

No. E{NG}|V za1J/ Rc-21t p oiicy The GeneralManager(P), All ZonalRailways/PUs., Chairmen/RRBs. Sub:

Recruitmentof Personswith Disabilitiesfrom open market on the Railwaysinstructions-regarding.

Ref:i. ii. iii.

Board'sletter No. E{NG}il/98/RC-2/8 datedL7.O9.t 16.09.20ls. No. E(NG)lll2OtURC-2/6 dated2I.Og-ZoL3 No.E(NG)lll2oaOlRc-2/13 dated79.!2.20

iv. . No. E{NG)lll2014/RC-2/LList dated 1 30.03.2015& 22.O7.20L6.

v. vi.

NG)ll/201slRC-2/2 dated

Listpt. dated

No. E(NG)il/zoO9/Rc-2114 dated pt. No.E{NG)lll20oelRR-1/10

With a view to consolidatet persons of with disabilities(pW Personswith Disabilities(Eq 1995and the guidelines

instructions are issued the Railways.These so far exceptthose u

o i n gt h e s recruitment opgn market a ng th in line with the nities on ,"&fu Participation)Act, dald nts of of India,the following PWDsin va non-Gazettedpostson previous inst ons issuedon the subiect

2. All recruitmentfrorn reserved ndicapp and Ra

for PWDsof the ZonalRailway


market etted categories against vacancies will be by RailwayRecruitmentBoards througffi common examination.Vacanciesreserved izationsfallingwithin the territorialjurisdiction of e clubbedtogether e purpose of recruitment.

Horizontalityof ion for PWDs; Reservationfor SCs/STs/OBCs is called vertical reservation and the re for PWDs is called horizontal reservation. Horizontal reservation cuts across ve servation (interlockingreservation)and petisonssefected againstquota for PWDs, be placedin the appropriatecategory,viz.,SCslSTs/OBCslUR, dependingupon the category to which they belong in the roster meant for reservationof SCs/STs/OBCs. To illustrate,if in a given year there are two vacanciesreservedfor the pWDs and out of two PWDs appointed,one belongsto a'scheduledCasteand the other to general category then the disabled SC candidateshall be adjusted againstthe SC point in the reservation rostqr and the general candidate against unreserved point in the relevant reservationroster. In case none of the vacanciesfalls on point reservedfor the SCs,the disabledcandidatebelongingto SC shall be adjustedin future againstthe next available vacancyreservedfor SCs.


distributedin such a wav that the personsof three categoriesof disabilities,as far as possible, get equalrepresentation. Appointment againstunreservedvacancies:ln the postsidentifiedsuitablefor PWDs,a person with disabititycannot be denied the right to compete for appointmentagainst unreservedvacancy. ln other words, PWD can be appointedagainstan unreservedvacancy provided the post is identified suitable for PWD of the relevant category. However, this provisionwill not apply in the recruitment exerciseto posts, where PhysicalEfficiencyTest (PET)is a part of examinationprocessas PWDsare exemptedfrom PET.


Adjustment of candidates selected on their own merit: PWDsselectedon their own 10. merit without relaxedstandardsalong with other candidateswill not be adjustedagainstthe ming at par or above reservedshareof vacancies.[Note: Own Merit meansthat can the unreserved{UR}merit cut off marksl'


1-7. Computation of reservation: Reservationfor to be computedon the basisof total number of as the case may be, although recruitment of suitablefor them. Effecting reservationt2. separate 100 point reservation ros separately.Eachregistershall dividedinto three blocks{i) 1't block Point num No. 57 to100. Points point for eachof theffirei

way admi rtn es of 100 points

shallbe earma

forward ofasp the




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1to and 67

Inter se exchangeand 13. s suchthat a an establ va the




I and (iii)3'dblock-Point reservedfor PWDs- one

in on: (a) lf the natureof disabilities gory of disabilitycannot be employed, categories.

