A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2 WG21 N3740 2013-08-30 N3514 JTC1.22.32 Programming Language C++ Walter E. Brown

Document #: Date: Revises: Project: Reply to:

Contents 1 2 3 4

Introduction and motivation Alternative approaches . . . A straw man implementation Open questions . . . . . . . .

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Introduction and motivation

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Proposed wording . . . . . . . . . . 8 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . 14 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

C++11’s shared_ptr and unique_ptr facilities, like C++98’s auto_ptr before them, provide considerable expressive power for handling memory resources. In addition to the technical benefits of such smart pointers, their names provide de facto vocabulary types1 for describing certain common coding idioms that encompass pointer-related policies such as pointee copying and lifetime management. As another example, consider boost::optional,2 which provides a pointer-like interface to access underlying (possibly uninitialized) values. Dave Abrahams characterizes3 “the fundamental semantics of optional [as] identical to those of a (non-polymorphic) clone_ptr.” Thus optional provides vocabulary for another common coding idiom in which bare pointers have been historically used. Code that predates or otherwise avoids such smart pointers generally relies on C++’s native pointers for its memory management and allied needs, and so makes little or no coding use of any kind of standard descriptive vocabulary. As a result, it has often proven to be very challenging and time-consuming for a programmer to inspect code in order to discern the use to which any specific bare pointer is put, even if that use has no management role at all. As Loïc A. Joly observed,4 “it is not easy to disambiguate a T* pointer that is only observing the data. . . . Even if it would just 1 Defined by Pablo Halperin in N1850 as “ubiquitous types used throughout the internal interfaces of a program.” He goes on to say, “The use of a well-defined set of vocabulary types . . . lends simplicity and clarity to a piece of code.” 2 http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/optional/doc/html/index.html. This functionality was recently ac´ cepted for C++14 per N3672 by Fernando Cacciola and Andrzej Krzemienski. See [optional]. 3

Reflector message c++std-lib-31692.


Reflector message c++std-lib-31595.



N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2

serve for documentation, having a dedicated type would have some value I think.” Our experience leads us to agree with this assessment.


Alternative approaches

Responding to Joly’s above-cited comment, Howard Hinnant presented5 the following (lightly reformatted, excerpted) C++11 code to demonstrate one candidate mechanism for achieving Joly’s objective: struct do_nothing { template void operator ()(T*) { }; // do nothing };

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template using non_owning_ptr = unique_ptr;

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At first glance, this certainly seems a reasonable approach. However, on further reflection, the copy semantics of these non_owning_ptr<> types seem subtly wrong for non-owning pointers (i.e., for pointers that behave strictly as observers): while the aliased underlying unique_ptr is (movable but) not copyable, we believe that an observer should be freely copyable to another observer object of the same or compatible type. Joly appears to concur with this view, stating6 that “non_owning_ptr should be CopyConstructible and Assignable.” Later in the same thread, Howard Hinnant shared7 his personal preference: “I use raw pointers for non-owning relationships. And I actually *like* them. And I don’t find them difficult or error prone.” While this assessment from an acknowledged expert (with concurrence from others8 ) is tempting, it seems most applicable when developing new code. However, we have found that a bare pointer is at such a low level of abstraction9 that it can mean any one of quite a number of possibilities, especially when working with legacy code (e.g., when trying to divine its intent or trying to interoperate with it). Consistent with Bjarne Stroustrup’s guideline10 to “avoid very general types in interfaces,” our coding standard has for some time strongly discouraged the use of bare pointers in most public interfaces.11 However, it seems clear that there is and will continue to be a role for non-owning, observe-only pointers. As Ville Voutilainen reminded us,12 “we haven’t standardized every useful smart pointer yet.” We certainly agree; in our experience, it has proven helpful to have a standard vocabulary type with which to document the observe-only behavior via code that can also interoperate with bare 5

Reflector message c++std-lib-31596.


