Hybrid Approximate Gradient and Stochastic Descent for Falsification of Nonlinear Systems Shakiba Yaghoubi and Georgios Fainekos Abstract— Studying transient properties of nonlinear systems is an important problem for safety applications. Computationally, it is a very challenging problem to verify that a nonlinear system satisfies a safety specification if not impossible. Therefore in many cases engineers try to solve a related problem, i.e. they try to find a system behavior that does not satisfy a given specification. This problem is called specification falsification. Optimization has been shown to be very effective in addressing the falsification problem. In this paper, we provide effective and practical local and global optimization strategies to falsify a nonlinear system of arbitrary complexity.

I. I NTRODUCTION Every system should be designed so that it satisfies a set of requirements. Formal or semi-formal verification methods can be used in order to guarantee that the system behavior is appropriate with respect to sequencing of events, conditional reachability, invariants, and real-time constraints [1], [2], [3]. Most of these behavioral properties can be captured using Metric or Signal Temporal Logic (MTL [4] or STL [5]- see also [6] for a discussion on MTL and STL which will be referred to as temporal logics (TL) from this point on.) However, formal verification of non-linear systems is a challenging problem (see [7] for an overview). As a result, semi-formal methods are used to study system properties. In a class of semi-formal methods, the system is driven to exhibit its inappropriate behavior – if any. This information is then used for further improvement of the system design. This process is called Falsification. Recently, a lot of effort has been invested in this approach for discovering unsafe behaviors of systems [8], [9], [10], [11]. S-TALIRO [12] and BREACH [13] are two software toolboxes that can be used for falsification of TL specifications. In search based falsification, the system will be driven such that its trajectories get closer to invalidating a correctness requirement in TL. In particular, the space of operating conditions and/or inputs is searched in order to find an initial condition, a parameter and an input signal, that will force the system to exhibit an unsafe behavior. This problem can be converted into an optimization problem where the goal is to minimize the robustness of the specification (see [9] and for a more general discussion [7]). Consider for instance the case where the correctness requirement is the avoidance of an unsafe set. If we try to minimize the distance of the system’s trajectories to this S. Yaghoubi and G. Fainekos are with the Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, E-mail: {syaghoubs,fainekos}@asu.edu This work was partially supported by the NSF awards CNS-1319560 and IIP-1361926, and the NSF I/UCRC Center for Embedded Systems.

set, then we may finally succeed in hitting the set which falsifies the problem and reveals an incorrect behavior. For this problem, a robustness value is defined for each trajectory and it shows how far the system is from being falsified, i.e., how far the trajectory is from entering the unsafe set. The aforementioned approach highly depends on accurate simulations that require long simulation times. As a result, decreasing the total number of simulations is critical for all simulation-based methods. Considering this fact, the verification problem has been solved in [14] using the least possible number of simulations for linear time-varying systems. The falsification problem for nonlinear systems using simulations is more challenging. In [15], the authors present a solution for autonomous systems. Later in [16], the problem was extended to non-autonomous systems by analytically computing a descent direction for the robustness valuation. Starting from an initial condition and a trivial input, the paper computes a descent direction that leads to another initial condition and input whose respected trajectory has a smaller minimum distance from the unsafe set. Gradient descent is a local search method that makes use of the structural information of the nonlinear model. This information, in general, may or may not be available. As a result, we need to consider some alternative methods for dealing with blackbox or gray-box systems. Hence, in this paper, we present a method that approximates the decent directions without requiring such structural information. While gradient descent is a local method, simulated Annealing (SA) is a global heuristic method to minimize the cost function. This method has been used in [9] to solve the falsification problem. Although [9] does not require the structural information about the system’s model, it usually has a low convergence speed and requires a large number of simulations. As a result, a method that possibly brings together the speed of descent search and the globality of stochastic search may be preferable. Falsification for linear hybrid systems using local search has been studied in [17] and it has been shown to improve the falsification process. In summary, in this paper, we make the following contributions. We first provide an alternative method for locally minimizing the robustness value using approximate descent directions, which do not require structural information about the system’s model. Then, we show that this approximation can get arbitrarily close to the analytically computed descent directions. As a next step, we combine the gradient descent method with SA to bring together the advantages of both methods. Finally, using experimental results we show the effectiveness of our method.

