
Sexvedra „hualingis“ prezidentTan



Sexvedra „hualingis“ prezid entTan

Hualing intends to invest several hundred million US dollars in Georgia

msxvili Cinuri korporacia „hualingi” saqarTveloSi ramdenime aseuli milioni dolaris investirebas gegmavs, - axali sainvesticio proeqtebis Sesaxeb saqarTvelos premier-ministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma da korporaciis prezidentma mi enhuam dRevandel Sexvedraze isaubres. bunebrivi gazsacavi, saswavlo dawesebulebebi, saavadmyofo, aviakompaniis gaxsna da Cais mrewvelobisa da turizmis ganviTareba, - es is proeqtebia, romelTa ganxorcielebiT investorebi arian dainteresebulni. „Cven ukve ramdenime welia, saqarTveloSi msxvil investiciebs vaxorcielebT. korporaciis damfuZnebels Zalian uyvars saqarTvelo da Cven vgegmavT, ganvagrZoT investireba axal proeqtebSi, energetikisa da ganaTlebis sferoebSi. saubaria rogorc bunebrivi gazsacavis mSeneblobaSi monawileobaze, aseve Cais mrewvelobisa da turizmis ganviTarebaze. garda amisa, „hualingma” CineTSi Seisyida aviakompania, romelic saqarTvelos bazarze Semodis”, - ganacxada Sexvedris Semdeg „hualingis” regionuli direqtoris moadgile vang hinfum. saqarTvelos mTavroba investorebs proeqtebis ganxorcielebaSi mxars maqsimalurad dauWers. „Zalian mniSvnelovania, rom „hualing jgufs” Semohyavs axali aviakompania, romelic ukve daregistrirda saqarTveloSi. „boing 737" ti pis ori borti, romelsac mogvianebiT „boing 777" ti pis borti daemateba, saqarTvelodan

Major Chinese Corporation “Hualing” intends to invest several hundred million US dollars in Georgia, - Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili and the President of the Corporation Mi Enhua discussed the new investment at the meeting. Natural gas storage facilities, educational institutions, hospitals, establishment of the air company, development of tea industry and tourism, - investors are interested in implementation of above enumerated projects. “We have been conducting major investments in Georgia for a few years now. The founder of the company is fond of Georgia and we intend to continue to invest in new projects in the areas of education and energy. Construction of the natural gas storage as well as development of tea industry and tourism are part of our talks. Furthermore, “Hualing” has purchased an air company in China that will enter Georgian market”, Deputy Regional Director of Hualing Wang Hinfu noted after the meeting. The Government of Georgia will fully support the investors in implementation of the projects. “It is very important that “Hualing Group” brings new air company to Georgi. It has already been registered in Georgia. Two “Boeing 737” type aircrafts that will later be supplemented

Hualing intends to invest several hundred million US dollars in Georgia premieri ekonomikuri zrdis p ro gn ozi s ga zr da s mi e s alme b a

Prime Minister welcomes the improved economic growth forecast samuSao sauzme BP-is aRmasrulebel direqtorTan

Business breakfast with the CEO of British Petroleum biznesforumi - Georgia Investor Day

Business Forum - Georgia Investor Day di mi tr i qumsi Svi li s tartapebis xelSewyobis sakiTxSi amerikel eqsperts kristofer fongs Sexvda

Dimitry Kumsishvili Met with the US Expert on Start-up Promotion – Christopher Fong aWaram qvemo sileziis delegacias umaspinZla

Ajara hosted Lower Silesian delegation aWaris mTavrobis Tavmjdomarem ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ ga xs n a

Chairman of Ajara Government opened ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’

Seasrulebs reisebs evropisa da aziis mimarTulebiT, xolo SemdgomSi ganvixilavT aSS-is mimarTulebiT reisebis daniSvnis SesaZleblobas. garda amisa, maT aqvT Zalian konkretuli gegmebi, Cais plantaciebis aRorZinebis, aseve, kulturis da turizmis mimarTulebiT, raTa or qveyanas Soris turistuli mimosvla gaizardos”, - ganacxada Sexvedris Semdeg ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis ministrma, vice-premierma dimitri qumsiSvilma.

