

‘•‡’Š‹‡‘—–›ǡ”‡‰‘                LoneMountainFire2009





ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................3 Introduction.............................................................................................................4 BackgroundandPurposeoftheSurvey...................................................................5 Methodology............................................................................................................6 DataAnalysis............................................................................................................7 SurveyFindings........................................................................................................9 Conclusion..............................................................................................................12 Appendix1––Mapofsurveyarea..........................................................................13 Appendix2ͲHugoSurveyResult............................................................................14 Appendix3––FiveCommunityComparison...........................................................24  

ExecutiveSummary  1

In2010theRegionalOutreach&EducationCommitteeconductedsurveysinJosephineand JacksonCountiesregardingwildfireattitudes,beliefsandbehaviors.InJosephineCounty,thearea aroundHugowassurveyed.TheresultsarecomparedtofindingsfromtheJacksonCounty CommunitiesofApplegate,Ashland,GreenspringsandSevenBasins. Theoverallresponserateforthesurveywas38%ofthetotalsample,with108surveysreturned. Thisresponserateisatthehighendofthenationalstandardforreturnratesoffiresurveys. Oursurveyrespondentsindicatedtheirtopthreeareasofconcern(inorder)asinsectsanddiseases thatkilltrees,decreasingsupplyofcleanwater,anduncontrollablewildfiresthatdestroyproperty andforests.Theywereleastconcernedabouttoomuchloggingofforests,climatechange,and smokefromprescribedfiretreatments. FiftyͲonepercentoftherespondentstooursurveyseewildfireasanextremelyseriousorvery seriousissue,comparedto50%intheJacksonCountycomminutes.Althoughonly21%ofthe Americanpublicrespondedalikeforthissamequestionona2008nationalsurvey,thosewholivein fireͲproneareaswouldnaturallybemoreconcerned. AlmostallrespondentsintheRogueValleycommunitiessurveyedbelievethatprivaterural landownershavearesponsibilitytoreducefirehazardsontheirownland,andhadtakenaction consistentwiththisbelief. Wefoundthat99%ofourrespondentssaidtheyhadcreatedorwereintheprocessofcreatinga DefensibleSpacearoundtheirhome.Ofthosewhohadcompletedwork,93%saidtheyhad maintainedtheirdefensiblespaceovertime.Personalsafetyandhomeorpropertyprotectionwere citedasthemostimportantreasonsforcreatingandmaintainadefensiblespace. Althoughonlysixpercentofrespondentsindicatedtheyhadeverbeenevacuatedduetoawildfire, 67%percentsaidtheyhaveanevacuationplaninplace.Whenaskediftheevacuationplanincluded petsand/orlivestock68%saidyesand26%indicatedtheydidn’’thavepetsorlivestock.Only6% reportedthattheirplansdidn’’ttaketheiranimalsintoaccount. Insummary,thissurveyindicatesstrongpublicinterestinandconcernaboutwildfire.Theresults overallsuggestthatthepublicviewswildfireasanimportantissue.   1

ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

Introduction 2

ThisreportcoversfindingsfromasurveyoftheHugoareaofJosephineCountyregardingwildfire attitudes,beliefsandbehaviors.Thesefindingsarecomparedtothefindingsfromsimilarsurvey questionsfromWolfCreekandfourcommunitiesinJacksonCounty.Insomecases,findingsare alsocomparedtonationalsurveys. Theoverallresponserateforthesurveywas38%ofthetotalsample,with108residentsofthe Hugocommunityparticipating.ThisresponserateexceededthenationalstandardformailͲin surveys. Usingthesamesurveytool,fourcommunitiesweresurveyedinJacksonCountyͲtheGreensprings, theAshlandWildfireHazardZone,theSevenBasinsareaandtheApplegatearea.Includedinthe areareferredtoas““Applegate””istheApplegatewatershedlocatedinJacksonCountyandthewest sideoftheApplegatewhichisinJosephineCounty.Unlessotherwisespecified,““Applegate””is includedintheJacksonCountycommunitysurveyfindingsandinaseparatereportpreparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.  Becausetheidenticalsurveytoolandmethodologywasusedinbothcountiessentences,andin somecaseswholesections,ofthatreporthavebeeninsertedintothisreportwhereapplicable. Additionally,surveyfindingsarenotedthroughoutthisreportinanefforttocomparedataacross theRogueValley.Inmostcases,findingsforbothcountiesareconsistent.Thisislogicalinthat muchoftheoutreachandeducationeffortswereconductedsimilarlyinbothcounties,oraspartof aregionaleffort,andthatSouthwestOregonispronetowildfires.  Alsoin2010,asurveywasconductedinWolfCreekaspartofaseparateoutreachcampaignbeing conductedintheWolfCreekandSunnyValleyarea.Afewofthesamesurveyquestionswere asked.Whenappropriate,WolfCreekdataisnotedinthisreportasitcomparestorelatedsurvey findings. 


ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

BackgroundandPurposeoftheSurvey  3

JosephineCountyhasexperiencednumerousWildlandͲUrbanInterfacefiresoverthepastdecade. Ofthese,threehavebeenFEMAͲdeclareddisasters.Wildfireisidentifiedasthenumberonehazard accordingtotheJosephineCountyHazardVulnerabilityAssessmentof2008.  In2002,theBiscuitFireburnedover470,000acresinJosephineandCurryCounties,andgarnered nationalmediaattentionasoneofthelargestfiresoftheseason.3,400homeswerethreatened, creatingthepotentialtorelocatethousandsofcitizensalongwiththeirpetsandlivestock. Thankfullyonlyafewhomeswerelost,howevertheeventservedtoraiseawarenessamong agencies,communityorganizationsandcitizensoftheextremerisktheyfacefromwildfire.  Since2002,greatstrideshavebeenmadetoinformcitizensoftheriskstheyface,andtomitigate thoserisksonbothpublicandprivateland.Throughthedevelopmentandimplementationofthe JosephineCountyIntegratedFirePlan(JCIFP),theOutreach&EducationCommitteewasformed. Thiscommitteehasbroadrepresentationfromwildlandfireagencies,localgovernment,nonͲprofit groupsandotherinterestedparties.Thiscommitteehasbeeninstrumentalinraisingcitizen awarenessofwildfireriskandeducatingcitizensaboutthestepstheycantakelowertheirrisk.The Fuels/RiskCommittee,alsoasubͲcommitteeoftheJCIFP,leveragedmillionsofdollarsingrant fundingfromavarietyofsourcestotreatthousandsofacresofbothpublicandprivatelandinthe WildlandͲUrbanInterface.WorkingtogetherwiththeRogueValleyFirePreventionCooperative, thesecommitteeswereabletoofferbotheducationalopportunitiesandfundingforfuelsreduction workforhomeownersthroughoutJosephineCounty.  Afternearlyadecadeofoutreachandeducationactivitiesbyavarietyofgroups,thissurveywas conductedtogaugethepublic’’sknowledge,attitudesandbehavioraboutwildfirepreventionand preparedness.SurveyfindingshelpsfocusandplanfutureactivitiesfortheOutreach&Education CommitteeandtheRogueValleyFirePreventionCooperative.  


ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

Methodology  4

Inearly2010,theOutreach&EducationCommitteedefinedtopicsandobjectivesforthe implementationofapublicopinionsurveyonwildfire.Manyofthequestionsforthecurrentsurvey weredrawnfrompreviouslocalandnationalsurveys,realizingthevalueofrepetitiveinformation gatheredovertime.Morethan25partnersprovidedinputtohelpranktheimportanceand relevancyoftheproposedquestions,andinthespringof2010theinitialsurveywaspretestedon thirtyparentsofCraterHighSchoolstudents.Onthebasisofthispretest,theO&ECommittee refinedthequestionnaire,addingtoorremovingsomequestions,changingtheorderinthe questionnaireand/ormodifyingresponsecategories.  TheresultingfinalsurveyisshowninAppendix2.Therearequestionsabouttherespondent’’s property,whetherandbywhomthepropertyhasbeenassessedforwildfirerisk,reportedwildfire preventionactionstakenornottakenonthepropertyandwhy,whethertherespondenthasever actuallybeenevacuatedduetowildfire,wheretherespondentmostoftengetsinformationabout wildfirethreats,attitudesabouthowwildfiresshouldbehandled,attitudesaboutpropertyowners’’ responsibilities,generalviewsonpriorityneedsinSouthernOregon,anddemographicinformation abouttherespondent.Thereisnopersonalidentifyinginformationonthesurveyalthoughinmany casestherespondentaffixedareturnaddresslabelwhentheymailedintheirpostageͲpaid envelope.Thereturnenvelopeswerenotretained,norwasanypersonalinformationnotedonthe surveywhenitwasreturned.Thusthesurveyiscompletelyanonymous.  TherearetwentyͲtwononͲdemographicandanadditionalsevendemographicquestionsinthefinal survey.SincemanyofthequestionsaremultiͲpartquestions,thenumberofresultingvariables totaled102.  ApreͲsurveyletterandpostͲsurveyreminderpostcardweredevelopedtoinformcitizensaboutthe survey.Inaddition,acoverletterwasdevelopedtobesentwiththesurvey.Bothletterswere designedtoinformrecipientsofthepurposebehindthesurveyandhowthefindingswouldbe used,andtoprovidethemwithcontactinformationforsurveyconductors.PublicService Announcementswerealsosentoutinanefforttoinformthepublicofthesurveybeingconducted.  PreͲsurveylettersweremailedJanuary3,2011,followedbythesurveysonJanuary17.Duetomore thantwicetheexpectedreturnrate,thepostͲsurveyreminderpostcardwasnotmailed.Allmailings weresentfirstclass.   4

ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

DataAnalysis  5

Atotalof108surveyresponseswerereceivedandanalyzed.Compilationsummarieshavebeen preparedtoillustratevariancesinresponsesinsubͲgroupingsbygender,landtype,parcelsize, respondent’’seducationlevel,respondent’’sageandthelengthoftimetherespondenthasresided inJosephineCounty.WehadinitiallyintendedtoincludefullorpartͲtimeresidentsasasubͲgroup; however100%ofrespondentslivedintheareafulltime.Surveyquestionsandanswerscanbe foundinAppendix2ofthisreport.SubͲgroupcompilationsummaries,aswellasdatafromthe Applegate,isavailableuponrequest. Althoughthesurveyquestionshadgonethroughextensivediscussionsandapretest,severalofthe questionsweren’’tansweredinthemannerweintended.Itisunknownhowvaluablethefindings forthesequestionsare,andabriefsynopsisforeachislistedbelow.InthecaseofQuestion10, responsesdeviatedsogreatlyfromtheanswersweanticipatedthatitwasremovedentirely. Question3askedrespondentstoansweriftheirpropertyabuttedfederallands.Q3aasked respondentstoindicateifthefederallandhadbeenthinnedofhazardousfuels.Q3baskedifthis hadanyinfluenceontheirdecisiontomanagehazardousfuelsontheirownproperties. Atotalof21responseswerereceivedforQ3a.Ofthose,sevendidnotindicateinQuestion 2thattheirpropertyabuttedfederallands.Additionally,tworespondentsindicatedin Question2thattheirpropertyabuttedfederallands,butdidn’’tanswerthisquestion. Atotalof17responseswererevivedforQ2b.Ofthose,fourdidnotindicateinQuestion2 thattheirpropertyabuttedfederallands.Additionally,tworespondentsindicatedin Question2thattheirpropertyabuttedfederallands,butdidn’’tanswerthisquestion. Question10wasdirectedtorespondentswhohadnotcompleteddefensiblespaceorfuel reductiontreatmentsaroundtheirhomes.Thequestionaskedrespondentstolistthereasonsthat thisworkhadnotbeenundertaken.Atotalof8responseswerereceivedforthisquestion,however fiveofthosehadansweredaffirmativelyinQuestion7thattheyhadcompletedtheseactivities. Onerespondentdidn’’tanswerQuestion7,butdidanswerQuestion10.Theresultsofthisquestion don’’tappearvalidandhavebeenremovedfromthereportandcompilationsummaries. 


ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

InQuestion21,respondentswereaskedtochoosetheirtopthreesourcesofinformationabout forestconditionsandwildfirefromalist,andtoranktheminorderofimportancefrom1to3. 6 Manyrespondentscheckedtheirresponsesinsteadofratingthem;somerankedmorethanone itemas““1””““2””or““3,””andsomerankedbeyondavalueof““3.””Duetotheinconsistencyinratings, welookedinsteadatthefrequencyofresponses.Forinstance,whethercheckedorranked(with anyvalue)Televisionwasindicatedtimeandtimeagainasasourcepeoplemostoftengottheir informationfrom.Findingsinthefullreport,aswellassubͲgroupingswereconsistentinthetop threesourcesforinformation.RatingsbelowthirdvariedabitbysubͲgrouping.Thisquestion doesn’’taddresswhetherornotthesearetrustedsources,simplywherepeoplegotolookfortheir information.Subsequentsurveysmayquerywhichsourcesthepublictrusts. ResponsestoQuestion22(Question1fromthedemographicspage)weresimilartoquestion21, andassuchwereprocessedinthesamemanner.Inthiscase,thetopfourresponseswere overwhelming. 


ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

SurveyFindings  7

Theaboveaverageresponserateindicatesstrongpublicinterestinthetopic.Thisislikelyduein parttotheoccurrenceofwildfiresinrecentyears,bothintheareaandacrossthenation. Perceptionoffireasaproblem.FiftyͲonepercentoftherespondentstooursurveyseewildfireas anextremelyseriousorveryseriousissue,comparedto50%intheJacksonCountycomminutesand 21%oftheAmericanpublic,forthissamequestionona2008nationalsurvey.FiftyͲonepercentof SouthernCaliforniaresidentsalsoconsiderwildfireasanextremelyseriousorveryseriousissue, makingourregionexactlycomparableinperceivingwildfireasaseriousproblem. Worryaboutpersonalriskfromwildfires.Almosthalfofourrespondents,43%,worryabout personalriskfromwildfires.Thiscomparesto31%inWolfCreek,59%intheJacksonCounty communities,andanationalnumberof27%.Respondentswhoindicatedtheirpropertyabutted federallandshowedasignificantlyhigherworry––71%thanrespondentsoftheotherfiveland types. Ecologicalroleoffire.RespondentsinHugoareinlinewiththeAmericanpublictoseean ecologicallybeneficialroleforfire––42%inoursamplecomparedto44%nationally.Incontrast, 51%ofthosesurveyedintheJacksonCountycommunitiessawanecologicallybeneficialrolefor fire.Similartonationalfindings,respondentsfrombothsurveyswithmoreformaleducationwere morelikelytotakethisviewthanthosewithlessformaleducation.Inthenationalfindings,more menthanwomenheldthisview,howeverinlocalfindings,gendermadenodifference. Conversely,58%ofthosesurveyedbelievethatforestfiresareunpredictableanddangerous.Forest firesshouldbecontainedandextinguishedassoonastheyarediscovered.Interestingly,85%of respondentswhoindicatedtheirpropertyabuttedfederallandagreedwiththisview.Thisindicates theneedtoprovidecontinuedpubliceducationabouttheecologicalbenefitsofwildfiresincreating healthyforests,especiallytothosewholiveadjacenttofederallands. Firemanagementasaproblem.FortyͲsevenpercentofourrespondentsaremuchmorelikelyto seefiremanagementinforestandpubliclandsasanextremelyorveryseriousissue,comparedto 49%inJacksonCountycommunitiesand20%nationallyonthesamequestion.Thishigherlevelof concerninourregionmaybeduetothehighproportionofforestandpubliclandinOregon.This findingdirectsourattentiontopublicconcernaboutthemanagementofthatland.


ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.


Restorationofforesthealth.SeventyͲonepercentofrespondentsconsideredtherestorationof foresthealthtobemoderatelyimportantorveryimportant.InanalyzingthesubͲgroupings,92%of respondentswhoindicatedtheirpropertyabuttedfederallandsweremorelikelytoholdthisview. Responsibilitytoreducefirehazards.AlmostallrespondentsintheRogueValleycommunities surveyedbelievethatprivaterurallandownershavearesponsibilitytoreducefirehazardsontheir ownland,andhadtakenactionconsistentwiththisbelief.Thismatchesotherstudiesconducted aroundtheUnitedStates. Creatingandmaintainingdefensiblespace.Wefoundthat99%ofourrespondentssaidtheyhad createdorwereintheprocessofcreatingaDefensibleSpacearoundtheirhome.Thisfigurewas similarlyhighinWolfCreekandtheJacksonCountycommunities.Ofthosewhohadcompleted work,93%saidtheyhadmaintainedtheirdefensiblespaceovertime.Homeorpropertyprotection wasthenumberonemotivationforcompletingdefensiblespacework,followedcloselybypersonal safetyandresponsibilityasapropertyowner.Recentfireeventswascitedastheleastimportant motivatingfactor,rankingjustbelowtheexampleofneighbors. SB360wascitedasveryormoderatelyimportantbyonly50%ofourrespondentsinHugoand46% intheApplegate,howeverresponsesvariedbyage.TwentyͲninepercentofrespondentsaged35to 54consideredSB360tobemoderatelyimportantorveryimportantcomparedwith50%of respondentsaged55to69and65%ofrespondentsaged70andabove.Itisnotknownhowmany oftherespondentswhoansweredthisquestionactuallyhadtofollowSB360regulations. Largemajoritiesofrespondentsfromallcommunitiesreportedcompletingadditionalrelatively easyfireprotectionmeasuressuchascleaningleaves,pineneedles,anddebrisfromroofs,gutters, andyards(89%).Howevermuchsmallerpercentagesofrespondentsreportedcarryingoutmore costlyorlaborintensivetaskssuchasusingand/orinstallingfireͲresistantbuildingmaterials(28%) andusingfireͲresistantplantsforlandscaping(13%).Thesurveydoesn’’tcapturewhetherornothe propertyhadthesecharacteristicswhenitwaspurchased,orifthehomeownermadethechanges. FindingsaresimilarintheJacksonCountycommunities.Itshouldalsobenotedthatdefensible spaceactivitiesdecreasedslightlyasrespondentsageincreased. Motivationsforperformingpreventativetasksvarybysizeofproperty,landtypeandtheageofthe respondent.    8

ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

Homeassessments.FiftyͲeightpercentofourrespondentsinHugohadahomeassessmentfor wildfirerisk.Olderresidentsweremorelikelytorequestahomeassessment.Ofthoserespondents whohadahomeassessment,14%usedthelocalfiredistrictforassessment,79%usedtheOregon DepartmentofForestry,and7%usedanindependentcontractororanothertypeofassessor.The overallpercentageofrespondentshavingahomeassessmentforwildfireissomewhathigherthan theJacksonCountycommunities(39%)and38%intheApplegate.Thereisquiteabitofvariance betweencommunitiesreportingwhoperformedthehomeassessment,howeverwhatwas consistentacrosscommunitiesisthatthoseresidentswhodidhavehomeassessments overwhelminglyfoundthemhelpfulandinformative. 9

Evacuationplanning.Althoughonlysixpercentofrespondentsindicatedtheyhadeverbeen evacuatedduetoawildfire,67%percentsaidtheyhaveanevacuationplaninplace.Thiscompares to79%inWolfCreekand62%intheJacksonCountycommunities.Respondentsaged70andabove werefarlesslikely(46%)tohaveanevacuationplan. Whenaskediftheevacuationplanincludedpetsand/orlivestock68%saidyesand26%indicated theydidn’’thavepetsorlivestock.Only6%reportedthattheirplansdidn’’ttaketheiranimalsinto account.Respondentswhoindicatedtheirlandabuttedfederallandswerefarmorelikely(90%)to haveanevacuationplanfortheirpets. Informationsources.Whenaskedwheretheymostoftengettheirinformationaboutforest conditionsand/orwildfire,respondentsoverwhelminglyrankedtelevision,newspapersandradio ashighinimportance.Thesewerefollowedcloselybywebsites,localfiredepartments,newsletters receivedinthemailorneighbors,dependingonthecommunityand/orsubͲgrouptype. Climatechange.TwentyͲninepercentofApplegateresidentsseeclimatechangeasanextremelyserious orveryseriousissue,comparedwithonly10%inHugo.OlderrespondentsinHugowerelesslikelytobe concernedaboutclimatechangethanyoungerrespondents.Respondentswhoindicatedtheirproperty wasmostlyoakand/orbrushyfieldsandthosewhosepropertyabuttedfederallandswerequiteabit morelikelytoviewclimatechangeasextremelyorveryserious––30%fromeachsubͲgroup. 


ThisdocumentdrawsheavilyontheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveyFinalReportofJune2011preparedby SouthernOregonUniversity.Throughoutthisdocument,sentencesandsectionsofthatreporthavebeencopied oradaptedasappropriate.

Conclusion  Theresponserateforthissurveyindicatesthatresidentsareinterestedinthetopicofwildfire,andin sharingtheirviewswithus.Residentsconsiderthisaserioustopic,andarenotblindtothedangers facingthosewhochoosetobuildtheirhomesinornexttoourforests. TheWildfirePublicOpinionSurveywassuccessfulinillustratinghowresidentsperceivetheirriskof wildfire,andwhatactionstheyhavetakentomitigatethatrisk.Residentshavetakenstepsconsistent withwhattheOutreach&EducationCommitteeandtheRVFPChavebeensuggestingformanyyears.


Appendix2ǦHugoSurveyResult Wildfire Survey - 2011: Full results 108 residents in the North Valley Community of Grants Pass participated in the Wildfire Survey in January, 2011


How many acres is your property? (Please check one below.) a. Under 1 acre b. 1-20 acres c. 21-40 acres d. 41-100 acres e. Over 100 acres

n=108 9% 81% 6% 2% 1%


How would you describe the type of land that you live on/own? (Please check all that apply.) a. The majority of property is in forested lands. b. The property has a lot of oak and/or brushy fields. c. The majority of land is open, with irrigated pastures. d. The property abuts or includes a river or creek. e. The property abuts federal lands (BLM, US Forest Service). f. The property is a small lot in a fairly populated neighborhood.

n=108 40% 37% 17% 31% 13% 22%


If your property abuts federally managed lands, please answer the following questions: (Please check appropriate responses below.) a. Has this federal property been thinned of hazardous fuels? Yes No 21 responses. Of these, 2 indicated in question 2e that their property abutted federal land but didn't respond to this question. Additionally, 7 people answered this question, but did not indicate in q2 that their property abutted federal land b. Does the condition of this federal land influence your decision to thin or not thin overgrown hazardous fuels on your own property? Yes No 17 responses. Of these, 2 indicated in question 2e that their property abutted federal land but didn't respond to this question. Additionally, 4 people answered this question, but did not indicate in q2 that their property abutted federal land


50% 50%

n=17 47% 53%






I personally am worried that my own property faces serious risks from wildfires. (Please check one below.) a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Somewhat Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Don't Know


Do you feel that private rural landowners have a responsibility to reduce fire hazards on their own lands? a. Yes b. No


Which of the following two statements comes closest to your view? (Please check one below.) a. Forest fires are a part of nature. We need to protect communities from fires, but in remote areas we should let fires burn and let nature take its course. b. Forest fires are unpredictable and dangerous. We need to contain and extinguish fires as soon as they are discovered

n=103 42%

Have you created a “Defensible Space” around your home? (A “Defensible Space” is the area around area combustible vegetation that can spread a fire has been cleared, reduced or replaced.) a. Yes b. No


