Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150

On the relationship between Spearman’s rho and Kendall’s tau for pairs of continuous random variables Gregory A. Fredricks, Roger B. Nelsen∗ Department of Mathematical Sciences, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR 97219, USA Received 9 March 2006; received in revised form 21 June 2006; accepted 21 June 2006 Available online 7 November 2006

Abstract It has long been known that for many joint distributions exhibiting weak dependence, the sample value of Spearman’s rho is about 50% larger than the sample value of Kendall’s tau. We explain this behavior by showing that for the population analogs of these statistics, the ratio of rho to tau approaches 3/2 as the joint distribution approaches that of two independent random variables. We also find sufficient conditions for determining the direction of the inequality between three times tau and twice rho when the underlying joint distribution is absolutely continuous. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Copula; Inequality; Kendall’s tau; Spearman’s rho

1. Introduction The two most commonly used nonparametric measures of association for two random variables are Spearman’s rho () and Kendall’s tau (). For many joint distributions these two measures have different values, as they measure different aspects of the dependence structure. For example, if X and Y are random variables with marginal distribution functions F and G, respectively, then Spearman’s  is the ordinary (Pearson) correlation coefficient of the transformed random variables F (X) and G(Y ), while Kendall’s  is the difference between the probability of concordance P [(X1 − X2 )(Y1 − Y2 ) > 0] and the probability of discordance P [(X1 − X2 )(Y1 − Y2 ) < 0] for two independent pairs (X1 , Y1 ) and (X2 , Y2 ) of observations drawn from the distribution. In terms of dependence properties, Spearman’s  is a measure of average quadrant dependence, while Kendall’s  is a measure of average likelihood ratio dependence (Nelsen, 1992). However, in spite of these differences, there is often an observable pattern in the sample values. In comparing R and T (the sample values of  and ) Gibbons (1976) writes ‘For most degrees of association that occur in practice (that is, absolute values not too close to 1) R is about 50 percent greater than T in absolute value.’ Kendall (1948) states ‘T will be about two-thirds of the value of R when [the sample size] n is large.’ In this paper we will examine relationships between the population versions of  and  that lead to such observations. The relationship between  and  has received considerable attention in recent years. Hutchinson and Lai (1990) √ conjectured that −1 + 1 + 3  min{3/2, 2 − 2 } for stochastically increasing random variables; however, the bound  3/2 was disproved in (Nelsen, 2006, Exercise 5.38). Capéraà and Genest (1993) have shown that  0 ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 503 768 7565.

E-mail address: [email protected] (R.B. Nelsen). 0378-3758/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2006.06.045


G.A. Fredricks, R.B. Nelsen / Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150

whenever one of the random variables is simultaneously left-tail decreasing and right-tail increasing in the other (see Section 5). Hürlimann (2003) has shown that the entire Hutchinson and Lai conjecture holds for bivariate extreme value distributions. Schmitz (2004) conjectured that limn→∞ n /n = 23 , where n and n denote Spearman’s  and Kendall’s  for the extreme order statistics X(1) = min{X1 , . . . , Xn } and X(n) = max{X1 , . . . , Xn } of an i.i.d. sample X1 , . . . , Xn ; and this was recently proved by Li and Li (2007). Chen (2006) has established inequalities between n and n . The contribution of this paper is to prove (in Section 3) that, under mild regularity conditions, the limit of the ratio / is 3/2 as the joint distribution of the random variables approaches independence. (Durrleman et al., 2000 present integral conditions equivalent to this limit in the absolutely continuous case.) In Section 4 we give sufficient conditions (in the absolutely continuous case) for determining the direction of the inequality between 3 and 2, and in Section 5 we present a new proof of the above-mentioned result of Capéraà and Genest. We begin with some background material and two preliminary lemmas. 2. Preliminaries Let X and Y be continuous random variables with joint distribution function H and marginal distribution functions F (of X) and G (of Y). The copula of X and Y is the unique function C : I2 → I = [0, 1] defined implicitly by the relation H (x, y) = C(F (x), G(y)) for all real x and y. The population version of Spearman’s  is expressible in terms of C as follows (Schweizer and Wolff, 1981):    = 12 C(u, v) du dv − 3 = 12 uv dC(u, v) − 3, (2.1) I2