Reflector message c++std-lib-31725.


Reflector message c++std-lib-31734.


For example, Nevin Liber in c++std-lib-31729 expresses a related preference: “for non-owning situations use references where you can and pointers where you must. . . , and only use smart pointers when dealing with ownership.” Other posters shared similar sentiments. 9

It has been said that bare pointers are to data structures as goto is to control structures.


See, for example, his keynote talk “C++11 Style” given 2012-02-02 during the GoingNative 2012 event held in Redmond, WA, USA. Video and slides at http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/GoingNative-2012. 11

Constructor parameters are a notable exception.


Reflector message c++std-lib-31742.

N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2


pointers. The next section exhibits the essential aspects of exempt_ptr, our candidate for the (facetious yet descriptive) title of “World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer.”


A straw man implementation

We present the following code as a preliminary specification of intent in order to serve as a basis for technical discussion. Designed as a pointer that takes no formal notice of its pointee’s lifetime, this not-very-smart pointer template is intended as a replacement for near-trivial uses of bare/native/raw/built-in/dumb C++ pointers, especially when used to communicate with (say) legacy code that traffics in such pointers. It is, by design, exempt (hence its working name) from any role in managing any pointee, and is thus freely copyable independent of and without regard for its pointee. We have found that such a template provides us a standard vocabulary to denote non-owning pointers, with no need for further comment or other documentation to describe the near-vacuous semantics involved. As a small bonus, this template’s c’tors ensure that all instance variables are initialized. 1 2 3 4 5

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// ====================================================================== // // exempt_ptr: a pointer that is nearly oblivious to its pointee // // ====================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include

// // // // //

nullptr_t, ptrdiff_t less random_access_iterator_tag add_pointer, enable_if, ... swap

// ----------------------------------------------// synopsis template< class E > class exempt_ptr; template< class E > void swap( exempt_ptr &, exempt_ptr & ) noexcept; template< class E > exempt_ptr make_exempt( E * ) noexcept; // (in)equality template< class bool operator == ( template< class bool operator != (

operators E1, class E2 > exempt_ptr const &, exempt_ptr const & ); E1, class E2 > exempt_ptr const &, exempt_ptr const & );

template< class E > bool


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N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2 operator == ( exempt_ptr const &, nullptr_t ) noexcept; template< class E > bool operator != ( exempt_ptr const &, nullptr_t ) noexcept; template< class bool operator == ( template< class bool operator != (

E > nullptr_t, exempt_ptr const & ) noexcept; E > nullptr_t, exempt_ptr const & ) noexcept;

// ordering operators template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator < ( exempt_ptr const &, exempt_ptr const & ); template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator > ( exempt_ptr const &, exempt_ptr const & ); template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator <= ( exempt_ptr const &, exempt_ptr const & ); template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator >= ( exempt_ptr const &, exempt_ptr const & ); // arithmetic operators template< class E > exempt_ptr operator + ( ptrdiff_t, exempt_ptr const & ); template< class E > ptrdiff_t operator - ( exempt_ptr const &, exempt_ptr const & ); // ----------------------------------------------// exempt_ptr template< class E > class exempt_ptr { public: // publish our template using value_type = using pointer = using const_pointer = using reference = using const_reference =

parameter and variations thereof E; add_pointer_t; add_pointer_t; add_lvalue_reference_t; add_lvalue_reference_t;

// enable use as a pointer-like iterator using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; using iterator_category = random_access_iterator_tag; private: template< class P >

N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2

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constexpr bool is_compat( ) { return is_convertible, pointer>::value; } public: // default c’tor constexpr exempt_ptr( ) noexcept : p{ nullptr }

