Quality-of-Service in Cognitive Radio Networks with Collaborative Sensing Caoxie Zhang and Xinbing Wang Department of Electronic Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Uncertain capacity in newly emerged Cognitive Radio Networks renders specific performance analysis for the Secondary Users (SUs), particularly in the aspects of Qualityof-Service (QoS) for the increasing delay-sensitive applications. The effective bandwidth concept is employed to analyze the SUs’ performance. For the Secondary Users, the time-varying service process, due to the dynamic idle periods of the primary channel, and the time-varying arrival process are considered to analytically obtain the QoS metrics, such as the approximated delay-violation probability and mean time delay. The accuracy of the approximation is demonstrated via simulation. Given the QoS requirement, we extend to multiple SUs and propose an admission control scheme to support the maximum arrival rate. We then consider the inevitable sensing errors in Cognitive Radio Networks in a cross-layer framework, and introduce the promising collaborative sensing method among SUs. Collaborative gains are investigated theoretically and numerically from the physical layer. By integrating to upper link layer, we then study the collaborative gains in terms of mean time delay. Numerical results also help to understand the impact of cooperation on the overall system performance.

I. I NTRODUCTION Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN) play important roles for alleviating the inefficient spectrum usage in coexistence with the licensed radios [1]. In order to analyze the performance of Secondary Users (SUs), it is important to employ crosslayer analysis by considering the interactions of Primary and Secondary Users. Meanwhile, the increasing demands of delay-sensitive applications such as multimedia applications makes Quality-of-Service (QoS) metric a very desirable objective. Some unique characteristics in CRN for the QoS analysis include the uncertainty of the SUs’ capacity due to the time-varying idle primary channel. We consider the CRN as one primary channel with multiple SUs while only one SU can utilize the idle primary channel. We assume each SU with a continuous-time fluid queue with time-varying arrival and service process. The traffic of the primary channel is modeled as exponential distributions for both the busy and idle periods. By employing the large-deviation applied concept: effective bandwidth [3], we obtain the analytical forms of the QoS metrics, e.g., approximated delay-violation probability and mean time delay. The accuracy of the QoS metrics is demonstrated through simulations. We also address that the proposed QoS metrics can be useful in to design an admission control scheme for SUs to support the maximum secondary arrival rate.

Meanwhile, we address that there are other main challenges in the design and analysis of CRN, such as primary user detection and transmission opportunity exploitation [2]. In this paper, we focus on the primary user detection, also known as spectrum sensing. It is reasonable to think that future unlicensed Secondary Users (SUs) equipped with more intelligent techniques, therefore SUs should be able to cooperate within the networks for better exploitation of spatial diversity. This paper focuses on the collaborative sensing within the SUs [11]: explore better sensing reliability to the primary radios via simultaneous sensing at multiple locations. The increasing reliability could therefore benefit the SUs in two ways: (i) less interference to primary channels due to less missed detections, and (ii) more opportunities in utilizing the spectrum holes due to less false alarms. We consider all SUs experiencing i.i.d. Rayleigh fading and make the distributed decision in an ORrule fashion. Finally, the collaborative gains are examined from the physical layers to upper link layer in terms of mean time delay, and we conclude that by cooperating within SUs in sensing, the gains are significant. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec. II introduces the related works with our concern. Sec. III presents a preliminary on the simplest QoS modeling for one primary channel and one SU with perfect sensing. Sec. IV extends to Cognitive Radio Networks for multiple Secondary Users and propose the admission control for SUs. Sec. V deals with the collaborative sensing and study the collaborative gains from both the physical layer to link layer. Finally, Sec. VI concludes the paper. II. R ELATED W ORKS Effective bandwidth in ATM networks is abundantly researched for the QoS provisioning in the 1990s [3] and [4]. The asymptotic queue-overflow probability in a fluid queue model is approximated as exponential decaying under the large-deviation principle, with the exponential decaying rate computed from the stationary arrival and service process. The effective bandwidth used in ATM networks frequently assume the service capacity to be constant. A time-varying service capacity is also discussed in [3] to widen the application. Since the queue-overflow probability is equivalent to the delay-violation probability in the stationary state, it is more compelling to measure the delay in real-time applications. [9] and [10] extended the concept of effective bandwidth to

