Asymptotic Distributions of Instrumental Variables Statistics with Many Instruments James H. Stock and Motohiro Yogo


This paper extends Staiger and Stock’s (1997) weak instrument asymptotic approximations to the case of many weak instruments by modeling the number of instruments as increasing slowly with the number of observations. It is shown that the resulting “many weak instrument” approximations can be calculated sequentially by letting first the sample size, and then the number of instruments, tend to infinity. The resulting distributions are given for k-class estimators and test statistics.

1. INTRODUCTION Most of the literature on the distribution of statistics in instrumental variables (IV) regression assumes, either implicitly or explicitly, that the number of instruments (K 2 ) is small relative to the number of observations (T ); see Rothenberg’s (1984) survey of Edgeworth approximations to the distributions of IV statistics. In some applications, however, the number of instruments can be large; for example, Angrist and Krueger (1991) had 178 instruments in one of their specifications. Sargan (1975), Kunitomo (1980), and Morimune (1983) provided early asymptotic treatments of many instruments. More recently, Bekker (1994) obtained first-order distributions of various IV estimators under the assumptions that K 2 → ∞, T → ∞, and K 2 /T → c, 0 ≤ c < 1, when the so-called concentration parameter (µ2 ) is proportional to the sample size and the errors are Gaussian. Chao and Swanson (2002) have explored the consistency of IV estimators with weak instruments when the number of instruments is large, in the sense that K 2 is also modeled as increasing to infinity, but more slowly than T . This paper continues this line of research on the asymptotic distribution of IV estimators when there are many instruments. Our focus is on the case of many weak instruments, that is, when there are many instruments that are, on average, only weakly correlated with the included endogenous regressors. Specifically, we extend the weak instrument asymptotics developed in Staiger and Stock (1997) to the case of many instruments. The key technical device of the Staiger–Stock (1997) weak instrument asymptotics is fixing the expected value of the concentration parameter, along with the number of instruments,


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as the sample size increases. Here, we extend this to the case that the expected value of the concentration parameter is proportional to the number of instruments, and the number of instruments is allowed to increase slowly with the sample size, specifically, as T → ∞, K 2 → ∞, E(µ2 )/K 2 → Λ∞ (a fixed matrix), and K 24 /T → 0. We refer to asymptotic limits taken under sequences satisfying these conditions as many weak instrument limits. (The term “many” should not be overinterpreted because while the number of instruments is allowed to tend to infinity, the condition K 24 /T → 0 requires it to do so very slowly relative to the sample size.) Under these conditions, and some additional technical conditions stated in Section 2 (including i.i.d. sampling and existence of fourth moments), it is shown that the limits of k-class IV statistics as K 2 and T jointly tend to infinity can in general be computed using sequential asymptotic limits. Under sequential asymptotics, the fixed-K 2 weak instrument limit is obtained first, then the limit of that distribution is taken as K 2 → ∞. The advantage of this “first T then K 2 ” approach is that the sequential calculations are simpler than the calculations that arise along the joint sequence of (K 2 , T ). A potential disadvantage of this approach is that this simplicity comes at the cost of a stronger rate condition than might be obtained along the joint sequence. We begin in Section 2 by specifying the model, the k-class IV statistics of interest, and our assumptions. Section 3 justifies the sequential asymptotics by showing that, under these assumptions, a key uniform convergence condition holds. In Section 4, we derive the many weak instrument limits of k-class estimators and test statistics using sequential asymptotics. These many weak instrument limits are used in Stock and Yogo (2004) to develop tests for weak instruments when the number of instruments is moderate. Some of these results might be of more general interest, however; for example, Chao and Swanson (2002) show that √ LIML is consistent under these conditions, and in this paper we provide its K 2 -limiting distribution. Section 5 provides some concluding remarks. 2. THE MODEL, STATISTICS, AND ASSUMPTIONS 2.1.

