X

pi ≥

r0 X


σD,i .



Then p1 ≥ λD,1 +

r0 X

(σD,i − pi ) = c1



can be derived. Since the final value of c2 is p2 in this case, we arrive at c1 ≤ p1 ≤ c2 = p2 . A PPENDIX VI P ROOF OF (24) Multiplying both side of (23) by σC,i eliminates νi and the following equation results: Ã ! 1 σC,i − + λ + µi = 0. σ 1 2 + σC,i ) σn ( σh,i n If λ ≥ −

σn ( σ 1


2 σh,i , σn

then λ + µi ≥

1 σ + σC,i )2

2 σh,i . σn


In this case, σC,i > 0 is not possible since if σC,i > 0, then

+ λ + µi > 0 and (45) cannot hold. Therefore, σC,i = 0 if λ ≥


2 σh,i . σn


multiplying both side of (23) by (pi − σC,i ) eliminates µi and the following equation results: Ã ! 1 (pi − σC,i ) − + λ − νi = 0. (46) σ 1 + σC,i )2 σn ( σh,i n If λ ≤

1 , p σ n ( σ 1 + σ i )2 h,i

σC,i < pi , then − λ≤

1 . p σn ( σ 1 + σ i )2 h,i

then λ − νi ≤


1 σ σn ( σ 1 + σC,i )2 h,i


In this case, σC,i < pi is not possible since if


+ λ − νi < 0 and (46) does not hold. Therefore, σC,i = pi if



Now let us prove that when µ 1 we know (pi − σC,i ) − 1

1 p σn ( σ 1 + σ i )2 h,i

σ σn ( σ + σC,i )2 n h,i

April 15, 2008

1 . p σ n ( σ 1 + σ i )2



2 σh,i , σn

≥ 0. If λ <

both µi and νi must be zero. From (46), 2 σh,i , σn

then σC,i cannot be zero which gives DRAFT



νi = 0. From (45), we know σC,i −

1 σ σn ( σ 1 + σC,i )2 h,i

be pi which gives µi = 0. So, for


p σ n ( σ 1 + σ i )2 n h,i

− and σC,i is calculated as σC,i =

p σn λ


1 σn ( σh,i + 1


σC,i 2 ) σn

≤ 0. If λ >

2 σh,i , σn

1 , p σn ( σ 1 + σ i ) 2 h,i

then σC,i cannot


(23) becomes



σn . σh,i

Finally, let us prove that λ > 0. If λ = 0, then from the previous discussion, νi must be zero. From (23), we know µi =

1 σ σn ( σ 1 + σC,i )2

> 0 for any i, which indicates that σC,i = pi for all i. This P PM forms contradiction since we assume P < M i=1 pi . Therefore λ cannot be zero, and i=1 σC,i = P h,i


can be drawn from KKT. A PPENDIX VII P ROOF OF A LGORITHM 3 According to the physical waterfilling, the patch with the lowest ceiling level

σn σh,i

+ pi will

saturate first. Without loss of generality, we assume the ceiling levels are originally ordered as7 σn σh,1

+ p1 ≤

σn σh,2

+ p2 ≤, . . . , ≤

σn σh,M

+ pM , as shown in Fig. 10. We also sort the ground level

according to another index set [i] such that

σn σh,[1]

σn σh,[2]

≤, . . . , ≤

σn . σh,[M ]

We first need to find

all the saturated patch k and this process is called as outer iteration. Obviously, when pouring the water, the saturation gradually happens from the smallest index to the largest. We first assume that patch 1 saturates exactly; then, there is a maximal integer M1 such that σn σh,[M1 ]

σn σh,1

+ p1 and water will only be poured into patches with index set {[1], ..., [M1 ]}. We ´ P 1 ³ σn σn then calculated the required total power P1 = M + p − . If this P1 is greater than 1 i=1 σh,1 σh,[i] P , then, we conclude that P is not large enough for any patch to saturate so that the traditional waterfilling could be applied directly on all patches. If P1 is equal to P , then the water level γ is σn σh,1

+ p1 . However, if P1 is less than P , we need to go ahead and assume that patch 2 saturates

σn n exactly. Then, there is a number M2 such that σh,[M + p2 . The required total power is ≤ σσh,2 2] ´ ³ ´ ³ ´ ³ PM2 σn σn σn σn σn σn P2 = i=1 σh,2 + p2 − σh,[i] − ( σh,2 + p2 ) − ( σh,1 + p1 ) , where ( σh,2 + p2 ) − ( σh,1 + p1 ) is

the power that should not be counted due to the saturation of the patch 1. If P2 is greater than P , 7

In MMSE estimation, we do not assume any specific ordering of either σh,i or pi at the very beginning.