If you have completed a "Defensible Space" around your home, please indicate how important the following factors were in motivating you to do this work: a. Personal safety Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important


11% 34% 33% 23% 5%

96% 4%


99% 1%

0% 4% 11% 85%

b. Home or property protection Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n=102 0% 1% 13% 86%

c. Responsibility as property owner Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n=101 1% 9% 19% 71%

d. State Senate Bill 360 Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n=84 29% 21% 32% 18%

e. Aesthetics Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n=94 7% 18% 38% 36%

f. Example of neighbors Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n=96 32% 21% 23% 24%

g. Restoration of forest health Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n=94 13% 16% 34% 37%


h. Recent fire events Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n=91 34% 21% 29% 16%

Have you maintained your defensible space over time by doing annual thinning or cleanup? a. Yes b. No c. Not Applicable

n=104 93% 5% 2%

11. Have you had a "home assessment" of your property for wildfire risk? a. Yes b. No

n=106 58% 42%

12. If you had a "home assessment", who performed the assessment? a. Local Fire District b. Oregon Department of Forestry c. Contractor d. Other - 1 response "Inland Fire"

n=56 14% 79% 5% 2%

13. Did you find this "home assessment" helpful and informative? a. Yes b. No c. Not Applicable

n=79 68% 8% 24%


n=104 76% 38% 92% 96% 13% 29% 51% 22% 0%

Have you taken other types of fire protection measures for your home or around your property? a. Pruned or removed trees beyond my defensible space zone b. Relocated wood piles c. Cleaned leaves, pine needles, debris from roof, gutters and yard d. Mow grass and cut weeds regularly e. Used fire-resistant plants for landscaping f. Used, or have installed fire-resistant building materials g. Created and maintained a fire fuel break(s) h. Provided an additional water supply i. None

15. Please indicate how serious a problem you think each of the following is in your area: a. Smoke from wildfires Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=104 9% 16% 39% 26% 10%

b. Fire management in forest and public lands Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know


c. Too much logging of fores Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=102 4% 7% 11% 63% 16%

d. Poorly-planned rural growth/development Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=101 8% 17% 33% 31% 12%

e. Uncontrollable wildfires that destroy property and forests Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=101 29% 23% 21% 24% 4%

19% 28% 24% 19% 11%

f. Smoke from prescribed fire treatments Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=101 9% 9% 29% 43% 11%

g. Loss of forest land Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=103 23% 24% 15% 30% 8%

h. Climate Change Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=102 7% 10% 18% 51% 15%

i. Loss of habitat for fish and wildlife Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=103 21% 20% 22% 27% 9%

j. Insects and diseases that kill trees Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=104 26% 36% 27%

k. Decreasing supply of clean water Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=103 26%

l. Invasive weeds Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n=103 14% 27% 30% 21% 8%



23% 16% 21% 14%

16. Have you ever been evacuated due to a wildfire? a. Yes b. No

n=106 6% 94%

17. Does your family have an evacuation plan in place? a. Yes b. No

n=102 67% 33%

18. If you do have an evacuation plan, does it include your pets and/or livestock? a. Yes b. No c. Not Applicable

n=84 66% 6% 26%

19. During large, severe fires near homes, there are times when firefighters may have to let a home burn if no lives are at risk. (Please check one below.) a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Somewhat Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Don't Know


20. During large, severe fires near homes, firefighters should do everything they can to try and save all properties. (Please check one below.) a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Somewhat Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Don't Know


21. Where do you most often get information about forest conditions and/or wildfires? (Please select your top three sources of information and rank them 1,2, or 3.) a. From newspapers b. From radio programs c. From television d. From websites e. In a newsletter mailed to your home f. In brochures or pamphlets g. At a booth at an event like a fair or farmers' market h. From my local fire department i. From neighbors j. From state or federal agencies k. From public meetings l. From classes and/or seminars

29% 47% 16% 7% 2%

38% 38% 12% 11% 1%

2 3 1 4

Demographic Questions 1. What do you think are the priority needs in Southern Oregon? (Please select your top three priorities and rank them 1, 2, or 3.) This question wasn't answered in the manner we requested. The results listed below are simply where people notied some type of response for each category. a. public safety - traffic b. public safety - other c. transportation d. environmental protection e. limit land development f. increase land development g. sustainable water supply h. jobs/economic development i. biomass utilization j. education k. medical services l. Other


1 3 4


How long have you lived in Southern Oregon? (Please check one below.) a. 0-5 years b. 6-10 years c. 11-20 years d. 21-30 years e. 30 or more years

n=97 14% 15% 29% 10% 31%


Are you a full-time or a part-time resident of Southern Oregon a. Full-time Resident b. Part-time Resident c. Not Applicable

n=97 100% 0% 0%


Are you? a. Male b. Female

n=94 55%



What is your age? (Please check one below.) a. 18-34 years b. 35-54 years c. 55-69 years e. 70 years and above


What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Please check one below.) a. Some high school b. High school graduate c. Some college/2-year degree d. 4-year degree or more

n=94 6% 22% 47% 24%


What is the size of your household? (Total number of people) a. "1" b. "2" c. "3" d. "4" e. "5" f. "6"


What is your zip code? (Please check one below.) a. 97526 b. 97532



n=95 0% 21% 48% 31%

12% 63% 15% 6% 2% 2%

61% 28%

Appendix3––FiveCommunityComparison Wildfire Survey - 2011: Four Community Comparison Summary Below are responses to all of the survey questions, based upon the community in which respondents resided. The columns on the right represent the five "community" categories. Below those categories, the number of respondents for each question is shown, and then the percentages of residents responding to each individual answer option. For example, for Question #1, of those repondents living in Seven Basins, 70%, or 403 property owners, own a lot between 1-20 acres. Community categories with number (n) of property owners in each: Ashland Wildfire Hazard Zone (AsWHZ) n=128 Greensprings (Gspgs) n=121 Applegate Valley (App) n=591 Seven Basins (7B) n=586 North Valley (NV) n=108 AsWHZ n= 128 91% 9% 0% 0% 0%

