Optimal Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Agents Galo Nuño

Carlos Thomas

Banco de España

Banco de España

First version: March 2016 This version: November 2017

Abstract Incomplete-markets models with heterogeneous agents are increasingly used for policy analysis. We propose a novel methodology for solving fully dynamic optimal policy problems in models of this kind, both under discretion and commitment, based on optimization techniques in function spaces. We illustrate our methodology by studying optimal monetary policy in an incomplete-markets model with long-term nominal debt and costly in‡ation. Under discretion, an in‡ationary bias arises from the central bank’s attempt to redistribute wealth from creditors to debtors, who have a higher marginal utility of consumption. Under commitment, this in‡ationary force is counteracted over time by the incentive to prevent expected future in‡ation from lowering the price at which The views expressed in this manuscript are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Banco de España or the Eurosystem. The authors are very grateful to Antonio Antunes, Adrien Auclert, Pierpaolo Benigno, Saki Bigio, Christopher Carroll, Jean-Bernard Chatelain, Isabel Correia, Marco del Negro, Emmanuel Farhi, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Luca Fornaro, Jordi Galí, Michael Kumhof, Jesper Lindé, Alberto Martin, Alisdair Mckay, Kurt Mitman, Ben Moll, Elisabeth Pröhl, Omar Rachedi, Ricardo Reis, Victor Ríos-Rull, Frank Smets, Pedro Teles, Ivan Werning, Fabian Winkler, conference participants at the ECB-New York Fed Global Research Forum on International Macroeconomics and Finance, the CEPR-UCL Conference on the New Macroeconomics of Aggregate Fluctuations and Stabilisation Policy, the 2017 T2M Conference, the 1st Catalan Economic Society Conference, the NBER Summer Institute, the ESCB Research Cluster on Monetary Economics, and seminar participants at the Paris School of Economics and the University of Nottingham for helpful comments and suggestions. We are also grateful to María Malmierca for excellent research assistance. This paper supersedes a previous version entitled “Optimal Monetary Policy in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union.” All remaining errors are ours.


issuers of new bonds do so; under certain conditions, long-run in‡ation is zero as both e¤ects cancel out asymptotically. We …nd numerically that the optimal commitment features …rst-order initial in‡ation followed by a gradual decline towards its (near zero) long-run value. Keywords: optimal monetary policy, commitment and discretion, incomplete markets, Gateaux derivative, nominal debt, in‡ation, redistributive effects, continuous time JEL codes: E5, E62, F34.



Ever since the seminal work of Bewley (1983), Huggett (1993) and Aiyagari (1994), incomplete markets models with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk have become a workhorse for policy analysis in macro models with heterogeneous agents.1 Among the di¤erent areas spawned by this literature, the analysis of the dynamic aggregate effects of …scal and monetary policy has begun to receive considerable attention in recent years.2 As is well known, one di¢ culty when working with incomplete markets models is that the state of the economy at each point in time includes the cross-household wealth distribution, which is an in…nite-dimensional, endogenously-evolving object.3 The development of numerical methods for computing equilibrium in these models has made it possible to study the e¤ects of aggregate shocks and of particular policy rules. However, the in…nite-dimensional nature of the wealth distribution has made it di¢ cult to make progress in the analysis of optimal policy problems in this class of models. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for solving fully dynamic optimal policy problems in incomplete markets models with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk, both under discretion and commitment. The methodology relies on the use of calculus techniques in in…nite-dimensional Hilbert spaces to compute the …rst order conditions. In particular, we employ a generalized version of the classical derivative known as Gateaux derivative. 1

For a survey of this literature, see e.g. Heathcote, Storesletten and Violante (2009). See our discussion of the related literature below. 3 See e.g. Ríos-Rull (1995). 2


We illustrate our methodology by analyzing optimal monetary policy in an incomplete markets economy. Our framework is close to Huggett’s (1993) standard formulation. As in the latter, households trade non-contingent claims, subject to an exogenous borrowing limit, in order to smooth consumption in the face of idiosyncratic income shocks. We depart from Huggett’s real framework by considering nominal non-contingent bonds with an arbitrarily long maturity, which allows monetary policy to have an e¤ect on equilibrium allocations. In particular, our model features a classic Fisherian channel (Fisher, 1933), by which realized in‡ation redistributes wealth from lending to indebted households.4 In order to have a meaningful trade-o¤ in the choice of the in‡ation path, we also assume that in‡ation is costly, which can be rationalized on the basis of price adjustment costs. Moreover, expected future in‡ation lowers the price of the long-term bond through higher in‡ation premia. We also depart from the standard closed-economy setup by considering a small open economy, with the aforementioned bonds being also held (and priced) by risk-neutral foreign investors; this makes the analysis somewhat more tractable.5 Finally, we cast the model in continuous time, which o¤ers important computational advantages relative to the (standard) discrete-time speci…cation.6 On the analytical front, we show that discretionary optimal policy features a ’redistributive in‡ationary bias’, whereby the utilitarian central bank uses current in‡ation so as to try and redistribute wealth from lenders to indebted households. In particular, we show that optimal discretionary in‡ation is determined by the following simple expression, marginal in‡ation cost

z }| { x0 ( t )


2market value net liabilities z }| { = Eft (a;y) 4 Qt ( a)

marginal consumption utility

z }| { u0 (ct (a; y))




See Doepke and Schneider (2006a) for an in‡uential study documenting net nominal asset positions across US household groups and estimating the potential for in‡ation-led redistribution. See Auclert (2016) for a recent analysis of the Fisherian redistributive channel in an incomplete-markets general equilibrium model that allows for additional redistributive mechanisms. 5 We restrict our attention to equilibria in which the domestic economy is always a net debtor visà-vis the rest of the World, such that domestic bonds are always in positive net supply. As a result, the usual bond market clearing condition in closed-economy models is replaced by a no-arbitrage condition for foreign investors that e¤ectively prices the nominal bond. This allows us to reduce the number of constraints in the policy-maker’s problem featuring the in…nite-dimensional wealth distribution. 6 We show however how our methodology can also be applied in a discrete-time environment.


where Eft (a;y) [ ] denotes the average across real net wealth (a) and income (y) levels at time t, with joint distribution ft ( ), u0 (x0 ) is the marginal (dis)utility of consumption (in‡ation), with x00 > 0 > u00 , and Qt is the price of the long-term bond. That is, optimal discretionary in‡ation increases with the average cross-household net liability position weighted by each household’s marginal utility of consumption. Under market incompleteness and standard concave preferences for consumption, indebted households (those with a < 0) have a higher marginal consumption utility than lending ones (a > 0). As a result, they receive a higher e¤ective weight in the optimal in‡ation decision, giving the central bank an incentive to redistribute wealth from lending to indebted households. To the best of our knowledge, this redistributive in‡ationary bias is a novel insight in the literature on incomplete markets models with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk. Moreover, while our model is deliberately simple –with the aim of illustrating our methodology as transparently as possible–, such in‡ationary bias would carry over to normative analyses in more fully-‡edged models of this kind that incorporate a Fisherian channel.7 Under commitment, the same redistributive motive to in‡ate exists, but it is counteracted by an opposing force: the central bank internalizes how expectations of future in‡ation a¤ect the price at which households issue new bonds from the time the optimal commitment plan is formulated (’time zero’) onwards. Indeed, optimal in‡ation under commitment is driven by the same right-hand-side term in equation (1) plus a costate with zero initial value that increases with Eft (a;y) [anew (a; y) u0 (ct (a; y))] ; t i.e. the average purchase of new bonds across households anew ( ) weighted again by t marginal consumption utilities. In the model, the households that issue new bonds (those with anew < 0) have lower net wealth and hence higher marginal utility than t bond-purchasing ones (anew > 0), so they receive a larger weight in the above exprest sion. This gives the central bank an incentive to promise lower and lower in‡ation 7

Our assumption that the country is always a net debtor vis-à-vis the rest of the World, i.e. Eft (a; ) ( a) 0, implies an additional (cross-border ) redistributive motive to in‡ate: from foreign investors to indebted domestic households. Our simulations show that both motives are quantitatively relevant for optimal in‡ation. Importantly, the domestic redistributive motive to in‡ate illustrated in equation (1) is preserved even with a zero net foreign asset position, due the concavity of preferences. Hence it would also go through in a closed-economy setup.


in the future so as to prevent bond issuers from doing so at very low prices.8 This disin‡ationary force has too a redistributive motive, but unlike the aforementioned in‡ationary bias –which uses current in‡ation in order to favor indebted household– it relies on future in‡ation and bond prices so as to favor bond-issuing households (who largely coincide with the indebted ones). Moreover, we …nd that under certain conditions both forces –the in‡ationary and de‡ationary one–cancel each other out in the long-run, such that steady-state in‡ation under the optimal commitment is zero.9 We then solve numerically for the full transition path under commitment and discretion. We calibrate our model to match a number of features of a prototypical European small open economy, such as the size of gross household debt or the net international position.10 We …nd that optimal in‡ation at time zero –which is very similar under commitment and discretion due to the absence of pre-commitments in the former case–is …rst-order in magnitude, re‡ecting the above mentioned redistributive motive. From time zero onwards, in‡ation remains high under discretion due to the redistributive in‡ationary bias. Under commitment, by contrast, in‡ation falls gradually towards its long-run level (essentially zero, under our calibration), re‡ecting the central bank’s concern with preventing expectations of future in‡ation from being priced into new bond issuances; in other words, the central bank front-loads in‡ation so as to transitorily redistribute existing wealth from lenders to indebted households, but commits to gradually undo such initial in‡ation. We also analyze the redistributive e¤ects of optimal policy. We show that, relative to a zero-in‡ation scenario, in‡ationary policies (whether under discretion or commitment) redistribute consumption from lending to indebted households. A key channel through which this redistribution takes place is the fact that future in‡ation reduces the price of the long-term bond, which reduces the real market value of bond holdings for lending households and that of liabilities for indebted ones. These effects …nd an echo in the welfare analysis. The discretionary policy implies sizable 8

This incentive to commit to low future in‡ation has again an additional, cross-border dimension, because the domestic economy as a whole is a net issuer of new bonds. 9 In particular, in the limiting case in which households’(and hence the benevolent central bank’s) discount rate is arbitrarily close to that of foreign investors, optimal steady-state in‡ation under commitment is arbitrarily close to zero. 10 These targets are used to inform the calibration of the gap between the central bank’s and foreign investors’discount rates, which as explained before is a key determinant of long-run in‡ation under commitment.


(…rst-order) losses relative to the optimal commitment. Such losses are su¤ered by lending households, but also by indebted ones, because the welfare costs of permanent in‡ation dominate the gains from increased consumption. Finally, we compute the optimal monetary policy response to an aggregate shock, such as an increase in the World real interest rate.11 We …nd that in‡ation rises slightly on impact, as the central bank tries to partially counteract the negative e¤ect of the shock on household consumption. However, the in‡ation reaction is an order of magnitude smaller than that of the shock itself. Intuitively, the value of sticking to past commitments to keep in‡ation near zero weighs more in the central bank’s decision than the value of using in‡ation transitorily so as to stabilize consumption in response to an unforeseen event. Overall, our …ndings shed some light on current policy and academic debates regarding the appropriate conduct of monetary policy once household heterogeneity is taken into account. In particular, our results suggest that, while some in‡ation may be justi…ed in the short-run so as to redistribute resources to households with higher marginal utilities, a central bank with the ability to commit should not sustain such an in‡ationary stance –as it would if it acted under discretion–, but should instead promise to undo it over time, precisely in order to favor the same households. Finally, we stress that our results are not meant to suggest that monetary policy is the best tool to address redistributive issues, as there are probably more direct policy instruments. What our results indicate is that, in the context of economies with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk, the optimal design of monetary policy will to some extent re‡ect redistributive motives, the more so the less other policies (e.g. …scal policy) are able to achieve optimal redistributive outcomes. Related literature. Our …rst main contribution is methodological. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the …rst paper to solve for a fully dynamic optimal policy problem, both under commitment and discretion, in a general equilibrium model with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk in which the cross-sectional net wealth distribution (an in…nite-dimensional, endogenously evolving object) is a state in the planner’s optimization problem. Di¤erent papers have analyzed Ramsey problems in similar setups. Dyrda and Pedroni (2014) study the optimal dynamic Ramsey taxation in an Aiyagari economy. They assume that the paths for the optimal taxes follow splines 11

In the analysis of aggregate shocks we focus on the commitment case, and in particular on the optimal commitment plan ‘from a timeless perspective.’


with nodes set at a few exogenously selected periods, and perform a numerical search of the optimal node values. Acikgoz (2014), instead, follows the work of Dávila et al. (2012) in employing calculus of variations to characterize the optimal Ramsey taxation in a similar setting. However, after having shown that the optimal longrun solution is independent of the initial conditions, he analyzes quantitatively the steady state but does not solve the full dynamic optimal path.12 Other papers, such as Gottardi, Kajii, and Nakajima (2011), Itskhoki and Moll (2015), Bilbiie and Ragot (2017), Le Grand and Ragot (2017) or Challe (2017), analyze optimal Ramsey policies in incomplete-market models in which the policy-maker does not need to keep track of the wealth distribution.13 In contrast to these papers, we introduce a methodology for computing the fully dynamic, nonlinear optimal policy under commitment in an incomplete markets setting where the policy-maker needs to keep track of the entire wealth distribution. Regarding discretion, we are not aware of any previous paper that has quantitatively analyzed it in models with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk. A recent paper by Bhandari et al. (2017), released after the …rst draft of this paper was circulated, analyzes optimal …scal and monetary policy with commitment in a heterogeneous agents New Keynesian environment with aggregate uncertainty. Their methodology di¤ers from ours in two main dimensions. First, they employ a local method (second-order perturbations), in contrast to the global method presented here. Second, their methodology cannot address problems with exogenous, occasionally binding borrowing limits such as those used in models à la Aiyagari-Bewley-Huggett, which are precisely the focus of our paper. The use of in…nite-dimensional calculus in problems with non-degenerate distributions is employed in Lucas and Moll (2014) and Nuño and Moll (2017) to …nd the …rst-best and the constrained-e¢ cient allocation in heterogeneous-agents models. In these papers a social planner directly decides on individual policies in order to control a distribution of agents subject to idiosyncratic shocks. Here, by contrast, we show how these techniques may be extended to game-theoretical settings involving several 12

Werning (2007) studies optimal …scal policy in a heterogeneous-agents economy in which agent types are permanently …xed. Park (2014) extends this approach to a setting of complete markets with limited commitment in which agent types are stochastically evolving. Both papers provide a theoretical characterization of the optimal policies based on the primal approach introduced by Lucas and Stokey (1983). Aditionally, Park (2014) analyzes numerically the steady state but not the transitional dynamics, due to the complexity of solving the latter problem with that methodology. 13 This is due either to particular assumptions that facilitate aggregation or to the fact that the equilibrium net wealth distribution is degenerate at zero.


agents who are moreover forward-looking.14 Under commitment, as is well known, this requires the policy-maker to internalize how her promised future decisions a¤ect private agents’expectations; the problem is then augmented by introducing costates that re‡ect the value of deviating from the promises made at time zero.15 The second main contribution of the paper relates to our normative insights on monetary policy. A recent literature addresses, from a positive perspective, the redistributive channels of monetary policy transmission in the context of general equilibrium models with incomplete markets and household heterogeneity. In terms of modelling, our paper is closest to Auclert (2016), Kaplan, Moll and Violante (2016), Gornemann, Kuester and Nakajima (2012), McKay, Nakamura and Steinsson (2016) or Luetticke (2015), who also employ di¤erent versions of the incomplete markets model with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk.16 Other contributions, such as Doepke and Schneider (2006b), Meh, Ríos-Rull and Terajima (2010), Sheedy (2014), Challe et al. (2017) or Sterk and Tenreyro (2015), analyze the redistributive e¤ects of monetary policy in environments where heterogeneity is kept …nite-dimensional. We contribute to this literature by analyzing optimal monetary policy, both under commitment and discretion, in an economy with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk.17 As explained before, our analysis assigns an important role to the Fisherian redistributive channel of monetary policy, a long-standing topic that has experienced a revival in recent years. Doepke and Schneider (2006a) document net nominal asset positions across US sectors and household groups and estimate empirically the redistributive e¤ects of di¤erent in‡ation scenarios; Adam and Zhu (2014) perform a similar analysis for Euro Area countries. Auclert (2016) analyzes several redistribu14

This relates to the literature on mean-…eld games in mathematics. The name, introduced by Lasry and Lions (2006a,b), is borrowed from the mean-…eld approximation in statistical physics, in which the e¤ect on any given individual of all the other individuals is approximated by a single averaged e¤ect. In particular, the case under commitment is loosely related to Bensoussan, Chau and Yam (2015), who analyze a model of a major player and a distribution of atomistic agents. 15 In the commitment case, we construct a Lagrangian in a suitable function space and obtain the corresponding …rst-order conditions. The resulting optimal policy is time inconsistent (re‡ecting the e¤ect of investors’in‡ation expectations on bond pricing), depending only on time and the initial wealth distribution. 16 For work studying the e¤ects of di¤erent aggregate shocks in related environments, see e.g. Guerrieri and Lorenzoni (2017), Ravn and Sterk (2013), and Bayer et al. (2015). 17 Although this paper focuses on monetary policy, the techniques developed here lend themselves naturally to the analysis of other policy problems, e.g. optimal …scal policy, in this class of models. Recent work analyzing …scal policy issues in incomplete-markets, heterogeneous-agent models includes Heathcote (2005), Oh and Reis (2012), Kaplan and Violante (2014) and McKay and Reis (2016).


tive channels, including the Fisherian one, using both a su¢ cient statistics approach and an incomplete-markets model. We show how, in a model with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk featuring long-term nominal debt and costly in‡ation, a utilitarian central bank would want to exploit the Fisherian channel to improve aggregate welfare. In doing so, we uncover a ‘redistributive in‡ationary bias’, as the central bank attempts to redistribute wealth from lending to indebted households, who have a higher marginal utility of consumption. We also …nd that, under commitment, such bias is counteracted by a disin‡ationary force that has too a redistributive motive: the central bank promises lower in‡ation going forward in order to favor bond-issuing households, who largely coincide with the indebted ones. We argue that these redistributive forces would carry over to more fully-‡edged incomplete-markets models that incorporate the above channels.