April 15, 2008



we can apply the traditional waterfilling over patches 2 to M with a total amount power P − p1 (since patch 1 must be saturated from the previous step). If P2 is equal to P , then,

σn σh,2

+ p2 is the

water level. If P2 is less than P , we need to go ahead and assume that patch 3 saturates exactly. This process should go on until we find the true water level. R EFERENCES [1] I. E. Telatar, “Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels,” Eur. Trans. Telecom., vol. 10, pp. 585-595, Nov. 1999. [2] G. J. Foschini, “Layered space time architecture for wireless communication in a fading environment when using multi-element antennas,” Bell Labs. Tech. Jour., vol. 1, pp. 41-59, 1996. [3] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank, “Space time codes for high data rate wireless communication: performance criterion and code construction,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 44, pp. 744-765, 1998. [4] S. Alamouti, “A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communications,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 16, pp. 1451-1458, Oct. 1998. [5] T. M. Cover and A. A. El Gamal, “Capacity theorems for the relay channel,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-25, pp. 572-584, Sept. 1979. [6] R. U. Nabar, H. Bolcskei, and F. W. Kneubuhler, “Fading relay channels: performance limits and space time signal design,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 22, pp. 1099-1109, Aug. 2004. [7] J. Boyer, D. D. Falconer, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “’Multihop diversity in wireless relaying channels,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 52, pp. 1820-1830, Oct. 2004. [8] J. N. Laneman and G. W. Wornell, “Distributed space time block coded protocols for exploiting cooperative diversity in wireless networks,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 49, pp. 2415-2425, Oct. 2003. [9] J. N. Laneman, D. N. C. Tse, and G. W. Wornell, “Cooperative diversity in wireless networks: efficient protocols and outage behavior,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 50, pp. 3062-3080, Dec. 2004. [10] A. Sendonaris, E. Erkip, and B. Aazhang, “User cooperation diversity—Part I: system description,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 51, pp. 1927-1938, Nov. 2003. [11] ——, “User cooperation diversity—Part II: system description,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 51, pp. 1939-1948, Nov. 2003. [12] S. Yiu, R. Schober, and L. Lampe, “Distributed space time block coding,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 54, pp. 1195-1206, July, 2006. [13] Y. Jing and B. Hassibi, “Distributed space time coding in wireless relay networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 5, pp. 3524-3536, Dec. 2006. [14] F. Gao, T. Cui, and A. Nallanathan, “On channel estimation and optimal training design for amplify and forward relay network”, to appear in IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. [15] I. Barhumi, G. Leus, and M. Moonen, “Optimal training design for MIMO OFDM systems in mobile wireless channels,”IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 51, pp. 1615-1624, June 2003. [16] H. Minn and N. Al-Dhahir, “Optimal training signals for MIMO OFDM channel estimation,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 5, pp. 1158-1168, May 2006. [17] M. Biguesh and A. B. Gershman, “Training based MIMO channel estimation: a study of estimator tradeoffs and optimal training signals,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 54, pp. 884-893, Mar. 2006.

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S gM


hM qMI

IMI Fig. 1.

Wireless relay networks with one source, one destination, M relays and MI interferences.

April 15, 2008












Fig. 2.



Patch Index




Illustration on weighted multi-level waterfilling.


Fig. 3.


n, 1



g ei



Illustration on cave-filling with both ground level and ceiling .

April 15, 2008





Proposed T, Proposed P Proposed T, Proportional P Orthogonal T, Proposed P Orthogonal T, Proportional P Random T, Proposed P Random T, Proportional P




average MSE










Fig. 4.




15 SNR (dB)




Comparison between different training and power allocation for ML based channel estimation, with ε1 = 0.9, ε2 = 0.9,

M = N = 4.



Proposed T, Proposed P Proposed T, Proportional P Orthogonal T, Proposed P Orthogonal T, Proportional P Random T, Proposed P Random T, Proportional P


average MSE










Fig. 5.




15 SNR (dB)




Comparison between different training and power allocation for ML based channel estimation, with ε1 = 0.9, ε2 = 0.9,

M = N/2 = 4.

April 15, 2008





Proposed T, Proposed P Proposed T, Proportional P Orthogonal T, Proposed P Orthogonal T, Proportional P Random T, Proposed P Random T, Proportional P


average MSE






Fig. 6.




15 SNR (dB)




Comparison between different training and power allocation for MMSE based channel estimation, with ε1 = 0.9, ε2 = 0,

under M = N = 4.



Proposed T, Proposed P Proposed T, Proportional P Random T, Proposed P Random T, Proportional P 0

average MSE






Fig. 7.




15 SNR (dB)




Comparison between different training and power allocation for MMSE based channel estimation, with ε1 = 0, ε2 = 0,

under M = N = 4.

April 15, 2008





Proposed T Orthogonal T Random T 0

average MSE








Fig. 8.




15 SNR (dB)




Comparison between different training and power allocation for MMSE based channel estimation, with ε1 = 0, ε2 = 0.9,

under M = N = 4.




average MSE




ε1=0.9, ε2=0





ε1=0, ε2=0.9 −3


Fig. 9.




15 SNR (dB)




Comparison between ML channel estimation and MMSE channel estimation for case 1 and case 3 respectively, under

M = N = 4.

April 15, 2008



Fig. 10.

Illustration on the practical cave-filling algorithm.

April 15, 2008


Optimal Training Design for Channel Estimation in ...

Apr 15, 2008 - F. Gao is with the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, 21 Heng ... California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA (Email:.