Model and Notation

We consider the IV regression model with n included endogenous regressors: y = Yβ + u, Y = ZΠ + V,

(2.1) (2.2)

where y is the T × 1 vector of T observations on the dependent variable, Y is the T × n matrix of n included endogenous variables, Z is the T × K 2 matrix of K 2 excluded exogenous variables to be used as instruments, and u and V are a T × 1 vector and T × n matrix of disturbances, respectively. The n × 1

IV Statistics with Many Instruments


vector β and K 2 × n matrix Π are unknown parameters. Throughout this paper we exclusively consider inference about β. It is useful to introduce some additional notation. Let Zt = (Z 1t · · · Z K 2 t ) , Vt = (V1t · · · Vnt ) , Y = [y Y], Q Z Z = E(Zt Zt ),  Σ=E

ut Vt



σ uu = ΣVu

 ΣuV , ΣVV



ρ = ΣVV ΣVu σ −1/2 uu , √ C = T Π, and −1/2 



(2.4) (2.5) −1/2





The n × n matrix Λ K 2 is the expected value of the concentration parameter, divided by the number of instruments, K 2 . Note that ρ ρ ≤ 1. 2.2.

k-Class Statistics

The k-class estimator of β is ˆ β(k) = [Y (I − kMZ )Y]−1 [Y (I − kMZ )y],


where M Z = I – Z(Z Z)−1 Z and k is a scalar. The Wald statistic, based on the k-class estimator, testing the null hypothesis β = β 0 is W (k) =

ˆ ˆ − β0 ] [β(k) − β 0 ] [Y (I − kMZ )Y][β(k) , n σˆ uu (k)


ˆ where σˆ uu (k) = u(k) ˆ  u(k)/(T ˆ − n) and u(k) ˆ = y − Yβ(k). Specific k-class estimators of interest include two-stage least squares (TSLS), the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimator, Fuller’s (1977) k-class estimator, and bias-adjusted TSLS (BTSLS; Nagar 1959; Rothenberg 1984). The values of k for these estimators are (cf. Donald and Newey 2001): TSLS:

k = 1,


k = kˆ LIML is the smallest root of det (Y Y − kY M Z Y) = 0, (2.10)


k = kˆ LIML − c/(T − K 2 ), where c is a positive constant,



k = T /(T − K 2 + 2),


where det(A) is the determinant of matrix A.



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We assume that the random variables are i.i.d. with four moments, the instruments are not multicollinear, and the errors are homoskedastic; that is, we assume: Assumption A (a) There exists a constant D1 > 0 such that mineval(Z Z/T ) ≥ D1 a.s. for all K 2 and for all T greater than some T0 . (b) Zt is i.i.d. with EZt Zt = QZZ , where QZZ is positive definite, and E Z it4 ≤ D2 < ∞, where i = 1, . . . , K 2 . (c) η t = [u t Vt ] is i.i.d. with E(η t | Zt ) = 0, E(η t η t | Zt ) = Σ, which is positive definite, and E(|ηit η jt ηkt ηlt | | Zt ) = E(|ηit η jt ηkt ηlt |) ≤ D3 < ∞, where i, j, k, l = 1, . . . , n + 1. The next assumption is that the instruments are weak in the sense that the amount of information per instrument does not increase with the sample size, that is, the concentration parameter is proportional to the number of instruments. For fixed K 2 , this assumption is achieved by considering the sequence of models √ in which C = Π/ T is fixed, so that Π is modeled as local to zero (Staiger and Stock 1997). We adopt this nesting here, specifically: Assumption B. maxi, j |Ci, j | ≤ D4 < ∞, where D4 does not depend on T or K 2 , and C C/K 2 → H as T → ∞, where H is a fixed n × n matrix. Assumption B implies that Λ K 2 → Λ∞ as T → ∞, where Λ∞ is a fixed matrix with maxeval(Λ∞ ) < ∞. When the number of instruments is fixed, this assumption is equivalent to the weak-instrument Assumption L in Staiger and Stock (1997). Our √ analysis focuses on sequences of K 2 that, if they increase, do so slower than T . Specifically, we assume: Assumption C. K 24 /T → 0 as T → ∞. Note that Assumption C does not require K 2 to increase, but it limits the rate at which it can increase. 3. UNIFORM CONVERGENCE RESULT This section provides the uniform convergence result (Theorem 3.1) that justifies the use of sequential asymptotics to compute the many weak instrument limiting representations. We adopt Phillips and Moon’s (1999) notation in which (T , K 2 → ∞)seq denotes the sequential limit in which first T → ∞, then K 2 → ∞; the notation (K 2 , T → ∞) denotes the joint limit in which K 2 is implicitly indexed by T .

