Electron correlation in 1D electron gas Yan Jun July 26, 2008


The equation of motion [1]

The equation of motion for the classical one-particle distribution function f (x, p, t) under an external potential Vext (x, t) can be described using Boltzmann’s equation [2], ∂f (x, p, t)/∂t + p/m · ∇x f (x, p, t) − ∇x Vext (x, t) · ∇p f (x, p, t) Z − ∇x υ(x − x0 ) · ∇p f (x, p, x0 , p0 , t)dx0 dp0 = 0,


where υ(x) is the Coulomb interaction potential and f (x, p, x0 , p0 , t) is the two-particle distribution function. We define, f (x, p, x0 , p0 , t) = f (x, p, t)f (x0 , p0 , t)g(x − x0 ),


where g(x) is the static pair-correlation function. It is a finite value at the origin and one at long distances. In Hartree approximation, where the system is uncorrelated, g(x) = 1 everywhere. In Hartree-Fock approximation, where the exchange interaction is considered, g(x) interpolate from to 1 at large distance [3, 4]. 1

1 2

at the origin

If one writes f (x, p, t) = f0 (p) + δf (x, p, t),


where δf (x, p, t) denotes the deviation from the equilibrium distribution function f0 (p) induced by the external potential. By Linearizing Eq. (1), one has the following equation: [∂/∂t + p/m · ∇x ] δf (x, p, t)  R − ∇x Vext (x, t) + ∇x ψ(x − x0 )δf (x0 , p0 , t)dx0 dp0 · ∇p f0 (p) = 0,


where ∇x ψ(x) = g(x)∇x υ(x).


The effective field felt by the particle is then, Eef f (x, t) = −∇x Vef f (x, t) Z

= −∇x Vext (x, t) − ∇x υ(x − x0 )δf (x0 , p0 , t)dx0 dp0 Z − [g(x − x0 ) − 1]∇x υ(x − x0 )δf (x0 , p0 , t)dx0 dp0 .


The first two terms on the right-hand side of Eef f (x, t) are the usual macroscopic electric field, and the third term corresponds to the local-field corrections. Only the first two terms are present in the RPA.


Deduction of G(q)

Start from Eq. (5), we will obtain ψ(q),υ(q), and G(q) using Fourier transform. Eq. (5) can be written as, ∇x ψ(x) = ∇x υ(x) + [g(x) − 1]∇x υ(x). 2

The Fourier transform of ψ(x) and υ(x) is given by, X

ψ(x) =

ψ(q)eiq·x ,


υ(x) =



υ(q0 )eiq ·x .


The pair correlation function g(x) is related to the static structure factor through [3] g(x) − 1 =

1 X [S(k) − 1] eik·x N k


Then Eq. (5) becomes, X

X 1 X 00 [S(k) − 1] eik·x iq00 υ(q00 )eiq ·x N k q0 q00 X 1 XX 00 0 [S(k) − 1] iq00 υ(q00 )ei(k+q )·x . = iq0 υ(q0 )eiq ·x + N k q00 q0

iqψ(q)eiq·x =




iq0 υ(q0 )eiq ·x +

Under the condition, q = q0 = k + q00 , the above equation must satisfy that, qψ(q) = qυ(q) +

1 X [S(q − q00 ) − 1] q00 υ(q00 ). N q00

ψ(q) = υ(q) +

1 X q0 υ(q0 ) [S(q − q0 ) − 1] N q0 q

As a result,

= υ(q)[1 − G(q)],


where G(q) = −

1 X q0 υ(q0 ) [S(q − q0 ) − 1] N q0 q υ(q) 3


G(q) is different for 3D, 2D and 1D case:  Z q · q0 1 d3 q0  0  − [S(q − q ) − 1] ,    n q02 (2π)3        Z  q · q0 d2 q0 1 G(q) = [S(q − q0 ) − 1] , −  n q · q0 (2π)2          1 Z q 0 υ(q 0 ) dq 0   [S(q − q 0 ) − 1] ,  − n qυ(q) 2π

(3D) [1]

(2D) [5]


(1D) [6]

where n = N/Ω is the electron density. We have used in the above equation, υ(q) = 4πe2 /q 2 and υ(q) = 2πe2 /q for the case of 3D and 2D, respectively.