disabilitycannotbe filleddue to non- availability rved for any {b) lf anyvaca any other sufficientreason,suchvacancyshallnot be filted and shall of a suitableperson klog reservedvacancy'to the subsequentrecruitmentyear' be carriedforward as a year, that 'backlogreservedvacancy'shall be treated as (c) ln the subsequent ability for which, it was kept reservedin the initial year of reserved for the category recruitment.However,if a sriitablepersonwith that disabilityis not available,it may be filled by interchangeamongthe three categoriesof disability.In case,no suitablepersonwith disability by is availablein the subsequentyear also,the Railwayadministrationmay fill up the vacancy forward carried be appointmentof a personother than a PWD. In suchcases,reservationshall for a further perlod up to two recruitmentyearswhere after the reservationshalllapse.

distributedin sucha way that the personsof three categoriesof disabilities,as far as possible, get equalrepresentation. 9. Appointment againstunreservedvacancies:In the postsidentifiedsuitablefor PWDs,a person with disabilitycannot be denied the right to compete for appointmentagainst unreservedvacancy. ln other words, PWD can be appointedagainstan unreservedvacancy provided the post is identified suitable for PWD of the relevant category. However, this provisionwill not apply in the recruitment exerciseto posts, where PhysicalEfficiencyTest {PET}is a part of examinationprocessas PWDsare exemptedfrom PET. Adjustment of candidatesselectedon their own merit: PWDsselectedon their own 10. merit without relaxedstandardsalong with other candidateswill not be adjustedagainstthe reservedshareof vacancies.[Note: Own Merit meansthat ca ing at par or above the unreserved(UR)merit cut off marks]. L1-. Computation of reservation: Reservationfor to be computedon the basisof total number of v as the case may be, although recruitment of suitablefor them. t,2. Effecting reservation- Maint separate 100 point reservation separately.Eachregistershall dividedinto three blocks(i) 1" block* Point No. 67 to100. Points point for eachof theffirti


an establi the vac

y adm int les of 100 points

suchthat a


h cycleof

\oint no. 34

1to and 67

Interse exchangeand

posts are -Gazetted posts,


s s h a l lm a i n t a i n

riousgroups pointsshallbe

and {iii)3'dblock-Point reservedfor PWDs- one


forward ofa


(a) lf the natureof disabilities in of disabilitycannotbe employed, categories.

rved for any disabilitycannotbe filleddue to non-availability {b) lf anyvaca person of a suitable any other sufficientreason,suchvacancyshallnot be filled and shall g reservedvacancy'tothe subsequentrecruitmentyear. be carriedforward as a (c) ln the subsequentrecru year, that 'backlogreservedvacancy'shall be treated as reserved for the category isabilityfor which, it was kept reservedin the initial year of recruitment.However,if a suitablepersonwith that disabilityis not available,it may be filled by interchangeamongthe three categoriesof disability.In case,no suitablepersonwith disability is availablein the subsequentyear also,the Railwayadministrationmay fill up the vacancy'by appointmentof a personother than a PWD. In suchcases,reservationshallbe carriedforward for a further period up to two recruitmentyearswhere after the reservationshalllapse.

-4(d) Any recruitmentof'disabledcandidateshallfirst be countedagainstthe additionalquota brought forward from previousyears,if any, in their chronologicalorder. lf candidatesare not would be filledfirst andthe the oldercarriedforwardreservation availablefor all the vacancies, relativelylater carriedforward reservationwould be further carriedforward. 14. Relaxationof standard for suitabilitV:rf sufficientnumber of personswith disabilitiesare not availableon the basisof generalstandardto fill all the vacanciesreservedfor them, PWD candidatesmay be selectedon relaxedstandardsprovidedthat they are not found unfit for such posts.For this purpose,02 (two) marksbelow the minimum qualifyingmarksfor each be given a relaxationin the standardof suitabilityto PWDsin all category,viz., UR/OBC/SC/ST recruitmentfrom open market, in casefull panel for PWDscannot be made with the existing cut offs,as applicable. 15. Medical Examination: lrrespectiveof the fact that the medicalexaminationof the PWD for appointrnentfor a po the PWDshouldbe done keepingin mind the disabilityof t! of medicalexaminationof a PWDcandidatefor appoi held by person of a particular disability,the held beforehandthat the post is identified suitable is fact in the candidatebe then examinedmedically, L6.