IV Statistics with Many Instruments


Lemma 6 of Phillips and Moon (1999) provides general conditions under which sequential convergence implies joint convergence. Phillips and Moon (1999), Lemma 6 (a) Suppose there exist random vectors X K and X on the same probabilp ity space as X K ,T satisfying, for all K , X K ,T → X K as T → ∞ and p p X K → X as K → ∞. Then X K ,T → X as (K , T → ∞) if and only if lim sup K ,T Pr [X K ,T − X K  > ε] = 0 for all ε > 0.


(b) Suppose there exist random vectors X K such that, for any fixed K , d



X K ,T → X K as T → ∞ and X K → X as K → ∞. Then X K ,T → X as (K , T → ∞) if and only if, for all bounded continuous functions f , lim sup K ,T |E[ f (X K ,T )] − E[ f (X K )]| = 0.


Note that condition (3.2) is equivalent to the requirement lim sup K ,T supx |FX K ,T (x) − FX K (x)| = 0,


where FX K ,T is the c.d.f. of X K ,T and FX K is the c.d.f. of X K . The rest of this section is devoted to showing that the conditions of this lemma, that is, (3.1) and (3.3), hold under assumptions A, B, and C for the statistics that enter the k-class estimators and test statistics. To do so, we use the following Berry–Esseen bound proven by Bertkus (1986): Berry–Esseen Bound (Bertkus 1986). Let {X 1 , . . . , X T } be an i.i.d. sequence in R K with zero means, a nonsingular second moment matrix, and finite absolute  third moments. Let PT be the probability measure associated with T T −1/2 t=1 X t , and let P be the limiting Gaussian measure. Then for each T , sup A∈C K |PT (A) − P(A)| ≤ const × (K /T )1/2 EX 3

 1/2  = O K 24 /T


where C K is the class of all measurable convex sets in R K . We now turn to k-class statistics. First note that, for fixed K 2 , under Assumptions A and B, the weak law of large numbers and the central limit theorem imply that the following limits hold jointly for fixed K 2 : p

(T −1 u u, T −1 V u, T −1 V V) → (σ uu , ΣVu , ΣVV ), 


Π Z ZΠ → C QZZ C, 


(3.5) (3.6)