effective capacity in wireless fading channel, which is the dual of effective bandwidth. [5] applied the same QoS measures in analyzing 802.11 multihop networks. Meanwhile, the idea of collaborative sensing within the secondary radios was reported by [11] and [12]. The collaborative gains are also demonstrated experimentally in realistic scenarios by [13]. [14] proposed a in-band spectrum sensing algorithm for the still in draft IEEE 802.22, based on the same collaborative concept by clustering sensors. The motivation behind the collaborative sensing is the exploitation of the spatial diversity such that the Receiver Operation Characteristics (ROC) curve moves leftwards with the increase of the radios. The contribution of this paper lies in two aspects: (i) Quality-of-Service model is built to analyze the secondary performance in the coexistence of primary users. The service process of Secondary Users is modeled as a two-state ON/OFF Markov Modulated Process. The arrival process for SU is assumed to be either constant or Poisson bursty arrival process. The exponential decaying property is also demonstrated via simulations. In addition, with multiple SUs competing for the same primary channel, the admission control scheme is designed to support the maximum arrival rate for each SU given the QoS requirement; (ii) we propose the optimization problem when considering the sensing errors in Cognitive Radio Networks, which aims at maximize the utilization of idle spectrum while keep the interference to primary channel at a required level. We show that the optimal policy would always offer collaborative gains with the increase of SUs. We also numerically examine the QoS gains for the SUs to jointly sense at i.i.d. receiving signal under Rayleigh fading. III. P RELIMINARY ON Q O S IN C OGNITIVE R ADIO We consider a continuous-time fluid model, i.e., the packet length is infinitely small, and each Secondary User is with a queue of an infinite buffer size. There is one primary channel and we initially consider only one SU with perfect sensing. The SU adopts opportunistic spectrum access paradigm, i.e., allow to transmit immediately after the primary channel becomes idle and inhibit for transmission after the primary channel turns busy. Therefore, the primary channel process determines the service process of the SU. We assume the secondary service process to be a two-state ON/OFF Markov Modulated Process, which suggests the primary idle and busy period is i.i.d. exponentially distributed. The exponential traffic modeling is worth of theoretic research because of the simplicity and near good fit for practical situations [7], [8]. The arrival process for the SU can be general stationary process. Let us denote A(t) as the number of packets arrived in the SU’s queue during [0, t], and S(t) as the maximum number of packets can be served during [0, t]. We then restate some applicable results obtained in effective bandwidth research [3], [4]. The “energy function” ψf (t) (θ) of a process f (t), i.e., the asymptotic log moment generating function, is ψf (t) (θ) =

1 log E[eθf (t) ] t→∞ t lim


The asymptotic exponential decaying rate of the stationary queue-overflow probability is log Pr(Q(∞) ≥ B) = −θ∗ B if θ∗ is the unique solution of lim


ψA(t) (θ) + ψS(t) (−θ) = 0



where Q(∞) is the queue length at the stationary state. From (2), the approximation of Pr(Q(∞) ≥ B) could be arbitrary ∗ forms, e.g., αB −β e−θ B . However, we adopt the simplest form: the one-parameter exponential approximation as Pr(Q(∞) ≥ B) ≈ e−θ



Later simulations would demonstrate that (4) is rather accurate even for small queue bound B. The delay of a packet is denoted here as the time the packet spends before the service. In the stationary state, the statics of the queue length and delay is governed by the following important equation Pr(Q(∞) ≥ B) = Pr(D(∞) ≥ λDmax )


where λ is the mean number of the arrival packets, Dmax is the delay bound.1 Therefore, the stationary delay-violation probability can be approximated by Pr(D(∞) ≥ Dmax ) ≈ e−λθ



We then model the service process of the Secondary User. With the opportunistic spectrum access paradigm, the service capacity of SU becomes its transmission rate r when the primary channel is idle and capacity becomes null when the primary channel is busy. Therefore, we can consider the secondary service process on the primary channel state process. Since the busy and idle period of the primary channel are i.i.d. exponentially distributed, we assume the mean time to be µ0 and µ1 respectively. The transition rate for the primary channel state is therefore µ10 (from busy to idle) and µ11 (from idle to busy), respectively, as can be seen in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

State transition diagram of the primary channel.

