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1. Which one among the following is an aqueous mounting media? Potassium Acetate gum syrup Canada Balsam DPX None of these

12. Ente Gurunadhan was written by: Kumaranasan Vallathol Pallathu Raman Ulloor

2. Special stain used to demonstrate muscle: a) PAS b)VanGieson Reticulinn Pen's

13. Pankaj Advani isa famous player. Cricket Snooker Billiards Hockey

3. Endogeneous pigments include the following EXCEPT: Hemosiderin Haemozoin Formalin pigment Bilirubin

14. Atmavidyasangani was established by: Vagbhadananda V.M. Vishnu Bharati V. Kunjabu C.S. Gopalakrishna Pillai

4. Fixative solution used for museum specimen: Zenker s fluid Kaiserling solution Methanol Glutaraldehyde 5. Blood for platelet count should be examined within how many hours? a) 1 Hr b)2Hrs c) 3 Hrs d)Y2anHr 6. Changes occurring in blood due to longer storage include the following EXCEPT: Swelling of RBC Creation of RBC Increase in ESR Increase in osmotic fragility 7. Rouleaux formation is inhibited with which fluid: Gower's fluid Hayem's fluid C) Hingleman's fluid d) Rees Eckor fluid 8. Special stain todemonstrate fungus: a) Reticulin b)PAS Masson's Trichrome Giemsa 9. Sections crumble on cutting due to the following EXCEPT: Knife is blunt Wax too soft and need ice application Wax contaminated with clearing agent Tilt of knife is toogreat 10. Special stain used after frozen section: Vonkossa Reticulin C) Oil

red 0

d) Congo red 11. Villuvandi Samaram is associated with: Vaikom Satyagraha Chattambi Swaniikal Ayyankali

K. Kelappan

15. Shooranad revolt was in the year: 1946 1947 1948 1949 16. Who among the following is known as Vayalar Stalin? a) C.K. Kumarapanikkar b)K. Das C. Keshavan T.V. Thomas 17. The enquiry about Malabar riots was done by: a) T.L. Stronge b) Logan c) T.H. Babcr c) Thomas Harvey 18. Nepal became a republic in: a) 2006 b)2008 c)2009 d)2010 19. Which among the following film bagged the national award for best environment film? a)Ottal Kapila Aalif Oral Pokkam 20. The first lady Chief Information Commissioner in India: Sushama Singh Deepak Sandhu Sujatha Singh Arundhathi Bhattacharya 21. Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) is in operation in the country from: 1998 1999 c)2001 d)2004 22. Which among the following article prohibit child labour in India? a)! 6

b) 18 c)22 d) 24

23. The State Reorganisation Commission was headed by: Fazal Ali H.N. Kunzru K.M. Panikkar C. Rajagopalachari 24. River Periyar originate from: Brahmagiri vanam Poomala Kanathur Kunnu Sivagiri mala 25. Rajya Samacharam was published by: Benjamin Bailey Richard Collins Hermman Gundert d)) Fr. Clement 26. The first prohibited newspaper in Kerala: Santishttavadi Swadeshabhimani

Malayala Manorama Vidyasamgraham 27. The first lady judge of Kerala High Court was: K.K. Usha Anna Chandi Fathima Beevi Sujatha Manohar 28. The Headquarters of first defence university of India is at:

35. Amount of ammonium oxalate in 100 ml solution of double oxalate: a) 1 gm b)l.2gm c) 2 gm d)2.5gm


100 x uncorrected WBC


I00+N RBC IIOOWBC / 100 x uncorrected WBC

100 x uncorrected WBC 100-N RBC /l00 WBC

36. Most powerful calcium chelating agent: EDTA Potassium oxalate Sodium oxalate Double oxalate 37. Percentage of trisodium citrate solution for ESR testing: l.2/ 2% c)3.5% d)3.8%

d) None of these 47. Size of neutrophil: 8-10 mm 10-12 mm 12-14 mm

14-16 mm 48. Colour of neutrophil granule: Orange red Blue green Black

Pale pink 38. Natural biological anticoagulant: Heparin

49. Percentage of neutrophil in adult blood:


0- 1%


20- 40% 40- 70%

c)Mumbai d) Gurgaon

29. The original name of Agamananda Swami was: Krishnan Nambyathiri Raman Pilla Kunjikkannan Prabhakaran Pilla 30. How many members can be nominated to the Indian Parliament by the President? 10 12 14 16 3 1. The average size of red blood cells are: 6.2mm 7.2 mm 8.2 mm 9.2 mm