Gspgs n=121 7% 41% 17% 12% 22%

App n=582 8% 76% 10% 5% 3%

7B n=576 17% 70% 6% 4% 3%

Hugo n=108 9% 81% 6% 2% 1%

How would you describe the type of land that you live on/own? (Please check all that apply.) a. The majority of my property is in forested lands. b. My property has a lot of oak and/or brush fields. c. The majority of my land is open, with irrigated pastures. d. My property abuts or includes a river or creek. e. My property abuts federal lands (BLM, US Forest Service). f. I live on/own a small lot in a fairly populated neighborhood.

n= 128 18% 16% 2% 9% 3% 77%

n=121 88% 17% 3% 33% 64% 4%

n=583 48% 27% 26% 37% 30% 13%

n=576 36% 30% 25% 29% 21% 25%

n=108 40% 37% 17% 31% 13% 22%

If your property abuts federally managed lands, please answer the following questions: a. Has this federal property been thinned of hazardous fuels? Yes No

n= 11 73% 27%

n=85 28% 72%

n=190 43% 57%

n=149 35% 65%

n=21 50% 50%


How many acres is your property? (Please check one below.) a. Under 1 acre b. 1-20 acres c. 21-40 acres d. 41-100 acres e. Over 100 acres



RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011










b. Does the condition of this federal land influence your decision to thin or not thin overgrown hazardous fuels on your own property? Yes No

n= 10 20% 80%

n=83 40% 60%

n=201 35% 65%

n=140 28% 72%

n=17 47% 53%

I personally am worried that my own property faces serious risks from wildfires. (Please check one below.) a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Somewhat Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Don't Know

n= 127 23% 51% 12% 10% 4%

n=120 31% 38% 15% 9% 7%

n=579 14% 43% 23% 17% 4%

n=574 16% 35% 24% 22% 4%

n=104 11% 34% 33% 23% 5%

Do you feel that private landowners have a responsibility to reduce fire hazards on their own lands? a. Yes b. No

n= 127 98% 2%

n=118 92% 8%

n=574 97% 4%

n=575 97% 3%

n=103 96% 4%

n= 126





Which of the following two statements comes closest to your view? (Please check one below.) a. Forest fires are a part of nature. We need to protect communities from fires, but in remote areas we should let fires burn and let nature take its course. b. Forest fires are unpredictable and dangerous. We need to contain and extinguish fires as soon as they are discovered.

Have you created a “Defensible Space” around your home? (A “Defensible Space” is the area around a home where combustible vegetation that can spread a fire has been cleared, reduced or replaced.) a. Yes b. No c. Not applicable - no home on property.

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison











n= 125 90% 9% 2%

n=120 78% 1% 21%

n=584 97% 2% 0.3%

n=578 92% 7% 1%

n=106 99% 1% 0%

June, 2011

AsWHZ 8.





If you have completed a "Defensible Space" around your home, please indicate how important the following factors were in motivating you to do this work: (Please check all that apply.) a. Personal safety Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n= 110 5% 7% 16% 73%

n=92 3% 8% 19% 71%

n=548 2% 7% 16% 75%

n=515 3% 6% 12% 79%

n=101 0% 4% 11% 85%

b. Home or property protection Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n= 111 0% 4% 11% 86%

n=93 0% 0% 19% 81%

n=553 1% 2% 14% 83%

n=521 2% 2% 11% 85%

n=102 0% 1% 13% 86%

c. Responsibility as property owner Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n= 110 3% 6% 31% 60%

n=91 6% 6% 24% 65%

n=536 2% 7% 28% 64%

n=510 3% 6% 25% 67%

n=101 1% 9% 19% 71%

d. State Senate Bill 360 (Forestland - Urban Interface Fire Protection Act) Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n= 93 45% 22% 25% 9%

n=75 41% 27% 13% 19%

n=453 36% 22% 25% 17%

n=425 36% 26% 22% 16%

n=84 29% 21% 32% 18%

e. Aesthetics Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n= 108 15% 31% 43% 12%

n=88 14% 25% 33% 28%

n=488 13% 23% 43% 22%

n=474 13% 21% 38% 29%

n=94 7% 18% 38% 36%

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011

AsWHZ n= 109 46% 24% 22% 8%

Gspgs n=85 46% 26% 19% 9%

App n=504 45% 23% 20% 12%

7B n=477 40% 25% 21% 15%

Hugo n=96 32% 21% 23% 24%

g. Restoration of forest health Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n= 105 33% 20% 27% 20%

n=88 15% 7% 28% 50%

n=500 15% 17% 33% 35%

n=476 19% 21% 27% 33%

n=94 13% 16% 34% 37%

h. Recent fire events Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important

n= 107 29% 22% 29% 21%

n=85 35% 28% 20% 17%

n=499 32% 22% 27% 19%

n=488 27% 22% 25% 26%

n=91 34% 21% 29% 16%

Have you maintained your defensible space over time by doing annual thinning or cleanup work? a. Yes b. No c. Not Applicable

n=118 91% 2% 8%

n=111 78% 5% 17%

n=569 90% 4% 6%

n=552 87% 3% 10%

n=104 93% 5% 2%

f. Example of neighbors Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important


RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011






10. If you have not completed "Defensible Space" or fuel reduction treatments around your home, please indicate what feelings or reasons were important in this decision. (Please check all that apply.) a. Personal safety not at risk b. Personal property not at risk c. Neighbors/adjacent landowners not doing work d. Visual impact of treatments e. Don't want to harm wildlife f. Don't know what to do or how to do it g. Physically unable to perform work h. Don't know where to find people to do work i. Can't afford to do the work j. Don't have time to do the work k. No home on property

n= 16 13% 19% 25% 44% 25% 13% 19% 6% 25% 38% 0%

n=20 35% 30% 10% 5% 5% 5% 10% 5% 15% 15% 75%

n=77 35% 30% 17% 14% 25% 9% 40% 7% 39% 15% 0%

n=93 41% 43% 16% 12% 11% 10% 37% 10% 28% 10% 2%

n=8 13% 25% 25% 0% 0% 25% 63% 38% 63% 25% 0%

11. Have you had a "home assessment" of your property for wildfire risk? a. Yes b. No c. Not applicable

n= 124 51% 46% 3%

n=115 50% 31% 18%

n=580 40% 56% 5%

n=563 28% 66% 6%

n=106 58% 42% 0%

12. If you had a "home assessment", who performed the assessment? a. Local Fire District b. Oregon Department of Forestry c. Contractor d. Other (please specify)

n= 62 90% 5% 2% 3%

n=57 11% 79% 2% 9%

n=220 40% 51% 4% 6%

n=157 36% 44% 5% 15%

n=56 14% 79% 5% 2%

13. Did you find this "home assessment" helpful and informative? a. Yes b. No c. Not Applicable

n= 79 79% 3% 19%

n=90 59% 3% 38%

n=354 60% 4% 36%

n=311 48% 7% 45%

n=79 68% 8% 24%

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011






14. Have you taken other types of fire protection measures for your home or around your property? (Please check all that apply.) a. Pruned or removed trees beyond my defensible space zone b. Relocated wood piles c. Cleaned leaves, pine needles, debris from roof, gutters and yard d. Mow grass and cut weeds regularly e. Used fire-resistant plants for landscaping f. Used, or have installed fire-resistant building materials g. Created and maintained a fire fuel break(s) h. Provided an additional water supply i. None

n= 124 59% 32% 92% 83% 35% 48% 27% 13% 2%

n=105 71% 37% 59% 70% 16% 55% 62% 49% 8%

n=583 67% 35% 84% 90% 20% 39% 49% 30% 2%

n=568 62% 34% 85% 94% 14% 32% 50% 28% 2%

n=104 76% 38% 92% 96% 13% 29% 51% 22% 0%

15. Please indicate how serious a problem you think each of the following is in your area: (Please circle one number for each item.) a. Smoke from wildfires Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 122 12% 20% 39% 27% 3%

n=107 5% 13% 34% 43% 6%

n=567 9% 19% 42% 27% 3%

n=558 11% 20% 36% 27% 5%

n=104 9% 16% 39% 26% 10%

b. Fire management in forest and public lands Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 119 34% 27% 22% 7% 11%

n=109 27% 28% 20% 17% 8%

n=549 20% 30% 30% 13% 8%

n=542 19% 26% 29% 16% 11%

n=101 19% 28% 24% 19% 11%

c. Too much logging of forests Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 121 17% 16% 23% 32% 12%

n=109 19% 12% 18% 46% 5%

n=556 9% 12% 18% 52% 9%

n=543 7% 9% 18% 53% 14%

n=102 4% 7% 11% 63% 16%

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011

AsWHZ n= 119 12% 21% 37% 21% 9%

Gspgs n=106 9% 17% 26% 36% 12%

App n=557 11% 16% 28% 31% 14%

7B n=539 10% 13% 25% 34% 18%

Hugo n=101 8% 17% 33% 31% 12%

e. Uncontrollable wildfires that destroy property and forests Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 121 24% 33% 27% 13% 3%

n=109 31% 21% 24% 19% 5%

n=559 26% 26% 28% 14% 6%

n=547 25% 21% 29% 19% 7%

n=101 29% 23% 21% 24% 4%

f. Smoke from prescribed fire treatments Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 120 4% 8% 19% 60% 8%

n=110 4% 6% 23% 63% 5%

n=560 7% 11% 28% 47% 7%

n=550 7% 10% 26% 50% 7%

n=101 9% 9% 29% 43% 11%

g. Loss of forest land Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 121 17% 23% 28% 25% 7%

n=109 25% 20% 19% 31% 5%

n=554 20% 22% 25% 26% 8%

n=545 21% 20% 24% 27% 8%

n=103 23% 24% 15% 30% 8%

h. Climate Change Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 124 27% 25% 21% 19% 9%

n=109 19% 12% 21% 36% 12%

n=553 15% 16% 20% 38% 11%

n=544 12% 14% 20% 42% 12%

n=102 7% 10% 18% 51% 15%

d. Poorly-planned rural growth/development Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011


Loss of habitat for fish and wildlife Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

AsWHZ n= 124 29% 23% 26% 17% 5%

Gspgs n=109 25% 16% 21% 34% 5%

App n=561 20% 24% 26% 23% 7%

7B n=551 20% 19% 28% 25% 8%

Hugo n=103 21% 20% 22% 27% 9%


Insects and diseases that kill trees Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

n= 122 24% 39% 21% 10% 7%

n=111 29% 37% 23% 9% 2%

n=568 26% 34% 29% 6% 6%

n=555 26% 30% 28% 10% 7%

n=104 26% 36% 27% 6% 6%

n= 121 29% 26% 22% 18% 5%

n=109 21% 9% 26% 38% 6%

n=559 25% 25% 21% 20% 8%

n=551 24% 22% 21% 25% 8%

n=103 26% 23% 16% 21% 14%

n= 122 16% 25% 34% 18% 7%

n=111 15% 23% 34% 22% 6%

n=569 22% 28% 32% 13% 6%

n=559 20% 23% 34% 16% 7%

n=103 14% 27% 30% 21% 8%

n= 123 7% 93%

n=115 1% 99%

n=585 6% 94%

n=574 12% 88%

n=106 6% 94%

k. Decreasing supply of clean water Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know l.

