Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 1341}1348

Isometric muscle length}tension curves do not predict angle}torque curves of human wrist in continuous active movements Deborah M. Gillard, Sergiy Yakovenko, Tracy Cameron, Arthur Prochazka* Division of Neuroscience, University of Alberta, 513 Heritage Medical Research Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2S2 Accepted 25 May 2000

Abstract In this study we tested the hypothesis that during steady contractions of human wrist extensors or #exors, the torque}angle relationship during movements imposed about the wrist is predicted by the classical isometric muscle length}tension curve, with ascending, descending and ascending limbs. Angle}torque relationships were measured during steady muscle activation (10% of maximal voluntary contraction: MVC), elicited either by electrical stimulation or voluntary regulation of the electromyogram (EMG). Flexion}extension movements of constant speed ($103/s) were imposed on the subjects' hands with a servo actuator, either through the full physiological range of motion $503, or through $103. During extensor contractions, angle}torque curves in $503 movements had ascending, descending and ascending limbs, as in isometric contractions. However, in $103 movements, torque always increased with increasing muscle length and decreased with decreasing length, even over angles corresponding to the descending limb of isometric curves. For #exor activation, angle}torque curves had similar properties, though descending limbs were less obvious or absent. During imposed movements, hysteresis was observed in the angle}torque curves. This was attributed to non-linearities of the active muscles. Hysteresis reached a maximum at intermediate wrist angles and declined at maximal muscle length, contradicting the recent hypothesis that sarcomere non-uniformity is responsible for the hysteresis. We conclude that the classical isometric length}tension curve, with its prominent descending limb, does not predict angle}torque curves of human wrist muscles in continuous movements. A more appropriate model is one in which sti!ness about the wrist is always positive and hysteresis is a signi"cant factor.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Muscle sti!ness; Wrist movement

1. Introduction The force generated by active muscles depends not only on activation level but also on length and velocity. The classical length}tension curve of active muscle, "rst described by Blix (1894), has an ascending limb, a plateau, a descending limb and a "nal ascending limb at maximal physiological lengths. The initial ascending and descending limbs are attributed to increases and decreases in overlap of actin and myosin "laments as sarcomeres lengthen (Gordon et al., 1966). The "nal ascending limb is attributed to passive sti!ness (Huijing, 1985; Zajac, 1989) Isometric length}tension curves in di!erent cat hindlimb muscles range from the classical curve described above to monotonic curves (Gareis et al., 1992). From

* Corresponding author. Tel.: #780-492-3783; fax: #780-492-1617. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Prochazka).

experiments in healthy human subjects and cadavers, Lieber et al. (1994), Loren et al. (1996) and Lieber and Friden (1998) predicted that over the physiological range of motion (ROM), wrist #exors would have monotonic isometric length}tension curves while wrist extensors would show classical curves with prominent descending limbs. The data indicated that extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) might operate on the descending limb over much of its functional range. As this seemed at odds with the mechanical properties of the hand during functional electrical stimulation (Prochazka et al., 1992), we wondered whether the isometric data were really as predicted by Loren et al. (1996) and more generally, whether isometric length tension curves generalized to continuous active movements. Though one often hears the opinion that because isometric length}tension curves represent discrete static measurements they probably do not generalize to continuous movement, few publications address the issue in detail and the evidence is fragmentary (Ge!en, 1964;

0021-9290/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 1 - 9 2 9 0 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 2 7 - 5


D.M. Gillard et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 1341}1348

Baratta et al., 1993; Vance et al., 1994). In biomechanics, muscle is often modeled as the product of an isometric length}tension curve and a Hill-type force}velocity relationship (e.g. Veltink et al., 1992). Such models predict that for constant-velocity stretches muscle force should decline as stretch proceeds beyond the peak of the isometric length}tension curve. A decline in force with increasing length may be interpreted as negative sti!ness (Stein et al., 1999), a property that is di$cult to deal with in feedback control systems. Actively contracting muscle has a high short-range stiwness when stretched through an initial &1% of rest length (Joyce et al., 1969). Actin}myosin cross-bridges are thought to remain attached and deform elastically within this range and become detached when stretch continues, resulting in a lower sti!ness (Rack and Westbury, 1974). Consequently, when an active muscle is cyclically stretched and shortened, short-range sti!ness may produce hysteresis (a divergence of length}tension curves for shortening and lengthening not attributable to force}velocity characteristics). Another non-linear property of muscle that could produce hysteresis is the so-called force-enhancement e!ect during stretch and force de"cit during shortening (Julian and Morgan, 1979b; Edman et al., 1982; Sugi and Tsuchiya, 1988; Morgan, 1990). This and a related phenomenon, `creepa, have been attributed to the build-up of sarcomere non-uniformities at long muscle lengths (Gordon et al., 1966; Morgan, 1990; Julian and Morgan, 1979a; Edman and Reggiani, 1984) In this study we tested two hypotheses: (1) static isometric length}tension curves of active wrist muscles apply to continuous movements; (2) hysteresis in length}tension curves of active wrist muscles is maximal at maximal muscle lengths.