with the “Boeing 777” plane will conduct flights from Georgia to Europe and Asia. We also discuss the possibility of adding flights to the USA. Furthermore, they have specific plans in terms of stimulation of the tea plantation industry in Georgia as well as fostering culture and tourism to ensure tourist flows between the countries,” - Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Dimitry Kumsishvili noted after the meeting.

premieri ekonomikuri zrdis prognozis gazrdas miesalmeba

Prime Minister welcomes the improved economic growth forecast

momavali wlidan dagegmili gvaqvs Zalian mniSvnelovani reformebi, romlebic Tvisobrivad Secvlis saqarTvelos sainvesticio garemos da vfiqrobT, Sedegad miviRebT ekonomikuri zrdis Zalian mniSvnelovan daCqarebas, rac, ra Tqma unda, mniSvnelovnad aisaxeba samuSao adgilebis zrdaze, - ase gamoexmaura saqarTvelos premier-ministri giorgi kvirikaSvili EBRD-is mier saqarTvelos ekonomikuri zrdis prognozis gazrdas. premieris SefasebiT, Zalian kargia, rom evropis rekonstruqciisa da ganviTarebis bankma 3%-mde ekonomikuri zrdis prognozi gadaafasa da 3,4%-mde awia. „me vityodi, rom SeiZleba, ufro metic iyos zrda wlis bolomde, radgan Zalian mniSvnelovan cvlilebebs vaxorcielebT, rogorc oTxpunqtiani reformis farglebSi, aseve mTlianad vcvliT infrastruqturuli proeqtebis ganviTarebis da sxva proeqtebis menejmentis strategias. vfiqrobT, rogorc aRsrulebis meqanizmebis daxvewis kuTxiT, ise saerTaSoriso masStabiT saqarTvelos imijis gaumjobesebis mimarTulebiT Cvens mier gaweuli Zalisxmevis Sedegad da im stabilurobiT, romliTac saqarTvelo gamoirCeva, gansakuTrebiT bolo wlebis ganmavlobaSi, vfiqrob, SevZlebT, kidev ufro avwioT zrdis maCvenebeli”, aRniSna premier-ministrma.

We are planning to implement important reforms that will substantially alter the investment environment in Georgia next year. We consider that this will entail considerable acceleration of the economic growth of Georgia and this will influence the growth of the number of working places, - Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili responded to the prognosis made by the EBRD regarding the economic growth of Georgia. Pursuant to Prime Minister, it is a welcoming fact that the EBRD has reassessed the economic growth potential of the country and increased the prognosis to 3.4% from 3%. “I would say that even larger growth shall be expected till the end of year. Within the frames of the 4-point reform plan we are undertaking major changes alongside with completely altering the management strategy of infrastructural and other projects. We consider that the growth indicator will be increased due to the refinement of the enforcement mechanisms, steps taken in a view of improving Georgia’s image at the international level as well as stability that has become Georgia’s characteristic throughout the last years,” - Prime Minister indicated.

samuSao sauzme BP-is aRmasrulebel d i re q to rT a n

Business breakfast with the CEO of British Petroleum

“briTiS petroliumis” (BP) sainvesticio proeqtebze, warmatebul TanamSromlobasa da samomavlo perspeqtivebze isaubres saqarTvelos premier-ministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma da BP-is aRmasrulebelma direqtorma bob dedlim samuSao sauzmeze, romelic did britaneTSi saqarTvelos premier-ministris vizitis farglebSi gaimarTa. xazi gaesva „Sah-denizis” proeqtis meore fazis farglebSi samxreT

Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili and the executive director of British petroleum (BP) Bob Dudley discussed the investment projects implemented by the BP, successful partnership and the future perspectives. The meeting was held within the frames of the visit of the Prime Minister of Georgia to the United Kingdom. Importance of the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion (SCPX) within the stage 2 of


kavkasiuri milsadenis gafarToebis proeqtis (SCPX) mniSvnelobas, romelic milsadenis gamtarianobis gazrdas da kaspiis zRvaSi mdebare „Sah denizi 2"-is sabadodan evropis qveynebamde weliwadSi damatebiTi 16 miliardi kuburi metri gazis transportirebis uzrunvelyofas isaxavs miznad. proeqtis farglebSi saqarTveloSi 2 mlrd dolaris investicia xorcieldeba. samuSaoebis dasrulebis Semdeg saqarTvelo bunebrivi airis damatebiT moculobebs SeRavaTian fasad miiRebs. „Zalian kargi Sexvedra gvqonda, visaubreT 20-wliani warmatebuli TanamSromlobis Sesaxeb, romelic „briTiS petroliums” saqarTvelosTan akavSirebs. Cven gazsadenSi miliardobiT dolaris investicias vaxorcielebT. visaubreT istoriasa da samomavlo TanamSromlobaze. maT, vinc saqarTveloSi investirebis SesaZleblobas ganixilavs, siamovnebiT gavuziarebT Cvens gamocdilebas, radgan Cven enTuziazmiT varT ganwyobili am mimarTulebiT”, - ganacxada Sexvedris Semdeg BP-is aRmasrulebelma direqtorma bob dedlim. Sexvedrisas yuradReba aseve gamaxvilda ekonomikuri urTierTobebis kidev ufro gafarToebis aucileblobasa da saqarTveloSi meti britanuli investiciis mozidvis mniSvnelobaze.

implementation of Shah Deniz Project was also emphasized. The expansion of the pipeline aims at ensuring transportation of additional 16 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas per year from Shah Deniz 2 mine to Europe. Within the frames of the Project, investments worth of 2 billion USD are being conducted in Georgia. Upon the finalization of construction works, Georgia will receive additional amount of gas at a preferential rate. “We had very fruitful meeting, where we discussed the 20 years of successful partnership between the BP and Georgia. We are investing billions of dollars in the pipeline. We discussed the history and future cooperation. We can share our experience with anyone who intends to invest in Georgia. We are enthusiastic in this regard”, - CEO of BP Bob Dudley noted after the meeting. Need for further expansion of economic relations and attraction of even larger British investments was highlighted.

biznesforumi - Georgia Investor Day

Business Forum - Georgia Investor Day

saqarTvelos sainvesticio potencialsa da konkretul sainvesticio proeqtebze isaubra saqarTvelos premier-ministrma londonSi, biznesforumze Georgia Investor Day. saqarTvelos mTavrobis meTaurma prezentaciaze Sekrebil wamyvani britanuli sainvesticio fondebisa da bankebis xelmZRvanel pirebs detalurad gaacno is SesaZleblobebi, romlebsac saqarTvelo investorebs sTavazobs. „msoflio bankis Tanaxmad, Cveni qveyana erT-erTi wamyvania msoflioSi biznesis warmoebis simartivis kuTxiT, gadasaxadebis simsubuqis TvalsazrisiT ki Cven me-9 adgilze varT msoflioSi. Cven gavzardeT Cvens qveyanaSi Semosuli ucxouri investiciebis moculoba, xolo wamyvani sareitingo saagentoebis Tanaxmad, saqarTvelo stabiluri qveynebis katego-

Prime Minister of Georgia discussed investment potential of Georgia and specific investment projects at business forum Georgia Investor Day in London. The Head of the Government of Georgia presented detailed report on the opportunities provided by Georgia to its potential investors to the representatives of leading British investment funds and banks. “According to the World Bank, we are one of the easiest countries in which to do business. We have the 9th lowest tax burden in the world. We have increasing foreign


riaSi Sedis”,- ganacxada premier-ministrma. giorgi kvirikaSvilma aseve isaubra im SesaZleblobebze, romelsac investorebs saqarTvelos mier evrokavSirTan xelmowerili Rrma da yovlismomcveli Tavisufali savaWro sivrcis Sesaxeb SeTanxmeba aZlevs da aRniSna, rom mTavroba mzad aris, maqsimalurad Seuwyos xeli qveyanaSi meti pirdapiri ucxouri investiciis mozidvas. biznesforums 130 biznesmeni daeswro.