(Π Z u, Π Z V) → (C ΨZu , C ΨZV ), d   −1  Q −1 (u PZ u, V PZ u, V PZ V) → Zu ZZ Zu , ZV Q ZZ Zu ,   ZV Q −1 ZZ ZV ,




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where ΨZu and ΨZV are, respectively, K 2 × 1 and K 2 × n random variables and Ψ ≡ [ΨZu , vec( ZV ) ] is distributed N (0,  ⊗ QZZ ). The following theorem shows that the limits in (3.5)–(3.8) and related limits hold uniformly in K 2 under the sampling assumption (Assumption A), the weak instrument assumption (Assumption B), and the rate condition (Assumption C). Let A = [tr(A A)]1/2 denote the norm of the matrix A and, as in (3.3), let FX denote the c.d.f. of the random variable X (etc.). Theorem 3.1. Under Assumptions A, B, and C, (a) lim sup K 2 ,T Pr[(u u/T, V u/T, V V/T ) − (σ uu , ΣVu , ΣVV ) > ε] = 0 ∀ ε > 0, (b) lim sup K 2 ,T Pr[Π Z ZΠ/K 2 − C QZZ C/K 2  > ε] = 0 ∀ ε > 0, (c) lim sup K 2 ,T supx |FΠ Z u (x) − FC Zu (x)| = 0, (d) lim sup K 2 ,T supx |FΠ Z V (x) − FC ZV (x)| = 0, (x)| = 0, (e) lim sup K 2 ,T supx |Fu PZ u (x) − FZu  Q−1 ZZ Zu  (x)| = 0, (f) lim sup K 2 ,T supx |FV PZ u (x) − FZV  Q−1  Zu ZZ (g) lim sup K 2 ,T supx |FV PZ V (x) − FZV (x)| = 0.  Q−1  ZV ZZ The proof of Theorem 3.1 is contained in the Appendix. Theorem 3.1 verifies the conditions (3.1) and (3.3) of Phillips and Moon’s (1999) Lemma 6 for statistics that enter the k-class estimator and Wald statistic. Some of these objects converge in probability uniformly under the stated assumptions (parts (a) and (b)), while others converge in distribution uniformly (parts (c)–(g)). It follows from the continuous mapping theorem that continuous functions of these objects also converge in probability (and/or distribution) ˆ and uniformly under the stated assumptions. Because the k-class estimator β(k) Wald statistic W (k) are continuous functions of these statistics (after centering and scaling as needed), it follows that the (K 2 , T → ∞) joint limit of these k-class statistics can be computed as the sequential limit (T , K 2 → ∞)seq . 4. MANY WEAK INSTRUMENT ASYMPTOTIC LIMITS This section collects calculations of the many weak instrument asymptotic limits of k-class estimators and Wald statistics. These calculations are done using sequential asymptotics (justified by Theorem 3.1), in which the fixed-K 2 weak instrument asymptotic limits of Staiger and Stock (1997, Theorem 1) are analyzed as K 2 → ∞. The limiting distributions differ depending on the limiting behavior of k. The main results are collected in Theorem 4.1, which is proven in the Appendix. Theorem 4.1. Suppose that Assumptions A, B, and C hold, and that K 2 → ∞. Let x be an n-dimensional standard normal random variable. Then the following

IV Statistics with Many Instruments


limits hold as (K 2 , T → ∞): (a) TSLS: If T (k − 1)/K 2 → 0, then p −1/2 −1 ˆ −β→ β(k) σ 1/2 uu ΣVV (∞ + In ) ρ and p

W (k)/K 2 → (b) BTSLS: If



ρ (Λ∞ + In ) ρ . n[1 − 2ρ (Λ∞ + In )−1 ρ + ρ (Λ∞ + In )−2 ρ]


K 2 [T (k − 1)/K 2 − 1] → 0 and mineval (Λ∞ ) > 0, then −1/2


ˆ K 2 (β(k) − β) → N (0, σ uu VV Λ−1 ∞ (Λ∞ + In −1/2

 + ρρ )Λ−1 ∞ VV )




 1/2 W (k) → x (Λ∞ + In + ρρ )1/2 Λ−1 x/n. (4.4) ∞ (Λ∞ + In + ρρ ) √ (b) LIML, Fuller-k: If T (k − kLIML )/ K 2 → 0 and mineval(Λ∞ ) > 0, then d

K 2 [T (k − 1)/K 2 − 1] → N (0, 2), d

ˆ − β) → K 2 (β(k)


−1/2 N (0, σ uu VV Λ−1 ∞ (Λ∞

−1/2  Λ−1 ∞ VV ) and d W (k) → x (Λ∞ + In

+ In − ρρ ) (4.6)


− ρρ )

−1 ∞ (Λ∞


+ In − ρρ )



5. DISCUSSION To simplify the proofs we have assumed i.i.d. sampling. G¨otze (1991) provides a Berry–Esseen bound for i.n.i.d. sampling. The bound in the i.n.i.d. case is const × (K 12 /T )EX 3 = O([K 25 /T ]1/2 ), so the rate in Assumption C would be slower, K 25 /T → 0. With this slower rate, the results in Section 3 would extend to the case where the errors and instruments are independently but not necessarily identically distributed. The many weak instrument representations in Theorem 4.1 for BTSLS, LIML, and the Fuller-k estimator rule out the partially identified and unidentified cases, for which mineval(Λ∞ ) = 0. This suggests that the approximations in Theorem 4.1, parts (b) and (c), might become inaccurate as Λ K 2 becomes nearly singular. The behavior of the many weak instrument approximations in partially identified and unidentified cases remain to be explored.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank an anonymous referee for helpful suggestions that spurred this research, and Whitney Newey for pointing out an error in an earlier draft. This work was supported by NSF grant SBR-0214131.