d px = A(st (x0 , u)).px0 (t), px0 (0) = In×n , dt 0 d pu (t, τ ) = A(st (x0 , u)).pu (t, τ ), dt pu (τ, τ ) = B(sτ (x0 , u)), ∂F , A(st (x0 , u)) = ∂x st (x0 ,u) ∂F . B(sτ (x0 , u)) = ∂u sτ (x0 ,u)

II. P ROBLEM D ESCRIPTION Consider the following non-autonomous dynamical system, where x ∈ X are the system states with X ⊆ Rn and u ∈ U R are the input signals where U is a bounded set. Σ:

x˙ = F (x, t, u)


It is assumed that (1) F is differentiable; (2) the initial state x0 will reside in a bounded and closed set X0 and (3) given a specific initial condition and a finite time T > 0, a unique solution st (x0 , u) for the system exists. Let U ⊂ X denote the set of unsafe system states. If a solution s that enters U is found, then the falsification problem is solved. Definition II.1. Let dU (x) = inf y∈U ||x − y||, then the robustness of a trajectory s with respect to U is [15]: f (x0 , u) = min dU (st (x0 , u)) 0≤t≤T


The notion of robustness with respect to an unsafe set U can be extended to more general requirements expressed with TL. Details on how the robustness of a TL formula relates to the robustness of an unsafe set can be found in [15]. If we consider f to be the robustness valuation of the system, our general problem is: Problem 1. Minimize f (x0 , u) for all x0 ∈ X0 , u ∈ U [0,T ] If the value becomes zero, then the system is falsified. III. OPTIMIZATION FOR FALSIFICATION In the following, we provide local and global optimization methods to solve Problem 1.

Note that in order to overcome the problem of infinite dimensionality of the trajectory optimization problem in the presence of inputs, we limit our search over the inputs which can be represented using a linear combination of basis functions. Then the search would be over the weights of the basis functions. For instance, τ in the above equations is the starting time of each time interval in the case of piecewise constant inputs. In this method, if at some point we could not decrease the robustness value along the descent direction, then first we decrease the step size h in order to see whether we have crossed the basin of some local minimum. If we could not find a better answer after some refinement, we terminate and decide that this point is probably a local minimum. Example 1. In the following GD has been used to decrease the robustness value of the following benchmark with two input signals: i h x (t) − x2 (t) + 0.1t + u1 (t) x˙ = x2 (t) cos(2πx21(t)) − x1(t) sin(2πx1 (t)) + 0.1t + u2 (t) (7) where X0 = [0, 1]2 and U = [1.5, 1.7] × [0.9, 1.1]. Starting from the initial condition x0 = (0.3, 0.8) and zero input signals, the robustness value decreased from 1.2042 to 0.032. B. Local Optimization: Approximate Descent (AD)

A. Gradient Descent (GD) Computation In order to introduce our solution, first we will review some previous results from [16]: Given T > 0 and starting ¯ ⊂ U [0,T ] , the goal is to find descent from some x0 and u ∈ U vectors dx and du for which there exist h¯x and h¯u such that ¯ x ] × [0, h ¯ u] for all h = (hx , hu ) ∈ [0, h f (x0 + hx dx, u + hu du) < f (x0 , u)



This property enables us to shrink the descent vectors to fit the new initial state and input in the intended sets of X0 and U and still have a smaller cost function. Based on the results in [16] and [18], it can be shown that the descent directions dx and du for the system (1) can be computed using the following equations:

While sensitivity analysis is inevitable for descent direction calculation, it is a hard task, in general, and impossible when we deal with black-box systems where no analytical information about function F is available. For example, in many practical applications, we deal with complicated models (like complex Simulink models) where sensitivity analysis is either impossible or computationally expensive. However, limited information about the system, e.g., linearization of the model at operating points, is usually available. In this section, we show that a number of system linearizations along the trajectory will help us approximate the descent directions. X1



In1 X2

du(τ ) = nst∗ (x0 ,u) (t∗ )pu (t∗ , τ ),


dx0 = nst∗ (x0 ,u) (t∗ )px0 (t∗ ).