where dC denotes the doubly stochastic measure induced on I2 by C (and equals (j2 C/jujv)(u, v) du dv when C is absolutely continuous). Similarly, the population version of Kendall’s  is also expressible in terms of C (Schweizer and Wolff, 1981; Nelsen, 2006):   jC jC =4 (u, v) (u, v) du dv. (2.2) C(u, v) dC(u, v) − 1 = 1 − 4 jv I2 I2 ju (Note: Since C is Lipschitz, it is differentiable almost everywhere (a.e.), and hence jC/ju and jC/jv exist a.e. on I2 .) The following lemma provides an alternate form for the evaluation of Spearman’s  that will be useful in the sequel. Lemma 2.1. Let X and Y be continuous random variables with copula C. Then the population version of Spearman’s  for X and Y is given by    jC jC =3−6 u (u, v) + v (u, v) du dv. (2.3) ju jv I2 Proof. For any v in I, uC(u, v) is Lipschitz and hence an absolutely continuous function of u on I, so we can apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to conclude  1 j [uC(u, v)] du = [uC(u, v)]u=1 u=0 = v 0 ju so that 


C(u, v) + u

and similarly   I2

jC (u, v) ju

jC (u, v) C(u, v) + v jv

1 1

 du dv = 0

1 du dv = . 2


j [uC(u, v)] du dv = ju

1 0

1 v dv = ; 2

G.A. Fredricks, R.B. Nelsen / Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150

It now follows from (2.1) that     jC jC (u, v) + v (u, v) du dv = 1 − 2 u ju jv I2 which yields the desired result.


C(u, v) du dv = 1 −


+3 , 6

The following technical lemma will be needed in Proof of Theorem 3.1 in the next section.  Lemma 2.2. Let F () = I2 f (, u, v) du dv, where f (u, v) = f (, u, v) is Lebesgue integrable on I2 for each  in an interval J centered at 0. If jf/j is continuous on J × I2 , then F is differentiable on J and F  () =  I2 (jf/j)(, u, v) du dv for each  ∈ J . Proof. Fix 0 ∈ J and choose a compact subinterval K of J with 0 in its interior. Let ε > 0 be given. Since K ×I2 is compact, jf/j is uniformly continuous on K × I2 , so we choose  > 0 so that |(jf/j)(, u, v) − (jf/j)( , u , v  )| <  whenever |(, u, v) − ( , u , v  )| <  and (, u, v), ( , u , v  ) in K × I2 . For any  in K with 0 < | − 0 | <  we have        F () − F (0 )   f (, u, v) − f (0 , u, v) jf  jf    − (0 , u, v) du dv   (0 , u, v) du dv −   2 j  − 0 j  − 0 I2  I  jf  jf  (, u, v) − = (0 , u, v) du dv,  j I2 j where, by the mean-value theorem,  is a function of (u, v) with values between  and 0 and hence in K. The last expression is less than ε, and the result follows.   Remarks. (1) One can conclude that F is differentiable at 0 and that F  (0) = I2 (jf/j)(0, u, v) du dv under the weaker assumption that the limits lim→0 (jf/j)(, u, v) = (jf/j)(0, u, v) exist and are uniform for almost all (u, v) in I2 (Rudin, 1976). (2) The one-sided versions of Lemma 2.2 and the preceding remark hold. 3. The limit theorem We are now in a position to establish a relationship between Spearman’s  and Kendall’s  in many families of distributions that include the independence case (recall that the copula for any independent pair of continuous random variables is (u, v) = uv). Theorem 3.1. Let {C(, u, v)} be a family of copulas in which the (real-valued) parameter  belongs to an open interval containing 0, with C(0, u, v) = uv. Let () and () denote the population versions of Spearman’s  and Kendall’s , respectively, for the copula C(, u, v). If (a) jC/j, j/j(u(jC/ju) + v(jC/jv)), and j/j((jC/ju)(jC/jv)) are continuous on J ×I2 for some interval J centered at 0, and (b) I2 jC/j(0, u, v) du dv = 0, then lim→0 (()/())= 3 2.   Proof. Since () = 12 I2 C(, u, v) du dv − 3, Lemma 2.2 yields  (0) = 12 I2 (jC/j)(0, u, v) du dv  = 0. It follows from Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 that    j2 C j2 C   (0) = −6 u (0, u, v) + v (0, u, v) du dv. jju jjv I2 Using Lemma 2.2 in the second form for () in (2.2) and noting that (jC/jv)(0, u, v) = u and (jC/ju)(0, u, v) = v yield 