At the idle period, the Secondary User can utilize the channel with its transmission rate r. The service process corresponds to a two-state ON/OFF Markov Modulated fluid 1 (5) is suited for considerable generality, note this is the extension of Little’s Law.

As for the practical modeling of the arrival process, we consider two frequently-used arrival processes: constant arrival and Poisson bursty arrival. The constant arrival process can be used to model the continuous video data sent from the stream provider. The process is denoted by one parameter λ, the number of packets arrived per unit of time. For the Poisson bursty arrival, it can be used to model the data of web page browsed, e.g., the number of web page requests is modeled as Poisson process and the data of one web page is constant. We denote the Poisson arrival rate as µ12 , and the number of packets for each arrival is a constant a. In the two cases, the “energy function” of the arrival process is easily calculated as ψA1 (t) (θ) = ψA2 (t) (θ) =

λθ 1 aθ (e − 1) µ2

(8) (9)

θ∗ =

λ µ0

λ µ1

and E[D] =

Simulation Asymptotic approximation



Constant arrival Poisson bursty arrival







4000 B (KB)





λr − λ2

Notice that e a−1 ≥ θ (a > 0), therefore ψA1 (t) (θ) ≤ ψA2 (t) (θ). Observing that (i) ψA1 (t) (θ) and ψA2 (t) (θ) monotonically increase with ψA1 (t) (0) = ψA2 (t) (0) = 0, and (ii) −ψS(t) (−θ) monotonically increase with ψS(t) (0) > 0, we conclude that the decaying rate, which is the solution to ψA(t) (θ) = −ψS(t) (−θ), satisfy: θ1∗ ≥ θ2∗ . Up to now, we have two QoS metrics: probabilities for queue-overflow and delay-violation. The exponential approximation for the tail probabilities therefore assumes that stationary queue length and delay distribution can be approximated as exponential distribution. The mean of the queue length and delay are then 1 θ∗

Queue−overflow probability.




For the Poisson bursty arrival process, θ∗ is difficult to obtain analytically. However, the monotonicity can be easily proved, thus the solution can be obtained through numerical binary search. Although we are unable to obtain the analytical decaying rate for the Poisson process, we come to a proposition for comparison as follow: Proposition 1: With the same average arrival rate, the constant arrival process achieves better QoS performance (in terms of exponential decaying rate) than that of Poisson bursty arrival process. Proof: Since the average rate is the same, then λ = µa .

E[Q] =

In order to verify the QoS metrics proposed, we simulate the queue length distribution under the two cases of arrival process. We also present the analytical exponential approximation (4) to compare the simulated results. We make the average arrival rate for the two process to be equal. As can be seen from Fig. 2 , the approximations are very close to the simulations even for small value of the queue length bounds. In addition, the constant arrival process is shown to possess better QoS performance than Poisson arrival process, as stated in Proposition 1.