2. Methods Angle}torque curves of wrist #exors or extensors were measured in four subjects, two males and two females, aged 21}52 in steady contractions produced either by electrical stimulation or constant voluntary contraction. No subjects had any history of wrist trauma or musculoskeletal disease. All subjects gave written consent in accordance with the requirements of the University of Alberta Human Ethics committee and the Declaration of Helsinki. The subject was seated in a comfortable chair with his/her elbow #exed to 903 and shoulder abducted by 30}403. The elbow was held in place with a rigid molding of thermoplastic material (Sansplint) and the forearm was stabilized just distal to the elbow and just proximal to the wrist with two pairs of padded restraints (Fig. 1). The hand was formed into a "st and secured in a form"tting Sansplint cast. The cast was attached to a rigid, circular arc which acted as a guide for a #exible steel

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up. Subject's elbow and forearm were stabilized with an elbow cast and padded wrist restraints. The hand, bound into a "st, was secured inside a form-"tting cast attached to a circular arc suspended from the ceiling. The arc guided a cable connected to a rotary servo motor, allowing force to be applied at a constant distance from the wrist joint, i.e. force was proportional to torque. The torque required to move the wrist through di!erent angles was measured while muscles were activated at a constant level, either voluntarily with EMG feedback, or by trains of electrical stimuli applied to the muscle nerves proximal to the elbow.

cable connecting one end of the arc to a force gauge and a rotary servo motor. This allowed force to be applied at a constant distance from the wrist pivot point. Other cables suspended from the ceiling supported the cast in the horizontal plane. A pointer centered at the mid-point of the arc was positioned over a protractor for calibrating angle measurements obtained from an angular displacement transducer attached to the servo motor. The servo (sti!ness 19.3 N/mm) was controlled using Simulink and Real-Time Workshop Toolbox (The Mathworks, Inc, Natick, MA) and a digital microprocessor interface (dSPACE Inc., Northville, MI). Two fatigue tests were performed in each subject prior to the main experiment. With the wrist in neutral position, 10% MVC was maintained for 120 s by (1) electrical stimulation or (2) voluntary e!ort. In stimulation trials, torque typically declined presumably because of fatigue in fast-fatiguable muscle "bres, reaching a plateau after about 20 s. The same fatigue tests were performed immediately after the experiments to test for stationarity. The servo moved the hand at a speed of 103 s\. To avoid fatigue in full range of motion (ROM: $503) trials with active muscle contraction, data were obtained separately for (1) muscle shortening over the whole 503 range, (2) "rst 253 of lengthening, (3) second 253 of lengthening. All trials were repeated 3 times with 60 s rest periods between trials. Sets of six $103 movements centered around !40, !20, 0, #20, #403 (#exion