We extend the basic Huggett framework to an open-economy setting with nominal, non-contingent, long-term debt and disutility costs of in‡ation. Let ( ; F; fFt g ; P) be a …ltered probability space. Time is continuous: t 2 [0; 1). The domestic economy is composed of a measure-one continuum of households. There is a single, freely traded consumption good, the World price of which is normalized to 1. The domestic price (equivalently, the nominal exchange rate) at time t is denoted by Pt and evolves according to dPt = t Pt dt; (2) where t is the domestic in‡ation rate (equivalently, the rate of nominal exchange rate depreciation).

2.1 2.1.1

Households Income and net assets

Household k 2 [0; 1] is endowed at time t with ykt units of the good, where ykt follows a two-state Poisson process: ykt 2 fy1 ; y2 g ; with y1 < y2 . The process jumps from state 1 to state 2 with intensity 1 and vice versa with intensity 2 . Households trade nominal, noncontingent, long-term bonds (denominated in do-


mestic currency) with one another and with foreign investors. Following standard practice in the literature, we model long-term debt in a tractable way by assuming that bonds pay exponentially decaying coupons.18 In particular, a bond issued at time t promises a stream of nominal payments e (s t) s2(t;1) , totalling 1 unit of domestic currency over the (in…nite) life of the bond. Thus, from the point of view ~ of time t, a bond issued at t~ < t is equivalent to e (t t) newly issued bonds. This implies that a household’s entire bond portfolio can be summarized by the current total nominal coupon payment, which we denote by Akt . One can then interpret as the ’amortization rate’ and Akt as the nominal face value of the bond portfolio. The latter evolves according to dAkt = (Anew kt

Akt ) dt;

represents the face value of the ‡ow of new bonds purchased at time where Anew kt t. For households with a negative net position, ( ) Akt represents the face value of outstanding net liabilities (‘debt’for short). Our formulation also implies that at each t one need only consider the price of one bond cohort, e.g. newly issued bonds. Let Qt denote the nominal market price of bonds issued at time t. The budget constraint of household k is then Qt Anew ckt ) + Akt ; kt = Pt (ykt where ckt is the household’s consumption. Combining the last two equations, we obtain the following dynamics for the nominal face value of net wealth, dAkt =

Akt + Pt (ykt Qt

ckt )

Akt dt:


We de…ne the real face value of net wealth as akt Akt =Pt . Its dynamics are obtained by applying Itô’s lemma to equations (2) and (3), dakt = where

akt +ykt ckt Qt

= Anew kt =Pt

akt + ykt Qt


( +

t ) akt



anew is the real face value of new bonds acquired at kt


Ever since Woodford (2001), bonds with exponentially decaying coupons have become common as a tractable way of modelling long-term debt in macroeconomic analyses. For a recent example, see e.g. Auclert (2016).


t. We assume that each household faces the following exogenous borrowing limit, akt where 2.1.2



0. Preferences

Household have preferences over paths for consumption ckt and domestic in‡ation discounted at rate > 0, E0





[u(ckt )


x ( t )] dt :


The consumption utility function u is bounded and continuous, with u0 > 0; u00 < 0 for c > 0. The in‡ation disutility function x satis…es x0 > 0 for > 0; x0 < 0 for < 0; x00 > 0 for all , and x (0) = x0 (0) = 0.19 From now onwards we drop subscripts k for ease of exposition. The household chooses consumption at each point in time in order to maximize its welfare. The value function of the household at time t can be expressed as vt (a; y) =


fcs gs2[t;1)





(s t)

[u(cs )

x ( s )] ds ;


subject to the law of motion of net wealth (4) and the borrowing limit (5). We use the shorthand notation vit (a) v(a; yi ) for the value function when household income is low (i = 1) and high (i = 2): The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation corresponding to the problem above is vit (a) =

@vit + max u(c) c @t

x ( t ) + sit (a; c)

@vit @a



[vjt (a)

vit (a)] ;


for i; j = 1; 2; and j 6= i; where sit (a; c) is the drift function, given by sit (a; c)

a + yi Qt



( +

t ) a;


This speci…cation of disutility costs of in‡ation nests the case of quadratic costly price adjustments à la Rotemberg (1982). See Section 4.1 for further discussion.


i = 1; 2. The …rst order condition for consumption is u0 (cit (a)) =

1 @vit (a) ; Qt @a


where cit (a) c(a; yi ). Therefore, household consumption increases with nominal bond prices and falls with the slope of the value function. Intuitively, a higher bond price (equivalently, a lower yield) gives the household an incentive to save less and consume more. A steeper value function, on the contrary, makes it more attractive to save so as to increase net bond holdings. We close this section by establishing the following result. Lemma 1 The household value function vit (a) is strictly concave. The proofs of all lemmas and propositions can be found in Appendix A. Lemma 1, together with equation (8), imply that @u0 =@a < 0, i.e. marginal consumption utility falls with net wealth.


Foreign investors

Households trade bonds with competitive risk-neutral foreign investors that can invest elsewhere at the risk-free real rate r. As explained before, bonds are amortized at rate . Foreign investors also discount future nominal payo¤s with the accumulated domestic in‡ation (i.e. exchange rate depreciation) between the time of the bond purchase and the time such payo¤s accrue. Therefore, the nominal price of the bond at time t is given by Z R 1

Qt =


(r+ )(s t)

s t

u du




Taking the derivative with respect to time, we obtain Qt (r + +


= + Q_ t ;


where Q_ t

dQt =dt: The partial di¤erential equation (10) provides the risk-neutral RT (r+ )T du 0 u QT = pricing of the nominal bond. The boundary condition is limT !1 e 0. The steady state bond price is Q1 = r+ + 1 , where 1 is the in‡ation level in the steady state.20 20

Given the nominal bond price Qt , the bond yield rt implicit in that price is de…ned as the discount rate for which the discounted future promised cash ‡ows equal the bond price. The discounted future



Central Bank

There is a central bank that chooses monetary policy. We assume that there are no monetary frictions so that the only role of money is that of a unit of account. The monetary authority chooses the in‡ation rate t . This could be done, for example, by setting the nominal interest rate on a lending (or deposit) short-term nominal facility with foreign investors. In Section 3, we will study in detail the optimal in‡ationary policy of the central bank.


Competitive equilibrium

The state of the economy at time t is the joint density of net wealth and income, ft (a; y) fft (a; yi )g2i=1 ffit (a)g2i=1 . Let sit (a; cit (a)) sit (a) be the drift of individual real net wealth evaluated at the optimal consumption policy. The dynamics of the net wealth-income density are given by the Kolmogorov Forward (KF) equation, @fit (a) = @t

@ [sit (a) fit (a)] @a

i fit (a)


j fjt (a);


a 2 [ ; 1); i; j = 1; 2; j 6= i: The density satis…es the normalization 2 Z X


fit (a) da = 1:



We de…ne a competitive equilibrium in this economy. De…nition 1 (Competitive equilibrium) Given a sequence of in‡ation rates t and an initial net wealth-income density f0 (a; y), a competitive equilibrium is composed of a household value function vt (a; y), a consumption policy ct (a; y); a bond price function Qt and a density ft (a; y) such that: 1. Given ; the price of bonds in (10) is Q. 2. Given Q and , v is the solution of the households’ problem (6) and c is the optimal consumption policy: 3. Given Q; ; and c, f is the solution of the KF equation (11). promised payments are

R1 0


(rt + )s

ds = = (rt + ). Therefore, the bond yield is rt = =Qt



Notice that, given ; the problem of foreign investors can be solved independently of that of the household, which in turn only depends on and Q but not on the aggregate distribution. We henceforth use the notation Eft (a;y) [gt (a; y)]

2 Z X


gt (a; yi ) ft (a; yi ) da


to denote the cross-household average at time t of any function gt of individual net wealth and income levels, or equivalently the aggregate value of such a function (given that the household population is normalized to 1). We can de…ne some aggregate variables of interest. The aggregate real face value of net wealth in the economy is at Eft (a;y) [a]. Aggregate consumption is ct Eft (a;y) [ct (a; y)], and aggregate income is yt Eft (a;y) [y]. These quantities are linked by the current account identity,21 at + y t dat = dt Qt


( +

t ) at

anew t

( +

t ) at ;


For future reference, we may also de…ne the real face value of gross household debt, P2 R 0 ( a) fit (a) da. bt i=1 We make the following assumption. Assumption 1 The value of parameters is such that in equilibrium the economy is always a net debtor against the rest of the World: at 0 for all t: This condition is imposed for tractability. We have restricted domestic households to save only in bonds issued by other domestic households, and this would not be possible if the country was a net creditor vis-à-vis the rest of the World. In addition to this, we have assumed that the bonds issued by the households are priced by foreign investors, which requires that there should be a positive net supply of bonds to the rest of the World to be priced. In any case, this assumption is consistent with the experience of the small open economies that we target for calibration purposes, as we explain in Section 4. 21

The derivation of equation (13) is available upon request.



Optimal monetary policy

We now turn to the design of the optimal monetary policy. Following standard practice, we assume that the central bank is utilitarian, i.e. it gives the same Pareto weight to each household. In order to illustrate the role of commitment vs. discretion in our framework, we will consider both the case in which the central bank can credibly commit to a future in‡ation path (the Ramsey problem), and the time-consistent case in which the central bank decides optimal current in‡ation given the current state of the economy (the Markov Stackelberg equilibrium). Before starting the formal analysis, it is worthwhile to emphasize the two key transmission channels of in‡ation in our model. First, as shown in equation (7), current in‡ation t erodes the real face value of households’net bond holdings through a classic Fisherian e¤ect, which bene…ts currently indebted households (those with a < 0 at time t) and vice versa for currently lending ones (a > 0). Second, from the bond pricing condition (9), future in‡ation f s gs2(t;1) lowers the nominal price of the long-term bond Qt . This, from equation (7), allows households with a positive saving ‡ow ( a + yi ct (a; yi ) > 0) to purchase more new bonds, and forces bondissuing households (those with a + yi ct (a; yi ) < 0) to do so at lower prices and thus increase their indebtedness. Crucially, a central bank that is able to credibly commit to a future in‡ation path will take both e¤ects into account. By contrast, a discretionary central bank will only consider the Fisherian e¤ect.


Central bank preferences

The central bank is assumed to be benevolent and hence maximizes economy-wide aggregate welfare, de…ned as W0


Ef0 (a;y) [v0 (a; y)] :

It will turn out to be useful to express the above welfare criterion as follows. Lemma 2 The welfare criterion (14) can alternatively be expressed as W0 =





Eft (a;y) [u (ct (a; y))



x ( t )] dt:



Consider …rst the case in which the central bank credibly commits at time zero to an in‡ation path f t gt2[0;1) . The optimal in‡ation path is then a function of the R initial distribution f0 (a; y) and of time: t [f0 ( ) ; t] : The value functional of the central bank is given by R

W [f0 ( )] =


t ;Qt ;vt (


);ct ( );ft ( )gt2[0;1)





Eft (a;y) [u (ct (a; y))

x ( t )] dt;



subject to the law of motion of the distribution (11), the bond pricing equation (10), and households’HJB equation (6) and optimal consumption choice (8). Notice that the optimal value W R and the optimal policy R are not ordinary functions, but functionals, as they map the in…nite-dimensional initial distribution f0 ( ) into R. The central bank maximizes welfare taking into account not only the state dynamics (11), but also the households’HJB equation (6) and the investors’bond pricing condition (10), both of which are forward-looking. That is, the central bank understands how it can steer households’and foreign investors’expectations by committing to an in‡ation path. De…nition 2 (Ramsey problem) Given an initial distribution f0 ; a Ramsey problem is composed of a sequence of in‡ation rates t ; a household value function vt (a; y), a consumption policy ct (a; y); a bond price function Qt and a distribution ft (a; y) such that they solve the central bank problem (15). If v; f; c and Q are a solution to the problem (15), given , they constitute a competitive equilibrium, as they satisfy equations (11), (10), (6) and (8). Therefore the Ramsey problem could be rede…ned as that of …nding the such that v; f; c and Q are a competitive equilibrium and the central bank’s welfare criterion is maximized. The above Ramsey problem is an optimal control problem in a suitable function space. In order to solve this problem, we construct a Lagrangian in such a space. In


Appendix A, we show that the Lagrangian L [ ; Q; f; v; c] L0






2 Z X i=1


f [u (cit (a))

L0 is given by

x ( t )] fit (a)

@fit (a) @ [sit (a) fit (a)] i fit (a) + j fj;t (a) @t @a @vit @vit + it (a) + u(cit (a)) x ( t ) + sit (a) + i [vjt (a) vit (a)] @t @a 1 @vit + it (a) u0 (cit (a)) gdadt Qt @a Z 1 h i + e t t Qt (r + t + ) Q_ t dt;




vit (a)


where j = 1; 2; j 6= i. We then obtain …rst-order conditions with respect to the functions ; Q; f; v; c by taking Gateaux derivatives, which extend the concept of derivative from Rn to in…nite-dimensional spaces.22 As an example, the Gateaux derivative with respect to the density ft (a; y) is lim


L [f + h; ]

L [f; ]


d L [f + h; ] d

; =0

where ht (a; y) is an arbitrary function in the same function space as ft (a; y). The …rst-order conditions require that the Gateaux derivatives should be zero for any function ht (a; y). In the appendix we show that in equilibrium the Lagrange multiplier it (a) associated with the KF equation (11), which represents the social value of an individual household, coincides with the private value vit (a).23 In addition, the Lagrange multipliers it (a) and it (a) associated with the households’HJB equation (6) and …rst-order condition (8), respectively, are both zero. That is, households’ forwardlooking optimizing behavior does not represent a source of time-inconsistency, as the monetary authority would choose at all times the same individual consumption and saving policies as the households themselves. Therefore, the only nontrivial Lagrange 22

The general de…nition of Gateaux derivative is shown in Appendix A. One of the advantages of our small-open-economy formulation is that the social value of a household coincides with its private value. In the closed-economy version of the model this would not be the case, making the computations more complex, but still tractable. 23


multiplier is t , the one associated with the bond pricing equation (10).24 The following proposition characterizes the solution to this problem. Proposition 1 (Optimal in‡ation - Ramsey) In addition to equations (11), (10), (6) and (8), if a solution to the Ramsey problem (15) exists, the in‡ation path t must satisfy x0 ( t ) = Eft (a;y) [Qt ( a) u0 (ct (a; y))] + t Qt ; (16) where


is a costate with law of motion d t =( dt

and initial condition






Eft (a;y) [ anew (a; y) u0 (ct (a; y))] ; t

(a; y) = 0, where anew t


a+y ct (a;y) . Qt

Equation (16) determines optimal in‡ation under commitment. According to this equation, marginal in‡ation disutility x0 (which is increasing in in‡ation) equals the sum of two terms. The …rst term, Eft ( ) fQt ( a) u0 (ct ( ))g, is the average across households of the real market value of net liabilities, Qt ( a), weighted by each household’s marginal utility of consumption, u0 . It captures the marginal e¤ect of in‡ation on social welfare through its impact on the real value of net nominal positions. For indebted households (a < 0), the latter e¤ect is positive as in‡ation erodes the real value of their debt burden, whereas the opposite is true for lending ones (a > 0). Crucially for our purposes, this term re‡ects the central bank’s incentive to in‡ate for redistributive purposes, which in our model is double. On the one hand, under Assumption 1 the country is always a net debtor (Eft ( ) ( a) 0), giving the central bank a motive to redistribute wealth from foreign investors to domestic borrowers (cross-border redistribution). On other hand, and perhaps more interestingly, the concavity of preferences implies that indebted households have a higher marginal utility of consumption u0 than lending ones. Thus, even if the country has a zero net position vis-à-vis the rest of the World, as long as there is dispersion in net wealth the central bank has a reason to redistribute from indebted to lending households (domestic redistribution). 24

Importantly, these techniques are not restricted to continuous-time problems. In fact, the equivalent discrete-time model can also be solved using the same techniques at the cost of somewhat less elegant expressions. Appendix E shows how our methodology can be used to solve for the optimal policy under commitment in the discrete-time version of our model.