With the knowledge of the energy function for both arrival and service process, we can then calculate the exponential decaying rate. For the constant arrival process, the exponential decaying rate θ∗ is solved as r µ0

A. Simulated and Numerical Results for QoS metrics

Pr( Q(∞)≥ B )

that is characterized by four parameter, (see (47) in [3]). The “energy function” of the service process is then q rθ − µ10 − µ11 + (rθ − µ10 − µ11 )2 + 4rθ µ0 ψS(t) (θ) = (7) 2

1 λθ∗


Fig. 2. Simulations and numerical results for the queue-overflow probability. (λ = 10 KB/s, r = 40 KB/s, µ0 = 20 ms, µ1 = 10 ms, µ2 = 100 ms, a = 1 KB)

The good approximation for the queue-overflow probability gives rise to a good approximation for the delay-violation probability, as in (5), and therefore the approximations for the mean queue length and mean time delay are near accurate, in (11). IV. Q O S IN CRN: E XTENDING TO M ULTIPLE S ECONDARY U SERS With the preliminary QoS metrics aforementioned for one SU, we extend to multiple SUs with perfect sensing of the channel. We are also interested in the maximal arrival rate for each SU under the QoS requirement, so that we can design an admission control scheme for the CRN. We assume there are N SUs and they compete for spectrum when the primary channel is idle. The contention scheme could adopt the back off scheme, as in IEEE 802.11. The maximum back off time could be different because of different pre-defined priority. The primary channel state again determines the service process of each SU i, i.e., under the contention rule, the idle channel will be utilized by SU i with a certain probability pi . As for the primary state diagram, each idle state i corresponds to an effective service for SU i, with the capacity denoted as Ri . Fig. 3 illustrates the new state transition diagram for multiple SUs. Note that the sum of probabilities {p1 , p2 , ..., pN } should

Maximum secondary arrival rates vs. primary traffic guaranteeing the delay−violation probability. 40 N=1 Solide lines: constant arrival N=3 35 Dash lines: Poisson bursty arrival N=5 N=10 30 N=50

Maximum average arrival rate (KB/s)

25 20 15 10 5 0

Fig. 3.

Primary channel state diagram for multiple secondary users.





0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Primary channel occupancy




4. Admission control for multiple homogenous Secondary Users given satisfy the transition probability PN of the primary channel from Fig. delay-violation constrain Pr(D > 100ms) ≤ 10%. (other parameters are the busy state to idle, i.e., i=1 pi = µ10 . same as in Fig. 2) It is not hard to calculate the new “energy function” of the service process for Secondary User i from (7), as q effects on the maximal arrival rates because of the channel Ri θ − pi − µ11 + (Ri θ − pi − µ11 )2 + 4pi Ri θ sharing. ψSi (t) (θ) = (12) 2 V. CRN WITH C OLLABORATIVE S ENSING We are now interested in the maximal arrival rate for each SU Considering the practical fact that sensing errors are inunder its QoS requirements, e.g., delay-violation probability evitable for the secondary detection of primary channel, when or mean time delay. To exemplify the problem, we investigate we evaluate the CRN performance, we should take into acunder the requirement that the delay-violation probability for count of: (i) interference from SUs to primary channel due each SU i should be less than a target probability, such that to missed detection and (ii) failing to utilize idle primary Pr(Di > Di max ) ≤ ηi , which gives rise to the queue-overflow ln ηi channel due to false alarm. We investigate two probabilities decaying rate θi should satisfy: θi > − λi Di max . that represent the sensing reliability of secondary networks: For constant arrival process, we compute the maximal c probabilities of detection and false alarm for sensing the arrival rate for SU i, λi max , from (3) and (12) as existence of primary signals at one time. They are denoted as ηi Ri (pi − Dlni max ) PD and PF respectively. We also assume the radio is sensing λci max = (13) ln ηi 1 all the time, which might not be practical but simple enough pi + µ1 − Di max for the theoretical analysis of maximum detection gains. For the Poisson bursty arrival process, the analytical maximal Our object is to guarantee the interference probability to arrival rate is again difficult to obtain. Numerical binary search the primary channel be less than a target value. Then with is proved to be fast and accurate for solving the objected arrival the opportunistic spectrum access paradigm, the SUs would rate. transmit immediately after they detect the channel is idle with We then obtain our numerical results in a homogenous case, an effective transmission rate RiE . The effective transmission for simplicity, where all SUs design parameters are the same: rate of each SU i (at its idle state) is defined as a maximizing λi = N1µ0 , Ri = r. By varying the occupancy level of the problem: 0 , we look at the maximal arrival primary channel, i.e., µ1µ+µ 0 arg max : RiE = Ri (1 − PF ) (14) rates for each SU. We also investigate the influence of the µ0 number of Secondary Users for two different arrival process, (1 − PD ) ≤ PIF (15) s.t. µ0 + µ1 as in Fig. 4. The numerical results show that the primary channel oc- where PIF is the target interference probability. (14) suggests cupancy affects the maximum secondary arrival rate more the actual transmission rate is reduced by a factor due to sharply when the spectrum opportunity is scarce. The supe- failing to report the idle channel. (15) suggests that the riority of the constant arrival process is also demonstrated in actual interference probability seen by the primary channel is the numerical results. There is a cut-off traffic level such that modified by the channel occupancy level. By integrating the when the primary occupancy is larger than the cut-off value, sensing errors in the effective transmission rate, we are then the secondary user is not allowed to join in the networks under able to evaluate SU performance from upper-layer, e.g., delay the QoS requirement. The number of SUs also pose significant performance.