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Apr 15, 2008 - Unfortunately, packing more than one antenna onto a small mobile ... Notations: Vectors and matrices are boldface small and capital letters, ...

Channel Estimation in OFDM
Blind Equalization Algorithms and their Performance Comparison ... Examples are Digital Video Broadcasting, satellite modems, point to .... carrier phase recovery”, IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2003. 2. 2.

Blind Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems via a ...
(HIPERLAN)/2, IEEE 802.11a, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) ... systems due to its high data rate, high spectral efficiency, and robustness to ...

Maximally Robust 2-D Channel Estimation for ... - Semantic Scholar
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. ...... Ing. and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering.

Blind Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems via a ...
wireless communications. ... the channel in some wireless applications, the training sequence ...... Communication Systems—Technology and Applications.

Blind Channel Estimation for Cyclic-Prefixed Single-Carrier Systems ...
based channel-estimation algorithms for CP-SC systems are developed in [3] and ... precoding technique is carried on in [12], and virtual carriers are exploited in ...

Channel Estimation and Equalization for Evolved UTRA ...
Oct 20, 2006 - stream transmission while SBs are reserved for transmission of reference data to enable channel estimation, frequency domain scheduling and ...

Robust Subspace Blind Channel Estimation for Cyclic Prefixed MIMO ...
generation (4G) wireless communications [4]. Several training based channel estimation methods for. MIMO OFDM have been developed recently in [5]- [7]. It is.

Channel Estimation and Equalization for Evolved UTRA ...
Oct 20, 2006 - 10 Virtual MIMO Channel Estimation and Equalization. 88 .... Thus, with an increase in available bandwidth, the number of sub-carriers would increase .... 800. 1000. 1200. 1400. 1600. 1800. 2000. −0.02. −0.01. 0. 0.01. 0.02.

Block Faded Channel Estimation for Multiuser STBC ...
consequence, the authors of [3] proposed a multiuser data detection scheme where the channel was assumed to be known prior to data recovery for each user.

Channel Estimation and Equalization for Evolved UTRA ...
Oct 20, 2006 - of uplink modulation and multiple access technology. ..... aims at extending the features and capabilities of the existing 3G Universal Terrestrial.

Maximally Robust 2-D Channel Estimation for ... - Semantic Scholar
PILOT-AIDED channel estimation for wireless orthogonal frequency .... porary OFDM-based systems, such as WiMax [9] and 3G LTE ...... Technology (ITG).

Channel Estimation for Indoor Diffuse Optical OFDM ...
broadcasting (DVB-T), WiMAX, physical layer in IEEE. 802.15.3 wireless personal area network (WPAN) and recently in FSO communication and optical fibre ...

finite number of observations has been only recently proposed. We extend the ... wireless/cellular multi-carriers systems, a 2-D MMSE channel esti- mator based on the true ... review the robust 2-D MMSE estimator for an infinite number of pi-.

Optimal quantum estimation in spin systems at criticality
Oct 9, 2008 - example of a many-body system exhibiting criticality, and derive the optimal quantum estimator of the cou- ..... is universal, i.e., independent on the anisotropy and given ..... 19 P. Zanardi et al., e-print arXiv:0708.1089, Phys.

An Optimal Framework for T1 Estimation in an SPGR ...
M s f where i s are the observed signals, i α are the flip angles,. 0. M is the unknown equilibrium longitudinal magnetization, R. T is the repetition time, and 1. T is the unknown longitudinal relaxation time. The variance of T1 can be shown to be:

Optimal Training Data Selection for Rule-based Data ...
affair employing domain experts, and hence only small .... free rules. A diverse set of difficult textual records are given to set of people making sure that each record is given to a ..... writes when presented with the 100 chosen patterns. A.

Optimal Monetary Policy with an Uncertain Cost Channel
May 21, 2009 - Universities of Bonn and Dortmund, the 2nd Oslo Workshop on Monetary ... cal nature of financial frictions affect the credit conditions for firms, the central bank .... are expressed in percentage deviations from their respective stead

On Channel Estimation and Equalization of OFDM ...
We then design an optimal MMSE ... the use of a Cyclic Prefix (CP) — a set of last few data samples prepended at ... being the original data block length and ν the CP length. The ..... In order to get better visualization of the problem at hand we

Fractional Optimal Golomb Ruler Based WDM Channel ...
carrier channel and the operating bandwidth would not ... spaced channels, Journal of Lightwave Technology,. Vol. ... Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.

Optimal Monetary Policy with an Uncertain Cost Channel
May 21, 2009 - bank derives an optimal policy plan to be implemented by a Taylor rule. ..... uncertainty into account but sets interest rates as if ϑ* = ϑ.

Optimal Monetary Policy with the Cost Channel
†Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA. ..... A first issue relevant for the small sample properties of GMM estimators is the ..... cost, HP-filtered output gap, non-farm business sector hourly compensation ..

Optimal Certification Design
Dec 20, 2012 - tional wisdom, an optimal certification under a public contingent payment ... sure requirements on commissions may lower welfare. ... about the true state θ and sends a message m to two uninformed receivers: P and Q, who .... into the