// copying c’tors (in addition to compiler-generated copy c’tor) template< class E2 , class = enable_if_t< is_compat() > > exempt_ptr( exempt_ptr const & other ) noexcept : p{ other.get() } { } // pointer-accepting assignments exempt_ptr & operator = ( nullptr_t ) noexcept { reset(nullptr); return *this; } template< class E2 > enable_if_t< is_compat(), exempt_ptr & > operator = ( E2 * other ) noexcept { reset(other); return *this; } // copying assignments (in addition to compiler-generated copy assignment) template< class E2 > enable_if_t< is_compat(), exempt_ptr & > operator = ( exempt_ptr const & other ) noexcept { reset(other.get()); return *this; } // observers pointer get( ) const noexcept { return p; } reference operator * ( ) const noexcept { return *get(); } pointer operator -> ( ) const noexcept { return get(); } explicit operator bool ( ) const noexcept { return get(); }



// modifiers


{ }

// pointer-accepting c’tors constexpr exempt_ptr( nullptr_t ) noexcept : exempt_ptr{} { } explicit exempt_ptr( pointer other ) noexcept : p{ other } { } template< class E2 , class = enable_if_t< is_compat() > > explicit exempt_ptr( E2 * other ) noexcept : p{ other } { }

// conversions operator pointer ( ) noexcept operator const_pointer( ) const noexcept



{ return get(); } { return get(); }


N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2 pointer void void

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release( ) noexcept { pointer old = get(); reset(); return old; } reset( pointer t = nullptr ) noexcept { p = t; } swap( exempt_ptr & other ) noexcept { swap(p, other.p); }

// arithmetic exempt_ptr & operator ++ ( ) exempt_ptr & operator -- ( )

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{ ++p; return *this; } { --p; return *this; }


exempt_ptr exempt_ptr

operator ++ ( int ) operator -- ( int )



operator + ( ) const


exempt_ptr exempt_ptr

operator + ( ptrdiff_t d ) const operator - ( ptrdiff_t d ) const



value_type & value_type const &

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{ pointer tmp = p; ++p; return exempt_ptr{tmp}; } { pointer tmp = p; --p; return exempt_ptr{tmp}; } { return *this; } { return exempt_ptr{p+d}; } { return exempt_ptr{p-d}; }

operator [] ( ptrdiff_t k ) operator [] ( ptrdiff_t k ) const


private: pointer




// ----------------------------------------------// exempt_ptr non-member swap



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{ return p[k]; } { return p[k]; }


// exempt_ptr<>

template< class E > inline void swap( exempt_ptr & x, exempt_ptr & y ) noexcept { x.swap(y); } // ----------------------------------------------// exempt_ptr non-member make_exempt template< class E > inline exempt_ptr make_exempt( E * p ) noexcept { return exempt_ptr{p}; } // ----------------------------------------------// exempt_ptr non-member (in)equality operators template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator == ( exempt_ptr const & x, exempt_ptr const & y ) { return equal_to()(x.get(), y.get()); }


template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator != ( exempt_ptr const & x, exempt_ptr const & y ) { return not operator == (x, y); }


template< class E >

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N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2

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bool operator == ( exempt_ptr const & x, nullptr_t y ) noexcept { return x.get() == y; } template< class E > bool operator != ( exempt_ptr const & x, nullptr_t y ) noexcept { return not operator==(x, y); } template< class E > bool operator == ( nullptr_t, exempt_ptr const & y ) noexcept { return x == y.get(); } template< class E > bool operator != ( nullptr_t x, exempt_ptr const & y ) noexcept { return not operator==(x, y); } // ----------------------------------------------// exempt_ptr non-member ordering operators template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator < ( exempt_ptr const & x, exempt_ptr const & y ) { return less()(x.get(), y.get()); } template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator > ( exempt_ptr const & x, exempt_ptr const & y ) { return y < x; } template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator <= ( exempt_ptr const & x, exempt_ptr const & y ) { return not (y < x); } template< class E1, class E2 > bool operator >= ( exempt_ptr const & x, exempt_ptr const & y ) { return not (x < y); } // ----------------------------------------------// exempt_ptr non-member arithmetic operators template< class E > exempt_ptr operator + ( ptrdiff_t d, exempt_ptr const & p ) { return p + d; } template< class E > ptrdiff_t operator - ( exempt_ptr const & x, exempt_ptr const & y ) { return x.get() - y.get(); }