investment, and all the major credit rating agencies consider us stable.” - Prime Minister noted. Giorgi Kvirikashvili also elaborated on the opportunities offered by the DCFTA to the potential investors of Georgia. He also noted that the Government is ready to fully support attraction of foreign direct investment to Georgia. 130 businessmen attended the business forum.

dimitri qumsiSvili startapebis xelSewyobis sakiTxSi amerikel eqsperts kristofer fongs Sexvda

Dimitry Kumsishvili Met with the US Expert on Start-up Promotion – Christopher Fong

vice-premieri, saqarTvelos ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis ministri dimitri qumsiSvili startapebis xelSewyobis sakiTxSi amerikel eqsperts kristofer fongs Sexvda, romelic am mimarTulebiT ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis saministros ssi p inovaciebisa da teqnologiebis saagentos konsultirebas axorcielebs. Sexvedras aseve daeswro aRniSnuli saagentos xelmZRvaneli irakli qaSibaZe. Sexvedris dasrulebis Semdeg, ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis saministros inovaciebis da teqnologiebis saagentos Tavmjdomarem irakli qaSibaZem ganacxada, rom mTavrobis oTxpunqtiani gegmis mixedviT, erT-erT mTavar prioritets startapebis ganviTarebis xelSewyoba warmoadgens. misi TqmiT, kristofer fongis viziti emsaxureba imas, rom teqnologiurma parkma efeqturad uzrunvelyos startapebis xelSewyoba, meti informacia miawodos startapebs, Tu rogor gaxdnen konkurentunarianebi. irakli qaSibaZis gancxadebiT, uaxloes periodSi daiwyeba programa, romelic uzrunvelyofs startapebis dafinansebas, aseve sakonsultacio elementebs da infrastruqturasTan daSvebas. kristofer fongs didi gamocdileba rogorc startapebis dafinansebis, aseve maTi ganviTarebis kuTxiT. is 2006 wlidan ikavebda aRmasrulebeli menejeris poziciebs iseT wamyvan kompaniebSi, rogorebicaa, magaliTad, Gooogle, Expedia, is aseve mentorobda warmatebul startapebs da daarsa Xooglerpreneurs (Ex-Google Entrepreneurs Community).

Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Dimitry Kumsishvili met with the US expert on promotion of startups, Christopher Fong who provides with his expertize the Innovation and Technology Agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. The Head of the Agency, Irakli Kashibadze also attended the meeting. Upon the completion of the meeting, the Head the Innovation and Technology Agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Irakli Kashibadze stated that the promotion of the start-ups is envisaged by the 4-point plan of the Government. According to him, Christopher Fong assists the Agency to ensure that the techno parks efficiently promotes and supports the start-ups as well as to deliver more information to the companies on how to become competitive. As Irakli Kashibadze stated, the program allowing to financially support the start-ups, provide them with consultancy services and the access to the infrastructure shall be launched in the nearest feature. Christopher Fong has an extensive experience in financing of startups as well as in their promotion. Since 2006, he worked as an Executive Manager at such leading companies, as Google, Expedia, etc. He also supervised such successful start-ups as Xooglerpreneurs (Ex-Google Entrepreneurs Community).

aWaram qvemo sileziis delegacias u ma s pi n Zla

Ajara hosted Lower Silesian delegation

aWaris avtonomiur respublikas qvemo sileziis oficialuri delegacia stumrobs. delegacias qvemo sileziis savoevodos marSali cezari fSibilski xelmZRvanelobs. delegaciis SemadgenlobaSi aseve

Official visit of Lower Silesian delegation started in Ajara Autonomous Republic. Delegation was led by the Marshall of Lower Voivodship Cezary Pszybylski and consisted of ViceMarshall of Silesia, Members of Regional Parliament and


