Gl obalTel ecom Sol ut i onsPr ovi der

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Whowear e?

Count r i es

Cont ac tc ent er sagent sandc us t omer sar e l oc at edi nv ar i ouspl ac es ,s panni ngov er3 c ont i nent s .Soonwes hal l begl obal .

Per cent

OurPr oduc t sac hi ev egl obal l y99% upt i me ons of t war eandhar dwar e.Wear et r y i ngt o i mpr ov eons ame.

Cohesi ve Technol ogi es i sa Gl obal Tel ecom Sol ut i on Pr ovi der on VoI P and I P Pl at f or m as wel la l eadi ng I nt egr at or and Sol ut i on Pr ovi der wi t h t he Best I nnovat i veI PSol ut i ons. Wor ki ng wi t h Technol ogy Par t ner sl i ke Gr andst r eam, EPYGI ,2N,Acul ab,DI GI UM & Eur ot echhel pusdel i ver i ng st at eof t hear t t echnol ogy Pr oduct s t o Pr emi se and Cl oudbasedr equi r ement sf or var i ous compani es t hatspan acr ossmul t i pl esegment s.

Compet i t i ve Advant ages Compr ehensi vepor t f ol i o ofI Pvoi ce/ vi deo communi cat i onsandvi deo sur vei l l ancesol ut i ons Unr i val edl eader shi pi n pr i cet oper f or mancer at i o Br oadi nt er oper abi l i t ywi t h t hemaj or i t yof3r dpar t y SI Ppr oduct sont he mar ket

Advancedvoi ceandvi deo al gor i t hmsf orcr yst alcl ear Cohesi ve i ncr ease i n audi oandvi deo cust omersat i sf act i onl evel and t r ansmi ssi on t he r epeat busi ness gr owt h di r ect l y poi nt s t owar ds t he nt egr at i onofI PPBX cust omerdel i ghtwhi ch i sa I t ensi onsonbackof f i ce Pr i me f ocus of ever y ex wi t hcont actcent r eagent s Cohesi an.

I nt er act i ons

canhel pyougeta conver gedsol ut i onswhi ch i scust omi sabl e,r el i abl e& manageabl e.

Ours ol ut i onsi nUCandCCt ol ar ge numberofc us t omer sdohugenumberof i nt er ac t i onsandt r ans ac t i onsandwet r y i ng t omak ei tbet t er

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Tel ecom andMedi aSol ut i ons





Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

WhyChoosi ng Modul ar i t yScal abi l i t y

Cr adl e s uppor t s Modul ar Ar c hi t ec t ur es ,ourmodul esofI VR/ ACD/ Di al er / Logger / Voi c e Bl as t er s c an be added on c or e modul e whenev er c us t omer needs wi t h i nc r eas e/ dec r eas eofs eat s .Al lour modul es ar e demand v al ue add modul es .

Mul t i channel

Cr adl ei nt egr at est hemos twant ed appl i c at i ons f or i nbound & out bound. Voi c e, Emai l& SMS Tr af f i cwi t hav er yus erf r i endl yweb i nt er f ac e.

Suppor twhi chenl i ght en yourbusi ness

Cr adl ec or eof f er sahol i s t i cs uppor t s er v i c es by qui c kr es ol ut i ons of i s s uesofal l pr oduc t s .Cohes i v ef i r s t c al lr es ol ut i on,s t af fef f i c i enc y& oc cupanc y hel ps t o ac hi ev e a del i ght edc us t omer s .

Consul t i ng

Cohes i v ehasav as tex per i enc ei n VoI PSer v i c es&Bus i nes sSol ut i ons i nUC/ CCandSur v ei l l anc e.Wec an hel pi n under s t andi ng t he met r i c s and es t abl i s hi ng a s t r at egy t o ac hi ev eoper at i onal ex c el l enc e.

