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Step 3 (0On9(O


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Q)1fl1) (f8fflJ 1(5Q16)9J (0)SS3(010) IPJSo _ 27150 (6301 (1)1 naio m) s1 mam Next stage 0J16)s (/amJ m&n1(6m2no o0 L)(um)lm oma3,m)ocoZ goo (01U)16)0(0 @0iSj0 1,)16)8J (J5(flJo (25200 -54000) (0)3 (0) (T1,(W)6)s n2(16)a(oM (011)30 1.6.2016 W(Wd 2750 52JW3 1 (0)16)iy4$)(010)3o. (m)snm nfl(0T0)l6(OO 6)J3186)3n91Oi Q)16)6J 16)18i(T (0)11W(0)1 6)i)6fl( (6-3a(D301)o) 1DOCTUMMA m1eim1c Step 4

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(15CflJo 06)iS)(0)0() -> 25200 (T1)106nQ)60136)(06(03.(01)3 niøi18083Wi633o. ono (Di(567LE) 386HG oJ16)s (au118Q6113 (Woo)m)1 oamJo (0)163cJS20U))18(flJ3U 6318633 2520)). 541)1)0 ((niZnin 803)3t(1JU),(i?p@@ - OTh3JoaJlrnJo an(] Test (o)a1,0)36)s 08 m1(ae6)16)n?10 01ml0)o 09 eJ3J6)3,3(0mU) 0)33 qualifications) . 1mm36 higher Grade-aS msm3(1jo1e3rm1of 6)3 j(0T0)l(0 @J0)))(03 (6)4006335u O16396)S) (I80)J @ m1(a6)16)n0 18633n(80? (0(0iiO3)36)S 08 (biøO6f(U)6)Crfl03)303)11516)3o. m18s614 01 6310)16)0 ena1 @mxboml on1 6c2J18 rmslooero. Lxweo cmon.i (3J3(5J30)). 63SO)J 8o2)3W(0(s03 4303mU)016)) nnp nO51n,(06T1)o r31c0 ol iOl,18O))o(5O 366)63(n1gJ. 1863(0063S) (2014) msm(nx? 111-6)63 i16)8J (f5CflJ C0i156)3,Uà 6)J()) I30)36)3o. (0(18) GaOV Cfl6336 01 Dl 6)3o 15m5m)01(316)3,). (U)3 0(O1,6316)0J (18(SS3(0318) M016)6)o (1M0(1 1.10.2016 on@ m1(06cr01cn103)(? 3(363(lJl)(') -25200-5400)) 1.10.2016 6)63 (i5fflJo (fl16)6(fl U36)46)S) -> 20550 (20000 + 550) 63J30633n9J08 (18)103)03)1 - 01.07.2010 ((061153 (I8(T)J (D1(aQ3io)@3o (0(3639(03(0)3(d nJ3(0(iQ) (0)1i,(03i(0? 63 18O)3o(06Ym18 o16)6397 550 03eJ633cW1 mi6)is303m)3,036nS 6(.2J(3(Møi) m12JOJ162J 05(flio 21100 (01.07.2010) .2585)) (0ISS)ø10) '05o - 21650 (p0) 0(), 25200-01m 3(Um)(0(1m3(18' 0,0JI03 25850 m8 3c0eJ16)eJ 63(a3 J63O (om0((0)lmo(d OJ16)S va(MLBoJ)CD( 0)16mQo 01)3WJ(BP) 9Q)3(18? 01.07.2010-6 0(03631? 6))3180)3nq10? (0(01iO,03)1PJ3o LDT 6)(31830a(T)3o OlOZoSI0))o (18)6)01) 080)J63303)1 (0(1560)S303T0(O013(m(0)36mTf. (0(553(0(18) o61 ilei (fl33Q (80(3l(18 6318633i930))1808o 18 6)OklU10i))61S (0(583 6)630?Cf - 01.04.2011 (15m0((0o 6)O18633n(0m3110? nO03M? 8CU5 (18180)3 ooioil o1m 6i18J6fl310i5)o. Lpmmeo (fl)o60J60T3U ffIJ0fkn3l63)o (11(3189J3(1? 15155)03118) 0?16)63a30im3rS1)1 nJ(51(fl60)1 (0)I033(0(1(0(6)()) ,Alaagpa. (U(8O1180))6fl3(0)36((0. (0(3S(?01)30 16)630?O0)1031Q)30351030)3S(53(rn10)3605. 