N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2


Open questions 1. At the moment, exempt_ptr knows of no other smart pointer. Should exempt_ptr innately interoperate with any of the standard smart pointers? If so, with which one(s) and to what degree? 2. More generally, can LWG articulate a smart pointer interoperability policy or rationale in order to guide us in such decisions? 3. Alternative names13 (shown alphabetically) for bike-shed consideration: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

aloof_ptr agnostic_ptr apolitical_ptr ascetic_ptr attending_ptr austere_ptr bare_ptr blameless_ptr blond_ptr blonde_ptr classic_ptr core_ptr disinterested_ptr disowned_ptr disowning_ptr dumb_ptr emancipated_ptr estranged_ptr excused_ptr faultless_ptr free_ptr

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

freeagent_ptr guiltless_ptr handsoff_ptr ignorant_ptr impartial_ptr independent_ptr innocent_ptr irresponsible_ptr just_a_ptr legacy_ptr naked_ptr neutral_ptr nonown_ptr nonowning_ptr notme_ptr oblivious_ptr observer_ptr observing_ptr open_ptr ownerless_ptr pointer

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ptr pure_ptr quintessential_ptr severe_ptr simple_ptr stark_ptr straight_ptr true_ptr unfettered_ptr uninvolved_ptr unmanaged_ptr unowned_ptr untainted_ptr unyoked_ptr virgin_ptr visiting_ptr watch_ptr watcher_ptr watching_ptr witless_ptr witness_ptr

Proposed wording14

5 5.1


Append the following, in namespace std, to [memory.syn]:

// 20.8.x, class template exempt_ptr template class exempt_ptr; template void swap(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr&) noexcept; template exempt_ptr make_exempt(E*) noexcept; // (in)equality operators template bool operator==(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr&); template 13 Most of these names were suggested by readers of earlier drafts. While not all suggestions seem viable (e.g., some are clearly intended as humorous), we have opted to preserve all of them for the record. 14

All wording is relative to Working Draft N3691.

N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2


bool operator!=(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr&); template bool operator==(const exempt_ptr&, nullptr_t) noexcept; template bool operator!=(const exempt_ptr&, nullptr_t) noexcept; template bool operator==(nullptr_t, const exempt_ptr&) noexcept; template bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const exempt_ptr&) noexcept; // ordering operators template bool operator<(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr&); template bool operator>(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr&); template bool operator<=(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr&); template bool operator>=(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr&); // arithmetic operators template exempt_ptr operator+(ptrdiff_t, const exempt_ptr&); template< class E > ptrdiff_t operator-(const exempt_ptr&, const exempt_ptr& );


Class template, etc.

Create in [smartptr] a new subclause as follows:

20.8.x Non-owning pointers 1 A non-owning pointer, also known as an observer or watcher, is an object o that stores a pointer to a second object w. In this context, w is known as a watched object. [ Note: There is no watched object when the stored pointer is nullptr. — end note ] An observer takes no responsibility or ownership of any kind for the watched object, if any. In particular, there is no inherent relationship between the lifetimes of any observer and any watched objects. 2 Each type instantiated from the exempt_ptr template specified in this subclause shall meet the requirements of a CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable type. The template parameter E of exempt_ptr may be an incomplete type. 3 [ Note: The uses of exempt_ptr include clarity of interface specification in new code, and interoperability with pointer-based legacy code. — end note ]

Following the practice of C++11, another copy of the synopsis above is to be inserted here. However, comments are omitted from this copy.