360°Ser vi ces

Cohes i v e notonl y hel ps wi t ht he t ec hnol ogybutc anpr ov i dey ouwi t h al lr equi r ed T el ec om and Dat a I nf r as t r uc t ur es t o r un a s t abl e oper at i on.Wewor kl i k eones i ngl e wi ndow f ort he c us t omer s .( I nf r a s er v i c esav ai l abl eonl yi nI NDI A)

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Funct i onal i t i es&Net wor kAr chi t ect ur e

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Funct i onal i t i es&Net wor kAr chi t ect ur e OnPr emi seCont actCent er OnPr emi s eCont a c tCent r eS ol u on I SP/ TEL

Gr andst r eam /Epygi

Cal lser veroncommer ci al Ast er i skwi t hLI CENSEDCODEC


Aget ns1 ACD/ Di al er CRM Appl i cat i ons &Dat abaseRepor t s 3r dPar t yI nt egr at i on

3r dPar t ySof t war e


Compet i t i ve Advant ages Compet i t i on

t i pl ec al l s er v er sr equi r ed. •NoMul al as t er i s kwi t hl i c ens edc odec •WorkonCommerci gh •MTBF-Hi i gi bl epowerc ons umpt i onwhi c hr es ul t st o •Negl enoughpowers av i ng

Agent s2

Agent sn

l s er v er sr equi r ed •Norestartsofcal l t i n5l ev el ofI VRdes i gner •Bui l t i nbas i cCRM Sc r i pt er •Bui c ens edc odecf orv oi c e&v i deo •Li r es ul t i ngl owbandwi dt h

I SP/ TEL Aget ns1 ACD/ Di al er


Cal lSer ver1. . . . . . . . . . . . Cal lSer verN

CRM Appl i cat i ons &Dat abaseRepor t s 3r dPar t yI nt egr at i on

Agent s2

Agent sn 3r dPar t ySof t war e

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Funct i onal i t i es&Char act er st i cs Geni usRout i ng Rout et hecal l sbasedonal ar gevar i et yofpar amet er ssuchas: Agentski l l s

Hi st or y

Per f or mancet r ack r ecor dsoft heagent s

Wor ki ng/ nonwor ki nghour s

Cust omerst at us ( VI P,ur gentcal l s, …)

Anyot heri nf or mat i onf r om yourCRM Anyot herbusi nessr ul eyoumayhave

Thecal l i ngnumber Thecal l ernumber

Out bound Campai gnmanagementi nt hr eedi f f er entmodes: Pr evi ewdi al er Pr ogr essi vedi al er Pr edi ct i vedi al er

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Funct i onal i t i es&Char act er st i cs Gr eatBusi nessAnal yt i cs Yourcal lcent eri sakeybusi nessasset .Maxi mi z eyouri nvest mentby i mpr ovi ngyourKPI s Fi r stcal lr esol ut i on


Gr adeofser vi ce( numberof cal l sanswer ed wi t hi nxseconds)

Abandonedcal l s

Seatcapaci t yvsanswer edcal l s Lostcal l sst epanal yzer

Cal l sanswer ed Cal l sof f er ed

EnhanceBusi nessExper i ence Conver tyourcal l swhi l et hecust omeri shot WebCal lback Aut omat edabandonedcal lback

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Funct i onal i t i es&Char act er st i cs

Qual i t yCont r ol s&Ful lBusi ness Atanyt i meyoucancont r olt hecal l s&r at et hem: Cal lr ecor di ngs

Fi r stcal lResol ut i onaudi or ecor ds

Cal leval uat i on

Phant om cal l saudi or ecor ds

CDR–Cal ldet ai l s r ecor di ng

Webbasedi nt er f acef or manager sandadmi ni st r at or s

I nt heOper at i onRoom Dashboar d

Cal lwhi sper i ngandspyi ng

Lar gechoi ceofr i ngcal l st r at egi es

Ski l l sdi spl ay

Possi bi l i t yofaut oansweron headset s

Per sonalaut hent i cat i on Hotdesk

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Funct i onal i t i es&Char act er st i cs CRM I nt egr at i on&CRM Scr i pt er Pr of i ti nMi niCRM Scr i pt eraswel laswecando3r dpar t y CRM I nt egr at i on Popupscr een Cl i ckt ocal l Cl i ckt ot r ansf er