One strategy to maximize (14) subject to (15) is to employ collaborative sensing between the SUs. Here we adopt a simple but practical collaborative scheme: SUs share their final 1-bit decisions by data fusion and use the OR-rule for final decision [11]. The OR-rule states that the primary is reported presence if at lease one SU report its presence. The OR-rule sensing scheme is decentralized, practical and efficient for medium and high SNR, see [13] and [14]. Other cooperative sensing scheme such as LQ-rule, [6] might be optimal but requires the knowledge of the primary signal statistics to obtain the centralized decision threshold. Here we assume the SUs are in close proximity so that they would experience i.i.d. fading/shadowing and same average SNR. 2 By applying the OR-rule, the probabilities of detection and false alarm are

We then investigate the collaborative gains in such Cognitive Radio Networks from the physical layer to the upper link layer. We set the target interference probability PIF = 0.1, as required in IEEE 802.22, therefore the detection probability PD is fixed. By varying the number of SUs, at first we look at the change of false alarm probability PF . We set the average SNR γ to be 5, 10, 15 dB respectively for the consideration of the SUs’ location, and m is set to 5. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the decreasing monotonicity proposed in Proposition 2 is demonstrated. We can also find the minimum number of SUs to meet a required false alarm probability PF , as required by the 802.22: PF < 0.1. False alarm probability with fixed interference probability P =0.1 IF

0.9 0.8

, where Pd (t) and Pf (t) are the detection and false alarm probability for a SU to independently sense given the testing threshold t, and N is the number of the collaborative SUs. Although in practise, SUs could be far separate (different SNR) or densely deployed (strong correlation), and therefore with different detection probability Pd (t), we can see (16) as a first step in the modeling of collaborative sensing. Returning to our optimization problem, obviously, the optimal policy 0 for choosing the threshold is to let µ0µ+µ (1 − PD ) = PIF , 1 which can minimize PF the most and therefore maximize RiE . However, it is not intuitive to answer whether RiE increases with N , since as N increases PD and PF both increase. We then come to a proposition: Proposition 2: By choosing the optimal threshold policy: µ0 E µ0 +µ1 (1 − PD ) = PIF , the effective rate Ri increases monotonically with the number of collaborative SUs N . The proof can be seen in the Appendix. As we are confident on the collaborative gains, we move to more detailed scenarios. The one SU sensing probabilities, i.e., Pd (t) and Pf (t), are determined by the detection approaches, e.g., energy detection or feature detection, and wireless environment, e.g., shadowing or fading. Here we assume SUs adopt energy detection experiencing i.i.d. Rayleigh fading. We introduce the formulas for Pd (t), ((4) in [11]) and Pd (t), ((2) in [11]) as m−2 X 1 µ t ¶k µ 1 + γ ¶m−1 − 2t Pd (t) = e + (17) k! 2 γ k=0 Ã ! m−2 X 1 µ tγ ¶k t − 2(1+γ) − 2t × e −e k! 2(1 + γ)



Pf (t) =

Γ(m, 2t ) Γ(m)


where m is the time-bandwidth product assumed to be an integer, γ is the average SNR under i.i.d. Rayleigh fading and Γ(.) and Γ(., .) are complete and incomplete gamma functions [11]. 2 Here we do not take into account of the correlation between the receiving signals, which suggests the radios network are not so dense.