The second term on the right-hand side of equation (16) captures the value to the central bank of promises about time-t in‡ation made to foreign investors at time 0. The costate t is zero at the time of announcing the Ramsey plan (t = 0), because the central bank is not bound by previous commitments. From then on, it evolves according to equation (17). In the latter equation, the term Eft ( ) f anew ( ) u0 (ct ( ))g t is the cross-household average of the real face value of new bond issuances –with ( ) denoting purchases of new bonds–, weighted again by the marginal utility of anew t consumption. Intuitively, the central bank understands that a commitment to higher in‡ation in the future lowers bond prices today, which reduces welfare for those households that need to sell new bonds (anew < 0) and vice versa for those that purchase t new bonds (anew > 0). If the former households have a higher marginal utility u0 than t the latter ones, then t should become more and more negative over time.25 From equation (16), this would give the central bank an incentive to lower in‡ation over time, thus tempering the redistributive motive to in‡ate discussed above.26 We now establish an important result regarding the long-run level of optimal in‡ation under commitment. Proposition 2 (Optimal long-run in‡ation under commitment) In the limit as ! r, the optimal steady-state in‡ation rate under commitment tends to zero: lim 1 = 0. !r

That is, provided households’discount factor (and hence that of the benevolent central bank) is arbitrarily close to that of foreign investors, then optimal long-run in‡ation under commitment will be arbitrarily close to zero. The intuition is the following. As explained before, at each point in time the optimal in‡ation under commitment re‡ects the tension between two forces: current in‡ation helps currently indebted households, but past expectations of such in‡ation hurts past issuers of the long-term bond by lowering the price at which they do so. In the long run, both forces cancel each other out at zero in‡ation for the case of arbitrarily close to r. 25

Indeed this will be the case in our numerical analysis. Notice that the Ramsey problem is not time-consistent, due precisely to the presence of the (forward-looking) bond pricing condition in that problem. If at some future point in time t > 0 the central bank decided to reoptimize given the state at that point, ft ( ), the new path for optimal in‡ation would not need to coincide with the original path, as the costate at that point would be t = 0 (corresponding to a new commitment formulated at time t), whereas under the original commitment it is t 6= 0. 26


Proposition 2 is reminiscent of a well-known result from the New Keynesian literature, namely that optimal long-run in‡ation in the standard New Keynesian framework is exactly zero (see e.g. Benigno and Woodford, 2005). In that framework, the optimality of zero long-run in‡ation arises from the fact that, at that level, the welfare gains from trying to exploit the short-run output-in‡ation trade-o¤ (i.e. raising output towards its socially e¢ cient level) exactly cancel out with the welfare losses from permanently worsening that trade-o¤ (through higher in‡ation expectations). Key to that result is the fact that, in that model, price-setters and the (benevolent) central bank have the same (steady-state) discount factor. Here, the optimality of zero long-run in‡ation re‡ects instead the fact that, provided the discount rate of the investors pricing the bonds is arbitrarily close to that of the central bank, the aggregate welfare gains from trying to redistribute wealth from creditors to debtors becomes arbitrarily close to the aggregate welfare losses from lowering the price of new bond issuances. Assumption 1 restricts us to have > r, as otherwise households would we able to accumulate enough wealth so that the country would stop being a net debtor to the rest of the World. However, Proposition 2 provides a useful benchmark to understand the long-run properties of optimal policy in our model when is close to r. This will indeed be the case in our numerical analysis.



Assume now that the central bank cannot commit to any future policy. The in‡ation rate at each point in time then depends only on the value at that point in time of the aggregate state variable, the net wealth-income distribution ft (a; y); that is, M [ft ( )] : This is a Markov (or feedback) Stackelberg equilibrium in a space of t distributions.27 As explained by Basar and Olsder (1999, pp. 413-417), a continuoustime feedback Stackelberg solution can be de…ned as the limit as t ! 0 of a sequence of problems in which the central bank chooses policy in each interval (t; t + t] but not across intervals.28 Formally, the value functional of the central bank at time t is 27

Finite-dimensional Markov Stackelberg equilibria have been analyzed in the dynamic game theory literature, both in continuous and discrete time. See e.g. Basar and Olsder (1999) and references therein. In macroeconomics, an example of Markov Stackelberg equilibrium is Klein, Krusell, and Ríos-Rull (2008) 28 In particular, for any arbitrary T > 0; we divide the interval [0; T ] in subintervals of the form [0; t] [ ( t; 2 t] [ :::((N 1) t; N t]; where N T = t:


given by W M [ft ( )] = lim W Mt [ft ( )] ; t!0

where W Mt

[ft ( )] =


s ;Qs ;vs (




);cs ( );fs ( )gs2(t;t+

W Mt [ft+


( )] ;



t+ t


(s t)

Efs (a;y) [u (cs (a; y))

x ( s )] ds



subject to the law of motion of the distribution (11), the bond pricing equation (10), and household’s HJB equation (6) and optimal consumption choice (8). Notice, as in the case with commitment, that the optimal value W M and the optimal policy M are not ordinary functions, but functionals, as they map the in…nite-dimensional state variable ft (a; y) into R. De…nition 3 (Markov Stackelberg equilibrium) Given an initial distribution f0 ; a Markov Stackelberg equilibrium is composed of a sequence of in‡ation rates t ; a household value function vt (a; y), a consumption policy ct (a; y); a bond price function Qt and a distribution ft (a; y) such that they solve the central bank problem (18). The following proposition characterizes the solution to the central bank’s problem under discretion. Proposition 3 (Optimal in‡ation - Markov Stackelberg) In addition to equations (11), (10), (6) and (8), if a solution to the Markov Stackelberg problem (18) exists, the in‡ation rate function t must satisfy x0 ( t ) = Eft (a;y) [Qt ( a) u0 (ct (a; y))] :


Our approach is to solve the problem in (18) following a similar approach as in the Ramsey problem above but taking into account how the policies in the current time interval a¤ect the continuation value in the next time interval, as represented by the value functional W Mt [ft+ t ( )] at time t + t: Then we take the limit as t ! 0. In contrast to the case with commitment, in the Markov Stackelberg equilibrium no promises can be made at any point in time, hence the value of the costate (the term t in equation 16) is zero at all times. Therefore, in equation (19) there is only a static trade-o¤ between the aggregate welfare cost of in‡ation and the aggregate 21

welfare gain from redistributing wealth. Thus, under discretion in‡ation is driven exclusively by the redistributive motive to in‡ate, as captured by the right-hand side of equation (19). In fact, it is possible to establish the existence of an in‡ationary bias under discretionary optimal monetary policy. Proposition 4 (Redistributive in‡ationary bias under discretion) Optimal in‡ation under discretion is positive at all times: t > 0 for all t 0: The formal proof can be found in Appendix A, although the result follows quite directly from equation (19). Notice …rst that, from Assumption 1, the country as a whole is a net debtor: Eft (a;y) ( a) = at 0. Moreover, the strict concavity of preferences implies that indebted households (a < 0) have a higher marginal consumption utility u0 than lending ones (a > 0) and hence e¤ectively receive more weight in the in‡ation decision. Taking both things together, we have that the right-hand side of equation (19) is strictly positive at all times. Since x0 ( ) > 0 only for > 0, it follows that in‡ation must be positive. Notice that, even if the economy as a whole is neither a creditor or a debtor (at = 0), the fact that u0 is strictly decreasing in net wealth implies that, as long as there is wealth dispersion, the central bank will have a reason to in‡ate. To the best of our knowledge, this redistributive in‡ationary bias is a novel result in the context of incomplete markets models with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk. It is also di¤erent from the classical in‡ationary bias of discretionary monetary policy originally emphasized by Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro and Gordon (1983). In those papers, the source of the in‡ation bias is a persistent attempt by the monetary authority to raise output above its natural level. Here, by contrast, it arises from the welfare gains that can be achieved for the country as a whole by redistributing wealth towards indebted households. Importantly, while the model analyzed here is deliberately simple with a view to illustrating our methodology, this redistributive motive to in‡ate would carry over to more fully ‡edged models with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk that feature a Fisherian channel.


Numerical analysis

In the previous section we have characterized the optimal monetary policy in our model. In this section we solve numerically for the dynamic equilibrium under optimal 22

policy, using numerical methods to solve continuous-time models with heterogeneous agents, as in Achdou et al. (2017) or Nuño and Moll (2017). The use of continuous time improves the e¢ ciency of the numerical solution.29 This computational speed is essential as the computation of the optimal policies requires several iterations along the complete time-path of the distribution.30 Before analyzing the dynamic path of this economy under the optimal policy, we …rst analyze the steady state towards which such path converges asymptotically. The numerical algorithms that we use are described in Appendices B (steady-state) and C (transitional dynamics).



The calibration is intended to be mainly illustrative, given the model’s simplicity and parsimoniousness. We calibrate the model to replicate some relevant features of a prototypical European small open economy.31 Let the time unit be one year. For the calibration, we consider that the economy rests at the steady state implied by a zero in‡ation policy.32 When integrating across households, we therefore use the stationary wealth distribution associated to such steady state.33 We assume the following speci…cation for preferences, u (c)

x ( ) = log (c)






First, the HJB equation is a deterministic partial di¤erential equation which can be solved using e¢ cient …nite-di¤erence methods. Second, the dynamics of the distribution can be computed relatively quickly as they amount to calculating a matrix adjoint: the operator describing the law of motion of the distribution is the adjoint of the operator employed in the dynamic programming equation and hence the solution of the latter makes straightforward the computation of the former. 30 In a home PC, the Ramsey problem presented here can be solved in less than …ve minutes. 31 We will focus for illustration on the UK, Sweden, and the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). We choose these countries because they (separately) feature desirable properties for the purpose at hand. On the one hand, UK and Sweden are two prominent examples of relatively small open economies that retain an independent monetary policy, like the economy in our framework. This is unlike the Baltic states, who recently joined the euro. However, historically the latter states have been relatively large debtors against the rest of the World, which make them square better with our theoretical restriction that the economy remains a net debtor at all times (UK and Sweden have also remained net debtors in basically each quarter for the last 20 years, but on average their net balance has been much closer to zero). 32 This squares reasonably well with the experience of our target economies, which have displayed low and stable in‡ation for most of the recent past. 33 The wealth dimension is discretized by using 1000 equally-spaced grid points from a = to a = 10. The upper bound is needed only for operational purposes but is fully innocuous, because the stationary distribution places essentially zero mass for wealth levels above a = 8.


As discussed in Appendix D, our quadratic speci…cation for the in‡ation utility cost, 2 , can be micro-founded by modelling …rms explicitly and allowing them to set 2 prices subject to standard quadratic price adjustment costs à la Rotemberg (1982). We set the scale parameter such that the slope of the in‡ation equation in a Rotemberg pricing setup replicates that in a Calvo pricing setup for reasonable calibrations of price adjustment frequencies and demand curve elasticities.34 We jointly set households’ discount rate and borrowing limit such that the steady-state net international investment position (NIIP) over GDP (a=y) and gross household debt to GDP (b=y) replicate those in our target economies.35 We target an average bond duration of 4.5 years, as in Auclert (2016). In our model, the Macaulay bond duration equals 1= ( + r). We set the world real interest rate r to 3 percent. Our duration target then implies an amortization rate of = 0:19. The idiosyncratic income process parameters are calibrated as follows. We follow Huggett (1993) in interpreting states 1 and 2 as ’unemployment’and ’employment’, respectively. The transition rates between unemployment and employment ( 1 ; 2 ) are chosen such that (i) the unemployment rate 2 = ( 1 + 2 ) is 10 percent and (ii) the job …nding rate is 0:1 at monthly frequency or 1 = 0:72 at annual frequency.36 These numbers describe the ‘European’ labor market calibration in Blanchard and Galí (2010). We normalize average income y = 1 +2 2 y1 + 1 +1 2 y2 to 1. We also set y1 equal to 71 percent of y2 , as in Hall and Milgrom (2008). Both targets allow us to solve for y1 and y2 . Table 1 summarizes our baseline calibration. 34

The slope of the continuous-time New Keynesian Phillips curve in the Calvo model can be shown to be given by ( + ), where is the price adjustment rate (the proof is available upon request). As shown in Appendix D, in the Rotemberg model the slope is given by " 1 , where " is the elasticity of …rms’demand curves and is the scale parameter in the quadratic price adjustment cost function in that model. It follows that, for the slope to be the same in both models, we need = (" +1 ) :Setting " to 11 (such that the gross markup "= (" 1) equals 1.10) and to 4=3 (such that price last on average for 3 quarters), and given our calibration for , we obtain = 5:5. 35 According to Eurostat, the NIIP/GDP ratio averaged minus 48.6% across the Baltic states in 2016:Q1, and only minus 3.8% across UK-Sweden. We thus target a NIIP/GDP ratio of minus 25%, which is about the midpoint of both values. Regarding gross household debt, we use BIS data on ’total credit to households’, which averaged 85.9% of GDP across Sweden-UK in 2015:Q4 (data for the Baltic countries are not available). We thus target a 90% household debt to GDP ratio. 36 Analogously to Blanchard and Galí (2010; see their footnote 20), we compute the equivalent P12 m i 1 m m annual rate 1 as 1 = i=1 (1 1 ) 1 ;where 1 is the monthly job …nding rate.


Table 1. Baseline calibration Parameter



0.03 5.5 0.19 0.72 0.08 0.73 1.03

1 2

y1 y2

0.0302 -3.6




world real interest rate


scale in‡ation disutility

slope NKPC in Calvo model

bond amortization rate

Macaulay duration = 4.5 yrs

transition rate unemp-to-employment

monthly job …nding rate 0.1

transition rate employment-to-unemployment

unemployment rate 10%

income in unemployment state

Hall & Milgrom (2008)

income in employment state

E ( (y) = 1

subjective discount rate

NIIP -25% of GDP

HH debt/GDP 90%

borrowing limit

Steady state under optimal policy

We start our numerical analysis of optimal policy by computing the steady state equilibrium to which each monetary regime (commitment and discretion) converges. Table 2 displays a number of steady-state objects. Under commitment, the optimal long-run in‡ation is close to zero (-0.05 percent), consistently with Proposition 2 and the fact and r are very close to each other in our calibration.37 As a result, long-run gross household debt and net total assets (as % of GDP) are very similar to those under zero in‡ation. Table 2. Steady-state values under optimal policy units In‡ation, Bond yield, r Net assets, a Gross assets (creditors) Gross debt (debtors), b Current acc. de…cit, c y

% % % GDP % GDP % GDP % GDP

Commitment Discretion 0:05 2:95 24:1 65:6 89:8 0:63

1:68 4:68 0:6 80:0 80:6 0:01

Under discretion, by contrast, long run in‡ation is 1.68 percent, which re‡ects the in‡ationary bias discussed in the previous section. The presence of an in‡ationary 37

As explained in section 3, in our baseline calibration we have r = 0:03 and


= 0:0302.

bias makes bond yields higher through the Fisher equation: r1 = Q1 = r + 1, where we have used Q1 = +r+ 1 . The economy’s aggregate net liabilities fall substantially relative to the commitment case (0:6% vs 24:1%), mostly re‡ecting larger asset accumulation by lending households.38


Optimal transitional dynamics

As explained in Section 3, the optimal policy paths depend on the initial (time0) distribution of net wealth and income across households, f0 (a; y), which is an (in…nite-dimensional) primitive in our model. In the interest of isolating the e¤ect of the policy regime (commitment vs discretion) on the equilibrium allocations, we choose a common initial distribution in both cases. For the purpose of illustration, we consider the stationary distribution under zero in‡ation as the initial distribution.39 Later we will analyze the robustness of our results to a wide range of alternative initial distributions. Consider …rst the case under commitment (Ramsey policy). The optimal paths are shown by the green solid lines in Figure 1.40 Under our assumed functional form for in‡ation disutility in (20), it follows from equation (16) and the fact that 0 = 0 = 0 (no pre-commitments at time zero) that initial optimal in‡ation is 1 0 Ef0 ( ) Q0 ( a) u (c0 ( )). Therefore, the time-0 in‡ation rate, of about 4:6 percent, re‡ects exclusively the redistributive motive discussed in Section 3. From time zero onwards, Ramsey in‡ation follows t



Eft (a;y) [Q0 ( a) u0 (ct (a; y))] +


t Qt ;


where the costate t follows in turn equation (17). As shown in the …gure, in‡ation gradually declines towards its (near) zero long-run level. Panels (b) and (c) show why: while the redistributive motive to in‡ate (the …rst right-hand-side term in equation 21) 38

It is important to remark that the optimal steady-state in‡ation both under commitment and discretion di¤ers from the in‡ation rate that maximizes steady-state welfare (subject to the constraint that at 0 holds at all times), equal to 1:8% in our case. This is analogous to the distinction between the steady-state and the “Golden Rule”consumption level in the neoclassical growth model. ajy 39 We thus assume f0 (a; yi ) = f =0 (a j yi ) f y (yi ) ; i = 1; 2, where f y (yi ) = j6=i = ( 1 + 2 ) ; i; j = ajy 1; 2, and f =0 is the stationary conditional density of net wealth under zero in‡ation. Notice that aggregate income is constant at yt = 1 +2 2 y1 + 1 +1 2 y2 = 1, given our calibration of fyi gi=1;2 . 40 We have simulated 800 years of data at monthly frequency.


remains roughly stable, the costate t becomes more and more negative over time.41 The reason for the latter e¤ect is the following. As explained in Section 3, the costate captures the central bank’s understanding of the fact that a commitment to lower future in‡ation raises bond prices today, which redistributes resources towards those households that issue new bonds. The upper-left panel in Figure 3 below shows that the latter households (i.e. those with anew (a; y) < 0) have lower net wealth and hence t (a; y) > higher marginal consumption utility than bond-purchasing households (anew t 42 new 0). Therefore, households with at ( ) < 0 receive more weight in equation (17). This, together with the fact that the country is a net issuer of new bonds at all times (Eft ( ) ( anew ( )) > 0), implies that the costate becomes negative immediately after t time zero, and more so as time goes by. In summary, under the optimal commitment the central bank front-loads in‡ation in order to redistribute net wealth towards indebted households, but commits to gradually reducing in‡ation in order to prevent those same households from selling new bonds at excessively low prices. Under discretion (dashed blue lines in Figure 1), time-zero in‡ation is 4:3 percent, close to the value under commitment.43 In contrast to the commitment case, however, from time zero onwards optimal discretionary in‡ation remains relatively high, declining very slowly to its asymptotic value of 1:7 percent. This re‡ects the in‡ationary bias for redistributive purposes explained in Section 3. This in‡ationary bias produces permanently lower nominal bond prices (due to higher in‡ation premia) than under commitment. Finally, panel (g) shows that both in‡ationary policies succeed at reducing the country’s net liabilities with the rest of the World –equivalently, at increasing (the real face value of) its net wealth, which evolves according to equation (13), with yt = 1. Even though the fall in bond prices forces the country as a whole to issue more new bonds and thus raise its external debt burden (panel e), this is dominated by the 41

Panels (b) and (c) in Figure 1 display the two terms on the right-hand side of (21), i.e. the u0 (c)weighted average net liabilities and (t) Q (t) both rescaled by the in‡ation disutility parameter . Therefore, the sum of both terms equals optimal in‡ation under commitment. 42 Figure 3 displays policy functions for high-income (employed) households, which account for 90% of the population in our calibration. Figure 7 in Appendix H shows the analogous objects for low-income households. Notice that essentially all indebted households (a < 0) are also issuers of new bonds (anew (a; y) < 0). Conversely, most bond-issuing households are also indebted, the only t exception being low-income households with a 2 [0; 1:5]. 43 Since 0 = 0, and given a common initial wealth distribution, time-0 in‡ation under commitment and discretion di¤er only insofar as time-0 consumption policy functions in both regimes do. Numerically, the latter functions are similar enough that 0 is very similar in both regimes.