Mul t i Channel Yourcust omer sar ewi l l i ngt oi nt er actt hr oughal lt he channel st hatar eavai l abl ewi t ht hei rsmar tphones: Voi ce

Twi t t er



Emai l


Vi deo

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Cont actCent r eSol ut i onsonSwi t chvox ( ACDSol ut i onwi t hNot i f i erDi al er )

Swi t chvox t i pl eopt i onsofAppl i anceHar dwar e/Vi r t ualSer verandDedi cat edSer vercanbeused. Har dwar e:Mul ForMor edet ai l spl easevi si twww. di gi umi ndi a. i n

SomeAdvancedFeat ur es: Sal esf or ceandSugarCRM Connect orwi t hExt endAPI TheSwi t chvoxSwi t chboar di ncl udespanel st hatcandi r ect l yt i ei nt o yourexi st i ng syst ems orot herweb ser vi ces t o gi ve you vi t al i nf or mat i onatyourwor ker sf i nger t i psbef or et heyconnectt ot he cal l .Ret r i evecust omerdat af r om Sal esf or ce. com orSugarCRM, getdemogr aphi ci nf or mat i onf r om Googl eMaps,andmuchmor e.I f t hepaneldoesn’ tal r eadyexi st ,uset heSwi t chvoxExt endAPIt o bui l dyourown!

Swi t chvoxPanel Swi t chvox’ s Swi t chboar d has cl i c kt oc al l , and dr aganddr op t r ansf er s,and ot herf eat ur es t hatmake i teasi ert han evert o communi cat ei nt ui t i vel y .

Cal lQueueVi si bi l i t y EachCal l QueuePanel cont ai nsvi ewsi nt ot hatqueue’ sact i vi t yand st at i st i csf ort heday .Queuemember scanl ogi nt ooroutofeach queuewi t honecl i ck,orcanpauseandaddacomment ,t ol et cowor ker sknowwhat ' sgoi ngon.

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Cont actCent r eSol ut i onsonSwi t chvox ( ACDSol ut i onwi t hNot i f i erDi al er ) Andr oi dVoi cemai lf orbackof f i ceext ensi ons Li st ent oyourvoi cemai landr et ur ncal l sr i ghtf r om t heVoi cemai l scr eenonyourSwi t chvoxMobi l ef orAndr oi dapp!

Cal lRecor di ng Recor dcal l syourowncal l sorot her st hatyouhaveper mi ssi ons ov eron t he f l y .You can al so schedul et hem t o be r ecor ded aut omat i cal l y .

Cal lRepor t s Vi ew gr aphsandr epor t sofst at i st i caldat aaboutt hecal l si nyour Swi t chvox.Fi ndoutusef uli nf or mat i onsuchaswhent hehi ghest vol umeofcal l scomei n,ori fcal l er sar eabandoni ngcal l swhent hey r eachaspeci f i cpoi nti nanI VR.

Cur r entCal l sPanel Vi ew yourcur r entact i vecal l s,r ecor d,pl aceonhol d,andsendt o voi cemai lal lwi t hasi ngl ecl i ck.

Devi ceSwi t ch( Backof f i ceext ensi on) Youcaneasi l yt r ansf eracal lf r om oneofyourdevi cest oanot her wi t houtt heper sonyoucal l edknowi ng!Movecal l sf r om yourdesk phone t o yourmobi l e phone seaml essl yt oi nst ant l y become mobi l e. Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Cont actCent r eSol ut i onsonSwi t chvox ( ACDSol ut i onwi t hNot i f i erDi al er ) Mul t i pl eAdmi ni st r at or s Swi t chvoxSubAdmi nscanbesetupt odoever yt hi ngt hemai n admi n can do,orj usta f ew t asks.Thi sl et s you shar et he admi ni st r at i ver esponsi bi l i t i es,butcont r olwhoi sabl et odowhat .

Not i f i erSt at us Changeyourst at ust oAvai l abl e,Away ,DoNotDi st ur bandmor e, st r ai ghtf r om Out l ook.