False alarm probability: PFN

PD = 1 − (1 − Pd (t))N , and PF = 1 − (1 − Pf (t))N (16)

SNR= 5 dB SNR= 10 dB SNR= 15 dB

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0





5 6 Number of SUs





Fig. 5. False alarm probability vs. number of Secondary Users, under Rayleigh fading with different SNR. (PIF = 0.1, m = 5, primary occupancy level: 23 )

Then we migrate to the upper link layer to analyze the delay performance. We assume a homogeneous case such that the arrival process for each SU i is constant with same rate λ and the transmission rate Ri = r. Here we apply another QoS metric: mean time delay, in (11) (the delay violation probability can be also studied, but we would omit for limited spacing). The mean time delay for each SU i can be obtained from (11) and (7) E[Di ] =

RiE − λ RiE N µ0

λ N µ0

λ µ1


where RiE is the optimal effective transmission rate obtained in (14), which is also a function of N . We vary the arrival rate λ to look at the mean time delay E[Di ] for each SU. As can be seen in Fig. 6, each SU’s delay approaches to infinite when the arrival rate reaches to the maximum allowed arrival rate, which is also computed in Sec. IV for admission control. In addition, with the increase of SUs (N = 1, 2, 3, 5), the delay increases because of the channel sharing. Here we take into account of the sensing errors, therefore the actual delay is larger than that of sensing error-free because of (i) inefficiency in utilizing channel and (ii) constraints on the interference on

primary channel. The solid lines in the figures corresponds to independent non-collaborative sensing. Mean delay vs Arrival rate with and without collaborative sensing 1000 900


N=1 N=2 N=3 N=5


Solid lines: non−collaborative

Mean time delay D (ms)



subject to required interference to primary channel, we introduce collaborative sensing between SUs. Collaborative gains under the OR-rule are proved to increase with the number of collaborative SUs. The we study the collaborative gains from both the physical layer to the link layer. Numerical results demonstrate the collaborative sensing method is promising. A PPENDIX Proof of Proposition 2 Clearly, the one radio probabilities, Pd (t) and Pf (t), monotonically decrease with the threshold t, so is the inverse function Pd−1 (x). Since we fix the detection probability for 1 N radios PD as (1 − PD ) = PM IF , µ0µ+µ PIF , 3 we can 0 obtain the required threshold for one radio as

Dash lines: collaborative

400 300 200


N t∗ = Pd−1 (1 − PM IF )

100 0



2 3 4 Secondary arrival rate λ (KB/s)



Fig. 6. Mean time delay for one SU vs secondary arrival rate with and without collaborative sensing under PIF = 0.1. (Average SNR=10dB, primary occupancy level: 23 )

Then we investigate the collaborative gains. As can be seen in Fig. 6, the mean time delay for each SU in collaborative modes (dash lines) outperforms the non-collaborative mode under the same number of SUs. Note for N = 1, the delay performance is the same. An interesting phenomenon appears when there are two SUs collaborating, even though sharing the channel would reduce each one’s service capacity, the delay performance still outperforms to N = 1 when the arrival rate is larger than nearly 4.5 KB/S. This is because the two SUs collaborates in sensing could drastically reduce the false alarm probability so as to utilize the spectrum holes more efficiently. VI. C ONCLUSIONS The effective bandwidth concept is applied to Cognitive Radio to investigate the QoS performance. The exponential approximation for the probabilities of the queue-overflow and delay-violation can be obtained analytically. The idle and busy period of the primary channel is modeled here as an two-state ON/OFF Markov Modulated Process. For the constant arrival process of the Secondary Users, we obtain the analytical decaying rate for the queue-overflow and delayviolation probability. For the Poisson bursty arrival, numerical binary search can obtain the decaying rate. The accuracy of the exponential approximation is demonstrated by the simulated queue length distribution. Therefore the QoS modeling is useful for performance analysis. By extending to multiple SU competing for one primary channel, an admission control scheme is proposed to allow the maximal arrival rate for each Secondary User. The constant arrival process is proved to support higher average arrival rate than Poisson bursty arrival under the same QoS requirement. We then consider the sensing errors in Cognitive Radio Networks. To maximize the effective transmission rate of SUs