40. Fragmented red cells are also known as: Crenated cells Sickle cells Schistocytes

50. Colour of eosinophil granule: Pale pink

Dark brown Orange red Blue green

32. Life span of RBC: 10 days 100 days 120 days 150 days

33. Size of Platelets: a) 1 mm

b)2-4mm 4-6 mm 6- 8 mm

34. Concentration of potassium oxalate as an anticoagulant: 2 mg/mI of blood 3 mg/mI of blood 4 mg/mI of blood I mg/mI of blood

51. Percentage of eosinophil in adult blood: a)0- 1% b) 1 6% -

c)6- 10%


61. White colour of plasma is seen in: Leukemia Lipemia Jaundice Hemolysis and 62. Preferred most accurate method of determining Hb concentration: a) Cyanmeth Hb method 1,) Oxy Hb method Haldane method Alkaline hematin method 63 .Reagentusedforcyamneth Hb method: Hingleman's solution Rees Ecker solution Drabkin's solution Gower's solution

d) 10- 16%

41. 'Figureofeight'structures seem in red cells are known

52. Size of Basophil a) 4-6 mm

b)6-8mm c)8- 10 mm d) 10-12mm


42. Depth of Fuchs Rosenthal counting chamber: a)0.1 mm b) 1.1 mm

53. Percentage of basophil in adult blood: 0- 1% I 6% c)6- 10% d) 10-16% -

c)2mm d) 2.2 mm

43. Number of large squares in Fuchs Rosenthal counting chamber: 16

a) b) o) d)

60. Normal hematocrit in adult male: a)20-24% b)25-30% c)30-35% d)40-54%


39. Romanowksy stain include the following EXCEPT: Methylene blue Giemsa Jenners

as: Howel Jolly bodies Basophilic Stippling Dohie bodies Cabot rings

59. Diluting fluid for absolute eosinophil count: a) Rees Ecker fluid c) Gower's fluid Hayem's fluid Hingleman's fluid

1 6%



58.Cytoplasmicvacuolations in WBC are known as: Howel Jolly bodies Dohle bodies Pappen Leimer bodies Basophilic stippling

20 c)24 d)25

54. Mast cell is related to which WBC? Neutrophil Eosinophil


64. Each molecule of Hb contain how many grams of iron? 0.347 gm% 0.437 gm% 1.347 gm% d)3.l47gm% 65. 1 gmofHb combines with of 0, 1.34 ml 0.34 ml 0.36 ml 3.14 ml 66. MCV is calculated as follows: a)


55. Size of Monocyte a) 10-12mm



-14 14mm 44.RBCdilutingfluidsinclude the following EXCEPT: Formal citrate solution Hayem's Fluid Turk's fluid Toisson's fluid

45. Normal RBC Count in adult male: 4000- 11000 / mm' 4-45 million / mm3 4.5-6.5 million / mm' 1.5-4 million! mm3 46. Corrected WBC count is

c) 14-16mm


d)16-22mm 56. Largest normal cell in peripheral blood:

Hb ILitreof blood RBC/ Litre of blood


Jib %of normmal RBC %of normal PCI'xHb


RilCin millions


Basophil Monocyte Eosinophil 57. Toxic granules are seen in: Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil RBC

67. During reticulocyte count, number of normal RBC counted: a) 100 b)200 500 1000 68. First Stage of ESR

2015 6Io° S06tlRtJ is:

a) Stage of packing b) Stage of sedimentation c) Stage of aggregation d) Stage offliling


69.Amountofbloodtaken for ESRestimationbywestegren method: a) 1.5 ml h) 1.6 ml c) 2 ml d) 2.5 ml 70. Stain used for supravital staining: a) Toluidine blue h) Brilliant cresyl blue c) Wright's stain (1)Giemsa 71. Norma range of retic count in adults: a)0.5 - 2% h)2-4% c) 4-6% 6-8% 72. Normal range of retic count in infaits: a) 1-2% b)2-6% c) 6-8% d)8- 12% 73. Anti coa ulant used for osmotic fragity test: a) Ileparin b) EDTA c) CPD d)ACD 74. Method to detect fetal Hh include: I a) Retjc count b) Osmotic fragility test

c) Kleihauer test d) None of the above

75. In acute leukemia, peripheral blooddo not show: a) Blast cells b)Thrombocytopenia c) Leukocytosis d) None of the above 76. Which of the following blood group is known as universal donor: a) A Group b) B Group c)AB Group d) 0 Group 77. Normal bleeding time is: a) I -2mts b)2-.6mts c)6- 10mts d)lO-2Omts 78. Normal value prothrombin time is: a) 1 -6 see b) Il-IS sec c)6- lOsec d) 20-25 sec