 (0) = −4


j2 C j2 C (0, u, v)u + v (0, u, v) jju jjv

 du dv =

2   (0)  = 0. 3


G.A. Fredricks, R.B. Nelsen / Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150

Since (0) = (0) = 0, we see that  is nonvanishing in a deleted neighborhood of 0 and that lim


(() − (0))/  (0) 3 () =  = . = lim  (0) 2 () →0 (() − (0))/

Remarks. (1) Condition (b) in Theorem 3.1 can be replaced by the nonvanishing of either of the integral expressions for  (0) or  (0). In that case the continuity assumption on jC/j is unnecessary. (2) Since the preceding proof required derivatives only at 0, the result remains valid if (a) is replaced by the weaker condition that the  limits at zero of each of the partial derivatives with respect to  in (a) exists and is uniform for almost all (u, v) in I2 . (3) The one-sided versions of Theorem 3.1 and the preceding remark hold.  Example 3.1. The requirement in part (b) of Theorem 3.1 that I2 (jC/j)(0, u, v) du dv  = 0 (or equivalently, that  (0) = 0) is necessary. Consider the copulas C(, u, v) = uv + uv(1 − u)(1 − v)(u − v) for  in [−1, 1]. Since C is a polynomial in , u, v, part (a) of Theorem 3.1 holds on (−1, 1) × I2 . Simple calculations using (2.1) and (2.2) yield () ≡ 0 and () = 2 /450, so that lim→0 ()/() = 0 rather than 23 . For many families of distributions the conclusion of Theorem 3.1 can be established without appealing to copula properties by using the computational forms for  and . The classic example is the bivariate normal with (Pearson) correlation coefficient , for which () = (6/ ) arcsin(/2) and () = (2/ ) arcsin  (Kruskal, 1958). In this case, elementary calculus yields lim→0 ()/() = 23 . We now examine four families of distributions in which this is not the case. In each example, (a) and (b) refer to the two conditions in the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1; and in Example 3.4 we recall (Nelsen, 2006) that survival copulas (i.e., copulas which couple univariate survival functions to form joint survival functions) can be used in place of copulas in the computation of  and . Example 3.2. The Ali-Mikhail-Haq family of copulas are given by C(, u, v) = uv/[1 − (1 − u)(1 − v)] for  in [−1, 1]. Since C is a rational function of , u, v defined at each point of (−1, 1) × I2 , each partial derivative in (a) is continuous on (−1, 1) × I2 ; and since (jC/j)(0, u, v) = uv(1 − u)(1 − v), it is clear that (b) holds. Hence lim→0 ()/() = 23 . Example 3.3. Let C(, u, v) =  min{u, v} + (1 − )uv,  in [0, 1]. The partial derivatives in (a) are continuous on [0, 1) × I2 since C is a polynomial in , u, v in both the triangle 0 uv 1 and its complement, and the partial derivatives agree on u = v. Since  (0) = 1, (b) holds. Hence lim→0 ()/() = 23 . Note that the only absolutely continuous member of this family is C(0, u, v) = uv. Example 3.4. The survival copulas for Gumbel’s bivariate exponential distributions are given by C(, u, v) = uv exp(− ln u ln v) for  in [0, 1] (extended by continuity to C(, u, 0) = C(, 0, v) = 0). Now (jC/j)(, u, v) = −uv ln u ln v exp(− ln u ln v) if uv  = 0, and (jC/j)(, u, v) vanishes if uv = 0, and thus jC/j is continuous on [0, 1) × I2 . The other partial derivatives in (a) are similarly continuous on [0, 1) × I2 and (b) clearly holds, so lim→0+ ()/() = 23 . This result can also be established by using the expressions for () and () in terms of the x exponential integral Ei(x) = −∞ (et /t) dt: () = e2/ Ei(−2/) and

() = −3 − [12e4/ Ei(−4/)]/.