2*pi Gain1


Product 1 xo s

2 In2

2*pi Gain2

2 Out2


sin Trigonometric Function


where t∗ = argmin 0
1 xo s






Trigonometric Function1

Fig. 1: Simulink model for the system of Eq. (7).

1 Out1

Assume that we have simulated the system of Eq. 1 starting from the nominal initial condition x0 , and st∗ (x0 , u) is the closest point on the trajectory to the unsafe set. We choose N samples x0 , x1 = st1 (x0 , u), ..., xN = st∗ (x0 , u) on the nominal trajectory where 0 = t0 < t1 < ... < tN = t∗ . Equation 1 can be approximated in the interval [tk , tk+1 ] using the following piecewise affine system: ∆x(t) ˙ = Ak ∆x(t) + Bk ∆u

(8) ∂F ∂x |xk

where ∆x(t) = x(t) − xk , ∆u = u(t) − u(tk ), Ak = and Bk = ∂F ∂u |xk . Notice from Eq. (6) that A(stk (x0 , u)) = ∂F ∂F | = A k and B(stk (x0 , u)) = ∂u |xk = Bk which ∂x xk are simply the linearized matrices from Eq. (8). Let us approximate the system of Eq. (6) at the interval [tk , tk+1 ] with the following series of equations: d p˜u (t, τ ) = Ak .˜ pu (t, τ ), (9) dt d p˜x = Ak .˜ px0 (t), dt 0 The initial condition for the first interval is p˜u (t0 ) = B0 , p˜x0 (t0 ) = In×n and the initial conditions for the other intervals are taken on the trajectory. As a result, there are two errors. The One Step Error (OSE) which is caused by approximating the linear time varying system of Eq. (6) with the LTI system of Eq. (9) on the interval [tk , tk+1 ] assuming that initial conditions are the same. The other error is the Accumulated Error (AE) which is accumulated over time because the initial conditions actually mismatch. OSE: Consider p(t) = [px0 (t), pu (t)]T and p˜(t) = [˜ px0 (t), p˜u (t)]T . Let us define an error variable eOSE = p(t) − p˜(t) whose dynamics are: e˙ OSE (t) = A(st (x0 , u)).p(t) − Ak .˜ p(t) eOSE (0) = 0


We define rk (t) = (A(st (x0 , u)) − Ak )p(t). As a result: e˙ OSE (t) = Ak eOSE (t) + rk (t)

eOSE (0) = 0


Without loss of generality, let us consider the error at the interval [t0 , t1 ] and define ∆tk = tk+1 − tk and dk = maxt∈[tk ,tk+1 ] krk (t)k, the following theorem establishes an upper bound on keOSE k for all t ∈ [t0 , t1 ]. Theorem III.1. For eOSE defined in (5), ∀t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] : keOSE k ≤ ψ0 (A0 , ∆t0 )d0 ∆t0 ; where ψ0 (A, t) = sups∈[0,t] keAt k. AE: This is the error that accumulates over time. Since at the start of each interval [tk , tk+1 ], p˜(tk ) is not exactly equal to p(tk ), consequently eAE (tk ) = p(tk ) − p˜(tk ) 6= 0. As a result, the dynamics for eAE at this interval is like those of eOSE with a different initial condition: e˙ AE (t) = Ak eAE (t) + rk (t) keAE (tk )k ≤ k


The following theorem establishes an upper bound on keAE k for all t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ].