Deduction of Vef f (q, ω)

Starting from Eq. (6), we will obtain Vef f (q, ω) by Fourier transform. Eq. (6) is written as, Z ∇x Vef f (x, t) = ∇x Vext (x, t) +

∇x ψ(x − x0 )δf (x0 , p0 , t)dx0 dp0 .

The Fourier transform of each quantity in the above equation is (discard the coefficient denoting the volume), Vef f (x, t) =


Vef f (q, ω)eiq·x e−iωt ,


Vext (x, t) =


Vext (q, ω)eiq·x e−iωt ,


ψ(x − x0 ) =



ψ(q)eiq·(x−x ) ,


δf (x0 , p0 , t) =



δf (q, ω, p0 )eiq·x e−iωt .



Finally, Vef f (q, ω) can be expressed as, Vef f (q, ω) = Vext (q, ω) + ψ(q)δf (q, ω, p0 )Ωdp0 = Vext (q, ω) + υ(q)[1 − G(q)]δn(q, ω),


where δn(q, ω) is the induced charge density.


Deduction of (q, ω), χ(q, ω)

The induced charge density can be expressed as, δn(q, ω) = χ0 (q, ω)Vef f (q, ω)


= χ(q, ω)Vext (q, ω).


Combine Eq. (11)-(13), we can obtain, χ(q, ω) =

χ0 (q, ω) , 1 − υ(q)[1 − G(q)]χ0 (q, ω)


where G(q) = 0 reduces to the case of RPA. The dielectric function is defined as, Vext (q, ω) VH (q, ω) + Vext (q, ω) 1 = 1 + υ(q)χ(q, ω) υ(q)χ0 (q, ω) = 1− 1 + υ(q)χ0 (q, ω)G(q)

(q, ω) =

where we have used VH (q, ω) = υ(q)δn(q, ω) [5]


(15) (16) (17)


The self-consistent solution

Equations (9), (14) and (17), together with the relation between the structure factor and the imaginary part of the dielectric function, provide a set of equations which have to be solved self-consistently. They are written in the following for the 1D’s case [6], χ(q, ω) =

χ0 (q, ω) , 1 − υ(q)[1 − G(q)]χ0 (q, ω) υ(q)χ0 (q, ω) , 1 + υ(q)χ0 (q, ω)G(q)


q 0 υ(q 0 ) dq 0 [S(q − q 0 ) − 1] , qυ(q) 2π


(q, ω) = 1 − 1 G(q) = − n



~ S(q) = − πn


Im[χ(q, ω)]dω   Z ∞ 1 ~ Im = − dω. πnυ(q) 0 (q, ω)



We have obtained in the last report that, (in atomic units)  2  2 ω − ω− (q) 1 Reχ0 (q, ω) = ln 2 , 2 πq ω − ω+ (q)   −1/q (ω (q) < ω < ω (q)) − + Imχ0 (q, ω) =  0 Otherwise,


(23) (24)

where ω± (q) = |kF q ± 21 q 2 |.

References [1] K. S. Singwi, M. P. Tosi, R. H. Land, and A. Sj¨olander, Electron correlations at metallic densities, Phys. Rev. 176, 589 (1968). 6

[2] http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann equation [3] David Pines, Elementary excitations in solids, p74-76, W. A. Benjamin, Inc. 1964. [4] Jorge Kohanoff, Electronic structure calculations for solids and molecules - Theory and computational methods, p26, Cambridge, 2006. [5] T. Inaoka, T. Nagao, S. Hasegawa, T. Hildebrandt, and M. Henzler, Twodimensional plasmon in a metallic monolayer on a semiconductor surface: Exchange-correlation effects, Phys. Rev. B 66, 245320 (2002). [6] W. I. Friesen and B. Bergersen, Dielectric response of a one-dimensional electron gas, J. Phys. C 13, 6627 (1980).