(a) In.ation, :

(b) u' -weighted net debt

(c) Costate, 7
















7t Qt 7t










(d) Nominal bond price, Q (e) New bonds, a 7new 85








-5 -5.5

70 10




5 4.5

-6 0


(f) !(/ + :)7 a




4 0









(g) Net assets, a 7

(h) Consumption, c7





Commitment -20 -22



:=0 -24

99 0










Figure 1: Aggregate dynamics under optimal monetary policy


erosion of such debt burden thanks to in‡ation (panel f).44 This aggregate behavior however masks di¤erences between both policy regimes in terms of redistributive e¤ects, to which we turn next.


Redistributive e¤ects of optimal in‡ation

We have seen that heterogenous net holdings of nominal assets across households, together with the concavity of preferences, gives the central bank a reason to in‡ate for redistributive purposes. In other words, the net wealth distribution is a key input of optimal in‡ation dynamics, both under discretion and commitment. Conversely, in‡ation plays a role in the evolution of the endogenous net wealth distribution over time. This section investigates the e¤ects of monetary policy on the wealth distribution. We also analyze the redistributive e¤ects on consumption, which is a key determinant of household welfare. Wealth redistribution. Figure 2 displays the evolution over time of the marginal P2 density of the real face value of net wealth fta (a) i=1 fit (a) under both policy regimes. Panels (a) and (b) display the distribution itself in both cases. In order to make such evolution more visible, panels (c) and (d) show the same densities net of the initial one, f0a (a), which as explained before is common and assumed to equal the steady-state distribution implied by a zero in‡ation policy. Thus, panels (c) and (d) illustrate the redistributive e¤ects of both in‡ationary regimes relative to the zero in‡ation policy. Let us start with the commitment case (panel c). The transitory in‡ation in that regime succeeds at redistributing wealth towards indebted households (those with a < 0) and away from lending ones (a > 0). This can be seen in the relatively fast decline in the mass of households with negative net wealth, as well as in the more gradual decline in the mass of relatively rich households. This is mirrored by the increase over time in the mass of households with intermediate wealth levels. Under discretion (panel d), by contrast, the extent of the domestic wealth redistribution is more modest. The reason is that bond prices fall considerably more than under commitment, re‡ecting expectations of higher in‡ation in the future. This un44

During the …rst 3-4 years, the increase in net wealth is somewhat faster under commitment, because in those years in‡ation is quite similar to that under discretion but the initial fall in bond prices is much smaller –which in turn re‡ects the fact that foreign investors anticipate the short-lived nature of in‡ation under commitment and hence require a relatively small in‡ation premium.


Figure 2: Dynamics of the net wealth distribution


does much of the redistributive e¤ect from current in‡ation, because indebted households are also issuers of new bonds, and hence su¤er from low bond prices. While there is some decline in the mass of poorer households and a corresponding increase in that of households with intermediate wealth levels, this e¤ect is weaker than under commitment. As for rich households, they are barely a¤ected by discretionary in‡ation. To summarize, the optimal commitment is more successful than the discretionary policy at redistributing wealth (in face value terms) towards indebted households, by promising to in‡ate only transitorily and thus preventing such households from having to sell new bonds at very low prices. Consumption redistribution. One may also ask to what extent the utilitarian central bank succeeds at redistributing consumption and hence welfare across households. The center-right panel of Figure 3 shows how the consumption policy function at time 0, c0 (a; y), is a¤ected in each optimal in‡ationary regime vis-à-vis the zero in‡ation regime.45 Clearly, both discretionary and Ramsey in‡ation reduce consumption for lending households (a > 0) and increase it for indebted ones (a < 0). A key channel through which this consumption redistribution happens is the impact of future expected in‡ation on initial bond prices Q0 , and therefore on the initial real market value of household’s net wealth, Q0 a.46 Thus, higher future in‡ation reduces bond prices, which hurts lending households and favors indebted ones –in the latter case by reducing the real market value of their liabilities, Q0 ( a). The panels in the …rst two columns and last two rows in Figure 3 o¤er a dynamic perspective on consumption redistribution after time 0. Most of the action takes place under commitment (…rst column). On the one hand, the consumption policy tilts over time in detriment (favor) of indebted (lending) households, largely re‡ecting 45

Figure 3 shows policy functions for high-income (employed) households only (y = y2 ), who account for 90% of the population in our calibration. The corresponding policies for low-income (unemployed) households (y = y1 ) are displayed in Figure 7 in Appendix H. As shown there, the impact of in‡ationary policies on consumption redistribution is qualitatively similar to that for high-income households. 46 To illustrate this channel, in Appendix F we consider a simpli…ed version of our model with constant non…nancial income (y1 = y2 = y) and the natural borrowing limit replacing the exogenous one ( ). There it is shown that, under our assumed log preferences, the consumption policy function equals ct (a) = (Qt a + ht ), where ht is a measure of life-time income. With constant in‡ation (which approximates well the discretionary outcome in the full model) the latter function simpli…es to ct (a) = (Qa + y=r), with Q = = ( + r + ), such that in‡ation reduces consumption by lowering Q. In our full model, consumption cannot be solved in closed-form. However, bond prices remain a key determinant of household consumption by shifting ct (a; y) over time.




0 t=0 t = 10 t = 20

-0.5 -1

-1 -2
















Density, ft (a; y2 )

t=0 t = 10 t = 20




0.85 -2






















Commitment Discretion :=0

0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -2











1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85


0 -2



Consumption (t = 0)


Optimal vs. : = 0 (t = 0) New bonds (t = 0)

Discretion 1

Density (t = 0)

Consumption, ct (a; y2 ) New bonds, anew (a; y2 ) t

Commitment 1

0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0


Assets, a



Assets, a



Assets, a

Figure 3: Policy functions and net wealth densities across policies and over time (high-income households, y = y2 )


the gradual recovery in bond prices (see panel d in Figure 1). On the other hand, and as mentioned before, the Ramsey policy succeeds at moving some highly indebted households towards the range of intermediate net wealth levels, which favors their consumption over time. These two e¤ects tend to cancel each other out. As regards discretion, in this case neither the consumption policy nor the wealth density show much time variation. To sum up, the time-0 consumption e¤ects discussed in the previous paragraph tend to be the dominant force as far as consumption redistribution is concerned.


Welfare analysis

We now turn to the welfare analysis of alternative policy regimes. Aggregate welfare is de…ned as Z 1 Ef0 (a;y) [v0 (a; y)] = e t Eft (a;y) [u (ct (a; y)) x ( t )] dt W [c] ; 0

Table 3 displays the welfare losses of suboptimal policies vis-à-vis the Ramsey optimal equilibrium. We express welfare losses as a permanent consumption equivalent, i.e. the number (in %) that satis…es in each case W R cR = W [(1 + ) c], where R denotes the Ramsey equilibrium.47 The table also displays the welfare losses incurred respectively by lending and indebted households.48 The welfare losses from discretionary policy are of …rst order: 0.31% of permanent consumption. This welfare loss is su¤ered not only by lending households (0.23%), but also by indebted ones (0.08%). The reason is that, while discretionary in‡ation succeeds at redistributing consumption to the latter households (as shown in the previous subsection), this bene…cial e¤ect is dominated by the direct welfare costs of permanent in‡ation, which are born by all households alike. 47

Under our assumed separable preferences with log consumption utility, it is possible to show that = exp W R cR W [c] 1. 48 That is, we report a>0 and a<0 , where a>0 = exp W R;a>0 W M P E;a>0 1, a<0 a>0 de…ned analogously, and where for each policy regime we have de…ned W with R 1 P2 R 0 P2 a<0 a>0 and a>0 do not i=1 v0i (a) fit (a)da. Notice that i=1 v0i (a) fit (a)da, W 0 exactly add up to , as the expontential function is not a linear operator. However, is su¢ ciently a>0 small that + a>0 .


Table 3. Welfare losses relative to the optimal commitment Economy-wide Lending HHs Indebted HHs Discretion Zero in‡ation

0.31 0.05

0.23 -0.17

0.08 0.22

Note: welfare losses are expressed as a % of permanent consumption

We also compute the welfare losses from a policy of zero in‡ation, t = 0 for all t 0. As the table shows, the latter policy approximates the aggregate welfare outcome under commitment very closely, for two reasons. First, the welfare losses –relative to commitment– su¤ered by indebted households due to the lack of in‡ationary redistribution are largely compensated by the corresponding gains for lending households. Second, zero in‡ation avoids any direct welfare costs from in‡ation.



Appendix G contains a number of robustness exercises, including (i) the sensitivity of steady-state in‡ation under commitment to the gap between domestic households’and foreign investors’discount rates ( r), and (ii) the sensitivity of initial in‡ation 0 (which is very similar under commitment and discretion) to the initial wealth distribution. The results can be summarized as follows. First, Ramsey optimal steady-state in‡ation decreases approximately linearly with the gap r, because the central bank’s incentive to protect bond issuing households –by committing to lower future in‡ation and thus raising bond prices– becomes more and more dominant relative to its incentive to redistribute resources towards currently indebted households –by raising current in‡ation. Second, initial in‡ation increases with the dispersion of the initial net wealth distribution (while holding constant the initial net foreign asset position), re‡ecting a stronger redistributive motive. This exercises also reveals that both the domestic and cross-border redistributive motives are quantitatively important for explaining initial in‡ation, with contributions of about one third and two thirds, respectively.



Aggregate shocks

So far we have restricted our analysis to the transitional dynamics, given the economy’s initial state, while abstracting from aggregate shocks. We now extend our analysis to allow for aggregate disturbances. For the purpose of illustration, we consider a one-time, unanticipated increase of 1 percentage point in the World real interest rate, followed by a gradual return to its baseline value of r = 3%. After the shock the dynamics of the (time-varying) World real rate rt are given by drt =



rt ) dt;

with r = 0:5. Notice that, up to a …rst order approximation, this is equivalent to solving the model considering an aggregate stochastic process drt = r (r rt ) dt + dZt with = 0:01 and Zt being a Brownian motion. In fact the impulse responses reported in Figure 4 coincide up to a …rst order approximation with the ones obtained by considering aggregate ‡uctuations and solving the model by …rst-order perturbation around the deterministic steady state, as in the method of Ahn et al. (2017). The dashed red lines in Figure 4 display the responses to the shock under a strict zero in‡ation policy, t = 0 for all t. The shock raises nominal (and real) bond yields, which leads households to reduce their consumption on impact. The reduction in consumption induces an increase in assets holdings in the case of creditors and a reduction in debt (i.e. an increase in net assets) in the case of debtors. This allows consumption to slowly recover and to reach levels slightly above the steady state after roughly 5 years from the arrival of the shock. The solid lines in Figure 4 display the economy’s response under the optimal commitment policy. An issue that arises here is how long after ‘time zero’ (the implementation date of the Ramsey optimal commitment) the aggregate shock is assumed to take place. Since we do not want to take a stand on this dimension, we consider the limiting case in which the Ramsey optimal commitment has been going on for a su¢ ciently long time that the economy rests at its stationary equilibrium by the time the shock arrives. This can be viewed as an example of optimal policy ’from a timeless perspective’, in the sense of Woodford (2003). In practical terms, it requires solving the optimal commitment problem analyzed in Section 3.2 with two modi…cations (apart of course from the time variation in rt ): (i) the initial wealth distribution is the stationary distribution implied by the optimal commitment itself, 35

(a) Inter. real rate, r7

0.6 0.4 0.2



Dev. from ss (%)

Ramsey :=0



0.6 0.4 0.2 0


















(d) Net assets, a 7

(e) Assets (creditors)

(f) Assets (debtors)




Dev. from ss (%)

8 6 4 2 0





0 0


-1.5 0

Dev. from ss (%)


Dev. from ss (%)

(c) Consumption, c7

(b) In.ation, : 1

Dev. from ss (p.p.)

Dev. from ss (p.p.)










0 0












Figure 4: Responses to a World real interest rate shock under commitment (from a timeless perspective).


and (ii) the initial condition 0 = 0 (absence of precommitments) is replaced by 0 = 1 , where the latter object is the stationary value of the costate in the commitment case. Both modi…cations guarantee that the central bank behaves as if it had been following the time-0 optimal commitment for an arbitrarily long time. As shown by the …gure, under commitment in‡ation rises slightly on impact, as the central bank tries to partially counteract the negative e¤ect of the shock on household consumption. However, the in‡ation reaction is an order of magnitude smaller than that of the shock itself. Intuitively, the value of sticking to past commitments to keep in‡ation near zero weighs more in the central bank’s decision than the value of using in‡ation transitorily so as to stabilize consumption in response to an unforeseen event.



We have analyzed optimal monetary policy, under commitment and discretion, in a continuous-time, small-open-economy version of a standard incomplete-markets model extended to allow for nominal, long-term claims and costly in‡ation. Our analysis sheds light on a recent policy and academic debate on the consequences that wealth heterogeneity across households should have for the appropriate conduct of monetary policy. Our …rst main contribution is methodological: to the best of our knowledge, our paper is the …rst to solve for a fully dynamic optimal policy problem, both under commitment and discretion, in an incomplete-markets model with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk. While models of this kind have been established as a workhorse for policy analysis in macro models with heterogeneous agents, the fact that in such models the in…nite-dimensional, endogenously-evolving wealth distribution is a state in the policy-maker’s problem has made it di¢ cult to make progress in the analysis of fully optimal policy problems. Our analysis proposes a novel methodology, based on in…nite dimensional calculus, for dealing with problems of this kind. Our second main contribution relates to our normative results. Optimal discretionary monetary policy features a ’redistributive in‡ationary bias’. In particular, optimal discretionary in‡ation depends positively on the average net liabilities across households weighted by their marginal utility of consumption. Under incomplete markets and standard concave preferences, indebted households have a higher marginal 37

utility than lending ones, giving the central bank an incentive to use in‡ation on a permanent basis in order to redistribute wealth from the latter to the former. Under commitment, such redistributive motive to in‡ate exists as well, but it is counteracted over time by a ’de‡ationary force’that has too a redistributive motive. By promising lower and lower in‡ation in the future, the central bank increases the price of the long-term nominal bond (through lower in‡ation premia). This favors the households that issue new bonds, who also have a higher marginal utility than those that purchase new bonds. In the long run, and under certain parametric conditions, both e¤ects exactly cancel each other out and optimal in‡ation is zero. Numerically, the optimal commitment policy is found indeed to imply in‡ation ’front-loading’, with an initial in‡ation very similar to that under discretion, but a gradual undoing of such in‡ationary stance. While the model used here is deliberately simple –with a view to illustrating our methodology as transparently as possible–, the above normative insights are likely to carry over to more fully ‡edged macroeconomics models featuring uninsurable idiosyncratic risk and a Fisherian redistributive channel. More generally, extending the methods developed here for computing fully optimal monetary policy to New Keynesian frameworks with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk and household heterogeneity, of the type constructed e.g. by Auclert (2016), Kaplan et al. (2016), Gornemann et al. (2012) or McKay et al. (2016), is an important task that we leave for future research. Finally, we stress that our results should not be interpreted as suggesting that monetary policy is the best tool to address redistributive issues, as there are probably more direct policy instruments such as taxes or transfers. What our results indicate is that, in the context of economies with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk, the optimal design of monetary policy will typically re‡ect redistributive motives, the more so the less other policies (e.g. …scal policy) are able to achieve optimal redistributive outcomes.