79. Normal value ofAPTT: a) 1 -6 sec b) 10-20scc c)20-30sec d)34 -48 sec 80. Which of the following blood group is known as the universal recipient? a) Blood group A b) Blood group B Blood group AB Blood group O 81.Universaldonorofplasma

is: a) Blood group A b) Blood group B c) Blood group AB (1) Blood group 0

24 (Th(Tfl

b) 0.001 added for each 1 gni: dl of albumin c) 0.002 deducted for each 1 gmidl of albumin d) 0.003 deducted for each I gmldl of albumin

82. Test used to detect presence of Rh antibodies in a patient serum: a) Indirect coomb's test b) Direct coomb's test c) Cross matching d)All of the above

88. Test for Bence - Jones protein: a) Ileller's Nitric acid test b) heat coagulation test c) Brad shaw test d) Ehrlich's test

83. Best all roundpreservative of urine: a) Thymol b) Toluene c) Chloroform d) Cone. FIC1

89. Crystals found in acid urine include all EXCEPT: a) Cysteine b) Leucine c) Tyrosine d) Calcium carbonate

84. Best urine preservative for chemical examination: a)Sodiumcarbonate b)Thymol c) Toluene d) Cone. HCI

90. Specific test used for detecting glucose in urine: a)Bial'stest b) Rubner's test Glucose oxidase test d) Seliwanoff's test

85. Urine preservative for urobilinogen estimation: a)Toluene b) Cone. Fici c) Sodium carbonate d)Thymol

91. Specific test for b hydroxybutyric acid: a) Han's test Gerhardt test c) Rothera's test d)Fouchet'stest

86. Normal specific gravity of urine: a) 1.015 - 1.025 1.105 -- 1.125 c) 1.005 - 1.010 d) 1.050- 1.055

92. Guiacum test is (lone for detection of which substance present in urine: a) Bilirubin h) Protein c) Ketone bodies d) Blood

87.Specificgravitycorrection for albumin: a) 0.001 deducted for each I gindI of albumin


93. Crystals found in alkaline urine include all EXCEPT: a)Cystine crystals

h) Calcium carbonate c) Ammonium magnesium phosphate d) Dicalcium phosphate 94. Test for bilirubin include all EXCEPT: a) Gmelin's test b) Smith's test c) Fouchet's test d) Ehrlich's test 95. Addis count is a quantitative measure of: a) Urine sediment h) Reticulocyte c) Neutrophils with left shift d) Nucleated red cells

c) Plane wedeL (1) Tool edge 100. Microtome kiiife profile resembling chisel k. a) Piano concave b) Biconcave c) Plane vcd:c d Tool edge


I .A 4.13 7.A l0.0 13.0 I 6.A 96. Specific gravity of 19.A 22.13 transudateis: 25.0 a)Lessthanl.018 28.13 b)Greaterthanl.018 31.13 c) Greater than 2 34.A d) None of these 37.D 97. Mercury containing 40.0 fixative include the following 43.A 46.A EXCEPT: 49.1) a) Helly's 52.0 b)Zenker's 55.D FMA fixative 58.13 d) Carnoy's fixative 61.13 98. Following are clearing 64.A 67.13 agents EXCEPT: 70.13 a)Toluence 73.A b) Benzene 76.D Chloroform 79.D d) Acetone 82.A 99. Knife recommended for 85.0 cutting celloidin embedded 88.0 91.A tissue: 94.1) a) PIano concave 97.1) h) Biconcave 100.1)

213 5.13 8.13 11 .0 14.A 1 7.A 20.13 23.A 26.A 29.A 32.0 35.B 38.A 4l.D 44.0 47.13 50.0 53.A 56.0 59.D 62.A 65.A 68.0 71.A 74.0 77.13 80.0 83.13 86.A 89.1) 92.1) 95.A 98.D

3.( 6.( 9.1) 12.13 15.1) I 8.13 21.( 24.1) 27.13 30.( 33.13 36.A 39.A 42.0 45.13 48.1) 51.13 54.1) 57.\ 60.!) 63.0 66.13 69.B 72.13 75.D 78.13 81 .( 84.1) 87..\ 90.( 93..•\ 96.A 99.A

Confidentimal Assistant Grade II Online Exam 1:-What is the code name of the military operation in Yemen against Shia Houthi group? A:-Operation Destruction Storm B:-Operation All Out C:-Operation Decisive storm D:-Operanon Die Hard Answer:- Option-C

Date of Test 05-10-2015 A:-Jammu and Kashmir B:-Himachal Pradesh C:-Uttarpradesh D:-Uttarakhand Answer:- Option-A 6:-The first female president of Basket Ball federation of India is A:-Menaka Gandhi B:-P.T.Usha C:-Poonam Mahajan D:-Roopam Harish Sharma Answer:- Option-C