N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2

20.8.x.1 Class template exempt_ptr


1 For the purposes of this subclause, a type F is said to be pointer-incompatible with a type E if the expression is_convertible< add_pointer_t, add_pointer_t >::value is false. namespace std { template class exempt_ptr { public: // publish our template parameter and variations thereof using value_type = E; using pointer = add_pointer_t; using const_pointer = add_pointer_t; using reference = add_lvalue_reference_t; using const_reference = add_lvalue_reference_t; // enable use as a pointer-like iterator using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; using iterator_category = random_access_iterator_tag; // default c’tor constexpr exempt_ptr() noexcept; // pointer-accepting c’tors constexpr exempt_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept; explicit exempt_ptr(pointer) noexcept; template explicit exempt_ptr(E2*) noexcept; // copying c’tors (in addition to compiler-generated copy c’tor) template exempt_ptr(const exempt_ptr&) noexcept; // pointer-accepting assignments exempt_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept; template exempt_ptr& operator=(E2* other) noexcept; // copying assignments (in addition to compiler-generated copy assignment) template exempt_ptr& operator=(const exempt_ptr&) noexcept; // observers pointer get() const noexcept; reference operator*() const noexcept; pointer operator->() const noexcept; explicit operator bool() const noexcept; // conversions operator pointer() noexcept; operator const_pointer() const noexcept; // modifiers pointer release() noexcept; void reset(pointer t = nullptr) noexcept; void swap(exempt_ptr&) noexcept; // arithmetic exempt_ptr& operator++(); exempt_ptr& operator--();

N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2


exempt_ptr operator++(int); exempt_ptr operator--(int); exempt_ptr operator+() const; exempt_ptr operator+(ptrdiff_t) const; exempt_ptr operator-(ptrdiff_t) const; value_type& operator[](ptrdiff_t); const value_type& operator[](ptrdiff_t) const; }; // exempt_ptr<> } 20.8.x.1.1 exempt_ptr constructors


constexpr exempt_ptr() noexcept; constexpr exempt_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept; 1 Effects: Constructs an exempt_ptr object that has no corresponding watched object. 2 Postconditions: get() == nullptr. explicit exempt_ptr(pointer other) noexcept; 3 Effects: Constructs an exempt_ptr object whose watched object is *other. template explicit exempt_ptr(E2* other) noexcept; 4 Effects: Constructs an exempt_ptr object whose watched object is *dynamic_cast(other). 5 Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution if E2 is pointer-incompatible with E. template exempt_ptr(const exempt_ptr& other) noexcept; 6 Effects: Constructs an exempt_ptr object whose watched object is *dynamic_cast(other). 7 Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution if E2 is pointer-incompatible with E. 20.8.x.1.2 exempt_ptr assignment


exempt_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept; 1 Effects: Same as if calling reset(nullptr); 2 Returns: *this. template exempt_ptr& operator=(E2* other) noexcept; 3 Effects: Same as if calling reset(other); 4 Returns: *this. 5 Remarks: This operator shall not participate in overload resolution if E2 is pointer-incompatible with E. template exempt_ptr& operator=(const exempt_ptr& other) noexcept; 6 Effects: Same as if calling reset(other.get()); 7 Returns: *this.


N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2

8 Remarks: This operator shall not participate in overload resolution if E2 is pointer-incompatible with E. 20.8.x.1.3 exempt_ptr observers


pointer get() const noexcept; 1 Returns: The stored pointer. reference operator*() const noexcept; 2 Requires: get() != nullptr. 3 Returns: *get(). pointer operator->() const noexcept; 4 Requires: get() != nullptr. 5 Returns: get(). explicit operator bool() const noexcept; 6 Returns: get() != nullptr. 20.8.x.1.4 exempt_ptr conversions


operator pointer() noexcept; 1 Returns: get(). operator const_pointer() const noexcept; 2 Returns: get(). 20.8.x.1.5 exempt_ptr modifiers


pointer release() noexcept; 1 Postconditions: get() == nullptr. 2 Returns: The value get() had at the start of the call to release. void reset(pointer p = nullptr) noexcept; 3 Postconditions: get() == p. void swap(exempt_ptr& other) noexcept; 4 Effects: Invokes swap on the stored pointers of *this and other. 20.8.x.1.6 exempt_ptr arithmetic


exempt_ptr& operator++(); exempt_ptr& operator--(); 1 Effects: Increments (or, in the second form, decrements) the stored pointer. 2 Requires: get() != nullptr. 3 Returns: *this. exempt_ptr operator++(int); exempt_ptr operator--(int);