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Online appendix (not for publication) A. Proofs Mathematical preliminaries First we need to introduce some mathematical concepts. An operator T is a mapping from one vector space to another. Given the stochastic process at in (4), de…ne an operator A, (t;a) + 1 [v2 (t; a) v1 (t; a)] s1 (t; a) @v1@a ; (22) Av (t;a) + 2 [v1 (t; a) v2 (t; a)] s2 (t; a) @v2@a so that the HJB equation (6) can be expressed as v=

@v + max fu (c) c @t

x ( ) + Avg ;

v1 (t;a) u(c1 ) x( ) 49 where v and u (c) x ( ) : v2 (t;a) u(c2 ) x( ) Let [ ; 1) be the valid domain. The space of Lebesgue-integrable functions 2 L ( ) with the inner product 2 Z X

hv; f i =

vi fi da =



v T f da; 8v; f 2 L2 ( ) ;


is a Hilbert space.50 Notice that we could have alternatively worked in = R as the density f (t; a; y) = 0 for a < : Given an operator A, its adjoint is an operator A such that hf; Avi = hA f; vi : In the case of the operator de…ned by (22) its adjoint is the operator Af

@(s1 f1 ) @a @(s2 f2 ) @a

1 f1


2 f2

2 f2


1 f1



with boundary conditions si (t; ) fi (t; ) = lim si (t; a) fi (t; a) = 0; i = 1; 2; a!1

49 50

The in…nitesimal generator of the process is thus @v @t + Av: See Luenberger (1969) or Brezis (2011) for references.



such that the KF equation (11) results in @f = A f; @t for f

f1 (t;a) f2 (t;a)


: We can see that A and A are adjoints as

hAv; f i

= =



(Av) f da =

2 X

vi si fi j1 +

2 Z X

i=1 2 XZ



i=1 Zi=1 = v T A f da = hv; A f i :

@vi + @a



@ (si fi ) @a

vi ] fi da i fi


j jj


We introduce the concept of Gateaux and Frechet derivatives in L2 ( ) ; where Rn as generalizations of the standard concept of derivative to in…nite-dimensional spaces.51 De…nition 4 (Gateaux derivative) Let W [f ] be a functional and let h be arbitrary in L2 ( ) : If the limit W [f ; h] = lim

W [f + h]

W [f ]



exists, it is called the Gateaux derivative of W at f with increment h: If the limit (27) exists for each h 2 L2 ( ) ; the functional W is said to be Gateaux di¤erentiable at f: If the limit exists, it can be expressed as W [f ; h] = restricted concept is that of the Fréchet derivative.

d d

W [f + h] j

=0 :

A more

De…nition 5 (Fréchet derivative) Let h be arbitrary in L2 ( ) : If for …xed f 2 L2 ( ) there exists W [f ; h] which is linear and continuous with respect to h such that jW [f + h] W [f ] W [f ; h]j = 0; lim khkL2 ( ) !0 khkL2 ( ) then W is said to be Fréchet di¤erentiable at f and W [f ; h] is the Fréchet derivative of W at f with increment h: 51

See Luenberger (1969), Gelfand and Fomin (1991) or Sagan (1992).


The following proposition links both concepts. Theorem 1 If the Fréchet derivative of W exists at f , then the Gateaux derivative exists at f and they are equal. Proof. See Luenberger (1969, p. 173). The familiar technique of maximizing a function of a single variable by ordinary calculus can be extended in in…nite dimensional spaces to a similar technique based on more general derivatives. We use the term extremum to refer to a maximum or a minimum over any set. A a function f 2 L2 ( ) is a maximum of W [f ] if for all functions h; kh f kL2 ( ) < " then W [f ] W [h]. The following theorem generalizes the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Theorem 2 Let W have a Gateaux derivative, a necessary condition for W to have an extremum at f is that W [f ; h] = 0 for all h 2 L2 ( ) : Proof. Luenberger (1969, p. 173), Gelfand and Fomin (1991, pp. 13-14) or Sagan (1992, p. 34). In the case of constrained optimization in an in…nite-dimensional Hilbert space, we have the following Theorem. Theorem 3 (Lagrange multipliers) Let H be a mapping from L2 ( ) into Rp : If W has a continuous Fréchet derivative, a necessary condition for W to have an extremum at f under the constraint H [f ] = 0 at the function f is that there exists a function 2 L2 ( ) such that the Lagrangian functional L [f ] = W [f ] + h ; H [f ]i


is stationary in f; that is., L [f ; h] = 0: Proof. Luenberger (1969, p. 243). Finally, according to De…nition 5 above, if the Fréchet derivative W [f ] of W [f ] exists then it is linear and continuous. We may apply the Riesz representation theorem to express it as an inner product


Theorem 4 (Riesz representation theorem) Let W [f ; h] : L2 ( ) ! R be a linear continuous functional. Then there exists a unique function w [f ] = Wf [f ] 2 L2 ( ) such that W [f ; h] =

W ;h f


2 Z X

wi [f ] (a) hi (a) da:


Proof. See Brezis (2011, pp. 97-98). Proof of Lemma 1 In order to prove the concavity of the value function we express the model in discrete time for an arbitrarily small t: The Bellman equation of a household is vt t (a; y) =

max 0


a 2 (a;y)



2 X i=1

Q (t) t


Q (t)


t a+

y t Q (t)


x ( (t))

vt+t t (a0 ; yi ) P (y 0 = yi jy) ;

i h y t (t) t a + Q(t) ; and P (y 0 = yi jy) are the where (a; y) = 0; 1 + Q(t) transition probabilities of a two-state Markov chain. The Markov transition probabilities are given by 1 t and 2 t: We verify that this problem satis…es the conditions of Theorem 9.8 of Stokey and Lucas (1989): (i) is a convex subset of R; (ii) the Markov chain has a …nite number of values; (iii) the correspondence (a; y) is nonempty, compact-valued and continuous; t (iv) the function u is bounded, concave and continuous and e 2 (0; 1); and (v) y 0 0 the set A = f(a; a ) such that a 2 (a; y)g is convex. We conclude that vt t (a; y) is strictly concave for any t > 0: Finally, for any a1 ; a2 2 vt t (!a1 + (1 lim vt t (!a1 + (1 t!0

v (t; !a1 + (1

!) a2 ; y) > !vt t (a1 ; y) + (1 !) a2 ; y) >

!) vt t (a2 ; y) ;

lim !vt t (a1 ; y) + (1 t!0

!) a2 ; y) > !v (t; a1 ; y) + (1

so that v (t; a; y) is strictly concave.


!) vt t (a2 ; y) ;

!) vt (t; a2 ; y) ;


Proof of Lemma 2 Given the welfare criterion de…ned in equation (14), we have W0 = = =










i=1 2 X

v0 (a; yi )f0 (a; yi )da





2 X





i=1 " 2 Z 2 X X 1






[u (ct )

x ( t )] dtja0 = a; y0 = yi fi0 (a)da





2 X



2 Z X








[u(cjt (~ a))


[u(cjt (~ a))

x ( t )]

[u(cjt (~ a))


x ( t )] ft (~ a; y~j ; a; yi )dtd~ a fi0 (a)da 2 Z X



ft (~ a; y~j ; a; yi )fi0 (a)da d~ adt


x ( t )] ft (~ a; y~j )d~ adt;


where ft (~ a; y~j ; a; yi ) is the transition probability from a0 = a; y0 = yi to at = a ~; yt = y~j and in the last equality we have used the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation, ft (~ a; y~j ) =

2 Z X


ft (~ a; y~j ; a; yi )f0 (a; yi )da:


Proof of Proposition 1. Solution to the Ramsey problem The idea of the proof is to construct a Lagragian in a Hilbert function space and to obtain the …rst-order conditions by taking the Gateaux derivatives. Step 1: Statement of the problem. The problem of the central bank is given by W [f0 ( )] =



t ;Qt ;vt (

);ct ( );ft ( )g1 t=0









(u (ct )

x ( t )) fit (a)da dt;

subject to the law of motion of the distribution (11), the bond pricing equation (10) and the individual HJB equation (6). This is a problem of constrained optimization in an in…nite-dimensional Hilbert space that includes also time, which we denote as


^ = [0; 1)

. We de…ne L2 ^

as the space of functions f that verify (;)


e ^




jf j =








jf j dtda =





kf k2 dt < 1:

We need …rst to prove that this space, which di¤ers from L2 ^ is also a Hilbert space. This is done in the following lemma, which is proved later on. Lemma 3 The space L2 ^

with the inner product (;)

(f; g) =




fg =







hf; gi dt = e


f; g


is a Hilbert space. Step 2: The Lagragian. From now on, for compactness we use the operator A, its adjoint operator A , and the inner product h ; i de…ned in expressions (22), (24), as and (23), respectively. The Lagrangian is de…ned in L2 ^ (;)

L [ ; Q; f; v; c]






e 1



x; f i dt +



(t) Q (r +






(t; a) ; A f

@f @t


Q_ dt

+ )







(t; a) ; u



(t; a) ; u0






x + Av + 1 @v Q @a

@v @t




where e t (t; a), e t (t; a), e t (t; a) 2 L2 ^ and e t (t) 2 L2 [0; 1) are the Lagrange multipliers associated to equations (11), (8), (6) and (10), respectively. The


Lagragian can be expressed as L =







e 1





h ;u


@ +A @t

+ lim e T !1

lim e

Q (r +

@ ;v @t

xi + A

+ h (0; ) ; f (0; )i T



1 @v Q @a

; u0


dt dt

(T; ) ; f (T; )

T !1

h (0; ) ; v (0; )i +

(T; ) ; v (T; )

Q_ ; f

+ )






2 X i=1

vi si i j1 dt;

where we have applied h ; A f i = hA ; f i ; h ; Avi = hA ; vi +

2 X

vi si i j1


and integrated by parts Z






@f @t

2 Z X

dt =

i=1 0 2 Z X







1 i 0


fi e

@fi dadt @t da +



2 Z X i=1








= h (0; ) ; f (0; )i Z 1 @ + e t @t 0


(0; a) da t



T !1

@ i @t


lim e


T !1





fi (0; a)

2 Z X

2 Z X




2 Z X

@ e @t e


t i


fi (T; a)


dadt (T; ) ; f (T; )


(T; a) da

and Z





@v ; @t

v dt =

2 Z X




2 Z X i=1



T !1



i ei

i=1 2 XZ 1 0

lim e Z 1 e +



2 Z X





T !1


1 0

@vi @t


vi dadt

2 Z X






vi (T; a)





(T; a) da

@ e @t 2 Z X





vi (0; a)


dadt (0; a) da





@ i @t


(T; ) ; v (T; ) @ ;v @t



dadt h (0; ) ; v (0; )i


Step 3: Necessary conditions. In order to …nd the maximum, we need to take the Gateaux derivatives with respect to the controls f , ; Q; v and c. The Gateaux derivative with respect to f (t; a) is d L [ ; Q; f + h; v; c] j d


= h (0; ) ; h (0; )i lim e T (T; ) ; h (T; ) T !1 Z 1 @ e t u x+ +A ; h dt; @t 0

which should equal zero for any function e as the initial value of f (0; ) . We obtain =u



h 2 L2 ^

such that h (0; ) = 0;

@ + A ; for a > ; t > 0 @t


Given that e t (t; a) 2 L2 ^ ; we obtain the transversality condition limT !1 e 0: Equation (29) is the same as the individual HJB equation (6). The boundary conditions are also the same (state constraints on the domain ) and therefore their solutions should coincide: (t; a; y) = v(t; a; y); that is, the Lagrange multiplier (t; a; y) equals the private value v ( ).



(T; a) =

In the case of c (t; a) ; the Gateaux derivative is d L [ ; Q; f; v; c + h] j d









e 1


1@ Q @a

u0 t

; u0


h; f 1 @v Q @a

dt + h ; u00 hi


@ (A ) = Q1 @a : The Gateaux derivative should be zero for any function e t h 2 L2 ^ . Due to the …rst order conditions (8) and to the fact that ( ) = v ( ) this expression reduces to


@ @a






h (t; a) ; u00 (t; a) h (t; a)i dt = 0:

As u is strictly concave, u00 < 0 and hence (t; a) = 0 for all (t; a) 2 ^ ; that is, the …rst order condition (8) is not binding as its associated Lagrange multiplier is zero. In the case of v (t; a) ; the Gateaux derivative is d L [ ; Q; f; v + h; c] j d








+ lim e +


(T; ) ; h (T; )

T !1 2 X i=1

@ ;h @t


dt h (0; ) ; h (0; )i

hi si i j1 ;

where we have already taken into account the fact that ( ) = 0: Given that e t (t; a) 2 L2 ^ ; we obtain the transversality condition limT !1 e T (T; ) = 0: As the Gateaux derivative should be zero at the maximum for any suitable h, we obtain a Kolmogorov forward equation in @ = A ; for a > ; t > 0; @t with boundary conditions si (t; )


(t; ) =

lim si (t; a)


(0; ) = 0: 52


(t; a) = 0; i = 1; 2;



This is a KF equation with an initial density of (0; ) = 0:52 Therefore, the distribution at any point in time should be zero ( ) = 0. Both the Lagrange multiplier of the households’HJB equation and that of the …rst-order condition are zero, re‡ecting the fact that the HJB equation is slack, that is, that the monetary authority would choose the same consumption as the households. This would not be the case in a closed economy, in which some externalities may arise, as discussed, for instance, in Nuño and Moll (2017). The Gateaux derivative in the case of d L [ + h; Q; f; v; c] j d




(t) is







@v @a

+ Q; f


where we have already taken into account the fact that ( ) = ( ) = 0. and ( ) = v ( ) : As the Gateaux derivative should be zero for any h(t) 2 L2 [0; 1); the optimality condition then results in (t) Q (t) =

2 Z X i=1


@vi + x0 fi (t; a) da; @a


where we have applied the normalization condition (equation 12): h1; f i = 1: In the case of Q (t) the Gateaux derivative is d L [ ; Q + h; ] j d






h @v a Q2 @a




h c) h @v + h (r + Q2 @a

+ )

where we have already taken into account the fact that ( ) = v ( ) and ( ) = R1 @ Notice that if we denote g (t) A and G (t) e s g(s)ds then the fact that @t ; 1 t @ A @t = 0; for a > ; t > 0; implies that G(t) = 0; for t > 0: As G (t) is di¤erentiable, then it is continuous and hence G (0) = 0 so that the condition G(0) + h (0; ) ; h (0; )i = 0 for any h (0; ) 2 L2 ( ) requires (0; ) = 0: A similar argument can be employed to analyzed the boundary conditions in : 52


i h_ ; f


( ) = 0: Integrating by parts Z






_ f h;


dt = = =



e h_ h1; f i dt = 0 Z 1 1 t e h0 + e t (_ Z 10 e t h( _ (0) h (0) + t






_ hdt


) hdt ) h; f i dt:

Therefore, the optimality condition in this case is Z








@v @a


c) @v + (r + @a


) + _;f

hdt+ (0) h (0) = 0:

The Gateaux derivative should be zero for any h(t) 2 L2 [0; 1): Thus we obtain Q

a 2

@v @a


c) @v ;f Q2 @a

+ (r +


) + _ = 0; t > 0; (0) = 0:

or equivalently, d dt

= (

2 Z X @vit a + (y c) ) + fi (t; a) da; t > 0;(32) @a Q (t)2 i=1


(0) = 0:

it Finally, using the household’s …rst order condition @v = Qt u0 (cit ) to substitute @a it in equations (31) and (32) yields the expressions in the main text. for @v @a

Proof of Lemma 3 We need to show that L2 ^

is complete, that is, that given a Cauchy sequence (;)

ffn g with limit f : limn!1 fn = f then f 2 L2 ^




: If ffn g is a Cauchy sequence

fm k( ; ) ! 0; as n; m ! 1;


or kfn

fm k2( ; )

= =



e ^




D fm j2 = e





fm ) ; e






fm )

as n; m ! 1: This implies that e



! 0;


E fm )


fn is a Cauchy sequence in L2 ^ . As L2 ^

is a complete space, then there is a function f^ 2 L2 ^ lim e




such that

fn = f^


under the norm k k2^ : If we de…ne f = e 2 t f^ then lim fn = f


under the norm k k( ; ) , that is, for any " > 0 there is an integer N such that kfn

f k2( ; ) = e







= e





2 ^

< ";

where the last inequality is due to (33). It only remains to prove that f 2 L2 ^ kf k2( ; )




e ^


jf j =


: (;)



f^ < 1;

as f^ 2 L2 ^ : Proof of Proposition 2: Optimal long-run in‡ation under commitment in the limit as r ! In the steady state, equations (17) and (16) in the main text become (


2 Z 1 X ) + 2 Q i=1 0

Q=x ( )+


@vi [ a + (yi @a

2 Z X i=1




ci )] fi (a) da = 0;

@vi fi (a) da; @a

i respectively. Notice that we have replaced Qu0 (ci ) by @v . Consider now the limiting @a case ! r , and guess that ! 0. The above two equations then become

2 Z 1 X 1 @vi [ a + (yi Q = Q i=1 @a 2 Z 1 X @vi Q = fi (a) da; a @a i=1

ci )] fi (a) da;

as x0 (0) = 0 under our assumed preferences in Section 3.4. Combining both equations, and using the fact that in the zero-in‡ation steady state the bond price equals Q = ; we obtain +r 2 Z 1 X @vi y i ci ra + fi (a) da = 0: (34) @a Q i=1 In the zero in‡ation steady state, the value function v satis…es the HJB equation vi (a) = u(ci (a)) + ra +


ci (a) Q

@vi + @a


vi (a)] ; i = 1; 2; j 6= i; (35)

[vj (a)

where we have used x (0) = 0 under our assumed preferences. We also have the …rst-order condition u0 (ci (a)) = Q

@vi ) ci (a) = u0 @a



@vi @a


We guess and verify a solution of the form vi (a) = i a + #i ; so that u0 (ci ) = Q i . Using our guess in (35), and grouping terms that depend on a and those that do not, we have that i

= r



#i = u u0

i 1




i) ;

(Q i ) +



0 1


(Q i ) i




#i ) ;


for i; j = 1; 2 and j 6= i. In the limit as r ! , equation (36) results in j = i ; so that consumption is the same in both states. The value of the slope can be


computed from the boundary conditions.53 We can solve for f#i gi=1;2 from equations (37), yi u0 1 (Q ) yi ) 1 i (yj + ; #i = u u0 1 (Q ) + Q ( i + j + )Q for i; j = 1; 2 and j 6= i. Substituting 2 Z X


@vi @a

ra +


in (34), we obtain



ci Q

fi (a) da = 0:


Equation (38) is exactly the zero-in‡ation steady-state limit of equation (13) in the main text (once we use the de…nitions of a, y and c), and is therefore satis…ed in equilibrium. We have thus veri…ed our guess that ! 0. Proof of Proposition 3. Solution to the Markov Stackelberg equilibrium The approach is to consider that, given any arbitrary horizon T > 0; the interval [0; T ] is divided in N subintervals of length t := T =N: In each subinterval (t; t + t] the central bank solves a Ramsey problem with terminal value W Mt [f (t + t; )] , taken as given the initial density ft ( ) and the terminal value W Mt [ft+ t ( )]. Notice that the initial density ft ( ) of a subinterval subinterval (t; t + t] is the …nal density of the previous subinterval whereas the terminal value W Mt [ft+ t ( )] is the initial value of the next subinterval. A Markov Stackelberg equilibrium is the limit when N ! 1; or equivalently, t ! 0: Step 1: The discrete-step problem. First we solve the dynamic programming problem in a subinterval (t; t + t]: This is now a Ramsey problem in the Hilbert 53

The condition that the drift should be positive at the borrowing constraint, si ( ) implies that y1 u0 1 (Q ) = 0; s1 ( ) = r + Q and =

u0 (r Q + y1 ) : Q

In the case of state i = 2, this guarantees s2 ( ) > 0.