Invasive weeds Extremely Serious Very Serious Somewhat Serious Not Serious Don't Know

16. Have you ever been evacuated due to a wildfire? a. Yes b. No

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011

AsWHZ n= 123 48% 52%

Gspgs n=109 61% 39%

App n=579 62% 38%

7B n=567 66% 34%

Hugo n=102 67% 33%

18. If you do have an evacuation plan, does it include your pets and/or livestock? a. Yes b. No c. Not Applicable

n= 87 43% 7% 51%

n=101 42% 14% 45%

n=468 62% 7% 31%

n=475 63% 8% 29%

n=84 68% 6% 26%

19. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: During large, severe fires near homes, there are times when firefighters may have to let a home burn if no lives are at risk. (Please check one below.) a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Somewhat Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Don't Know

n= 122 38% 45% 4% 8% 5%

n=118 31% 43% 9% 15% 3%

n=555 34% 43% 8% 10% 5%

n=560 32% 43% 11% 9% 6%

n=103 29% 47% 16% 7% 2%

20. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: During large, severe fires near homes, firefighters should do everything they can to try and save all properties. (Please check one below.) a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Somewhat Disagree d. Strongly Disagree e. Don't Know

n= 122 25% 40% 17% 14% 3%

n=120 34% 39% 17% 9% 1%

n=552 40% 38% 13% 7% 2%

n=555 41% 40% 11% 6% 2%

n=103 38% 38% 12% 11% 1%

17. Does your family have an evacuation plan in place? a. Yes b. No

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011

AsWHZ 21. Where do you most often get information about forest conditions and/or wildfires? (Please select your top three sources of information and rank them 1,2, or 3.) a. From newspapers b. From radio programs c. From television d. From websites e. In a newsletter mailed to your home f. In brochures or pamphlets g. At a booth at an event like a fair or farmers' market h. From my local fire department i. From neighbors j. From state or federal agencies k. From public meetings l. From classes and/or seminars

22. What do you think are the priority needs in Southern Oregon? (Please select your top three priorities and rank them 1, 2, or 3.) a. public safety - traffic b. public safety - other c. transportation d. environmental protection e. limit land development f. increase land development g. sustainable water supply h. jobs/economic development i. biomass utilization j. education k. medical services l. Other

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

n= 120 68% 33% 63% 38% 23% 8% 3% 29% 16% 9% 6% 2%

n= 119 3% 19% 10% 52% 24% 3% 66% 59% 5% 54% 17% 11%

Gspgs n=115 44% 25% 52% 35% 13% 5% 0% 33% 36% 32% 5% 5%

n=115 10% 24% 8% 37% 26% 11% 44% 64% 19% 42% 15% 16%

App n=558 56% 39% 66% 32% 21% 9% 3% 29% 23% 18% 6% 3%

n=533 17% 37% 6% 31% 27% 6% 41% 68% 12% 48% 25% 8%

7B n=561 49% 39% 78% 28% 18% 8% 3% 29% 21% 18% 5% 3%

n=543 18% 33% 11% 28% 22% 10% 40% 71% 13% 46% 28% 11%

Hugo Ranked n=104 2 3 1 4

Ranked n=94 2

1 3 4

June, 2011

23. How long have you lived in Southern Oregon? (Please check one below.) a. 0-5 years b. 6-10 years c. 11-20 years d. 21-30 years e. 30 or more years f. Not applicable

AsWHZ n= 119 14% 24% 24% 22% 17% 0%

Gspgs n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

App n=540 7% 16% 23% 17% 36% 1%

7B n=548 8% 13% 18% 15% 46% 1%

Hugo n=97 14% 15% 29% 10% 31% 0%

n/a n/a n/a

n=540 95% 4% 1%

n=547 95% 3% 2%

n=97 100% 0% 0%

n=539 62% 38%

n=94 55% 45%

24. Are you a full-time resident or a part-time resident of Southern Oregon? (Please check one below.) a. Full-time resident b. Part-time resident c. Not applicable

n= 119 96% 4% 0%

25. Are you? a. Male b. Female

n= 117 68% 33%

n/a n/a

n=534 61% 39%

26. What is your age? (Please check one below.) a. 18-34 years b. 35-54 years c. 55-69 years d. 70 years and above

n= 118 0% 15% 56% 29%

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n=537 2% 21% 49% 28%

n=547 4% 20% 51% 26%

n=95 0% 21% 48% 31%

27. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Please check one below.) a. Some high school b. High school graduate c. Some college/2-year degree d. 4-year degree or more

n= 119 0% 1% 12% 87%

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n=531 3% 19% 37% 42%

n=543 3% 24% 41% 32%

n=94 6% 22% 47% 24%

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

Five Community Comparison

June, 2011

AsWHZ n= 116 6% 70% 11% 11% 2% 0% 0% 0%

28. What is the size of your household? (Total number of people) a. "1" b. "2" c. "3" d. "4" e. "5" f. "6" g. "7" h. "10"

29. What is your zip code? (Please check one below.) a. Out of State b. 97225 c. 97237 d. 97501 e. 97502 f. 97503 g. 97520 h. 97524 i. 97525 j. 97526 k. 97527 l. 97528 m. 97530 n. 97533 o. 97536 p. 97537 q. 97539 r. 97540 s. 97541 t. 97543 u. 97544 v. 97526 w. 97532

RVFPC/SOURCE Wildfire Survey

n=118 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Five Community Comparison

Gspgs n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

App n=535 17% 61% 11% 7% 3% 1% 1% 0%

7B n=545 16% 57% 13% 9% 4% 1% 0.2% 0.2%

Hugo n=95 12% 63% 15% 6% 2% 2% 0.0% 0.0%

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0% 0%

n=536 0.4% 0% 0% 0.2% 0% 0% 0.2% 0% 0.2% 1% 50% 0.4% 32% 2% 0% 0% 0.2% 0.2% 0% 4% 10% 0% 0%

n=545 1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 16% 11% 1% 2% 29% 0.4% 0.2% 0% 0.4% 0% 0.2% 39% 0.2% 0% 0.2% 0% 0% 0% 0%

n=96 0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0% 67% 30%

June, 2011

Jo County Wildfire Public Opinion Survey Report_NV (3).pdf ...

They were least concerned about too much logging of forests, climate change, and. smoke from prescribed fire treatments. FiftyͲone percent of the respondents ...

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