Sedian sileziis vice-marSali, regionuli parlamentis deputatebi, regionis promouSenis, turuzmis ganyofilebebis da sainvesticio saagentos warmomadgenlebi. oficialuri vizitis farglebSi delegaciis wevrebma Sexvedra gamarTes aWaris a/r soflis meurneobis ministrsa da finansTa da ekonomikis ministris moadgilesTan, sadac qvemo sileziis 10 wlis saerTo strategiis prezentaciis wardgines. Sexvedris Semdeg qvemo sileziis vicemarSali da delegaciis sxva wevrebi aWaris mTavrobis TavmjdomaresTan erTad „eqspo baTumi 2016“is gaxsnas daeswrnen da regionis turistul potencials gaecnen. 15 maiss aWaris a/r mTavrobis Tavmjdomare arCil xabaZe qvemo sileziis savoevodos marSals Sexvda, ris Semdegac delegaciis wevrebi qobuleTSi gaegzavrnen da munici palitetis gamgebels Sexvdnen. iqve moewyo qalaq qobuleTisa da qalaq miliCis prezentaciebi. delegatebi agroservis centri da „ispanis Waobic“ daaTvalierebes, aseve gaecnen baTumis RirsSesaniSnaobebs. qvemo sileziis delagaciis viziti aWaraSi 16 maiss dasrulda. SegaxsenebT, rom qvemo sileziis delegacia aWaraSi sapasuxo vizitiT imyofeba. ama wlis 29 martidan 1 aprilamde qvemo silezias aWaris a/r mTavrobis delegacia stumrobda, ris Sedegadac TanamSromlobis memorandumebi bevri saintereso mimarTulebiT gafromda. aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis ormxrivi TanamSromloba poloneTis respublikaSi qvemo sileziasa da sileziis savoevodosTan turizmis, ekonomikis, jandacvis, ganaTlebisa da kulturis mimarTulebiT bolo wlebia warmatebiT mimdinareobs.

representatives of promotion and tourism departments of the region and investment agency. In the frames of the official visit, delegates held meetings with the Minister of Agriculture of Ajara and the Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy of Ajara, where Lower Silesia’s 10 years’ strategy was presented. The delegation members attended the opening ceremony of EXPO BATUMI 2016 at Sheraton on May 13, which was held in Batumi for the ninth time and contributes to the popularization of Ajara. Vice-Marshall and other delegates attended the opening ceremony of ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ together with the Chairman of Ajara AR Government, where they got introduces with a tourism potential of our region. The Chairman of Ajara AR Government Archil Khabadze meet the delegation on May 15. After the meeting they traveled to Kobuleti Municipality to meet the Governor. They visited the Agroservice Center, ‘Ispani Marsh’ and Batumi sightseeing. Lower Silesian delegation left Ajara on May 16. We want to remind you that this is the return visit to Ajara. Official delegation of Ajara AR Government visited Lower Silesia on 29 March this year, which resulted in number of memorandums signed in a lot of interesting directions. Ajara AR Government has been successfully cooperating with the Lower Silesia and Silesian Voivodeship for years. Cooperation includes Tourism, Economics, Health Care, Education and Culture.

aWaris mTavrobis Tavmjdomarem ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ gaxsna

Chairman of Ajara Government opened ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’

baTumSi „turizmisa da sastumro aRWurvilobis“ ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ me-9 saerTaSoriso gamofena gaixsna. ceremonias, romelic aWaris mTavrobis Tavmjdomarem arCil xabaZem gaxsna, aWaraSi oficialuri vizitiT myofi qvemo sileziis delegaciis warmomadgenlebi da aWaris mTavrobisa da umaRlesi sabWos wevrebic daeswrnen. „turizmisa da sastumro aRWurvilobis“ me-9 saerTaSoriso gamofena ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ -is geografia yovelwliurad izrdeba da regionisTvis sul ufro meti Sedegis momtani xdeba. masSi rogorc adgilobrivi, aseve ucxouri

9th International Exhibition of Tourism and Hotel Equipment ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ opened by the Chairman of Ajara AR Government. The opening ceremony was attended by the Lower Silesian delegation which was paying an official visit to Batumi. Event was also attended by the representatives of Ajara AR Government and the Supreme Council. 9th International Fair of Tourism and Hotel Equipment EXPO BATUMI 2016 is expending its borders year by year becoming more and more important for our region. Representatives of local and foreign companies of hotels, hotel equipments, decora-