0, i = 1; 2,

space L2 ^ t

W Mt

with ^ t = (t; t +


[f (t; )] =

s ;Qs ;vs (




. We de…ne



);cs ( );fs ( )gs2(t;t+

W Mt

[f (t +



t+ t (s t)



2 Z X


(u (cis (a))

x ( s )) fi (s; a)dads


t; )] ;

subject to the law of motion of the distribution (11), the bond pricing equation (10), and household’s HJB equation (6) and optimal consumption choice (8). This can be seen as a …nite-horizon commitment problem with terminal value W Mt [f (t + t; )] : We proceed as in the proof of Proposition 1 and construct a Lagragian Z

L [ ; Q; f; v; c]



t+ t

e Z

(s t)


t+ t


(t; a) ; A f

@f @t

(s) Q (r +

+ )

(s t)





x; f i ds + e

W Mt [f (t + ds

t+ t (s t)


t; )]

Q_ ds




t+ t


(s t)

(s; a) ; u


(s t)

(s; a) ; u0




t+ t


x + Av + 1 @v Q @a

@v @t




with W Mt [ ] de…ned in (18). Proceeding as in the proof of Proposition 1, we can express the Lagragian as L =




t+ t (s t)

e Z


@ +A @t


t+ t


(s t)


+ h (t; ) ; f (t; )i + e Z t+ + t



(t +




h ;u e

@ ;v @t

xi + A t

(t +

+ )

Q_ ; f

+ h ; u0 i +

1@ ;v Q @a

Q (r +

t; ) ; f (t +


t; )

t; ) ; v (t + t; ) h (t; ) ; v (t; )i " 2 # 2 X X 1 t) vi si i j1 vi i j1 ds0 + e Q i=1 i=1




W Mt [f (t +

t; )]

The …rst order condition with respect to f in this case is t 0 = h (t; ) ; h (t; )i e (t + t; ) ; h (t + t; ) Z t+ t @ +A ; h dt e t u x+ @t t t d +e W Mt [f (t + t; ) + h (t + t; )] =0 : d

Given the Riesz representation theorem (Theorem 4), the Gateaux derivative can be expressed as d W Mt [f (t + d

t; ) + h (t +

where w (t; ) =

t; )]


= hw (t +

W Mt [f (t; )] : [0; 1) f

t; ) ; h (t +

t; )i

! R2 :

Notice that, as there is no aggregate uncertainty, the dynamics of the distribution only depend on time. As it will be clear below w(t; a) is the central bank’s value at time t of a household with net wealth a. As the Gateaux derivative should be zero for any h 2 L2 ((t; t + t] ) we obtain = u (t +


t; ) = w (t +

@ + A ; for a > ; s 2 (t; t + @t t; ) :



The boundary conditions are state constraints on the domain . Notice that we have employed the fact that h (t; ) = 0 as f (t; ) is given. The rest of Gateaux derivatives are obtain by following exatly the same steps as in the proof of Proposition 1 above, but restricted to the interval (t; t+ t] and without simplifying terms. In the case of c (t; a) ; this yields u0

1@ Q @a

f + u00 = 0; for a


; s 2 (t; t +



In the case of v (t; a) : 1@ @ + = 0; for a > ; s 2 (t; t + t); @t Q @a (t + t; ) = (t; ) = 0 (41) 1 1 lim si (s; a) i (s; a) (s; a) = 0; i = 1; 2: i (s; ) = a!1 Q (s) Q (s) i

A si (s; )


(s; )

In the case of

(t) : x0

for s 2 (t; t +


@ + Q; f @a



c) @ ;f @a



@v ; @a


= 0;


Finally, in the case of Q (t) : 0 =

lim (s) = s!t



@ @a

(y Q2

+ (r +


)+ _ +

(t +

t) = 0:


1 @v Q2 @a




c) Q2

; for s 2 (t; t +

@v ; @a t); (43)

Step 2: Taking the limit. If we take the limit as N ! 1; or equivalently, t ! 0; we obtain that (t; ) = w (t; ) for all t 0 and hence equation (39) results in w=u


@w + Aw; for t @t



with state constraints on the domain . The transversality condition limT !1 e T w (T; ) = 0 as limT !1 e T W [f (T; )] = 0: Equation (44) coincides with the individual HJB equation (6) and hence, as in the case with commitment, we obtain that w (t; ) = v (t; ) ; that is, the social value is the same as the private value. Proceeding as in the case with commitment, the fact that (t; ) = v (t; ) and that the utility function is strictly concave in equation (40) yields (t; ) = 0: In the limit t ! 0 the transversality conditions (41) and (43) result in (t) = 0 and (t; ) = 0; for all t 0:


Finally, the optimality condition with respect to

or equivalently 0=



2 Z X



@v @a


(t) (42) simpli…es to

= 0;

@vit + x0 fi (t; a) da: @a

Using the household …rst order condition yields the expression in the main text.

@vit @a

= Qt u0 (cit ) to substitute for

@vit @a


Proof of Proposition 4: In‡ation bias in the Markov Stackelberg equilibrium As the value function is strictly concave in a by Lemma 1, it satis…es @vit (0) @vit (^ a) @vit (~ a) < < ; for all a ~ 2 (0; 1); a ^ 2 ( ; 0); t @a @a @a

0; i = 1; 2:

In addition, Assumption 1 (the country is a always a net debtor: at 2 Z X i=1



(a) fit (a)da

2 Z X i=1


0) implies


( a) fit (a)da; 8t



Therefore, 2 Z X i=1



2 Z 2 Z @vit (a) @vit (0) X 1 @vit (0) X afit (a) da < afit (a) da @a @a i=1 0 @a i=1 Z 2 0 X @vit (a) ( a) fit (a) < da; @a i=1


( a) fit (a)da (47)

where we have applied (45) in the …rst and last inequalities and (46) in the intermediate one.54 The optimal in‡ation in the Markov Stackelberg equilibrium (19) 54

We have also used the fact that af (a) > 0 for all a > 0 and ( a) f (a) > 0 for all a < 0, as well as @vit (0) =@a > 0 (which follows from the household …rst order condition and the assumption that u0 > 0).



2 Z X




@vi da + x0 = 0: @a

Combining this expression with (47) we obtain 0

x =

2 Z X



( a) Qt u fi da =


2 Z X i=1


( a)

@vi fi da > 0: @a

Finally, taking into account the fact that x0 ( ) > 0 only for (t) > 0.

> 0, we have that

B. Computational method: the stationary case B.1 Exogenous monetary policy We describe the numerical algorithm used to jointly solve for the equilibrium value function, v (a; y), and bond price, Q; given an exogenous in‡ation rate . The algorithm proceeds in 3 steps. We describe each step in turn. We assume that there is an upper bound arbitrarily large { such that f (t; a; y) = 0 for all a > {: In steady state this can be proved in general following the same reasoning as in Proposition 2 of Achdou et al. (2017). Alternatively, we may assume that there is a maximum constraint in asset holding such that a {; and that this constraint is so large that it does not a¤ect to the results: In any case, let [ ; {] be the valid domain. Step 1: Solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation Given ; the bond pricing equation (10) is trivially solved in this case: Q=





The HJB equation is solved using an upwind …nite di¤erence scheme similar to Achdou et al. (2017). It approximates the value function v(a) on a …nite grid with step a : a 2 fa1 ; :::; aW g, where aj = aj 1 + a = a1 + (j 1) a for 2 j J. The bounds are a1 = and aI = {, such that a = ({ ) = (J 1). We use the notation vi;j vi (aj ); i = 1; 2, and similarly for the policy function ci;j . Notice …rst that the HJB equation involves …rst derivatives of the value function, 0 vi (a) and vi00 (a). At each point of the grid, the …rst derivative can be approximated 62

with a forward (F ) or a backward (B) approximation, vi0 (aj )

@F vi;j

vi0 (aj )

@B vi;j


vi;j a vi;j a







In an upwind scheme, the choice of forward or backward derivative depends on the sign of the drift function for the state variable, given by si (a) for




ci (a)) ; Q


0, where



vi0 (a) ci (a) = Q



Let superscript n denote the iteration counter. The HJB equation is approximated by the following upwind scheme, n+1 vi;j

n vi;j


n+1 vi;j

(cni;j )1 = 1



n+1 n n+1 n +@F vi;j si;j;F 1sni;j;F >0 +@B vi;j si;j;B 1sni;j;B <0 +


v n+1 i;j

for i = 1; 2; j = 1; :::; J, where 1 ( ) is the indicator function and

sni;;jF = sni;j;B =

yi a+


yi a+


h h

Q n @F vi;j

Q Q n @B vi;j








Therefore, when the drift is positive (sni;;jF > 0) we employ a forward approximation n+1 of the derivative, @F vi;j ; when it is negative (sni;j;B < 0) we employ a backward v n+1 v n

n+1 n+1 n approximation, @B vi;j . The term i;j i;j ! 0 as vi;j ! vi;j : Moving all terms involving v n+1 to the left hand side and the rest to the right hand side, we obtain n+1 vi;j

n vi;j

n+1 + vi;j =

(cni;j )1 1



n+1 + vi;j 1


n i;j

n+1 + vi;j

n i;j

n+1 + vi;j+1

n i;j

+ i v n+1 i;j ; (55)

n+1 vi;j ;

where n i;j n i;j n i;j

sni;j;B 1sni;j;B <0 a


sni;j;F 1sni;j;F >0 a

sni;j;F 1sni;j;F >0 a


sni;j;B 1sni;j;B <0 a


for i = 1; 2; j = 1; :::; J. Notice that the state constraints sni;1;B = sni;J;F = 0: In equation (55), the optimal consumption is set to cni;j



n @vi;j Q


0 mean that




where n n n n @vi;j = @F vi;j 1sni;j;F >0 + @B vi;j 1sni;j;B <0 + @vi;j 1sni;F n In the above expression, @vi;j = Q(cni;j ) that s (ai ) sni = 0 :

cni;j =

: 0 1s n i;B 0

where cni;j is the consumption level such aj Q + y i :


Equation (55) is a system of 2 J linear equations which can be written in matrix notation as: 1 n+1 v vn + vn+1 = un + An vn+1


where the matrix An and the vectors v n+1 and un are de…ned by 2


A =

n 1;1

6 6 n 6 1;2 6 6 0 6 6 .. 6 . 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 6 2 6 . 6 .. 4 0

n 1;1






n 1;2

n 1;2





n 1;3

n 1;3

n 1;3

0 .. .

0 .. .



0 0 0 ... 0








n 1;J 1 n 1;J

n 1;J 1

0 0 ...

n 1;J 1 n 1;J

0 ...


0 ...

0 2

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 un = 6 6 6 6 6 6 4

1 (cn 1;1 ) 1 1 (cn 1;2 ) 1

1 (cn 1;J ) 1 1 (cn 2;1 ) 1

1 (cn 2;J ) 1

2 2 2

.. .


2 2 2

.. .

0 0


n 2;1

n 2;1

.. . 0



2 2

The system in turn can be written as

0 .. .













n 2;J



7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 n+1 7 ; vn+1 = 6 6 v1;J 1 7 6 7 6 v n+1 7 6 1;J 1 7 6 n+1 7 6 v2;1 0 7 6 . 7 6 . .. 7 4 . . 5 n+1 n v2;J 2;J 0 .. . .. . 0


7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7: 7 7 7 7 7 5

Bn vn+1 = dn


where ; Bn = 1 + I An and dn = un + 1 vn . The algorithm to solve the HJB equation runs as follows. Begin with an initial 0 J guess fvi;j gj=1 ; i = 1; 2. Set n = 0: Then: n n J 1. Compute f@F vi;j ; @B vi;j gj=1 ; i = 1; 2 using (49)-(50).

2. Compute fcni;j gJj=1 ; i = 1; 2 using (52) as well as fsni;j;F ; sni;j;B gJj=1 ; i = 1; 2 using (53) and (54). n+1 J 3. Find fvi;j gj=1 ; i = 1; 2 solving the linear system of equations (58). n+1 n+1 4. If fvi;j g is close enough to fvi;j g, stop. If not set n := n + 1 and proceed to 1.


n+1 v1;1 n+1 v1;2 n+1 v1;3 .. .

3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5

Most computer software packages, such as Matlab, include e¢ cient routines to handle sparse matrices such as An : Step 2: Solution to the Kolmogorov Forward equation The stationary distribution of debt-to-GDP ratio, f (a), satis…es the Kolmogorov Forward equation: d [si (a) fi (a)] da Z 1 1 = f (a)da:

i fi (a)

0 =


i f i (a);


i = 1; 2:


We also solve this equation using an …nite di¤erence scheme. We use the notation fi;j fi (aj ): The system can be now expressed as 0 =

fi;j si;j;F 1sni;j;F >0

fi;j 1 si;j

1;F 1sn i;j

fi;j+1 si;j+1;B 1sni;j+1;B <0

1;F >0

a i fi;j


fi;j si;;jB 1sni;;jB <0


i f i;j ;

or equivalently fi;j

1 i;j 1

+ fi;j+1

then (61) is also a system of 2 notation as:


+ fi;j



i f i;j

= 0;


J linear equations which can be written in matrix AT f = 0;


where AT is the transpose of A = limn!1 An . Notice that An is the approximation to the operator A and AT is the approximation of the adjoint operator A : In order to impose the normalization constraint (60) we replace one of the entries of the zero vector in equation (62) by a positive constant.55 We solve the system (62) and obtain a solution ^ f . Then we renormalize as fi;j = P J


f^i;j f^1;j + f^2;j

: a

Complete algorithm The algorithm proceeds as follows. 55

In particular, we have replaced the entry 2 of the zero vector in (62) by 0:1.


Step 1: Individual economy problem. Given ; compute the bond price Q using (48) and solve the HJB equation to obtain an estimate of the value function v and of the matrix A. Step 2: Aggregate distribution. Given A …nd the aggregate distribution f . B.2 Optimal monetary policy - Markov Stackelberg equilibrium In this case we need to …nd the value of in‡ation that satis…es condition (19). The algorith proceeds as follows. We consider an initial guess of in‡ation, (1) = 0. Set m := 1: Then: Step 1: Individual economy problem problem. Given (m) ; compute the bond price Q(m) using (48) and solve the HJB equation to obtain an estimate of the value function v(m) and of the matrix A(m) . Step 2: Aggregate distribution. Given A(m) …nd the aggregate distribution f (m) . Step 3: Optimal in‡ation. Given f (m) and v(m) , iterate steps 1-2 until …es56 (m) (m) 2 X J 1 vi;j+1 vi;j 1 X (m) + (m) = 0: aj fi;j 2 i=1 j=2



B.3 Optimal monetary policy - Ramsey Here we need to …nd the value of the in‡ation and of the costate that satisfy conditions (17) and (16) in steady-state. The algorith proceeds as follows. We consider an initial guess of in‡ation, (1) = 0. Set m := 1: Then: Step 1: Individual economy problem problem. Given (m) ; compute the bond price Q(m) using (48) and solve the HJB equation to obtain an estimate of the value function v(m) and of the matrix A(m) . Step 2: Aggregate distribution. Given A(m) …nd the aggregate distribution f (m) . 56

This can be done using Matlab’s fzero function.