Theorem III.2. For eAE defined in Eq. (12) ∀t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ] : keAE k ≤ ψ0 (Ak , ∆tk ).(dk ∆tk + k ). Proofs of Theorems (III-B) and (III.2) are similar to the proofs in [19]. Using the above theorem, we know that there is an upper bound for kp(t) − p˜(t)k. Using appropriate time steps hk one can decrease the error. As a result, we can use the system’s linearized matrices to approximate sensitivity and calculate the descent direction approximately by replacing px0 , pu with p˜x0 , p˜u in Eq. (4) and (5). This is important because in many cases, we work with black-box systems and while there is no analytical information about the function F , there exist powerful tools to extract linearization matrices at operating points. One of these tools is the “linearize” Simulink command that provides linearized system matrices at operating points. Remark. Although accurately calculating the upper bound for the error is not possible (since dk depends on F which is assumed to be unavailable), we can change ∆tk adaptively to achieve the desired accuracy. That is, if we cannot descend using the AD, then we increase the number of samples to decrease ∆tk and consequently decrease the error. To see how this method works we implemented the system of Eq. (7) in Simulink (shown in Fig. 1). For AD, the only information that was used was the linearized matrices returned by the Simulink “linearize” command on 10 samples taken on the trajectory. The final input signals are shown in Fig. 2 where we used piecewise constant signals as the basis functions for the inputs. As shown in Fig. 3, the robustness valuation has been reduced using AD from 1.2042 to 0.1976. Note that using 10 samples on the trajectory the AD directions stay close to the GD directions, and the more samples we use the better approximation we achieve. C. Global Optimization: Simulated Annealing combined with gradient descent (SA+GD) Simulated Annealing (SA) is a stochastic global search method. Starting from an initial point and input, it chooses another random sample inside the set of initial states and input range. The method accepts all the new samples that have less robustness values. Samples corresponding to greater robustness values can also be accepted in SA with respect to a probability function whose value decrease over time. More information about this method can be found in [20]. This method was successfully used for falsification in [9]. There are many different ways to combine SA with GD. One possibility is that each time we get a sample using SA, we descend from that sample for a few iterations or until we reach a point that seems to be a local minimizer. Then, with respect to that point, we sample a new point using SA. Another possible approach to combine these two methods is to use SA until it fails to find a better point for some number of iterations and, then, the falsification procedure switches to GD to descend from that SA sample. Throughout this paper, when we talk about SA+GD we use the first strategy which is described in Alg. 1. Notice that while using the function


Algorithm 1 SA+GD algorithm where we descend from all samples for finding the minimum robustness valuation

u1 u








0 0












Fig. 2: The final input signals resulting from AD









5 7




0.2 0












Fig. 3: AD for the System of Eq. (7): the red (gray) box is U; and the white box is X0 ; red (gray) arrows show the shortest distance from the trajectories to U; and black arrows point to the next initial state taken by GD.

Input: System Σ : x˙ = F (x, u, t), set of initial states X0 , input range U , system specification ϕ, final time T , total number of iterations N , step size h, maximum number of iterations to descend from SA samples, k1 and maximum number of iterations we decrease step size k2 . Output: optimal initial condition x∗0 , optimal input u∗ and the related optimal robustness value r∗ . 1: i ← 1 and (x0 , u) ← G ET INITIAL SAMPLE (Σ, X0 ). 2: r ∗ ← SIMULATE FIND ROBUSTVAL (x0 , u, Σ, T, ϕ). 3: while i ≤ N do 4: (x00 , u0 ) ← G ET NEW SAMPLE(x0 , u, Σ, X0 ). 5: r ← SIMULATE FIND ROBUSTVAL(x0 , u, Σ, T, ϕ). 6: Bool ← ACCEPT ?(r, BestR). 7: i ← i+1 8: if Bool = 1 then 9: SP ← (X0 , U0 , ϕ, k1 , k2 , h, F ) 10: (x0 , u, r, i0 ) ← APPLY DESCENT(x00 , u0 , SP ) 11: i ← i + i0 12: if r ≤ r∗ then 13: (x∗0 , u∗ ) ← (x0 , u) and r∗ ← r 14: end if 15: end if 16: end while 1.4 1.2 1

B 1









APPLY DESCENT at step 11, if structural information about F is not available, we can use AD instead of the analytically computed descent. This step is the only step that requires structural information about F . In all other steps, we only require simulations of the system trajectories.