D.M. Gillard et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 1341}1348

negative, extension positive) were recorded in random order (20 s rest periods). Next, torque in isometric contractions from rest at each of the above angles was measured (5 s rest periods). Finally, passive angle}torque characteristics with muscles relaxed were recorded in $50 and $103 movements. The control signal to the servo was triangular, the turning points of which would cause very high instantaneous accelerations with very large forces due to hand inertia. However, the servo was heavily damped, so accelerations were small. Force spikes did not occur at turning points in passive $103 trials, so we assume that inertial e!ects were negligible. In voluntary contraction experiments, EMG recordings were obtained from pairs of self-adhesive electrodes (Jason ElectroTrace, ET001, Huntington Beach, CA) 1 cm apart over ECRB 6 cm distal to the lateral epicondyle, and #exor carpi radialis (FCR) 6 cm distal to the medial epicondyle. A reference electrode was placed over the ulnar olecranon process. EMG signals were highpass-"ltered (30 Hz), ampli"ed, full-wave-recti"ed, lowpass-"ltered (1 Hz) and displayed on an oscilloscope. The subject #exed or extended isometrically from the neutral wrist position to match the force trace to a target level corresponding to 10% MVC, using wrist muscles only. EMG cross-talk from "nger muscles was estimated in separate strong contractions to be (10% of EMG from wrist muscles. Antagonist EMGs were monitored and played through a loudspeaker to the subject, whose job was to minimize co-contraction. Muscle activation commenced 2 s before the onset of recording to give the subject time to stabilize the EMG. The same subjects participated in the experiments involving electrical stimulation. Self-adhesive electrodes (ConMed Versa-stim, 45;45 mm) were placed over the median nerve 8}10 cm proximal to the humeral medial epicondyle to stimulate #exors and over the radial nerve 8}10 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle to stimulate extensors. Stimulation at motor points proximal to the origins of the muscles activated, avoided variations in stimulus e$cacy as muscles changed length and shape. An indi!erent electrode (45;90 mm) was placed on the skin just proximal to the wrist crease on the anterior surface of the forearm. Stimulation comprised trains of current-controlled biphasic pulses (33/s, 100 ls primary pulsewidth). Subjects were instructed to remain relaxed and allow the stimulation to control their hand. Practice was required not to intervene. We checked for intervention periodically by turning stimulation o! unexpectedly (Prochazka et al., 1997). Since electrical stimulation does not recruit motor units in physiological order (slow, fatigue-resistant to fast-fatiguable), stimulation was turned on between each set of cyclical movement trials for 20 s to cause fatigue of fast-fatiguable muscle "bers (see above). Stimulation was then adjusted to achieve 10% MVC and commenced 2 s


before recording started to allow for equilibration. The same number and types of movement trials were performed as in voluntary contraction experiments. Signals from the force transducer, servo input, displacement sensor and EMGs were digitized at 100/s and averaged using a Cambridge Electronic Design (CED) 1401 laboratory interface and personal computer using SIGAVG (version 5.42), Matlab (version 4.2c) and SigmaPlot (version 4.0) software. For each subject torques were normalized to the mean torque of the $103 angle}torque loops at 03 wrist angle.

3. Results Full ROM trials involving voluntary control of #exor EMG produced monotonic angle}torque curves for active lengthening characterized by an initial steep slope, followed by a less steep slope (Fig. 2A). At the onset of shortening there was an initial steep drop in torque followed by a less-steep decline. $103 trials also showed monotonic angle}torque curves, but note the greater mean slopes, i.e. larger sti!nesses than would be predicted either from the isometric or full ROM curves. The isometric data show a classical length}tension pro"le: an ascending limb, a descending limb and a small increase at the longest muscle length. All angle}torque movement trials with voluntary #exor contractions showed prominent hysteresis, torque being larger during lengthening of the active muscles than during shortening. The passive angle}torque curves also exhibited some hysteresis, but far less than the active curves. Passive hysteresis is attributable to connective tissue properties (Given et al., 1995). In our "rst subject full ROM cycles were applied in one continuous sweep, but fatigue near the end of each trial, evidenced by mismatches between start and end coordinates of angle}torque curves, led us to split full ROM trials into three portions in the other subjects (see Section 2). Good correspondence between start and end coordinates in most trials indicated that fatigue was thereby minimized. Fig. 2b was obtained by subtracting passive angle}torque curves in Fig. 2a from corresponding total torque curves. This standard procedure provides an estimate of the active angle}torque pro"le and emphasizes the descending limb in isometric and full ROM trials. In contrast to the #exor results, in full ROM trials of wrist extensors (Fig. 3), the total angle}torque curve during muscle lengthening showed a clear transition from an ascending limb to a descending limb with a "nal small increase in torque at longest muscle length. Thus, although the full ROM plot had a zone of negative sti!ness during muscle lengthening, sti!ness was always positive in the $103 trials. A prominent hysteresis was again evident in both the full ROM and $103 trials. The active angle}torque plots (Fig. 3B) showed


