Governor Wentworth Regional School District

Governor Wentworth Regional School District Curriculum “I Can” Statements Grade 4 English Language Arts Reading Comprehension By the end of Grade 4…  I can explain a story by referring to details and examples in the text.  I can explain what a piece of nonfiction teaches me by referring to details and examples from the text.  I can make conclusions about an author’s meaning by thinking about the details and examples in the story (drawing inferences or conclusions).  I can draw inferences (logical conclusions) from nonfiction texts by referring to details and examples from the text.  I can figure out the theme of a story, play, or poem by thinking about the details in the text.  I can figure out the main idea in nonfiction texts.  I can explain how the main idea in nonfiction texts is supported by the details in the text.  I can summarize a story, play, poem, or nonfiction text in my own words.  I can use specific details in a story or play to help me describe a character, setting, or event.  I can read about and explain historical events and tell why they happened using information that was given in the text.  I can explain why and how events, procedures, ideas or concepts in historical, scientific, or technical texts happened by using the information given in the text.  I can write and talk about the differences between poems, plays, and stories.  I can refer to specific elements of poems (verse, rhythm, meter) and plays (characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when I write or talk about a piece of fiction.  I can describe the organization (e.g., time order, comparison, cause & effect or problem & solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in nonfiction texts.  I can read and understand 4th grade stories, plays, poems, and nonfiction texts independently.  I can show what I have learned about letters, sounds and words in my reading.  I can read unfamiliar words that have more than one syllable.  I can read fourth grade books and poems aloud so that others understand what I’m reading.  I can stop when I am reading and fix words that I don’t say correctly. Reading Analysis By the end of Grade 4…  I can figure out the meanings of words and phrases an author uses in a story, play, or poem.  I can understand words that have been created from characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean).

Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

 I can figure out the meanings of words and phrases in fourth grade science, social studies, and other nonfiction texts.  I can compare and contrast different stories by thinking about the points of view from which they are told.  I can tell the difference between first- and third-person narrators.  I can compare and contrast the information given in a firsthand account (a person who was present) and secondhand account (a person who was not present, but was told) of the same event or topic.  I can make connections between a written text and a visual or oral presentation of the same text.  I can figure out and use information from charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or other internet presentations to help me understand nonfiction texts.  I can explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a nonfiction text.  I can compare and contrast how authors from different cultures write about similar themes (e.g., good vs. evil) in stories, myths, and traditional literature.  I can compare and contrast how authors from different cultures write about patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional literature.  I can use information from two different texts on the same topic to help me write or speak with knowledge about the topic. Writing By the end of Grade 4…  I can write my opinion in an organized way that introduces my topic clearly, states my opinion, and groups related ideas together.  I can give reasons that are supported by facts and details when writing my opinion.  I can connect my opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition).  I can write a conclusion (ending) that is related to the opinion I present.  I can write an informative text that introduces my topic and then groups related information together in paragraphs or sections.  I can include special formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia in my writing to help others understand my topic better.  I can develop a topic using facts, definitions, details, quotations, or other information and examples.  I can connect related ideas using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because).  I can use detailed wording and specific vocabulary to teach others about a topic.  I can write a conclusion (ending) that is related to the information or explanation I present.  I can provide an introduction in my stories that creates a situation, introduces a narrator and characters, and organizes a plot that makes sense.  I can use dialogue and details to describe experiences and events or to show how the characters respond to different situations in the story.  I can use different types of transitional words and phrases to help with the sequence or order of my story (e.g., first, then, after, next). Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

 I can use very specific words and phrases, as well as details that describe senses (sight, sound, taste, smell, touch), to express experiences and events.  I can write a conclusion (ending) that makes sense with the experiences and events I shared in my story.  I can create clear and organized writing.  I can write for different purposes, audiences, and topics.  With help, I can use prewriting strategies (brainstorming, graphic organizers, etc.) to come up with ideas for my writing.  With help, I can revise and edit my writing to make it better.  With some help, I can use technology to create pieces of writing and to interact and share ideas with others.  I can use appropriate keyboarding skills to type at least one page of my writing in a single sitting. Research Skills By the end of Grade 4…  I can conduct short research projects to help me learn about topics.  I can recall what I have learned or find new information from books or technology to help me with my research.  I can take notes to help me organize the research in my writing.  I can provide a list of sources that I used for gathering information for my writing.  I can apply all that I have learned in 4th grade reading to writing stories, plays, poems, and informational texts.  I can write for short time frames or over a longer period of time depending on my purpose, audience and topic. Speaking and Listening By the end of Grade 4…  I can effectively participate in different types of discussions and with different people.  I can come to discussions prepared to share my ideas because I have read or studied appropriate materials.  I can use what I know and what I have read to explore new ideas about a topic during a discussion.  I can follow agreed-upon rules for discussion (e.g., listening to others, waiting my turn to speak) and carry out my assigned role.  I can ask and answer questions to help me understand discussions.  I can make comments that stay on topic and connect my ideas to what others say.  I can explain my own ideas and tell what I’ve learned from a discussion.  I can use my own words to paraphrase text that is read aloud or information that is presented to me.  I can identify the reasons or evidence that a speaker gives to support his/her points.  I can report on a topic or tell a story with correct and appropriate facts and details to support my main idea.

Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

 I can speak clearly and at an appropriate pace when I give a report or share a story or experience.  I can use audio recordings or visual displays to help me better explain a main idea or theme when necessary.  I can figure out when to use standard formal English and when use informal English. Language and Vocabulary By the end of Grade 4…  I can identify and use relative pronouns (who and whom refer to people; which refers to things, qualities, and ideas; that and whose refer to people, things, qualities, and ideas) correctly when I write or speak.  I can identify and use relative adverbs where modifies nouns of place; when modifies nouns of time; why modifies the noun reason) correctly when I write or speak.  I can correctly write and use progressive verb tenses (e.g., I was talking, I am talking, I will be talking).  I can use auxiliary words to show a need or for something to be considered (e.g., I must go to the grocery store; I may go to the zoo).  I can use the common patterns I have learned about adjectives to order them correctly in sentences (e.g., a small red bag rather than a red small bag).  I can correctly write and use prepositional phrases to add details and clarity when I speak or write.  I can write complete sentences.  I can recognize incomplete (sentence fragments) and run-on sentences.  I can correctly use commonly confused words (e.g., to, too, two; their, there).  I can correctly use capitalization in all of my writing.  I can correctly use commas and quotation marks to show when someone is talking  I can correctly use quotation marks to show words directly taken from text.  I can correctly use a comma before a conjunction when connecting two simple sentences.  I can use appropriate references to help me spell fourth grade words.  I can choose interesting and appropriate words and phrases to help others understand my ideas better.  I can choose the right punctuation to help me show different moods.  I can figure out when I need to use formal speech and when use informal speech.  I can use context clues to figure out the meanings of words or phrases.  I can determine the meanings of unknown words by using what I know about common Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots.  I can use print and computer reference sources to help me find the pronunciations and clarify meanings of new words or phrases.  I can identify similes and metaphors.  I can explain the meaning of simple similes and metaphors (e.g., as pretty as a picture) in context.  I can recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms (expressions that don’t mean exactly what the words say), adages (old familiar sayings that express wisdom), and proverbs (sayings that give advices or tell you something about life). Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

 I can understand words by relating them to their antonyms and synonyms.  I can figure out and use fourth grade words that show specific actions, emotions, or states of being.  I can figure out and use fourth grade words that are centered around a specific topic (e.g., wildlife, conservation, and endangered when discussing animal preservation).

Mathematics Algebraic Thinking By the end of Grade 4…  I can understand that multiplication equations can be seen as comparisons of groups (e.g., 24 = 4 x 6 can be thought of as 4 groups of 6 or 6 groups of 4).  I can multiply or divide to solve word problems by using drawings or writing equations and solving for a missing number.  I can solve multistep word problems using the four operations.  I can interpret the meanings of remainders.  I can represent problems using equations with a letter standing for the missing number.  I can decide if my answer makes sense using mental math, estimation, and rounding.  I can find all factor pairs for a whole number from 1 to 100.  I can recognize a whole number as a multiple of each of its factors.  I can determine whether a whole number from 1 to 100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number.  I can determine whether a whole number from 1 to 100 is prime or composite.  I can create a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule.  I can notice and point out different features of a pattern once it is created by a rule. Number and Operations By the end of Grade 4…  I can recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.  I can read and write larger whole numbers using numerals, words, and in expanded form.  I can compare two larger numbers by using what I know about the values in each place.  I can compare two larger numbers and use the symbols >, = and < to show the comparison.  I can round larger whole numbers to any place.  I can add and subtract larger numbers.  I can multiply a whole number up to four digits by a one-digit whole number.  I can multiply two two-digit numbers.  I can illustrate and explain how to multiply larger numbers by using equations, arrays, or models.  I can find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and onedigit divisors.

Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

 I can illustrate and explain how to divide larger numbers by using equations, arrays, or models. Fractions By the end of Grade 4…  I can explain and show models for why multiplying a numerator and a denominator by the same number does not change the value of a fraction.  I can recognize and create equivalent fractions.  I can compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators by creating common denominators or numerators or by comparing them to a benchmark fraction like one-half.  I can recognize that comparisons of fractions are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole.  I can compare fractions using the symbols >, = and <, and justify the comparison by using models.  I can add and subtract fractions.  I can break apart a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way.  I can record each sum of fractions using an equation and justify my work using models.  I can add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators.  I can solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator.  I can apply my understanding of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number.  I can use a model to show that fractions have multiples.  I can understand a fraction a/b as a multiple of 1/b (e.g., I know that 5/4 is the product of 5 x ¼).  I can solve word problems involving multiplication of a fraction by a whole number.  I can make an equivalent fraction for tenths as hundredths.  I can add fractions for tenths and hundredths.  I can use decimals to show fractions with denominators of 10 and 100.  I can compare two decimals to hundredths according to their size.  I can compare decimals using the symbols >, = and justify the comparison by using models. Measurement and Data By the end of Grade 4…  I can show that I know the relative size of measurement units within one system of units (including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz; l, ml; hr, min, sec).  I can show the measurements of a larger unit in terms of smaller units and record these in a table.  I can use the four operations (+, -, x, ÷) to solve word problems involving measurement.  I can solve measurement problems involving simple fractions and decimals.  I can solve problems that ask me to express measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