Figure 4 represents a sample execution of Alg. 1 with k1 = 5 on the benchmark NONLIN2D(1) which is the autonomous (without input) version of Eq. (7) with X0 = [−1, 1]2 and U = [1.4, 1.8] × [1, 1.4]. As shown in Fig 4, while GD helps in decreasing the robustness levels locally, SA converges to a global minimum. Starting from a random point (A) chosen by SA, Alg. (1) takes k1 = 5 GD steps to reach the point (B); then switches to SA and samples another point (C). This process continues until the total number of iterations becomes equal to N or the problem is falsified.




Remark. For the falsification problem, an optimization method that can falsify the problem with fewer tests/simulations is preferable. The effectiveness of each algorithm in solving the falsification problem with fewer iterations and smaller robustness value depends on the problem. If the problem is easy to falsify, then the simpler the algorithm the better since even a few random samples may solve the problem without requiring descent direction computation. But, if the system is large scale or if the problem is hard to falsify, then we should consider more efficient methods like SA+GD.









Fig. 4: SA+GD for NONLIN2D(1): the red (gray) box is U, the white box is X0 , red (solid gray) arrows show the shortest distance from the trajectories to U, black arrows point to the next samples taken by GD and green (light gray) arrows show the descent direction by SA. IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS For the purpose of implementation and comparison, MATLAB 2015b has been used. The processor was an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @3.6 GHZ with 16 GB memory and the operating system was Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard. The following Matlab toolboxes are necessary for simulation and GD computation: Simulink, S-TaLiRo [21], SUNDIALS [22], MATISSE, and MPT [23]. A. Approximate Descent As mentioned earlier by increasing the number of samples taken on the trajectory, AD directions can get closer to the analytically computed ones. However, since taking more samples on the trajectory increases the complexity, we

TABLE I: AD becomes more accurate by taking more samples on the trajectory number of samples












should keep a balance between the number of samples and the required accuracy. Generally, AD directions1 are good enough if they satisfy Eq. (3). To study the effect of the number of samples taken on the trajectory, we designed the following experiment: For the system NONLIN2D(1), we took 100 random points and calculated the analytical descent directions and AD directions with respect to these points using different number of samples. The result is shown in Table I where the mean value has been calculated for the parameter α = ||dx−dxl ||/||dx||, where dx is the actual descent direction and dxl is the AD direction. Clearly, by increasing the number of samples, dxl gets closer to dx. B. Comparison of SA with SA+GD To examine how much GD can help improve SA for the falsification problem, we studied the experimental performance of the two methods. In summary, if the problem is easy to falsify, using GD will probably decrease the speed of falsification, in general. In fact, if finding a trajectory that can falsify the problem is easy, then GD is too conservative for the procedure. But if the problem is hard to falsify, GD will help SA in falsification as long as we strike a balance between the number of samples for SA (globality) and the number of times we descend using GD (local search). For the experiments, we utilized the following strategies: 1) Comparison on achieved falsification: Continue the simulation until the problem is falsified (robustness value zero) and study the statistics on the number of tests/simulations required for falsification. 2) Comparison using an equal number of total simulations: Use the same number of tests/simulations for both methods and compute statistics on the minimum robustness values of pure SA and SA+GD to see which method has less mean robustness value. We use the second strategy whenever the system simulation is very time consuming (because of the complexity of the model) or achieving falsification is very hard and requires a large number of simulations. Different parameters can affect the statistical properties of the algorithms: 1) System dynamics: it is usually harder to deal with nonlinear systems. We achieve better results for SA+GD as the system complexity increases. 2) How hard the problem is to falsify: for the same system dynamics the location of the initial conditions and the unsafe set can change the computational hardness of the problem. We require more complex methods for harder problems, so we experimentally confirmed that SA+GD works better for hard problems. 3) System dimension: the number of choices for SA grows exponentially with the system dimension. We 1 We remark that multiple directions can satisfy Eq. (3) and that, in practice we would be interested in the steepest descent.