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APPENDIX This appendix contains the proofs of Theorems 3.1 and 4.1. The proof of Theorem 3.1 uses the following lemma. Lemma A.1. Let T = (Z Z/T )−1 − Q−1 ZZ . Under Assumptions A and C, (a) lim sup K 2 ,T Pr[|T −1 u Z T Z u| > ε] = 0 ∀ ε > 0, (b) lim sup K 2 ,T Pr[T −1 V Z T Z u > ε] = 0 ∀ ε > 0, (c) lim sup K 2 ,T Pr[T −1 V Z T Z V > ε] = 0 ∀ ε > 0. Proof of Lemma A.1. The strategy for proving each part is first to show that the relevant quadratic form (for example, in (a), the quadratic form T −1 u Z T Z u) has expected mean square that is bounded by const × (K 22 /T ), and then to apply Chebychev’s inequality and the condition in Assumption C that K 22 /T → 0. The details of these calculations are tedious and are omitted; they can be found in an earlier working paper (Stock and Yogo 2002, Lemma A.2). Proof of Theorem 3.1. (a) This follows from the weak law of large numbers because (u u/T , V u/T , V V/T ) do not depend on K 2 . (b) Note that E[Π Z ZΠ/K 2 − C QZZ C/K 2 ] = 0. The (1,1) element of this matrix is (Π Z ZΠ − C QZZ C)1,1 /K 2 K2  K2 T   = (T K 2 )−1 Ci1 C j1 (Z it Z jt − qi j ), t=1 i=1 j=1

where qi j is the (i, j) element of QZZ . Because Zt is i.i.d. (Assumption A(b)) and the elements of C are bounded (Assumption B), the expected value of the square of this element is E{[(  Z Z − C  QZZ C)1,1 /K 2 ]2 }  2 K2  K2 T  1  =E Ci1 C j1 (Z it Z jt − qi j ) TK 2 t=1 i=1 j=1 K2  K2  K2  K2 1  Ci1 C j1 Ck1 Cl1 E[(Z it Z jt − qi j )(Z kt Z lt − qkl )] TK 22 i=1 j=1 k=1 l=1 4  K2 K2 K 22 1  |Ci1 | ≤ const × 2 . ≤ const × × T K 2 i=1 T


By the same argument applied to the (1,1) element, the remaining elements of  Z Z/K 2 − C QZZ C/K 2 are also bounded in mean square by const × (K 22 /T ). The matrix Π Z ZΠ/K 2 is n × n and so the number of elements does not depend on K 2 , and the result (b) follows by Chebychev’s inequality and noting that, under Assumption C, K 22 /T → 0.

IV Statistics with Many Instruments


T (c) Under Assumption B, Π  Z u = T −1/2 C  Z u = C  (T −1/2 t=1 Z t u t ). Let PT denote the probability measure associated with T −1/2 Z u and let P denote the limiting probability measure associated with ΨZu . Define the convex set A(x) = {y ∈ R K 2 : C  y ≤ x}, so that PT (A(x)) = FΠ Z u (x) and P(A(x)) = FC  ΨZu (x). By Assumption A, Zt u t is an i.i.d., mean zero K 2 dimensional random variable with finite third moments, so the Berry–Esseen bound (3.4) applies and supx |FΠ Z u (x) − FC ΨZ u (x)| ≤ const × K 24 /T . The result (c) follows from Assumption C. We note that this line of argument is used in Jensen and Mayer (1975). (d) The proof is the same as for (c). (e) Write u PZ u = (T −1/2 u Z)(T −1 Z Z)(T −1/2 Z u) = ξ 1 + ξ 2 , where ξ 1 = −1/2  −1/2  u Z)Q−1 Z u) and ξ 2 = (T −1/2 u Z) T (T −1/2 Z u). As in the proof (T ZZ (T of (c), let PT denote the probability measure associated with T −1/2 Z u and let P denote the limiting probability measure of ΨZu . Let B(x) be the convex set, B(x) = {y ∈ R K 2 : y Q −1 ZZ y ≤ x}, so that PT (B(x)) = Fξ 1 (x) and P(B(x)) = −1 FZu (x). It follows from (3.4) that supx |Fξ 1 (x) − FZu (x)| ≤   Q ZZ Zu Q −1 ZZ Zu √ p 4 const × K 2 /T . By Lemma A.1(a), ξ 2 → 0 uniformly as (K 2 , T → ∞), and the result (e) follows. (f) and (g). The dimensions of V PZ u and V PZ V do not depend on K 2 , and the proofs of (f) and (g) are similar to that of (e). Proof of Theorem 4.1. We first state the fixed-K 2 weak instrument asymptotic representations of the k-class estimators. Define the K 2 × 1 and K 2 × n random −1/2 −1/2 −1/2 −1/2 variables zu = QZZ  Zu σ uu and zV = QZZ  ZV VV (Zu and ZV are defined following (3.8)), so that     zu 1 ρ ¯ ¯ . (A.1) ∼ N (0, Σ ⊗ I K 2 ), where Σ = vec(zV ) ρ In Also let ν 1 = (λ + zV ) (λ + zV ) and ν 2 = (λ + zV ) zu , where λ =