0J16)S 80) 63)1(0 6)35)(M 6)J3i2633n916)OO ,0(5Jo06)(T1) nJ(01(n60)163633o. (063(0(18) 4-3o 63OCfl)63303u1(a3ff03 16)630?(f(01)03X0)1) (1)))0 6)J31818mOn(80 O1OJ((ii(0m) m118W)am061cu3(8 (J8fl1J aL31S2ffl) 2014 08CflJ (Sin øm,315o 3øo6 (/8CflJC01(B6fl)61)o. 3 o5OTi a0618136)ffl6)m)001) 18fflO633o. cfl8cn186ID(0Th aQ)CmlOJ s003)(?18(3iJ5 8633n(0CO3.,U?613o 6T]j3W,63) 01c8 0)1QTh1 01.12.2016 661DflD) 53(0(),. 6)103)13()1m3( 3(flJ0)0(lC0no 60336)30))1. or3oo(0m)16)cm)o 1818)3n53O( 1o1 1m3m 27.10.2015-6)63 08fflJo (08fflJ * Revision of scales of pa)'. Upgradatiomi of post nQ)ccol CflJ3nOJ15J618131(. 01000 mS(0T0)lmM0() Ji3(5o) - 25200 l'pgradation of post Wamosid (0)oe.)J6336)6rnmS C1)J(0)6336)301) ((3)000.2) 6)1863O(0a (0)O1,iD316)5J 1316)6ic16(5J15T0)i(0? 040? 28. 28(nQ3. 37(nQ)) 4m51QJ tjd8,066o (180)Jo (0)156)S3 (@650) lumsm) niwl (01.10.2016.loZ) 1j8O)Jo - 25850 (U(8)OQJ3Cfl)(0)36fl. o1rucm (06)3Q5 0(1em0(1 - 01.12.2016 0003(Z(uJrU5 - @uJO(0() 01303) 3(60(30: 36)30).(1mm0()S&rn1(s)crn)6)oJe,1(0 18qo0(m16)niO (I50)J@o (t010i1 08,15.22.27 a4ff01 03(?nS36013110Z (nJ)?0310(103)06)3cr0 (201)3WJ 18(T00J10 10(( 36)363.(1 61318633ci9J0 11Q0(16cm18m0()S8Cm) w060nlOJ(53(rn i363Q)0J1mffl3Cfl915)6300351) 181(EOJ(TU)110) aO03)(?8(3aD3i98 10)501301 (I5O)Jo (31Q301)3 ((o)0 uaa)j@ (flf6) 1633,0(?6) 6flJ3W)o. 16500-35700 6)) 27.10.2015-4 20000 25200 03033? 19000-43600 0J6(a). 01.10.2016- 20550 25850 6361nO06i)0Z 8WJ32) 6L340,i5(0m5ffl30J1ii613fffl(0S7. 15.22 nQ)(T1)1 01.12.2016-m? o10 (1J(tin(560ms16336m. 01.10.2017-(0Z 21100 t(1,16(1iO nO03M8 6)6)W01/6303318Q(06m(05 n0111)(? 6(fl)6)0?ftu01 (018WJ3cJ (U))S&)1) (22J3QJ8 0(o163)16)63 163630 (0(11Qm9Cm20633 848. 15 0J(?n(860132J3o. 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(U(13Jo (0(0 (0(0103)110?m1(fl)3o (mam3oJr3m1 116)0)(1 - 01.08.2018 (OJ16)S 63(5) iO,3(6Jo WVMJ4io ( (8TSS)(010) 03)63003)030? ,0(5o (28. 25(nQ)). 37(nQ)) o8o1)w103)01 (0(01O,03)115Z Ua r3D196)650()6fl6. 6)18(0 08O)Jo 0J360131nKm Broken periods-o LgabW CriJ0 (0)156)S303I0(3. 03(3S(?(l603)(?cn) (0)01Q)1633o 0S0)Jo (0(16)r 6)630010 nJ(SlW mill 6)61(3(0()605. 63)1636)(0(18) 18,cT1)i(0Z MUJ.O. S31010(3033ff00(3063f. c1c ?':2 01.10.2016 63)(3)118? 30.11.2016 0J6318 25R p150: 6315310)10)1030? 36)161m (1u3J6fl3303.)l 6)1308633o630? Cn10?O,i - '))Cfl)3 01)15?h7j16)3. 313Jo 113)10)103))? 3(?6)110Z011Cm3o (033W1.riu1) 6)000,15 3611630?O (1,0331(0Z ll632J3(30nO(a6mD60T3l(OZ 66YT5(snJ06)PJ (I80)Jo (0(156)S3 I31)Crfl).