 I can show measurement quantities using diagrams that involve a measurement scale (e.g., a number line).  I can use what I know about area and perimeter to solve real world problems involving rectangles.  I can make a line plot using fractional units.  I can solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using information shown in line plots.  I can recognize angles as geometric shapes where two rays share a common endpoint.  I can understand that angles are measured with reference to a 360°circle.  I can show what a degree is within a circle.  I can use degrees to measure angles.  I can read the degree of an angle.  I can use a protractor to construct and measure angles.  I can recognize the sum of the angle parts is equal to the whole angle.  I can solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles. Geometry By the end of Grade 4…  I can identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular & parallel lines.  I can classify two-dimensional shapes based on what I know about their geometrical attributes.  I can recognize and identify right triangles.  I can recognize and draw lines of symmetry.  I can identify a figure with a line of symmetry. Mathematical Practices (K-12) By the end of Grade 4…  I can solve problems without giving up.  I can think about numbers in many ways.  I can explain my thinking and try to understand others.  I can show my work in many ways.  I can use math tools and explain why I used them.  I can work carefully and check my work.  I can use what I know to solve new problems.  I can solve problems by looking for rules and patterns.

Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

Social Studies Civics and Government By the end of Grade 4…  I can tell you the purpose of government (protect rights, promote tolerance/peace).  I can give you examples of ways the government protects our rights and promotes peace (ie: laws, consequences/punishments, police officers).  I can tell you the three levels of government in the US (local, state, national) and the basic responsibilities of each level.  I can name and describe the basic roles/functions of the three branches of the US and NH government: legislative, judicial, executive.  I can tell you ways that the US and NH governments are similar and different (ie: separation into branches, governor vs. president, etc.). Economics By the end of Grade 4…  I can describe the concept of “supply and demand.”  I can give you an example of supply and demand. Geography By the end of Grade 4…  I can identify New Hampshire on a map.  I can tell you how NH is organized (10 counties) and what county I live in.  I can tell you the difference between “rural,” “suburban,” and “urban,” and explain some of the characteristics of each type of place.  I can give you examples of some of the unique features/traditions of New Hampshire (ie: state motto, Old Man of the Mountain, Granite State, maple sugaring, Bike Week, etc.).  I can tell you and identify on a map important physical features/places in NH: Mt. Washington, White Mountains, Atlantic Ocean, Lake Winnipesaukee, Merrimack River, Concord, my town.  I can use geographic tools (maps, globes, graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.) to identify places or things on Earth (continents, landforms, famous landmarks, etc.).  I can use geographic tools to describe changes over time (ie: graphs that show changing animal/human populations or natural resources; photographs or maps that show urbanized/populated areas at different periods, etc.).  I can give you some examples of how humans are affected by the environment in positive and negative ways. History By the end of Grade 4…  I can name some famous people from New Hampshire and why they were famous/ important: Robert Frost, Christa McAuliffe, Franklin Pierce, Governor John Wentworth.

Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

Science Earth and Space Sciences By the end of Grade 4…  I can use patterns in rock formations and fossils in rock layers to explain how the landscape changes over time.  I can provide evidence of the effects of weathering or erosion by water, wind, ice, or vegetation.  I can analyze maps to explain how landscapes change over time.  I can give examples of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources.  I can give examples of how using natural resources impacts the environment.  I can give examples of how different human activities (agriculture, industry, everyday life) impact the environment.  I can describe ways my school community has worked to reduce human impact.  I can explain how communities use science to reduce human impact (recycling program, composting, etc.). Life Science By the end of Grade 4…  I can give examples of inherited characteristics (ie: sharp teeth, claws, odor, body coverings) that help organisms survive.  I can show how animals use external and internal parts (ie: heart, stomach, lung, brain, skin) to support growth, behavior and reproduction.  I can show how plants use external and internal parts (ie: thorns, stems, roots, colored petals) to support growth, behavior and reproduction.  I can show how animals use their senses to guide their actions. Physical Science By the end of Grade 4…  I can describe how an object’s speed and energy are related.  I can give examples of different types of energy.  I can give examples of energy being transferred (such as flipping the light switch and the light turns on, eating food to get energy, boiling water on the stove, plugging in a speaker to hear music).  I can give an example of energy being transferred through colliding objects (ie: hitting a baseball with a baseball bat, catching a water balloon).  I can design, test, and refine an object that converts energy from one form to another (such as a rubber-band powered car).  I can observe and describe the transfer of sound, light, heat, and electric energy.  I can create a diagram or model to illustrate wave patterns and label it with descriptive words such as amplitude and wavelength.  I can give an example of how a wave can cause objects to move. Engineering Design By the end of Grade 4… Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

 I can develop a method to test different solutions.  I can gather and use data to compare how well different solutions meet the criteria for success and overcome constraints.  I can evaluate the results to determine which solution best solves the problem.

Grade 4 “I Cans”


Updated 8.25.2016

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