% ----------Common Parameters, v(q) and w+(q), w-(q) ---------kf=0.41*0.529177;a=1.0/0.529177;m0=0.6; n=kf/pi;epsilon=6.25; % single-spin component % Be cautious to choose Ni, Nj, dq, dw % Finally, only 1:Ni/2*dq is valid, due to the calculation of G(q) Ni=400;Nj=2000; %w(Nj) should larger than w1(Ni) dq=0.001;dw=0.0003; % atomic unit 0.005/a.u. 0.0003Ry = 0.0082eV % Calculate w+(q) and w-(q) in atomic unit for i=1:Ni q(i)=i*dq; w1(i)=(kf*q(i)+0.5*q(i)^2)/m0;

% w_plus

w2(i)=abs(kf*q(i)-0.5*q(i)^2)/m0; % w_minus end %figure;plot(q,w1,'ok',q,w2','or');hold on; % error report if(w1(Ni) > Nj*dw) warning('w is smaller than w+, … please reset Nj or Ni');pause; end % Calculate Coulomb potential v(q), Bergesen's paper, % weekly report 2008-8-1 for i=1:Ni z=(a*q(i))^2; v(i)=quadl(@(x)exp(-x)./x,z,50,1e-6); v(i)=v(i)*exp(z)/epsilon; end %figure;plot(q,v,'ok');hold on;pause % ------------------------- STLS ------------------------% Calculate chi0(q,w), weekly report 2008-7-26, also Bergesen's paper chi0(1:Ni,1:Nj)=0.+0.i; for i=1:Ni for j=1:Nj w(j)=j*dw; temp1=m0/(pi*q(i))*log(abs((w(j)*w(j)-w2(i)*w2(i)+1.d-50)/… (w(j)*w(j)-w1(i)*w1(i)+1.d-50))); % Real part if(w2(i)
% Self-consistent iternaration. G(1:Ni)=0.;chi(1:Ni,1:Nj)=chi0(:,:);% Initialize l=['-k';'-r';'-y';'-r';'-y';'-r';'-y';'-r';'-y';'-r']; for iter=1:15 chiold(1:Ni,1:Nj)=chi(1:Ni,1:Nj); % Update chi for i=1:Ni for j=1:Nj chi(i,j)=chi0(i,j)/(1.-v(i)*(1.-G(i))*chi0(i,j)); end end % Whether converged? conv=0; for i=1:Ni/2 for j=1:Ni/2 conv=conv+abs(chi(i,j)-chiold(i,j)); end end conv if(conv <1d-3) break;end % Calculate S(q) for i=1:Ni S(i)=-sum(imag(chi(i,:)))*dw/(pi*n); end %figure;plot(q,S(:)); % Calculate G(q) G(1:Ni)=0.; for i=1:Ni for j=-Ni:Ni % !!! Especially note here if (j~=0 && abs(i-j)0) if(j>0) G(i)=G(i)-q(abs(j))*v(abs(j))/… (q(i)*v(i))*(S(abs(i-j))-1)*dq/(2.*pi*n); elseif(j<0) G(i)=G(i)+q(abs(j))*v(abs(j))/… (q(i)*v(i))*(S(abs(i-j))-1)*dq/(2.*pi*n); end end end

end %plot(q(1:Ni/2)/kf,G(1:Ni/2),l(iter,:));hold on; end %figure;plot(q/kf,G(:)); % find out plasmon energy, % the maximum of chi(q,w) at each q corresponding to wp, % Note, we consider only half Ni/2*dq, because the calculation % of G(q) for q>Ni/2*dq is invalid. for i=1:Ni/2 temp=0; for j=1:Nj if(temp

Electron correlation in 1D electron gas

Electron correlation in 1D electron gas. Yan Jun. July 26, 2008. 1 The equation of motion [1]. The equation of motion for the classical one-particle distribution ...

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