D.M. Gillard et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 1341}1348

Fig. 2. Mean angle}torque data for constant voluntary activation of wrist yexors. (A) Torque was measured in three contraction conditions: (1) isometric (dotted lines); (2) $103 triangular displacements centered at "ve di!erent angles (small loops); (3) $503 triangular displacements over full range of motion (full ROM) of wrist joint (large loop). Narrow loops at bottom of "gure show angle}torque pro"les with muscles completely relaxed. Note that all torque values in this and subsequent "gures were normalized to mean torque of $103 angle}torque loops at 03 wrist angle. (B) Active torque derived by subtracting passive torque values from corresponding total torque values in (A). Vertical bars: standard errors of means. Note large width of all ROM loops, even though the movements were applied very slowly to minimize velocitydependent torque components. This suggests hysteresis rather than viscous properties. Note the positive slopes of the $103 ROM loops too, even in the range 0}303, over which the isometric angle}torque curve descended slightly.

similar properties to those in Fig. 2B, though with more prominent descending limbs in isometric and full ROM curves. The validity of using constant EMG as an indicator of constant muscle activation at di!erent angles was tested by recording one subject's extensor EMG during MVCs at !40, !20, 0, #20 and #403. Mean EMGs had a coe$cient of variance of only 6% indicating that EMG does provide a reliable measure of e!ort at all angles.

Fig. 3. Mean angle}torque data for constant (10% maximal), voluntary activation of wrist extensors. Trials and data presentation identical to those in Fig. 2. Compared to the #exor data, total isometric torque declined more noticeably as the wrist was #exed beyond neutral (i.e. as the extensors lengthened). There was also a decline in torque over this angular range in full ROM trials. These declines were particularly marked in Fig. 2B, after the passive angle}torque data had been subtracted. In spite of these descending limbs, the slopes of smaller $103 loops remained positive.

It is possible that descending limbs of active length}tension curves could be masked by the passive ascending limb at low levels of contraction (e.g. 10%MVC). We therefore compared curves in one subject at three contraction levels (10, 20 and 30% MVC). The wrist was moved through $103 in the range 10}303 extension during extensor contractions, as this corresponded to pronounced descending limbs in full ROM trials. As contraction level increased, the slopes of the angle}torque plots actually increased as well, both for the total force and active force cases. Electrical stimulation of median nerve proximal to the elbow elicited reliable contractions of the wrist #exors in all subjects. Unfortunately, it was much more di$cult to

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Fig. 4. Mean angle}torque data for constant (10% maximal), electrical activation of wrist yexors. Stimulation was applied to the muscle nerve above the elbow to minimize the e!ect of changes in muscle length and shape on the position of the motor point. Trials and data presentation as in Fig. 2. The properties of the angle}torque curves were basically the same as those in Fig. 2, which indicates that the muscles were activated similarly in both situations.

Fig. 5. Mean angle}torque data for constant (10% maximal), electrical activation of wrist extensors Trials and data presentation as in Fig. 3. The properties of the angle}torque curves were similar to those in Fig. 3, indicating that the muscles were activated similarly in both situations. In this case the data could only be obtained in one subject, because only this subject had an accessible motor point for extensor stimulation proximal to the elbow.

"nd equivalent motor points over radial nerve proximal to the elbow. Seven people were tested but only one had an accessible and selective wrist extensor motor point. We felt it essential that the motor point be proximal to any part of the muscles being stimulated, so only this one subject was tested for this part of the experiment. The #exor stimulation angle}torque curves (Fig. 4) showed the same general characteristics as those in voluntary trials (Fig. 2). This shows that whether the muscles are activated at a constant level by electrical stimulation or by voluntary e!ort, the same general conclusions may be drawn. Since only one subject was tested with extensor stimulation, the same experiment was done on two separate occasions to obtain enough data for averaging. Again the results were comparable to the voluntary trials (Fig. 3), though the full ROM did not exhibit the descending limb

of the angle}torque curve as clearly and maximal torque occurred at a more #exed angle than in isometric trials. As in Fig. 3, the $103 trials showed little evidence of negative sti!ness (Fig. 5). In order to explore how much of the separation between lengthening and shortening curves in movement trials was due to static hysteresis as opposed to viscosity, we performed a series of $103 trials at di!erent velocities in one subject. Fig. 6 shows the maximal di!erence in torque (d¹) within the angle}torque loops of averaged cycles plotted against angular velocity. d¹ is the sum of the components of force due to viscosity and hysteresis, so there is a steady increase in d¹ with velocity. The regression line, which intercepts the y-axis above zero provides a measure of the separation of the angle}torque loops that can be attributed to static hysteresis alone.