N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2


4 Effects: Increments (or, in the second form, decrements) the stored pointer. 5 Requires: get() != nullptr. 6 Returns: exempt_ptr(p++) or exempt_ptr(p--), respectively, where p denotes the original stored pointer. exempt_ptr operator+() const; 7 Returns: *this. exempt_ptr operator+(ptrdiff_t d) const; exempt_ptr operator-(ptrdiff_t d) const; 8 Returns: exempt_ptr(p+d) or exempt_ptr(p-d), respectively, where p denotes the stored pointer. value_type& operator[](ptrdiff_t k); const value_type& operator[](ptrdiff_t k); 9 Returns: p[k], where p denotes the stored pointer. 20.8.x.1.7 exempt_ptr specialized algorithms


template void swap(exempt_ptr & p1, exempt_ptr & p2) noexcept; 1 Effects: p1.swap(p2). template exempt_ptr make_exempt(E * p) noexcept; 2 Returns: exempt_ptr{p}. template bool operator==(exempt_ptr const & p1, exempt_ptr const & p2); 3 Returns: equal_to()(p1.get(), p2.get()). template bool operator!=(exempt_ptr const & p1, exempt_ptr const & p2); 4 Returns: not operator==(p1, p2). template bool operator==(exempt_ptr const & p, nullptr_t) noexcept; template bool operator==(nullptr_t, exempt_ptr const & p) noexcept; 5 Returns: not p. template bool operator!=(exempt_ptr const & p, nullptr_t) noexcept; template bool operator!=(nullptr_t, exempt_ptr const & p) noexcept; 6 Returns: (bool)p. template bool operator<(exempt_ptr const & p1, exempt_ptr const & p2); 7 Returns: less()(x.get(), y.get());.


N3740: A Proposal for the World’s Dumbest Smart Pointer, v2

template bool operator>(exempt_ptr const & p1, exempt_ptr const & p2); 8 Returns: p2 < p1. template bool operator<=(exempt_ptr const & p1, exempt_ptr const & p2); 9 Returns: not (p2 < p1). template bool operator>=(exempt_ptr const & p1, exempt_ptr const & p2); 10 Returns: not (p1 < p2). template< class E > exempt_ptr operator+(ptrdiff_t d, exempt_ptr const & p) 11 Returns: (p + d). template< class E > ptrdiff_t operator-(const exempt_ptr& p1, const exempt_ptr& p2) 12 Returns: p1.get() - p2.get()



Many thanks to the reviewers of early drafts of this paper for their helpful and constructive comments.


Revision history






• Published as N3514.



• • • • • • • •

Added this “Revision history” section. Augmented the proposal with conversion and arithmetic operators. Removed two no-longer-open questions. Consolidated all proposed wording into a single section. Updated code for C++14 compliance. Reflected C++14 status of optional proposal. Augmented the proposal with additional member typedefs. Published as N3740.

N3740 - open-std

Aug 30, 2013 - lifetime, this not-very-smart pointer template is intended as a replacement for near-trivial uses of ... template< class E >. 17 class exempt_ptr;. 19.

221KB Sizes 7 Downloads 457 Views

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N3740 - open-std
Aug 30, 2013 - time-consuming for a programmer to inspect code in order to discern the ... 2 http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/optional/doc/html/index.html. ... lifetime, this not-very-smart pointer template is intended as a replacement for .