TABLE II: Comparison between number of simulations necessary for achieving falsification using SA+GD as opposed to SA for NONLIN2D(1). mean









SA+GD (k1 = 2)





SA+GD (k1 = 3)





SA+GD (k1 = 5)





SA+GD (k1 = 10)





expect that moving toward a descent direction that will be guaranteed to decrease the robustness regardless of dimensions might help to falsify the problem faster. 4) Number of times we descend from each SA sample (parameter k1 in Alg. 1): experimental results showed that using a large number of GD for each sample is not helpful. In fact, this number should be chosen such that a balance is kept between globality of SA and local search of GD. 5) Step size h in Alg. 1: smaller step sizes reduce the speed of convergence and large step sizes might end up passing some smaller valued level sets. 6) Number of times we decrease the step size h (parameter k2 in Alg. 1): if we could not find a better robustness value, then we need to decrease the step size and try again the same descent direction. All the properties are problem dependent, except the last 3 ones which can be tuned to provide a good performance. For each experiment, we collected statistics over 100 runs to examine the usefulness of combining SA and GD for 6 different autonomous and non-autonomous benchmarks which can be found in S-TaLiRo. In all the experiments, the total number of tests is 100 and the initial step size is h = (0.1, 0.1). In tables II to IV, the comparison is based on the number of necessary simulations for achieved falsification. In order to study the effect of the number of descents per sample, we studied the statistics of these three benchmarks using different k1 values. For NONLIN2D(1) in Table II, the best results are related to k1 = 3. For NONLIN2D(2) in Table III, k1 = 5 is the best parameter value. For TCP in Table IV, the best k1 value is 20. In all the tables you can see that using very small and very large values for k1 can decrease the effectiveness of the method. In the last three tables, the comparison is based on the equal total number of simulations. As it is evident from the tables, in all the benchmarks the mean, maximum and minimum robustness values are better for SA+GD than pure SA. Also notice that based on Table VI, SA+GD has been able to falsify the problem in some of the tests while SA has not. In the presented results, the smaller normalized mean (N-mean) values show that SA+GD is more effective for that problem. Consider that N-mean(method)= mean(method)/(mean(SA)+mean(SA+GD)). V. C ONCLUSION We presented a method for approximating descent directions towards a set without requiring structural information about the system model. This is important when working

TABLE III: Comparison between number of simulations necessary for achieving falsification using SA+GD as opposed to SA for NONLIN2D(2) (a linear parameter varying autonomous 2D system). mean









SA+GD (k1 = 3)





SA+GD (k1 = 5)





SA+GD (k1 = 10)





TABLE IV: Comparison between number of simulations necessary for achieving falsification using SA+GD as opposed to SA for TCP (a linear autonomous 4 dimensional system). mean









SA+GD(k1 = 5)





SA+GD(k1 = 10)





SA+GD(k1 = 20)





SA+GD(k1 = 50)





TABLE V: Comparison between robustness values after 100 simulations computed using SA+GD as opposed to SA with k1 = 5 and equal number of total simulations for VFLuminescence (a nonlinear autonomous 9D system). mean














TABLE VI: Comparison between robustness values computed after 100 simulations using SA+GD as opposed to SA with k1 = 5 and equal number of total simulations for RLC (a linear non-autonomous 81D system). mean














TABLE VII: Comparison between robustness values computed after 100 simulations using SA+GD as opposed to SA with k1 = 5 and equal number of total simulations for Insulin (a highly nonlinear non-autonomous 6D system). mean














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Hybrid Approximate Gradient and Stochastic Descent for Falsification ...

able. In this section, we show that a number of system linearizations along the trajectory will help us approximate the descent directions. 1 s xo. X2dot sin.

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