1/2 −1/2 QZZ CVV .

(A.2) (A.3)

Then under Assumptions A and B, with fixed K 2 ,

d −1/2 −1 ˆ −β→ σ 1/2 β(k) uu VV (ν 1 − κIn ) (ν 2 − κρ) and 


W (k) →

n[1 − 2ρ (ν



(ν 2 − κρ) (ν 1 − κIn ) (ν 2 − κρ) , −1  −2 1 − κIn ) (ν 2 − κρ) + (ν 2 − κρ) (ν 1 − κIn ) (ν 2 − κρ)] (A.5)

where (A.5) holds under the null hypothesis β = β 0 . The representations (A.4) and (A.5) follow from Staiger and Stock (1997, Theorem 1) because Assumptions A and B imply Staiger and Stock’s Assumptions M and L when K 2 is fixed.


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The following limits hold jointly as K 2 → ∞: p

ν 1 /K 2 → Λ∞ + In ,



(A.7) ν 2 /K 2 → ρ, ⎛  ⎞ zu zu − K 2 √ ⎜ ⎟ K2 ⎡ ⎤ ⎜ ⎟ 2 0 2ρ ⎜ ⎟ d  λ zu ⎜ ⎟ 0 ⎦, √ ⎜ ⎟ → N (0, B), whereB = ⎣ 0 Λ∞ ⎜ ⎟ K 2 2ρ 0 In + ρρ ⎜  ⎟ ⎝ zV zu − K 2 ρ ⎠ √ (A.8) K2 (ν 2 − K 2 ρ)/ K 2 → N (0, Λ∞ + In + ρρ ).


The results (A.6)–(A.9) follow by straightforward calculations using the central limit theorem, the weak law of large numbers, and the joint normal distribution of zu and zV in (A.1). We now turn to the proof of Theorem 4.1. (a) From (A.4), the fixed-K 2 weak instrument approximation to the distri1/2 −1/2 1/2 −1/2 bution of the TSLS estimator is βˆ TSLS − β ∼ σ uu V V ν −1 1 ν 2 = σ uu VV −1 (ν 1 /K 2 ) (ν 2 /K 2 ). The limit stated in the theorem for the estimator follows by substituting (A.6) and (A.7) into this expression. The many weak instrument limit for the TSLS Wald statistic follows by rewriting (A.5) as W TSLS /K 2 ∼