Example 3.5. The Plackett family of copulas is given by C(, u, v) =

[1 + (u + v)] −

[1 + (u + v)]2 − 4( + 1)uv 2

for  > − 1,  = 0, and C(0, u, v) = uv. Note that C is continuous on (−1, ∞) × I2 . Since C(, u, v) is defined implicitly (for all  > − 1) by the equation C 2 − [1 + (u + v)]C + ( + 1)uv = 0,

G.A. Fredricks, R.B. Nelsen / Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150


we see that jC/j = (C 2 − (u + v)C + uv)/(1 + (u + v) − 2C). Since the denominator of jC/j is 1 on {0} × I2 , Hence jC/j is continuous on J × I2 . it is nonvanishing on J × I2 for some interval J centered at 0 by continuity.  1 2 The other partial derivatives in (a) are also continuous on J × I and I2 (jC/j)(0, u, v) du dv = 36 , so (b) holds, 2 2 3 and hence lim→0 ()/() = 2 . Although () = [2 +  − 2( + 1) ln( + 1)]/ for   = 0, there does not appear to be a closed form expression for (). 4. The inequality between 3 and 2 While Theorem 3.1 establishes the limiting behavior for the ratio ()/(), it does not tell us if the limit of 23 is approached from below or above, i.e., if 3() 2() or 3() 2(). In this section we establish two sufficient conditions for determining the direction of the inequality between 3() and 2() for an absolutely continuous family of copulas. Assume throughout this section that C is an absolutely continuous copula. Using various forms for  and  from (2.1)–(2.3), we have (for simplicity we have suppressed the arguments of C and its partial derivatives, and of  and ) 

j2 C jC jC C − jujv ju jv


du dv =

1+ 1−  − = 4 4 2




j2 C jC jC 3+ 3− 3+  uv −u −v + C du dv = − + = . jujv ju jv 12 6 12 3


Hence whenever the difference of the two integrands is nonnegative, the difference of the two integrals yields /2 − /3 0, and thus 32. At points (u, v) where C = uv, both integrands are 0, and at points (u, v) where C  = uv we have  j2 C jC jC j2 C jC jC C − − uv −u −v +C jujv ju jv jujv ju jv  2     j C j2 jC jC = (C − uv) −1 − −v − u = (C − uv)2 ln |C − uv|, jujv ju jv jujv so that the difference of the integrands is nonnegative if and only if (j2 /jujv) ln |C − uv| is nonnegative. Hence we have proved. Theorem 4.1. Let C be an absolutely continuous copula. If (j2 /jujv) ln |C − uv| 0 whenever C  = uv, then 3 2; and if (j2 /jujv) ln |C − uv| 0 whenever C  = uv, then 3 2. (Note: The hypothesis of absolute continuity is necessary, as the singular copula M(u, v) = min{u, v} satisfies M = uv on (0, 1)2 and (j2 /jujv) ln |M − uv|0 a.e. in (0, 1)2 , yet 3 = 3M > 2M = 2.) Example 4.1. The Kotz and Johnson iterated Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern family of absolutely continuous copulas (Drouet Mari and Kotz, 2001) is given by C , (u, v) = uv + uv(1 − u)(1 − v)( + uv), for | | 1, − − √ 1  (3 − + 9 − 6 − 3 2 )/2. Here (j2 /jujv) ln |C , − uv| = /( + uv)2 for (u, v) in (0, 1)2 for which C ,  = uv. Thus, (j2 /jujv) ln |C , − uv|0 (and consequently 3 , 2 , ) if and only if 0. This is confirmed by evaluating  , and  , :  , = /3 + /12;  , = 2 /9 + /18 + /450, so that  , = 3 , /2 −

/300. Note that for this two-parameter family, lim( , )→(0,0)  , / , does not exist, since lim →0  ,0 / ,0 = 3/2 while lim →0  ,−4 / ,−4 = 0. Recall that a pair (X,Y) of continuous random variables with copula C is positively quadrant dependent (PQD) if C(u, v)uv on I2 . The above example shows that the direction of the inequality between 3 and 2 is not a consequence of positive quadrant dependence, since C , is PQD if and only if 0 and 0.


G.A. Fredricks, R.B. Nelsen / Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150

Remark. One can construct a family of copulas for which 3 = 2 by solving the partial differential equation (j2 /jujv) ln |C − uv| = 0. Solutions have the form C(u, v) = uv + f (u)g(v) for appropriate functions f and g. These copulas are studied in detail in (Rodríguez Lallena and Úbeda Flores, 2004). The integrals in (4.1) and (4.2) can be re-written as    j2  ln C du dv and = C2 = jujv 3 2 I2

j2 (uv) jujv I2


C uv

 du dv,

and hence 32 whenever C2

j2 j2 ln C (uv)2 jujv jujv

C uv

 on I2 .