1. Medical examination is not, 3. The famib pension of a deceased compensation leave that can be necessary for commutation of nun of it Catholic Convent is taken by an employee in a pension if the application for it payable to: calender year will be: was made ithin: (a) Mother Superior of the (a) 10 (b) 05 convent (a) 5 years from the date of (e) 20 (d) 15 retirement (h) Mother of the nun Answer: (d) (h) 1 year from the date of Unmarried sister 6. Special casual leave up to retirement Nobody days in a calender year (c) 3 years from the date of Answer. (a) can be granted to PH employees retirement 4. The leave admissible for the for treatment on MC. (d) 2 years from the date of teaching staff of an educational (a) 10 (b) 20 retirement institution working beyond the (c) 15 (d) 30 Answer. (b) date of superannuation is: Answer: (c) 2. The minimum service required Commuted leave 7. A transfer to foreign service for granting superannuation L\kA on M.C. requires the sanction from: pension to an employee is: Earned Leave (a) Head of Office (a) 1 year (h) 5 years Casual Leave head of Department (c) 30 years (d) It) years Answer: (d) (c) Government Answer. (d) 5. The maximum period of (d) Controlling Oflicer

Answer: (c) 8. The period of ..............leave ha_s also been treated as duty for the purpose of probation. (a) Earned (b) Commuted (c) Half pay (d) Maternity

Answer: (d)


The maximum E/L that can be accumulated is: (a) 200 (b) 120 (c) 180 (d) 300

(d) 10 . .............. is not attachable by a Court of Law.

SO3S 6)riO(Ui3(?ie6i1(0?3C01fl1)3o Cfl))46fl316)a?0 0)01Q18eJ60S (T)Jo (0)16)3.)53(0133)3(1J3Crfl(0)36fl5. ((5rm1(Z6mc0)o-639)QJtQJ1560(3U: nQ)6)0003 (0)01,03)110? 3(0o6 (I8C0J(T)1(36m03)o. nJ310(?U8fl)JC01(86fl) 03)0 n4CY010J oDS03lO)1Q)O2J3o 1.20.000 (8)0J03)1(0Z s)S3(0)5J0,0a? nJ0Sig. 63153 0)01Q)36)S (f8(T1J (13)63>(0)1P.fl6)fl?0 nJØ(D00JW1 i4)0310(103)00 isel 0318m30Jr316)3cr0 8(DOnSl6rD(5Z 0?163630?15 (900)Cfl)O010 0)360(3103, 166)0M0)1(0631(15(0(38JJ(03(0)1(6)3o. (3U8oto 218o



(a) Pay (b) Pay and allowances Salary (d) DCRG Answer. (d)

0J*)3(M63 nJ(*630 nJ15lUSl63(063003) '6)8J0J(0? (Ul8c nio(U)l03)3 6)S 8iO,(8 (Sn63Ol 8,30,u16)0?0 863OCW03? i3.2J013Ji3oJij01(0? (0J6)o 6. u1O))o60i(?( 10. 8(iJ 23) 23-0o ll,2)3(3j031m105 mo?l mm15 '((3)1' ,40"T)(0(1(03 01153(OmO)36113, 0815103)003) @MMft'6flJl' 6300j09Jm163) l)irector of Local Fund Audit 10(6n6. 118T0(181010(163c03o CD10Z,i033 Oil 03) (8 0)110? njlo,l.


UaM1aD01f 2016


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Main List

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