D.M. Gillard et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 1341}1348

Fig. 6. E!ect of muscle force}velocity properties on the width of the $103 ROM loops. The maximal di!erence in torque (d¹) within the loops is plotted against angular velocity. d¹ is the sum of the components of force due to the force}velocity relationship and hysteresis. The force}velocity contribution to d¹ is re#ected in the linear increase in d¹ with velocity. The regression line intercepts the y-axis above zero. This provides a measure of the separation of static hysteresis due to muscle short-range sti!ness properties.

4. Discussion Our study was originally motivated by Loren et al. (1996) who predicted that isometric angle}torque curves of active wrist extensors would di!er from those of #exors. The study developed into a test of the more general hypothesis that isometric length}tension curves of active wrist muscles are also valid in continuous movements. In agreement with Lieber et al., we found that in isometric and full ROM trials, active wrist #exor torque increased monotonically with extension whereas active extensor torque followed the classical isometric length}tension curve with an ascending limb, a plateau region, a descending limb and a "nal ascending limb. The striking di!erence was that when $103 cyclical movements were imposed, sti!ness during extensor activation remained positive at all wrist angles, including the range in which isometric and full ROM trials showed descending limbs. Stein et al. (1999) reported similar observations in electrically stimulated quadriceps muscles in humans but not in voluntary contractions. We measured angular displacement and torque about the wrist rather than muscle length and force. If angle were proportional to muscle displacement and torque were proportional to force, the angle}torque pro"les would be identical to the muscle length}tension curves. However, wrist torque is the sum of torques of several muscles, each of which has a slightly di!erent moment arm. The larger the moment arm, the greater the muscle length change for a given change in joint angle. This means that each muscle might traverse a di!erent region

of its length}tension curve. Furthermore, torque is only proportional to muscle force if the moment arms remain constant. Horii et al. (1993) and Loren et al. (1996) estimated the moment arms of the main wrist muscles: FCR, #exor carpi ulnaris (FCU), extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU), ECRB and extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) from the slopes of the relationship between wrist angle and muscle length in cadavers. According to Loren et al., the moment arm of FCU (generating 50}60% of #exor torque) decreases by 35% as FCU lengthens from full wrist #exion to extension, but Horii et al. concluded that it increases by &15%. The corresponding values for FCR moment arms were a 12% decrease (Loren et al., 1996) and a 20% increase (Horii et al., 1993). From Loren et al. the reduction in #exor sti!ness we observed as the wrist extended (Fig. 2) could therefore be due to declining #exor moment arms (not just muscle length}tension properties), but from Horii et al. (1993) we could conclude that active muscle force declined with increasing stretch. Regarding extensors, according to Loren et al. (1996) ECRB (&60% of extensor torque) moment arm increases slightly (&10%) as the wrist is moved from full extension, but then declines by &50% to full #exion. Horii et al. (1993) estimated a linear decline of &13%. For ECRL (20}25% of extensor torque), Loren et al. (1996) estimated a large decline in moment arm, while Horii et al. found only a small (&6%) decline restricted to the last 303 of #exion. ECU (20}25% of extensor torque) moment arm showed a bell-shaped pro"le peaking in the mid-range according to Loren et al., while Horii et al. maintained that it changed little from extension to mid-point, then declined 75% to full #exion. Though these results vary in detail, the common factor is a general decline in extensor moment arm with increasing #exion, particularly beyond the mid-point of wrist angle. This could partly explain the descending limbs of isometric and full ROM angle}torque pro"les in our data (Fig. 3). But the important point remains that when $103 movements were imposed within the angular range of the descending limb of the isometric and full ROM curves, mean wrist sti!ness was positive rather than negative, in spite of possible declines in moment arms. The prediction from the isometric angle}torque relationship of a region of negative sti!ness is therefore clearly invalid for small dynamic movements. Given that in activities of daily life, the wrist normally operates over the range 103 #exion to 353 extension (Brum"eld and Champoux, 1984), isometric curves, with their descending limbs, do not represent normal muscle behaviour. The marked di!erence in torque during lengthening and shortening of active muscles, which resulted in the loops seen in all the continuous angle}torque plots, took us by surprise, because we had chosen very low angular velocities to minimize viscous forces. When we examined