But since

  C j2 j2 ln , ln C = jujv uv jujv

we have: Theorem 4.2. Let C be an absolutely continuous copula. If      2 2 j j2 C C C ln − 0 whenever C  = uv, uv jujv uv jujv uv then 3 2; and if  2 2     C j j2 C C ln − 0 uv jujv uv jujv uv

whenever C  = uv,

then 3 2. This sufficient condition for the direction of the inequality is advantageous when C has uv as a factor, as the following example illustrates. Example 4.2. The family of survival copulas C for Gumbel’s bivariate exponential distribution from Example 3.4 are absolutely continuous and, for  in (0, 1], C  = uv on (0, 1)2 and  2 2     C j C j2 C −C (u, v) [exp(− ln u ln v) − 1 +  ln u ln v] 0 ln − = uv jujv uv jujv uv (uv)2 for (u, v) in (0, 1)2 . Hence 3() 2() for this family. 5. The inequality between  and  As another application of Lemma 2.1, note that    jC jC jC jC +3 3− 1− 1 C−u −v + du dv = − + = ( − ), 2 ju jv ju jv 12 6 4 4 I


which enables us to give a simple proof of the following result of Capéraà and Genest (1993). Recall (Lehmann, 1966; Capéraà and Genest, 1993) that the random variable Y is said to be left-tail decreasing in X, denoted LTD(Y |X), if Pr(Y y|X x) is nonincreasing in x for all y. Similarly, Y is said to be right-tail increasing in X, denoted RTI(Y |X), if Pr(Y > y|X > x) is nondecreasing in x for all y. The concepts left-tail increasing (LTI) and right-tail decreasing (RTD) are defined analogously.

G.A. Fredricks, R.B. Nelsen / Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150


Theorem 5.1. Let X and Y be continuous random variables with copula C. If LTD(Y |X) and RTI(Y |X) both hold, then  0. Similarly, if LTI(Y |X) and RTD(Y |X) both hold, then   0. (In both statements, the roles of X and Y can be reversed.) Proof. We prove only the first statement. Since LTD(Y |X) and RTI(Y |X) each imply that X and Y are PQD, 0 (Lehmann, 1966). To establish that  , we need only show that the integrand in (5.1) is nonnegative a.e. in I2 . Recall (Nelsen, 2006) that in terms of the copula C of X and Y, LTD(Y |X) if and only if for any v in I, C(u, v)/u is nonincreasing in u on (0, 1]. Since nonincreasing functions are differentiable a.e. and their derivatives are nonpositive at each point of differentiability, we see that C − u · jC/ju0 a.e. on I2 . Similarly, RTI(Y |X) if and only if for any v in I, (v − C(u, v))/(1 − u) is nonincreasing in u on [0, 1), which implies that jC/ju − v u · jC/ju − C a.e. on I2 . Because 0 jC/jv 1 a.e. in I2 ,   jC jC jC jC jC jC jC C−u −v + =C−u + −v ju jv ju jv ju jv ju      jC jC jC jC jC C − u + u −C = C−u 1− 0 ju jv ju ju jv a.e. on I2 . The result follows from (5.1).

Example 5.1. The Ali-Mikhail-Haq family of copulas C from Example 3.2 are absolutely continuous and, for  in [−1, 1]\{0}, C  = uv on (0, 1)2 and (j2 /jujv) ln |C − uv| = /[1 − (1 − u)(1 − v)]2 for (u, v) in (0, 1)2 , so the sign of  determines the direction of the inequality between 3() and 2() by Theorem 4.1. But C is LTD and RTI for  0 and LTI and RTD for 0 (all for both Y |X and X|Y , since C is symmetric in its arguments), so the sign of  also determines the signs of () and (), and the direction of the inequality between () and () by Theorem 5.1. Hence 0 ()()3()/2 for  0; and 0 () ()3()/2 for  0. All of these results (and those in Example 3.2) can be obtained from the explicit expressions for () and (), but with much more labor: (0) = (0) = 0 and for   = 0, () = 1 −