2:-Film and TV Institute of India is located at A:-Pune (Maharastra) B:-Rajkot (Gujarat) C:-Perambur (Tamil Nadu) 7:-INS Kavery, which has [):-Pimpri (Maharastra) been comm issionedbylndian Answer:- Option-A Navy recently, isa ------? A:-Amphihious assault Ship 3.-The Ozone layer restricts B:-Aircraft Carrier A:-Visible sight C:-Survey Ship 13:-Infrared radiation D:-Scorpeon Class (':-X rays and Ganma rays Submarine ft-Ultra violet radiation Answer:- Option-D Answer:- Option-D 8:-which country has been 4:-\Vho bagged the best ranked top in the recently actress award at the 62nd released social progress \ ational Film Award? index? A:-Priyanka Chopra A:-Singapore B:-KanganaRawat B:-Finland C.-Vidhya Balan C:-Australia 1)-Ram Mukherjee D:-Norway Answer:- Option-B Answer:- Option-D 5:-Where is located Asia's largest tulip garden?

9:-Which Organisation regulated Mutual Funds in

India? A:-RBI B:-SEBI C:-Finance Ministry D:-SBM Answer:- Option-B 10:-The South West African People Organisation (SWAPO) is a major political party of which country? A:-Namibia B:-Kenya C:-Angola D:-Cuba Answer:- Option-A 11 :-WhowontheBestFemale Singer National Award in 2015? A:-K.S.Chithra B:-Sujatha Mohan C:-Uthara Unnikrishnan D:-Sreya Ghoshal Answer:- Option-C 12:-Who initiated Misrsbhojanam as a struggle against social taboos with eating together? A:-Sree Narayana Guni B:-Sahodar.an Ayyappan C:-Ayyankali D:-Mannath Padmanabhan Answer:- Option-B 13:-Who is the reformation

leader of Malankara Syrian Community in Kerala? A:-Palakkunnath Abraham Malppan B:-Palakunnath Titus I C:-Mathcws Mar Athanesius D:-Thomas MarAthanesius Answer:- Option-A 14:-Rasabharathi is the authored by A:-Sukumar Azheekode B:-Vedabhandu C:-N.V.Krishna Varier D:-ProfS.Guptan Nair Answer:- Option-B 15:-Jananee Nava Ratna Manjari is written by A:-Sree Narayana Guru B:-Vagbadananda C:-Swarni Vivekanada D:-Mahatrna gandhi Answer:- Option-A 16:-The Formation of TiniKochi was in the year of A:-1949 July 1 B:- 1950 July 1 C:-1948 July 1 D:-1951 July I Answer:- Option-A 1 7:-\Vho consecrated Siva IingaatAnivitara in 1888? A-SahodaranAyyappan B:-Changapuzha Krishna

pillai C:-Sree narayana Guru D:-Vaikunta Swamikal Answer:- Option-C 18:-Which istheCochin State legislative Assembly came into existence in 1925? A:-Cochi State Congress B:-Cochi Praja Sabha C:-Cochi Maha Sabha D:-Cochi Prajamandalam Answer:- Option-D 19:-Who initiated Villuvandi Yathra inorder to access public road to dalits? A:-Sadananda Swamikal B:-Ayyankali C:-Srecnarayana Guru D:-K.P.Karuppan Answer:- Option-B

Vaikunta Swamikal? A:-Brahma Nishia matam B:-Dharma paripalana Yogam C:-Samathwa Samajam D:-Sadhujana paripalana Yogam Answer:- Option-C 22:-In which year the first Governmentorderreleasedto access the rightb to education to Pulayas? A:-1912 B:-1 910 1907 1908 Answer:- Option-C 23:-Hitler party which came to power in 1933 is known as A:-Democratic Party B:-Lahour Party C:-Ku-Ku Klux Klan D:-Nazi Party Answer:- Option-D

20:-Which was the organization founded by Ayyankali? A:-Sadhujana paripalana Sangham B:-Dharma paripalana Yogam C:-Brahmanishta madam sangham D:-pulayajana sangham Answer:- Option-A

24:-Epsom (England) is the place associated with A:-Horse Racing B:-Polo C:-Shooting D:-Snooker Answer:- Option-A

21:-Which is the united Organisation founded by

25:-Guwahati High 011. court is thejudicature of

Laboratory Technician Grade-II, Indian System of Medicine dt. 13.10 ...

Page 1 of 1,072. 10 24u30fi. : .. 1. Which one among the. following is an aqueous. mounting media? Potassium Acetate gum. syrup. Canada Balsam. DPX. None of these. 2. Special stain used to. demonstrate muscle: a) PAS. b)VanGieson. Reticulinn. Pen's. 3. Endogeneous pigments. include the following. EXCEPT:.

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