D.M. Gillard et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 33 (2000) 1341}1348

this further (Fig. 6), it became clear that the loops resulted more from static hysteresis than viscosity. In most of the $103 loops the hysteresis was attributable to abrupt changes in torque at the onset of muscle lengthening and shortening which suggests short-range sti!ness e!ects (Rack and Westbury, 1974). However, the maintained separation of ascending and descending portions of the loops throughout the cycles, is not explained by shortrange sti!ness. Lombardi and Piazzesi (1990) adduced evidence that cross-bridge cycling rates in frog muscle "bres are higher during lengthening than during shortening contractions and other work suggests that the average force produced for each attached cross-bridge is higher in lengthening than in isometric contractions (Herzog, 1998). These mechanisms may explain the maintained separation of ascending and descending limbs of angle}torque curves. According to Nardone et al. (1989), fast and slow motor units of human calf muscles are recruited selectively in voluntary lengthening and shortening contractions, respectively. This is another possible cause of hysteresis, though we would then have expected to see larger di!erences between voluntary and electrical stimulation data. Stein et al. (1999) applied velocities of about 203/s to the knee and so the component of viscous sti!ness was probably quite large (see our Fig. 6). Nonetheless, some static hysteresis was inferred. Because this reached a maximum at maximal muscle length, sarcomere nonuniformities were suspected, the notion being that some sarcomeres are stretched to a length beyond which cross-bridges can form (Julian and Morgan, 1979a). When the muscle is allowed to shorten after a large lengthening contraction, its ability to sustain force is therefore reduced (Gordon et al., 1966; Morgan, 1990; Edman and Reggiani, 1984). In our study, the fact that the $103 loops were actually thinner at long lengths than at intermediate lengths detracts from this explanation. Furthermore, all of our hysteresis loops were symmetrical: increases in torque at the onset of lengthening when the active muscle was short were similar to decreases in torque at the onset of shortening when the active muscle was long. Sarcomere non-uniformities would only be expected to contribute in the latter situation. It is also worth noting that sarcomere non-uniformities would be expected to shift the peak of the length tension curve to longer lengths. Stein et al. commented that this was not apparent in their results. Finally, Stein et al. (1999) reported that the hysteresis was not present in voluntary activation. This was not the case in our study: if anything, hysteresis was more marked in voluntary trials than in stimulation trials. Gielen et al. (1984) measured the elastic and viscous properties of re#exly active wrist muscles in humans. Subjects were instructed `not to intervenea when force or displacement applied to the hand during voluntary contractions against a steady load were altered. There was


a prominent static hysteresis which the authors attributed to short-range sti!ness rather than re#ex action. Our results support this interpretation. In summary, although we con"rmed the claim of Lieber et al. (1994) and Loren et al. (1996) that active wrist extensors but not #exors showed descending limbs in their isometric angle}torque curves, in small continuous movements, sti!ness remained positive throughout. We conclude that isometric length}tension curves of active wrist muscles are not representative of continuous movements. Hysteresis in angle}torque curves was attributed to short-range sti!ness and stretch-potentiation rather than to sarcomere non-uniformities.

Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr. Vivian Mushahwar for her helpful comments, criticisms and suggestions and Valeriya Gritsenko for her help during experiments. The work was funded by Canadian MRC and Alberta Heritage Foundation for medical Research.

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a rotary servo motor, allowing force to be applied at a constant distance from the wrist ... to the build-up of sarcomere non-uniformities at long muscle lengths ...

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contraction velocity and its lower maximal force output for a given cross-sectional ... chameleons are known to eat large prey (Broadley, 1973;. Schleich et al., 1996), ... However, previously published data indicate that chameleons are able to ...

Arrangements of Planar Curves - Semantic Scholar
Computer Science Department. D-67653 ... Conics and cubics A conic (or conic curve) is an algebraic curve of degree at most 2 and a cubic (or cubic curve) is ...