Relaxations& Concessions: of 10 years {15 to PWDsi be al ject to nditionth

a) Age relaxation:- {i) Age re in upper age limit candidates) posts identifiedsuitablefor on the crucialdate shall (ii) This age co reservedfor PWDsor not, disability.

rs. bea dthep


(iii) lf a employee,wh

yearsfor OBC itment in the ageof the applicant

irrespectiveof the fact, whether the post is fied suitablefor the relevantcategoryof

bf being a CentralGovernmentemployee, er as a PWD or as a Central Government

is more bene

PWDs shall be exemptedfrom payrnentof examinationfee and Examination b) clauseof this exemptionshould be dealt in terms of stipulation applicationfee. However) "clerRBENo. 69/2016dated L7.o6.2oL6' madevide Board'sletter iss Ds who are otherwisequalifiedto hold clericalpostsand who are certified as being unable to type by the Medical Board attachedto SpecialEmployment for them(or by a Civil Surgeonwhere there is no Medical Board)may be exempted Exchanges from passingthe typing test.



per the L7. V""an.y'Notification: Postsidentifiedsuitablefor PWDsshould be notifled as etc. and the nature of work to be performedfor of disability,viz., LV,B,OL,O&OAL sub-category a postmay alsobe clearlymentionedin the employmentnotices.

-518. Conductof exairination: Examinationcentersfor PWDsbe chosenand designatedin sucha way that they are disabledfriendlyhavingthe facilitiesof ramp etc.Seatingarrangement for suchcandidatesin generaland for VisuallyHandicapped (VH)candidatesin particularmay preferablybe made on the giound floor of suchcenters,Besides, seatingarrangementfor VH . candidatemay be made in such a way that only five or six candidatesin a room i.e. one candidatein eachcornerand one or two in the centerof the room,can be accommodated. 18.1. PWD candidates with one arm/muscular weakness and Visually impaired Candidates/those candidateswhose writing speed is affected by Cerebralpalsy can availthe assistanceof a Scribefor writing answ€rson their behalf. For this purposethey will have to suitablyinform the recruitingagencyin advance.In alt suchcases,engagementof scribeswill be subjectto the followirigconditions:{a) The candidateswill have to arrangetheir own scribes examination.SeparateAdmit Cards be issued to the sc handicappedcandidates.Admit card should containthe scribe duly signed by himlher. The invigilatorson photo & particularsprinted on Admit card issuedto qua tb) Criteria like academicleducational restriqtionsfor the scribesshould not be fi strengthenedso that the candidates examination. (c) The candidatesrnay be al also on venue by placing

{d) The candidateavafling part of scribebrought by hi {e) Candid lessth



facility of

the assista

wn cost during the ng the visually hotograph of the ity of scribewith

, marks s ad, the indulge


system shouldbe ces during

examinationand body subject to

hall be responsible for any misconducton the

eligiblefor compensatorytime of not

L8.2. The candi opting to avai sistanceof scribes be accommodatedat one examinationvenue e designatedexamination centers. The scribe will read out the questionsto the cand and on the candidatestatingclearlyansweragainsteach question, the scribewill write/ind An invigilatorshallexclusivelybe postedwith everysuch candidatewho have opted I the assistanceof a scribe.The invigilatorshall have to sit along side the scribewho sit opposite such candidateso that conversationbetweenthe scribeand the candidatecould be overheardby the invigilatorwho shallensurethat onlythe answersspeltout bythe candidateare written/indicatedbythe scribeon the mediumused.to answer. 18.3. The invigilatorwill ensurethat the scribemakesno gesture,soundsor any other forms of communicationdesignedto indicateto the candidatethe correctnessor otherwiseof an answerbeingrecordedby him. Any suchattemptwould entaildisqualification of candidateand