Step 3: Costate. Given f (m) ; v(m) ;compute the costate



1 Q(m)

2 (m) 2 X J 1 vi;j+1 X (m) 4 aj fi;j i=1 j=2

Step 4: Optimal in‡ation. Given f (m) ; v(m) and satis…es





1 2 (Q(m) )

2 2 X J 1 X 4


using condition (16) as 3


vi;j 2 (m)



(m) 5



, iterate steps 1-3 until


a j + yi







i=1 j=2




C. Computational method: the dynamic case C.1 Exogenous monetary policy We describe now the numerical algorithm to analyze the transitional dynamics, similar to the one described in Achdou et al. (2017). With an exogenous monetary policy it just amounts to solve the dynamic HJB equation (6) and then the dynamic KFE equation (11). De…ne T as the time interval considered, which should be large enough to ensure a converge to the stationary distribution and discretize it in N intervals of lenght T t= : N The initial distribution f (0; a; y) = f0 (a; y) and the path of in‡ation f given. We proceed in three steps.

N n gn=0


Step 0: The asymptotic steady-state The asymptotic steady-state distribution of the model can be computed following the steps described in Section B. Given N ; the result is a stationary destribution fN , a matrix AN and a bond price QN de…ned at the asymptotic time T = N t:




Step 1: Solution to the bond pricing equation The dynamic bond princing equation (10) can be approximated backwards as (r +


+ ) Qn = +


Qn t

; () Qn =

Qn+1 + 1 + t (r +

t ; n=N n+ )

1; ::; 0; (63)

where QN is the asymptotic bond price from Step 0. Step 2: Solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation The dynamic HJB equation (6) can approximated using an upwind approximation as vn = un + An vn +


vn ) t


where An is constructing backwards in time using a procedure similar to the one n+1 described in Step 1 of Section B. By de…ning Bn = 1t + I An and dn = un + V t ; we have vn = (Bn ) 1 dn : (64) Step 3: Solution to the Kolmogorov Forward equation Let An de…ned in (57) be the approximation to the operator A. Using a …nite di¤erence scheme similar to the one employed in the Step 2 of Section A, we obtain: fn+1

fn t

= AT n fn+1 ; () fn+1 = I

tAT n


fn ; n = 1; ::; N


where f0 is the discretized approximation to the initial distribution f0 (b): Complete algorithm The algorithm proceeds as follows: Step 0: Asymptotic steady-state. Given tion fN , matrix AN , bond price QN : Step 1: Bond pricing. Given f using (63).

N 1 n gn=0 ;


compute the stationary destribu-

1 compute the bond price path fQn gN n=0

1 N 1 Step 2: Individual economy problem. Given f n gN n=0 and fQn gn=0 solve the HJB equation (64) backwards to obtain an estimate of the value function N 1 1 fvn gn=0 , and of the matrix fAn gN n=0 .


1 Step 3: Aggregate distribution. Given fAn gN n=0 …nd the aggregate distribution forward f (k) using (65).

C.2 Optimal monetary policy - Markov Stackelberg equilibrium In this case we need to …nd the value of in‡ation that satis…es condition (19) Step 0: Asymptotic steady-state. Compute the stationary destribution fN , ma(0) 1 trix AN , bond price QN and in‡ation rate N : Set (0) f n gN n=0 = N and k := 1: Step 1: Bond pricing. Given using (63).

(k 1)

; compute the bond price path Q(k)


1 fQn gN n=0

Step 2: Individual economy problem. Given (k 1) and Q(k) solve the HJB equation (64) backwards to obtain an estimate of the value function v(k) (k) (k) 1 1 (k) fvn gN fAn gN n=0 and of the matrix A n=0 . Step 3: Aggregate distribution. Given A(k) …nd the aggregate distribution forward f (k) using (65). Step 4: Optimal in‡ation. Given f (k) and v(k) , iterate steps 1-3 until

(k) n

2 X J 1 X


(k) aj fn;i;j




vn;i;j 2

i=1 j=2




(k) n

= 0:

This is done by iterating (k) n

with constant


(k 1) n

(k) n ;

= 0:05:

C.3 Optimal monetary policy - Ramsey In this case we need to …nd the value of the in‡ation and of the costate that satisfy conditions (17) and (16) Step 0: Asymptotic steady-state. Compute the stationary destribution fN , ma(0) 1 trix AN , bond price QN and in‡ation rate N : Set (0) f n gN n=0 = N and k := 1: 70

Step 1: Bond pricing. Given using (63).

(k 1)


1 fQn gN n=0

; compute the bond price path Q(k)

Step 2: Individual economy problem. Given (k 1) and Q(k) solve the HJB equation (64) backwards to obtain an estimate of the value function v(k) (k) (k) 1 1 (k) fvn gN fAn gN n=0 and of the matrix A n=0 . Step 3: Aggregate distribution. Given A(k) …nd the aggregate distribution forward f (k) using (65). Step 4: Costate. Given f (k) and v(k) , compute the costate (17): (k) n+1


(k) n


1+ t

(k) Qn


(k) 0



(k) N 1 n gn=0




t r 2 2 X J 1 X 4




aj + yi


cn;i;j fn;i;j





i=1 j=2



= 0:

Step 5: Optimal in‡ation. Given f (k) , v(k) and satis…es (k) n

2 X J 1 X


vn;i;j+1 2

i=1 j=2

iterate steps 1-4 until




(k) aj fn;i;j




(k) n

Q(k) n

(k) n

= 0:

This is done by iterating (k) n


(k 1) n

(k) n :

D. An economy with costly price adjustment In this appendix, we lay out a model economy with the following characteristics: (i) …rms are explicitly modelled, (ii) a subset of them are price-setters but incur a convex cost for changing their nominal price, and (iii) the social welfare function and the equilibrium conditions constraining the central bank’s problem are the same as in the model economy in the main text. 71

Final good producer In the model laid out in the main text, we assumed that output of the consumption good was exogenous. Consider now an alternative setup in which the consumption good is produced by a representative, perfectly competitive …nal good producer with the following Dixit-Stiglitz technology, Z

yt =


"=(" 1) (" 1)=" yjt dj




where fyjt g is a continuum of intermediate goods and " > 1. Let Pjt denote the nominal price of intermediate good j 2 [0; 1]. The …rm chooses fyjt g to maximize R1 pro…ts, Pt yt Pjt yjt dj, subject to (66). The …rst order conditions are 0 yjt =

Pjt Pt



yt ;

for each j 2 [0; 1]. Assuming free entry, the zero pro…t condition and equations (67) R1 imply Pt = ( 0 Pjt1 " dj)1=(1 ") . Intermediate goods producers Each intermediate good j is produced by a monopolistically competitive intermediategood producer, which we will refer to as ’…rm j’henceforth for brevity. Firm j operates a linear production technology, yjt = njt ; (68) where njt is labor input. At each point in time, …rms can change the price of their product but face quadratic price adjustment cost as in Rotemberg (1982). Letting P_jt dPjt =dt denote the change in the …rm’s price, price adjustment costs in units of the …nal good are given by


P_jt Pjt



P_jt Pjt


C~t ;


where C~t is aggregate consumption. Let jt P_jt =Pjt denote the rate of increase in the …rm’s price. The instantaneous pro…t function in units of the …nal good is given


by jt

Pjt yjt wt njt Pt Pjt Pjt = wt Pt Pt =



jt )






jt ) ;

where wt is the perfectly competitive real wage and in the second equality we have used (67) and (68).57 Without loss of generality, …rms are assumed to be risk neutral and have the same discount factor as households, . Then …rm j’s objective function is Z 1 E0 e t jt dt; 0

with jt given by (70). The state variable speci…c to …rm j, Pjt , evolves according to dPjt = jt Pjt dt. The aggregate state relevant to the …rm’s decisions is simply time: t. Then …rm j’s value function V (Pjt ; t) must satisfy the following Hamilton-JacobiBellman (HJB) equation, V (Pj ; t) = max j


Pj Pt


Pj Pt

) @V @V (Pj ; t) + (Pj ; t) : t ( j ) + j Pj @Pj @t



The …rst order and envelope conditions of this problem are (we omit the arguments of V to ease the notation), @V ~ ; (71) jt Ct = Pj @Pj @V = "wt @Pj


Pj 1) Pt

Pj Pt


yt + Pj


@ 2V @V + Pj @Pj @Pj2


In what follows, we will consider a symmetric equilibrium in which all …rms choose the same price: Pj = P; j = for all j. After some algebra, it can be shown that the above conditions imply the following pricing Euler equation,58 "

dC~ (t) 1 dt C~ (t)


(t) =



" "



w (t)


1 d (t) + : dt C~t


In the proofs of Propositions 1 and 3, w has been used to denote the social value of individual households. Nonetheless, there is no possibility of confusion in this section. 58 The proof is available upon request.


Equation (72) determines the market clearing wage w (t). Households The preferences of household k 2 [0; 1] are given by E0





log (~ ckt ) dt;


where c~kt is household consumption of the …nal good. We now de…ne the following object, Z c~kt 1 ckt c~kt + t ( jt ) dj; C~t 0 R i.e. household k 0 s consumption plus a fraction of total price adjustment costs ( t ( ) dj) equal to that household’s share of total consumption (~ ckt =C~t ). Using the de…nition of _ t (eq. 69) and the symmetry across …rms in equilibrium (Pjt =Pjt = t ; 8j), we can write 2 2 = c~kt 1 + : (73) ckt = c~kt + c~kt 2 t 2 t Therefore, household k’s instantaneous utility can be expressed as log(~ ckt ) = log (ckt )

log 1 +


2 t 2

= log (ckt )


2 t



2 t




where o(kxk2 ) denotes terms of order second and higher in x. Expression (74) is the same as the utility function in the main text (eq. 20), up to a …rst order ap2 proximation of log(1 + x) around x = 0, where x represents the percentage 2 of aggregate spending that is lost to price adjustment. For our baseline calibration ( = 5:5), the latter object is relatively small even for relatively high in‡ation rates, and therefore so is the approximation error in computing the utility losses from price adjustment. Therefore, the utility function used in the main text provides a fairly accurate approximation of the welfare losses caused by in‡ation in the economy with costly price adjustment described here. Households can be in one of two idiosyncratic states. Those in state i = 1 do not work. Those in state i = 2 work and provide z units of labor inelastically. As in 74

the main text, the instantaneous transition rates between both states are given by 1 and 2 , and the share of households in each state is assumed to have reached its ergodic distribution; therefore, the fraction of working and non-working households is 1 = ( 1 + 2 ) and 2 = ( 1 + 2 ), respectively. Hours per worker z are such that total labor supply 1 +1 2 z is normalized to 1. An exogenous government insurance scheme imposes a (total) lump-sum transfer t from working to non-working households. All households receive, in a lump-sum manner, an equal share of aggregate …rm pro…ts gross of price adjustment costs, R1 R1 which we denote by ^ t Pt 1 0 Pjt yjt dj wt 0 njt dj. Therefore, disposable income (gross of price adjustment costs) for non-working and working households are given respectively by t I1t + ^ t; = ( 2 1 + 2) I2t


wt z

1= ( 1



+ ^ t:

We assume that the transfer t is such that gross disposable income for households in state i equals a constant level yi , i = 1; 2, with y1 < y2 . As in our baseline model, both income levels satisfy the normalization 2 1+

y1 + 2

1 1+

y2 = 1: 2

Also, later we show that in equilibrium gross income equals one: ^ t + wt 1 +1 2 z = 1. It is then easy to verify that implementing the gross disposable income allocation 2 ^ t . Finally, total Iit = yi , i = 1; 2, requires a transfer equal to t = 1 +2 2 y1 1+ 2 price adjustment costs are assumed to be distributed in proportion to each household’s share of total consumption, i.e. household k incurs adjustment costs in the amount ykt 2 fy1 ; y2 g denote household k’s gross (~ ckt =C~t )( 2 2t C~t ) = c~kt 2 2t . Letting Ikt disposable income, the law of motion of that household’s real net wealth is thus given by dakt = =



akt +



akt +



c~kt Qt


ckt Qt


t =2

dt (75)

where in the second equality we have used (73). Equation (75) is exactly the same as 75

its counterpart in the main text, equation (4). Since household’s welfare criterion is also the same, it follows that so is the corresponding maximization problem. Aggregation and market clearing In the symmetric equilibrium, each …rm’s labor demand is njt = yjt = yt . Since labor supply 1 +1 2 z = 1 equals one, labor market clearing requires Z


njt dj = yt = 1:


Therefore, in equilibrium aggregate output is equal to one. Firms’ pro…ts gross of price adjustment costs equal ^t =




Pjt yjt dj Pt




njt dj = yt

wt ;


such that gross income equals ^ t + wt = yt = 1. Central bank and monetary policy We have shown that households’welfare criterion and maximization problem are as in our baseline model. Thus the dynamics of the net wealth distribution continue to be given by equation (11). Foreign investors can be modelled exactly as in Section 2.2. Therefore, the central bank’s optimal policy problems, both under commitment and discretion, are exactly as in our baseline model.

E. The methodology in discrete time The aim of this appendix is to illustrate how the methodology can be extended to discrete-time models. We assume again that ( ; F; fFt g ; P) is a …ltered probability space but time is discrete: t 2 N. E.1. Model Households The domestic price at time t, Pt , evolves according to Pt = (1 + 76

t ) Pt 1 ;


where t is the domestic in‡ation rate. Household k 2 [0; 1] is endowed with an income ykt per period, where ykt follows a two-state Markov chain: ykt 2 fy1 ; y2 g ; with y1 < y2 . The transition matrix is P=


p11 p12 p21 p22



Outstanding bonds are amortized at rate > 0 per period. The nominal value of the household’s net asset position Akt evolves as follows, Akt+1 = Anew kt + (1

) Akt ;

where Anew is the ‡ow of new issuances. The nominal market price of bonds at time kt t is Qt and ckt is the household’s consumption. The budget constraint of household k is Qt Anew ckt ) + Akt : kt = Pt (ykt The dynamics for net nominal wealth are Akt+1 = (1 + rt ) Akt +

Pt (ykt ckt ) : Qt


where rt Qt is the nominal bond yield. The dynamics of the real net wealth as akt Akt =Pt are akt+1 =

1 1+

(1 + rt ) akt + t


ckt Qt

= st (akt ; ykt ) :


From now onwards we drop subscripts k for ease of exposition. For any Borel subset A~ of we de…ne the transition function associated to the stochastic process at as h i ~ yj = P(at+1 2 A; ~ yt+1 = yj jat = a; yt = yi ); i; j = 1; 2: Ht (a; yi ) ; A; This transition function equals h i ~ yj = pij 1 ~ (st;i (a)) ; Ht (a; yi ) ; A; A where 1A~ ( ) is the indicator function of subset A~ and st;i (a) 77

st (a; yi ) :


Household have preferences over paths for consumption ckt and domestic in‡ation discounted at rate > 0, E0


1 X


(u(ct )



x ( t )) :


We use the short-hand notation vi (t; a) v(t; a; yi ) for the value function when household income is low (i = 1) and high (i = 2): The Bellman equation results in vi (t; a) = max u(ct ) ct

x ( t ) + (T vi ) (t + 1; a); i = 1; 2;


where operator T is the Markov operator associated with (78), de…ned as59 (T vi ) (t + 1; a) = Et [v(t + 1; at+1 ; yt+1 )jat = a; yt = yi ] (81) Z 2 2 X X = vj (t + 1; a0 ) Ht [(a; yi ) ; (da0 ; yj )] = pij vj (t + 1; st;i (a)): j=1


The …rst order condition of the individual problem is u0 (ci )+


@vi @a

(t+1; a)

@st;i (a) = u0 (ci ) @ci


@vi @a

(t+1; a)

(1 +

t ) Qt

= 0 (82)

Foreign investors The nominal price of the bond at time t is given by Qt =

+ (1 ) Qt+1 : (1 + t ) (1 + r)

Distribution dynamics The state of the economy at time t is the joint density of net wealth and income, f (t; a; yi ) fi (t; a), i = 1; 2: The dynamics of this density are given by the Chapman–Kolmogorov (CK) equation, fi (t; a) = (T fi ) (t 59

1; a)


Notice that we consider the complete space R as the borrowing limit a¤ects the dynamics through the admissible consumption paths.


where the adjoint operator Tt (T fi ) (t 1; a) =

2 Z X



is de…ned as 0



1 [(a ; yj ) ; (a; yi )] fj (t 1; a )da =


2 X


fj (t





where (a) is the inverse function of st;i (a) : if a = st;i (a) then a = The proof of the CK equation is as follows. Let a; yt = yi ) =

P(at be the joint probability of at


1; st 11;j (a)) ; dst 1;j =da



(a ) :


fi (t; a0 ) da0 ; 1

a and yt = yi : It is equal to

2 X





1 1;j (a)

fj (t

1; a0 ) da0 ;


and taking derivatives with respect to a: fi (t; a) =

2 X

1; st 11;j (a)

pji fj t


2 fj (t 1; st 11;j (a)) dst 11;j (a) X = pji ; da ds =da t 1;j j=1

where we have applied the inverse function theorem. If we de…ne T v(t; ) = [T v1 (t; ); T v2 (t; )]T and T f (t; ) = [T f1 (t; ); T f2 (t; )]T the inner product results in hT v(t + 1; ); f (t; )i = =

2 Z X

(T vi ) (t + 1; a)fi (t; a)da =




2 Z X

2 Z X 2 X i=1

2 X

pij fi (t; a)vj (t + 1; st;j (a))da:



pij vj (t + 1; st;j (a))fi (t; a)da

By changing variable a0 = st;i (a) : hT v(t + 1; ); f (t; )i = =

2 2 Z X X i=1


2 Z X j=1


pij fi (t; st;i1 (a0 ))vj (t + 1; a0 )

2 Z X j=1


2 X i=1

da0 dst;i =da

# fi (t; st;i1 (a0 )) vj (t; a0 )da0 pij dst;i =da

(Tt fj ) (t; a0 )vj (t; a0 )da0 = hv(t + 1; ); Tt f (t; )i ;

showing that T and T are adjoint operators with one period lag.60 E.2. Optimal monetary policy (Ramsey) Central bank preferences The central maximizes economy-wide aggregate welfare, Z 1X 1 X 2 t [u (ci (t; a)) x ( (t))] fi (t; a)da : (85) W0 = i=1


Lagragian In this case the Lagragian can be written as L [ ; Q; f; v; c] =

1 X


t=0 1 X



t=0 1 X


t=0 1 X


xt ; ft i +

t t



0 t ; ut




t; T




+ (1 ) Qt+1 (1 + t ) (1 + r) xt + T vt+1

t ; ut


1 X

(1 +

t ) Qt

vt T

@vt+1 @a


where t t (a), t t (a), t t (a) e t t are Lagrange multipliers. The problem of the central bank in this case is



s ;Qs ;vs (

);cs ( );fs ( )g1 s=0


L [ ; Q; f; v; c] :


A general proof for the time-invariant case can be found in theorem 8.3 in Stockey and Lucas (1989).