2 2(1 − )2 ln(1 − ) − 3 32

and 12(1 + )

3( + 12) ,  x where dilog(x) is the dilogarithm function defined by dilog(x) = 1 (ln t/(1 − t)) dt. () =


dilog(1 − ) −

24(1 − ) 2

ln(1 − ) −

6. Concluding remarks Another inequality between  and  is due to Daniels (1950): −1 3−21 for any copula C. Daniels’probabilistic proof is involved and difficult to follow, thus it would be advantageous to have a copula-based proof. Note that    jC jC jC jC jC jC u− v− = uv − u −v + , jv ju ju jv ju jv and hence from (2.2) and (2.3),     jC jC 1 3− 1− 1 u− v− du dv = − + = (2 − 3). 2 jv ju 4 6 4 12 I Hence an alternate proof of Daniels’ inequality could be obtained if one could show that for any copula C,     1 jC jC 1 −  u− v− du dv  . 2 12 jv ju 12 I


G.A. Fredricks, R.B. Nelsen / Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007) 2143 – 2150

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On the relationship between Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau for ...

different aspects of the dependence structure. For example, if X and Y are random variables with marginal distribution functions F and G, respectively, then Spearman's is the ordinary (Pearson) correlation coefficient of the transformed random variables F (X) and G(Y ), while Kendall's is the difference between the probability ...

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Apr 1, 2007 - aDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, School of Computer and Information .... system. These resting state functional network patterns have been .... peaks in a previous study (Tian et al., in press), and the one for the.

The relationship within and between the extrinsic and intrinsic systems ...
Apr 1, 2007 - 360, 1001–1013. Binder, J.R., Frost, J.A., Hammeke, T.A., ... other: a social cognitive neuroscience view. Trends Cogn. Sci. 7,. 527–533.

Relationship between communities and processes
y = )y, to better demonstrate the relationship between the data and the model. 1202 P. W. ..... analysis (R = 0.592, P = 0.02, and R = 0.725, P < 0.001, for 14–18 ...

Relationship Between Natural Resources and ...
We have ng as the grabbers' number and nf as the producers' number, with N = ng + nf and α being the fraction .... Our model does not take into account the direct relationship between α1 ...... English, French, German, Portuguese, or Spanish.

Olfaction is a sense that has close relationships with the limbic system and emotion. Empathy is a vicarious feeling of others' emotional states. The two functions are known to be subserved by common neuroana- tomical structures, including orbitofron

The Relationship Between the UNIVAC Computer and ... - IJEECS
Similarly, we show the diagram used by our heuristic in Figure 1. While futurists rarely assume the exact opposite, ... Intel 386s from the NSA's Internet-2 cluster to better understand our mobile telephones. We only characterized ... space of our se

The Relationship Between the UNIVAC Computer and ... - GitHub
Feb 20, 2014 - Abstract. Many electrical engineers would agree that, had it not been for online algorithms, the evaluation of red-black trees might never have ...

Competitive anxiety, achievement goals, and motivational climates. 21. According to achievement ..... maximum likelihood analysis. A hypothesized model was ...

The Relationship between Child Temperament ...
effects were small, accounting for approximately 5% of ... small, accounting for only about 5% of the overall variance ... their degree of talkativeness/extraversion.

The relationship between corporate social ...
Published online 30 December 2008 in Wiley InterScience ... model by theorizing that some types of CSR activities will be more likely to create goodwill and offer insurance-like protection than .... norm for business is profit making (Friedland.

The Relationship Between the UNIVAC Computer and ... - GitHub
Apr 28, 2015 - Computer and Evolutionary Programming. Bob, Carol and Alice ... tiplayer online role-playing games and the location-identity split. We con-.

The Relationship Between the UNIVAC Computer and ... - IJEECS
X. JVM. Trap. Figure 1: An algorithm for atomic methodolo- gies. hurt. This may or may not actually hold in reality. See our prior technical report [19] for details. Similarly, we show the diagram used by our heuristic in Figure ... ware; and finally

The Relationship between Students ...
Participants completed a shortened version of Big Five Inventory (BFI) and a Healthy Eating Behavior and. Attitude scale. We found a significant and ... Their data showed that when the other four traits were controlled, the ..... The Big Five Invento