Pr esencePanel Onegl anceatt heSwi t chboar doryourDi gi um I Pphoneshowsyou whatyourcowor ker sar eupt o. Youcanseewhet hert heyar eont he phone,unavai l abl e,orf r eet ot al kt oyou.Andset t i ngyourown pr esencei seasy;youcanevenl ogi nandoutofaqueueandl eave anot eaboutwhenyou' l lr et ur n.

QueueRepor t swi t hQueueExper i ence&Queue Announcement s

Swi t chvoxQueueRepor t i ngi nst ant l yshowsyoumeani ngf ul t r ends wi t h gr aphi cal char t s. You can upl oad musi c or r ecor d announcement s,andyoucanl etyourcal l er sknow whent heycan ex pectt ot al kt osomeone.

Fi r ef ox&Googl eMapI nt egr at i on Fi r edi al erf orcl i ckt ocal lf oranyphonenumberonanywebpage you' r el ooki ng at& cal l erl ocat i on wi t h handy popup t hr ough pr evi ouscal l er s’ l ocat i ons.

Websi t e:www. coht echnol ogi es. com |Emai l :i nf o@coht echnol ogi es. com |Cal lusnow:+911204830000

Cohe s i v eT e c hnol ogi e sc ameac r os sast hemos t fle x i bl et e amt ode s i gnaCont ac tCe nt r eS ol u on. We ar ev e r yhappywi t ht hepe r f or manc eoft hepr oduc t &wi s ht hev e r ybe s tt oCohe s i v eT e c hnol ogi e sf or f ut ur ee nde av our s .

Bha v nee tKa ur( S r . Pr oduc tMa na g er )

Ra j es hL oomba( MDE c oRentaCa r )

Est eemedCust omer s

RealEst at e

Cohe s i v eT e c hnol ogynotonl yunde r s t oodourRe qui r e me nt sbutdi dAc t e dasas ol u onar c hi t e c t&s ugge s t e d ust oi nt e gr at eHe l pde s kwi t hBac koffic eS ol u on. T he i r Knowl e dgenotonl yonVoI Pbutal s oonT DM he l pe dus i nt e gr at et heL e gac yT r unk swi t hCont ac tCe nt r e( Ame y o) &S t at eofAr tI PPBX( Gr ands t r e am) .

Educat i on&Heal t hcar e

“ T hePr oduc t sP orol i ot he yc ar r i e doft heBe s t Br andsi nt hewor l dandaswe l l s e e i ngt he i r c r e de n al sandPr e s e nc eatAP ACL e v e l madeus r e l yont he i rCompe t e nc eandhe nc emadeus c hoos et he masourVal uei nt e gr at or . ”

Pr a s ha s t( S r . Vi c ePr es i dent , NI I TS ma r tS er v e)


ECommer ce&Ent er pr i se

“ Cohe s i v eT e c hnol ogi e sgav euss ol u onspos t unde r s t andi ngourr e qui r e me nt s&op mi s i ngoure x i sng i nf r as t r uc t ur e, t he ynotonl yhe l pe dust hee x t e ns i v eCont ac t s ol u onsi nt e gr a ngi twi t hourT DM Nor t e l butal s ohe l pe d uswi t hS I PPBXatMe dant aCl i ni c&i nt e gr a ngi twi t h Me dant aGur gaon. ”

Mr . Ha r ma ndeep ( I nf r a s t r uc t ur eHea d, Meda nt at heMedi c i t y )

Cohesi veTechnol ogi esPvt .Lt d.

Bangal or e:+91-9810036790,Mumbai :+91-9650871100,Punj ab:+91-9814081331/ 9650871100,Kol kat a:+91-9810881220,Chennai :+91-9810036790

b l r @c o h t e c h n o l o g i e s . c o m, c h e n n a i @c o h t e c h n o l o g i e s . c o m, mu mb a i @c o h t e c h n o l o g i e s . c o m, p u n j a b @c o h t e c h n o l o g i e s . c o m, k o l k a t a @c o h t e c h n o l o g i e s . c o m


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