(ν 2 /K 2 ) (ν 1 /K 2 )−1 (ν 2 /K 2 ) n[1 − 2ρ (ν 1 /K 2 )−1 (ν 2 /K 2 ) + (ν 2 /K 2 ) (ν 1 /K 2 )−2 (ν 2 /K 2 )]

and applying (A.6) and (A.7). (b) The fixed-K 2 weak instrument approximation to the distribution of a k-class estimator, given in (A.4), in general can be written as    −1 κ − K2 1 −1/2 ν 1 − K 2 In ˆ In K 2 [β(k) − β] ∼ σ 1/2 Σ − √ √ uu VV K2 K2 K2     ν 2 − K2ρ κ − K2 × − √ ρ , (A.10) √ K2 K2 √ d where T (k − 1) → κ for√ fixed K 2 . The assumption K 2 [T (k − 1)/K 2 − 1] → 0 implies that (κ − K 2 )/ K 2 → 0, so by (A.6) and (A.9) we have, as K 2 → ∞,   p 1 ν 1 − K 2 In κ − K2 − √ In → Λ∞ and √ K2 K2 K2   ν 2 − K2ρ κ − K2 d ρ → N (0, Λ∞ + In + ρρ ), − √ √ K2 K2 and the result (4.3) follows. The assumption mineval(∞ ) > 0 is used to ensure the invertibility of Λ∞ . The distribution of the Wald statistic follows.

IV Statistics with Many Instruments



(c) For fixed K 2 , T (kLIML − 1) → κ ∗ . We show below that, as K 2 → ∞, κ ∗ − K2 z zu − K 2 = u√ + o p (1). √ K2 K2


The result (4.5) follows from (A.11) and (A.8). Moreover, applying (A.6), (A.8), (A.9), and (A.11) yields  ∗  p ν 1 − K 2 In 1 κ − K2 −√ In → Λ∞ and √ K2 K K  ∗2  2 z  zu − K 2 ρ ν 2 − K2ρ κ − K2 λ zu − + V √ ρ= √ √ √ K2 K2 K2 K2    zu zu − K 2 d − ρ + o p (1) → N (0, ∞ + In − ρρ ), √ K2 where ∞ is invertible by the assumption mineval(Λ∞ ) > 0. The result (4.6) follows, as does the distribution of the Wald statistic. It remains to show (A.11). From (2.11), κ ∗ is the smallest root of      1 ρ zu zu ν 2 − κ∗ . (A.12) 0 = det ν2 ν1 ρ In √ √ √ Let φ = (κ ∗ − K 2 )/ K 2 , a = (zu zu − K 2 )/ K 2 , b = (ν 2 − K 2 ρ)/ K 2 , and L = (ν 1 − K 2 In )/K 2 . Then (A.12) can be rewritten so that φ is the smallest root of   a − φ √(b − φρ) . (A.13) 0 = det b − φρ K 2 L − φIn p

−1/4 −1/4 We first show that K 2 p φ → 0. Let φ˜ = K 2 φ. By (A.6), (A.8), and (A.9), p p −1/4 −1/4 K 2 a → 0, K 2 b → 0, and L → Λ∞ . By the continuity of the determinant, it follows that in the limit K 2 → ∞, φ˜ is the smallest root of the equation   ˜  φ˜ φρ 0 = det ˜ (A.14) ˜ n + O p (K 21/4 ) , φρ φI p

−1/4 from which it follows that φ˜ = K 2 φ → 0. To obtain (A.11), write the determinantal equation (A.13) as

0 = [(a − φ) − (b − φρ) (K 2 L − φIn )−1 (b − φρ)] det(K 2 L − φIn ) 1/2



= K 2 {(a − φ) − [K 2 −1/4




(b − φρ)] (L − K 2 −1/2

× [K 2

(b − φρ)] det(L − K 2

n/2 K 2 {[(a

− φ)] det(Λ∞ ) + o p (1)},

φIn )−1

φIn ) (A.15) p



−1/4 −1/4 where the final equality follows from K 2 b → 0, L → Λ∞ , K 2 φ → 0, and det(Λ∞ ) > 0. By the continuity of the solution to (A.13), it follows that φ = a + o p (1), which, in the original notation, is (A.11).


Stock and Yogo

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Asymptotic Distributions of Instrumental Variables ...

IV Statistics with Many Instruments. 113. Lemma 6 of Phillips and Moon (1999) provides general conditions under which sequential convergence implies joint convergence. Phillips and Moon (1999), Lemma 6. (a) Suppose there exist random vectors XK and X on the same probabil- ity space as XK,T satisfying, for all K, XK,T.

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