The false alarm probability for N radios is then PF (N ) = 1 − (1 − Pf (t∗ ))N


if we think N as a continuous variable x, then we take the first derivative of PF (x) as 0


x PF0 (x) = x(1 − Pf (t∗ ))(x−1) Pf0 (t∗ )Pd−1 (1 − PM IF )f (x)

where 1

0 x (1 − PM IF )

f (x) =


x PM IF ln PM IF <0 x2




but Pf0 (x) < 0 and Pd−1 (x) < 0. Therefore, we conclude that PF0 (x) < 0, which suggests the N radios false alarm probability decreases with N while fixing the detection probability. Therefore, the popular results shown in previous literature that the ROC curve moves leftwards with collaboration is proved here. ¥ R EFERENCES [1] J. Mitola et al., “Cognitive Radio: Making Software Radios More Personal”, IEEE Personal Communnications, Aug. 1999, pp. 13-18. [2] I. F. Akyildiz, W.-Y. Lee, M. C. Vuran, and S. Mohanty, “Next generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: A survey,” Comput. Netw.: Int. J. Comput. Telecommun. Netw., vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 2127-2159, Sep. 2006. [3] C.-S. Chang and J.A. Thomas, “Effective bandwidth in high-speed digital networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 13, NO. 6, August 1995. [4] G. L. Choudhury, D. M. Lucantoni, and W. Whitt, “Squeezing the Most Out of ATM”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 44, NO. 2, pp. 203-217, Feb 1996. [5] A. Abdrabou and W. Zhuang, “Statistical QoS Routing for IEEE 802.11 Multihop Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE Transcations on Wireless Communications, to appear. [6] J. Unnikrishnan and V. V. Veeravalli, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Detection for Cognitive Radio”, IEEE Globecom, 2007. [7] A. Motamedi and A. Bahai “MAC protocol design for spectrum-agile wireless networks: Stochastic control approach”, In Proc. of the IEEE DySPAN 2007, pages 448-451, April 2007. 3 It should be clear that P M IF < 1, otherwise the detection probability can never meet with the interference requirement.

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Channel State Prediction in Cognitive Radio, Part II
Mar 10, 2011 - A Tailored Viterbi Algorithm for HMM. □ Given a parameter tuple and a sequence of observation values. , the state sequence that is most.

Cognitive Radio Infrastructure using Spectrum ...
Abstract: Cognitive radio is an amazing technology that allows low cost voice and data services by identifying opportunities in spectrum, space, code and time.

Cooperative Cognitive Networks: Optimal, Distributed ...
This paper considers the cooperation between a cognitive system and a primary ... S.H. Song is with Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, The ...

Brain Networks and Cognitive Architectures.pdf
development of novel data acquisition and analytic meth- odologies that can cope with the ever-increasing volume. and complexity of ''big data.'' Mapping ...

Demonstration of Real-time Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio
form factor (SFF) software defined radio (SDR) development platform (DP) [7] is ..... [5] Y. Tachwali, M. Chmeiseh, F. Basma, and H. Refai, “A frequency agile.

Joint Scheduling and Flow Control for Multi-hop Cognitive Radio ...
Cognitive Radio Network with Spectrum Underlay ... multi-hop CRN overlay with a primary network in [2]. .... network can support in sense that there exists a.