Arrangements of Planar Curves - Semantic Scholar
Computer Science Department ... Conics and cubics A conic (or conic curve) is an algebraic curve of degree at most 2 and a cubic (or .... The following non-.

introduce our setup once and for all at the beginning of the paper. ...... they are pairwise non-isomorphic; a common theme of the next proposition and of the ...

the paper with an application to torsion points rational over abelian extensions of F. ...... If the word “admissible” in Theorem 2.17 is replaced by “non-isotrivial”, the ...... they are pairwise non-isomorphic; a common theme of the next pr

Muscle synergy patterns as physiological markers ... - Semantic Scholar
subject. The patterns of muscle synergies we have revealed rely ..... Science 334:997–999. 13. .... were stored in a computer and subsequently analyzed offline,.

Least Effort? Not If I Can Search More - Semantic Scholar
the list (L) interface (Figure 1) and the list+tag cloud (L+T) interface ... State diagram of user states and transitions. Table 1. .... computing systems, CHI '01 (pp.

Netting the evidence: finding pearls, not sewage - Semantic Scholar
on using the Internet to answer clinical questions ..... the same materials whereas in the past, a single route .... Health Info Libr J 2005; 22 suppl 1:66-9. 20.

Least Effort? Not If I Can Search More - Semantic Scholar
The framework allows for making general task performance predictions for ... the list (L) interface (Figure 1) and the list+tag cloud (L+T) interface (Figure 2).

Why Not Use Query Logs As Corpora? - Semantic Scholar
new domain- and language-independent methods for generating a .... combination of a part-of-speech tagger and a query grammar (a context free grammar with ... 100%. 100. 200. 300. 400. 500 unknown normal words proper names.

Money and Happiness: Rank of Income, Not ... - Semantic Scholar
significant additional variance is accounted for, F(1, 86641) = 8.75, p < .01. The coefficient on the rank variable that incorpo- rates this degree of upward comparison is 0.394 and signifi- cant, whereas the coefficient on the absolute-income variab

RFC 6472 - Recommendation for Not Using ... - Semantic Scholar
semantics of the originator of a route more clear. This will also simplify the design, implementation, and deployment of ongoing work in the Secure Inter-Domain Routing Working Group. Status of This Memo. This memo documents an Internet Best Current

Netting the evidence: finding pearls, not sewage - Semantic Scholar
information management principles of focusing on the original ... “The internet is transforming health care. It is ... to its packaging, its mode of administration, its.

Sustainability of Bits, not just Atoms - Semantic Scholar
is no longer the same as earlier. ... tainability in computing, they are by no means the only ones. ... day, human attention is a more costly resource than stor-.

Netting the evidence: finding pearls, not sewage - Semantic Scholar
Fax: (44) 114 272 4095. Email: ... e-mail; the channel by which PubMed, the free version of ..... above and you start to get the degree of precision required to ...

When one Sample is not Enough: Improving Text ... - Semantic Scholar
For illustration purposes, Table 2 reports the computed ...... Zipf, power-laws, and Pareto – A ranking tutorial. Available at

How Do People Organise Their Photographs? - Semantic Scholar
References. [1] M. G. Brown, J. T. Foote, G. J. F. Jones, K. Spärck Jones, and S. J. Young. Open-vocabulary speech indexing for voice and video mail retrieval.

What Do We Really Know About Patient ... - Semantic Scholar
Jan 3, 2007 - The irony, of course, is that ... is not what is being measured in patient surveys. In fact ... patients' demographic and social factors in determining.

When one Sample is not Enough: Improving Text ... - Semantic Scholar
Computer Science Department. Columbia .... contains articles about Computer Science. .... ment classification [22], each category level might be assigned.

RFC 6472 - Recommendation for Not Using ... - Semantic Scholar
semantics of the originator of a route more clear. This will also simplify the design, implementation, and deployment of ongoing work in the Secure Inter-Domain Routing Working Group. Status of This Memo. This memo documents an Internet Best Current

Why Not Use Query Logs As Corpora? - Semantic Scholar
Because the search engine operating companies do not want to disclose proprietary informa- .... understood and used (e.g. weekend or software). ... queries in the query log DE contain English terms (“small business directories”, “beauty”,.

How Much Do Leaders Explain Growth? An ... - Semantic Scholar
We find that only a small fraction of the variation in growth in ... Examples of this kind of “leader growth accounting” — in which average growth during ...... persistence, such as terms of trade shocks, business cycles, wars or growth of trad