-6stringentaction will be'taken againstboth the candidateand the scribe.Conversationbetween the candidateandthe scribeshouldnot disturbin anyway the peacein the examinationhallor hall/room. the other candidates seatedin the examination t8.4. The VH candidatesmay be allowedto useTAILORFRAMEAND BRAILSLATEWITHPAPER for solvingarithmeticproblemsand they will haveto bringtheir own TAILORFRAMEANDBRAIL who are ableto readlview SLATE WITHPAPER in the examinationhall.Partiallyblindcandidates normal QuestionPaperset for all the candidatesand to write/indicatethe answerwith the help of MagnifyingGlassmay be allowed to use MagnifyingGlassin the examinationhall but they shall not be allowedthe help of a SCRIBE. Suchcandidatesmay bring their own Magnifying Glassin the examinationhall. However,they shall not be provided with the QuestionPaper and VH of a scribe.All one eyedcandidates meantfor VH candidateswho requirethe assistance candidateswhose visual degree of disabilityis less than 4A% shall not be consideredas VH personsand the provisionfor engagingscribeshallnot be applica hem. 18.5. Question paper for VH candidates will map/graphs/statisticaldata or diagramsffigures/ requirement of Disability Certificate,instructions be followed. 19. . Medical Examination: While send

recruitingdepartmenthasto issueMedffisnemos post{groupi C or erstwhileGroupOlgffiffihtheir categoryof disabilityrequiredto Medical categorieslike A1, examiningDoctor will quota under OL, OA, medicalcategory like

to the

20. There may arise a ation connectedwith train operat nning of efficiently a risk to his/h d candi pay scaleand ot

I proble

component of 't etc. As regards


for examination,(i) the ng the d and leve L, OH, BH, ;BL,LV,MW etc. o n t h i memo. (ii) The that under handicapped cate will nd cannot mention any

candidateappointed to a post directly be able to perform his/her duties passengers, in such a situationGeneral further) may changethe categoryof such ment,whereverrequired.While doingso the be affectedadversely.

21. Liasion Officer PWDs: LiaisonOfficersappointedto look after reservationmatt€rs for SCs/STsshall also Officersfor reservationmatters relatingto personswith disabilities anceof theseinstructions. and shallensure


While conductingiecruitment exercisefrom open market, in addition to the

Employrnent Notices being supplied to the Employment Exchanges,Special Employment Exchanges,Vocational RehabilitationCenters& Nationallevel Rehabilitationinstitutel such notices are also to be published in EmploymentNews. Further, recruiting agencieswhether RRBs/RRCs/Railway Administrationsshall also get the Employment Notices/Advertisements


uploadedon the websitesof the Departmentof Empowermentof Personswith Disabilities, Departmentof Personneland Training,Office of the Chief Commissioner for Personswith Disabilities and any other Ministry/Department as deemed necessarythrough NIC or other meansfor informationof all'concerned. Thiswill be in additionto, hoistingthe sameon the websitesof the recruitingagenciesconcerned. Pleaseacknowledgereceipt.

DirectorEstt.(Nl-ll Railway Board No. E{NG)f,/ 2aL7| RC-Z| 1 P olicy

New Delhi, dated 28.A6.2017

Copvto: (i) TheGeneralSecretary, AIRF,RoomNo.253,RaitBh (ii) TheGeneralSecretary, NFIR,RoomNo.256-E,Rail (iii) All Membersof Departmental Counciland al Cou

s). res).

Council, 1.3-C, Ferozeshah Road,NewDelhi (iv) (v) ' (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix)

The SecretaryGeneral,FROA,RoomNo.

Board{5 TheSecretary, RBSS, Group'A' TheFresident, RailwayBoardClass TheSecretary General,IRPOF. TheSecretaryIndianRa llOfficers' TheSecretary, Railways sterialStffi Associatio n. iation. 1x) TheGeneralSecretary, (xi) The General Employees Bhawan, New {xii) (xiii) ChiefAdministrative

No. IAI/Part XII

@ Nationot Federutiin of Indian noilroy-*@ 3, ChelmsfordRoad,NewDelhl

Copy forwarded to the Generol Secretaries of affiiated informati on and guidon ce. C/: Media Centre/NFIR

Dated: I2/0712017 Unions of NFIR for

t'f-tV @r. M. Raghavaiah) General Secretary

ciation, Room No-7, Rail

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