We can apply the fact that T and T are adjoint operators to express t t t

0 t ; ut

t; T



xt + T vt+1

t ; ut

(1 +






h t ; ut



h t ; u0t i

@vt+1 @a


t ) Qt




t ; ft i


h t ; ft i ; vt i +



(1 +



t ) Qt

t ; vt+1 i ; t;

@vt+1 @a


Necessary conditions In order to …nd the maximum, we need to take the Gateaux derivative with respect to the controls f , ; Q; v and c. The Gateaux derivative with respect to ft ( ) in the direction h is t


xt ; ht i +




t+1 ; ht

h t ; ht i = 0:


Expression (87) should equal zero for any function hit ( ) 2 L2 (R) ; i = 1; 2 : i

(t; a) = u(ct;i )

x ( t ) + (T

i ) (t; a) ;

which coincides with the household’s Bellman equation (80) and hence vi (t; a) : In the case of ct (a) ; the Gateaux derivative is t+1 t


hu0t ht ; ft i t

(1 +

h t ; u00t ht i +

ht T

t ) Qt t+1

(1 +




@ +1 ; ft @a t ; ht


(t; a) =


t+1 t


h t ; u0t ht i

@ 2 vt+1 @a2

(1 +

t ) Qt

t ; ht T

@vt+1 @a

; 2

vt+1 @ t+1 T @v@a = (1+ 1t )Qt T @ @a where we have applied the fact that @c 2 : This expression 2 should be zero for any function hit ( ) 2 L (R) ; i = 1; 2: Notice that t;


1 (1 +

t ) Qt


@vt+1 @a



due to the …rst order condition of the individual problem (82). Analogously, ft ; u0t

1 (1 +

t ) Qt









= v: Therefore the optimality condition with respect to c results in


u00t +

(1 +





@ 2 vt @a2



As the instantaneous utility function is assumed to be strictly concave, u00t < 0; and 2 the individual value function v is also strictly concave @@av2t < 0 for all t and a; then u00t +

2 t)

(1 +



@ 2 vt @a2

and the equality in equation (88) is only satis…ed if In the case of vt (a) ; the Gateaux derivative is t


h t ; ht i +




(t; ) = 0; i = 1; 2:

t 1 ; ht i ;

where we have taken into account the fact that i (t; ) = 0: The Gateaux derivative should be zero for any function hit ( ) 2 L2 (R) ; i = 1; 2 so that we obtain a CK equation that describes the propagation of the “promises”to the individual households: t


t 1;

where 1 = 0 as there are no precommitments. Hence i (t; ) = 0; i = 1; 2:: In the case of Qt ; we compute the standard (…nite-dimensional) derivative: @ T vt+1 ; ft + t @Qt (yt ct ) T vt+1 ; ft + Q2t




t 1


t 1 t

) = 0; (1 + t 1 ) (1 + r) (1 ) = 0; 1 (1 + t 1 ) (1 + r)

t 1


and thus



t 1

(1 +

2 Z X ) + 2 ( a + yi Qt i=1 1 ) (1 + r)

(1 t

ci (t; a)) T

The lack of any precommitment to bondholders implies account the …rst order condition of households u0 (ci ) = T


@vi @a

(t + 1; a) fi (t; a) da:

1 @vi @a

= 0: If we take into (t + 1; a) (1+ t )Qt ; this

simpli…es to


t 1


(1 +

) (1 + t ) X + Qt 1 ) (1 + r) i=1 2

(1 t


( a + yi

ci (t; a)) uc (ci (t; a)) fi (t; a) da:

Finally, we compute the standard derivative with respect to t

hx0t ; ft i

2 t)


+ (1 ) Qt+1 @ = 0; T vt+1 ; ft + t t 2 @ t (1 + t ) (1 + r) Qt+1 @vt+1 ; ft + t at+1 = 0; @a (1 + t )2 (1 + r)


hx0t ; ft i +

(1 +



and hence t Qt+1

= (1 + r)

2 Z X

(1 +





@vi @a

(t + 1; a)

x0 (t; a) fi (t; a) da;

which, taking into account the …rst order condition of households, simpli…es to t Qt+1

= (1 + r)

2 Z X i=1

Qt u0 (ci (t; a)) (1 + t )

x0 (t; a) fi (t; a) da;

The solution to the Ramsey problem in discrete time is given by the following proposition Proposition 5 (Optimal in‡ation - Ramsey discrete time) If a solution to the Ramsey problem (86) exists, the in‡ation path (t) must satisfy t Qt+1

= (1 + r)

2 Z X i=1




Qt u0 (ci (t; a)) (1 + t )

x0 (t; a) fi (t; a) da;


(t) is a costate with law of motion t 1

(1 +

(1 t

) + (1 + 1 ) (1 + r)

and initial condition



2 Z X i=1

u0 (ci (t; a))

a + yi

ci (t; a) Qt

fi (t; a) da: (90)

= 0.

Notice that this proposition is the the equivalent of Proposition 1 in discrete time. 83

F. A simpli…ed model version Consider a simpli…ed model version with no idiosyncratic uncertainty (y1 = y2 y). Let also the natural borrowing limit replace the exogenous lower bound for real net wealth ( ). The household’s problem is otherwise unchanged relative to the one in the main text. As in our numerical implementation, assume log consumption utiliy: 2 u(c) x( ) = log (c) =2. The HJB equation (equation 6 in the main text) simpli…es to vt (a) = where st (a; c) =

@vt + max log (c) c @t t



y c . Qt

2 t =2

+ st (a; c)

@vt @a



The …rst order condition for consumption is

1 1 @vt (a) = : ct (a) Qt @a


From now on, drop function arguments for ease of notation. The envelope condition is @vt @ 2 vt @vt @ 2 vt = + + st 2 : (93) t @a @t@a Qt @a @a Di¤erentiating (92) with respect to a and t, we obtain respectively 0=

@ct @vt @ 2 vt + ct 2 : @a @a @a

@ct @vt @ 2 vt Q_ t = + ct : @t @a @a@t Using the latter two expressions and (92) to substitute for and rearranging, =

Q_ t + Qt Qt




@ct @ct + @a @t

@vt @ 2 vt ; @a @t@a

1 : ct


@ 2 vt @a2

in (93),

t t Using the fact that st @c + @c = @a @t equation,

dct dt

c_t , we obtain the following consumption Euler

Q_ t c_t = + ct Qt Qt = r ;



t + Qt where the last equality follows from the bond pricing condition, Q Qt (see equation 10 in the main text).61 We now guess and verify that the value function takes the form

vt (a) = where ht





where rt =





u )du




log(a + ht =Qt ) + v^t ; Rs


Qt ds: Qs

and v^t is the solution to the ordinary di¤erential equation d^ vt + log ( Qt ) dt


2 t




= v^t ;


with the transversality condition limt!1 e t v^t = 0. We then have @vt (a)=@a = 1 (a + ht =Qt ) 1 and hence, from equation (92), the optimal consumption is ct (a) = (Qt at + ht ) : If we substitute the value function and the consumption in the HJB (91) we obtain log(a +

ht @ 1 ht ht 2 ) + v^(t) = log(a + ) + v^(t) + log ( Qt ) + log(at + ) Qt @t Qt Qt 2 t y (Qt at + ht ) @ 1 ht + (rt log(a + ) + v^(t) : t) a + Qt @a Qt

Notice that @ 1 ht 1 @ ht 1 d^ v (t) log(a + ) + v^(t) = ( )+ ; @t Qt a + ht =Qt @t Qt dt 61

In the full model, and with log preferences, the Euler equation generalizes to c_it =cit = r (c 1) for i; j = 1; 2, j 6= i. i it =cjt




@ (ht =Qt ) = @t





Rs t


u )du


1 y (rt t ) ht ds = + : Qs Qt Qt

Using the latter in the HJB equation, cancelling terms, and rearranging, 0 =

(rt +


) (ht + Qt a) 1 1 Qt a + ht =Qt

d^ v (t) dt

v^(t) + log ( Qt )


2 t;

We …nally obtain v^(t) =




d^ v (t) + log ( Qt ) dt

2 t;


which is satis…ed due to equation (95).

G. Robustness Steady state Ramsey in‡ation. In Proposition 2, we established that the Ramsey optimal long-run in‡ation rate converges to zero as the central bank’s discount rate converges to that of foreign investors, r. In our baseline calibration, both discount rates are indeed very close to each other, implying that Ramsey optimal long-run in‡ation is essentially zero. We now evaluate the sensitivity of Ramsey optimal steady state in‡ation to the di¤erence between both discount rates. From equation (21), Ramsey optimal steady state in‡ation is



2 Z 1X i=1


Q1 ( a) u0 (ci1 (a)) fi1 (a) da +


1 Q1 ;


where from equation (17)



0 Ef1 (a;y) [ anew 1 (a; y) u (c1 (a; y))] : ( r) 1+


Figure 5 displays (left axis), as well as its two determinants (right axis) on the right-hand side of equation (96). Optimal in‡ation decreases approximately linearly with the gap r. As the latter increases, two counteracting e¤ects take place. On the one hand, it can be shown that as the households become more impatient relative 86

to foreign investors, the net asset distribution shifts towards the left, i.e. more and more households become net borrowers and come close to the borrowing limit, where the marginal utility of wealth is highest.62 As shown in the …gure, this increases the central bank’s incentive to in‡ate for the purpose of redistributing wealth towards debtors. On the other hand, higher indebtedness implies also more issuance of new debt. Moreover, a higher gap r increases the extent to which the central bank internalizes the e¤ect of trend in‡ation on the price of bond issuances. The latter two e¤ects imply that in equation (97), ceteris paribus, the numerator increases and the denominator falls, respectively, such that 1 becomes more negative. This gives the central bank an incentive to committing to lower long-run in‡ation. As shown by Figure 5, this second ’commitment’ e¤ect dominates the redistributive in‡ationary e¤ect, such that in net terms optimal long-run in‡ation becomes more negative as the discount rate gap widens. Initial in‡ation. As explained before, time-0 optimal in‡ation and its subsequent path depend on the initial net wealth distribution across households, which is an in…nite-dimensional object. In our baseline numerical analysis, we set it equal to the stationary distribution in the case of zero in‡ation. We now investigate how initial in‡ation depends on such initial distribution. To make the analysis operational, we restrict our attention to the class of Normal distributions truncated at the borrowing limit . That is, f0 (a) =


(a; ; ) = [1 0;

( ; ; )] ; a a<



where ( ; ; ) and ( ; ; ) are the Normal pdf and cdf, respectively.63 The parameters and allow us to control both (i) the initial net foreign asset position and (ii) the domestic dispersion in household wealth, and hence to isolate the e¤ect of each factor on the optimal in‡ation path. Notice also that optimal long-run in‡ation rates do not depend on f0 (a) and are therefore exactly the same as in our baseline numerical analysis regardless of and .64 This allows us to focus here on in‡ation 62

The evolution of the long-run wealth distribution as r increases is available upon request. In these simulations, we assume that the initial net asset distribution conditional on income is the ajy ajy same for high- and low-income households: f0 (a j y2 ) = f0 (a j y1 ) f~0 (a). This implies that the P ajy marginal asset density coincides with its conditional density: f0a (a) = i=1;2 f0 (a j yi ) f y (yi ) = f~0 (a). 64 As shown in Table 2, long-run in‡ation is 0:05% under commitment, and 1:68% under discre63




80 -0.1

Redistributive component (percent), lhs 60 -0.2 40 -0.3 20

Steady-state in.ation, : (percent), rhs



-20 -0.5 -40 -0.6

Commitment component (percent), lhs


-0.7 -80

-100 0




-0.8 0.25


; ! r7 (percent)

Figure 5: Sensitivity analysis to changes in



at time 0, while noting that the transition paths towards the respective long-run levels are isomorphic to those displayed in Figure 1.65 Moreover, we report results for the commitment case, both for brevity and because results for discretion are very similar.66 Figure 6 displays optimal initial in‡ation rates for alternative initial net wealth distributions. In the …rst row of panels, we show the e¤ect of increasing wealth dispersion while restricting the country to have a zero net position vis-à-vis the rest of the World, i.e. we increase and simultaneously adjust to ensure that a0 = 0.67 In the extreme case of a (quasi) degenerate initial distribution at zero net assets (solid blue line in the upper left panel), the central bank has no incentive to create in‡ation, and thus optimal initial in‡ation is zero. As the degree of initial wealth dispersion increases, so does optimal initial in‡ation. The bottom row of panels in Figure 6 isolates instead the e¤ect of increasing the liabilities with the rest of the World, while assuming at the same time ' 0, i.e. eliminating any wealth dispersion.68 As shown by the lower right panel, optimal in‡ation increases fairly quickly with the external indebtedness; for instance, an external debt-to-GDP ratio of 50 percent justi…es an initial in‡ation of over 6 percent. We can …nally use Figure 6 to shed some light on the contribution of each redistributive motive (cross-border and domestic) to the initial optimal in‡ation rate, 0 = 4:6%, found in our baseline analysis. We may do so in two di¤erent ways. First, we note that the initial wealth distribution used in our baseline analysis implies a consolidated net foreign asset position of a0 = 25% of GDP (y = 1). Using as initial condition a degenerate distribution at exactly that level (i.e. = 0:205 and ' 0) delivers 0 = 3:1% (see panel d). Therefore, the pure cross-border redistributive motive explains a signi…cant part (about two thirds) but not all of the optimal tion. 65 The full dynamic optimal paths under any of the alternative calibrations considered in this section are available upon request. 66 As explained before, time-0 in‡ation in both policy regimes di¤er only insofar as the respective time-0 value functions do, but numerically we found the latter to be always very similar to each other. Results for the discretion case are available upon request. 67 We verify that for all the calibrations considered here, the path of at after time 0 satis…es Assumption 1. 68 That is, we approximate ’Dirac delta’distributions centered at di¤erent values of . Since such distributions are not a¤ected by the truncation at a = , we have a (0) = , i.e. the net foreign asset position coincides with .


time-0 in‡ation under the Ramsey policy. Alternatively, we may note that our baseline initial distribution has a standard deviation of 1:95. We then …nd the ( ; ) pair such that the (truncated) normal distribution has the same standard deviation while ensuring that a0 = 0 (thus switching o¤ the cross-border redistributive motive); this requires = 2:1, which delivers 0 = 1:5% (panel b). We thus …nd again that the pure domestic redistributive motive explains about a third of the baseline optimal initial in‡ation. We conclude that both the cross-border and the domestic redistributive motives are quantitatively important for explaining the optimal in‡ation chosen by the monetary authority.

H. Additional …gures Figure 7 is the analogue of Figure 3 in the main text for low-income (unemployed) households, i.e. those with y = y1 . Qualitatively, the e¤ects of optimal in‡ation on consumption redistribution are similar to those for high-income (employed) households. First, relative to zero in‡ation, optimal in‡ationary policies favor time-0 consumption for indebted households and vice versa for lending ones (center-right panel). Second, the optimal commitment policy moves some low-wealth households to the range of intermediate wealth levels, which favors their consumption over time (lower-left panel).


(a) Initial distribution, f0

(b) Initial in.ation, :0



< = 0.01 < = 0.4 < = 1.2 < = 2.1








-0.5 -3











Assets, a




(c) Initial distribution, f0

(d) Initial in.ation, :0



7 7 7 7


=0 = -0.5 = -1 = -1.5






0 -1.5

0 -3








Assets, a





Figure 6: Ramsey optimal initial in‡ation for di¤erent initial net asset distributions.


Optimal vs. : = 0 (t = 0)


t=0 t = 10 t = 20





-0.5 -1

-1 -2





































0 -0.5 -1 -2











1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6


0 -2

Commitment Discretion :=0



0.6 -2


Consumption (t = 0)

t=0 t = 10 t = 20

New bonds (t = 0)


Density (t = 0)

new Consumption, ct (a; y1 ) New bonds, at (a; y1 )

Density, ft (a; y1 )


Commitment 1

0.06 0.04 0.02 0


Assets, a



Assets, a



Assets, a

Figure 7: Policy functions and net wealth densities across policies and over time (low-income households, y = y1 )


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