sastumro qselebis, sastumro aRWurvilobis, dekoracebis, restornebisa da turizmis sferoSi dasaqmebuli sxvadasxva kompaniis warmomadgenlebi monawileoben. wels gamofenaze pirvelad monawileobda poloneTis qvemo sileziis turizmis departamenti, romelmac Tavisi regionis amsaxveli bukletebi da sareklamo masalebi warmoadgina. poloneTis pavilionTan damTvalierebels SeeZlo survilisamebr moexata keramikis nivTebi polonuri ornamentebiT, SeeZinaT xelnakeTi da mineraluri qvebiT gaformebuli mosarTavebi. gamofenaze warmodgenili iyo aWaris sxvadasxva munici palitetis gastronomia, folklori, xelnakeTi nivTebi da sainformacio masalebi. dainteresebul damTvalierebels da turizmis sferoSi dasaqmebulebs SeuZliaT gaecnon saqarTvelos sxvadasxva turistuli obieqtebis, daculi teritoriebisa da dasasvenebeli adgilebis Sesaxeb ganaxlebul informacias. ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’-ze wels warmodgenilia saqarTvelo, TurqeTi, azerbaijani, ukraina, holandia, somxeTi, poloneTi da CineTi. gamofenis farglebSi gaimarTa sareklamo, sainformacio turebi, prezentaciebi monawileTaTvis da Sexvedrebi masmediis warmomadgenlebTan. ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ is mxardamWeria - aWaris mTavroba, qalaq baTumis meria, saqarTvelos turizmis erovnuli administracia, aWaris turizmisa da kurortebis departamenti, aWaris turistuli produqtebis ganviTarebis saagento, baTumis avtotransporti , saqarTvelosa da aWaris gidebis asociaciaciebi, aWaris savaWrosamrewvelo palata da saqarTvelos saqarTvelos saerTaSoriso investorTa asociacia. gamofenis organizatori aris saqarTveloSi moqmedi kompania Sps „GEONET EXPO”. „GEONET EXPO” saqarTveloSi erT-erTi pirveli saerTaSoriso sagamofeno kompaniaa da baTumSi gamofenebis organizebiT, xels uwyos regionSi gamofenebis ganviTarebas, misi ZiriTadi mizania baTumSi saerTaSoriso gamofenebis organizeba.

tions, restaurants and other companies involved in tourism sphere. Tourism department of Lower Silesia participated in fair for the first time and presented with promotional materials. Visitors were able to paint ceramic items with Polish ornaments at Polish pavilion, also buy handmade ornaments with mineral stones. The exhibition presented a variety of local gastronomy, folklore, crafts and informational materials. Stakeholders and people employed in tourism sphere are able to get introduced with tourism facilities of Georgia, protected

areas and get updated information about recreational areas. Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, the Ukraine, Holland, Armenia, Poland and China are presented on exhibition this year. Advertisement and information tours were organized in frames of the event, as well as presentations for participants and meetings with media representatives. ‘EXPO BATUMI 2016’ supported by the Government of Ajara, Georgian Tourism National Administration, Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ajara, International Investment Association of Georgia, Batumi City Hall and Batumi Auto transport. The exhibition organizer is the Georgian Company “GeoNet Expo” LTD. “GeoNet Expo” is one of the first International exhibition companies making Organization, to support development of the exhibition in the region. The main goal is to exhibit the International one in Batumi.

6010, 50 Baku str. Batumi, Georgia Tel: +995 (422) 27 49 70 [email protected]

cfmfhsdtkj6 ,fsevb6 ^)!)6 ,fmjc m7 %) ntk7 +995 (422) 27 49 70


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Ministry of Finance of Georgia and sta- tistic service will adjust it after working”,. - Minister of Finance declared. axali biznescentri da. rkinigzis sadguri baTumSi.

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rac iTvaliswinebs sabaJo sferoSi. ormxrivi TanamSromlobis gaZli- erebas. saqarTvelos premier-minis- tris gancxadebiT, aRniSnuli dekla- racia mniSvnelovania ...

Six Finalists in the Running for AOL Autos' Technology of the Year Award ... each embodying the latest and greatest developments in automotive fuel economy,.

Digest 361.pdf
tection agreement between Georgia and Qatar was success- fully held in Tbilisi. Georgian delegation was headed by the. Deputy Minister of Economy and ...