IEEE ICC 2017 Wireless Communications Symposium

Achieving the Optimal Throughput Scaling in Multi-Cell Random Access Networks Huifa Lin† and Won-Yong Shin‡ † Communications ‡ Computer

& Networking Laboratory, Dankook University, Yongin 16890, Republic of Korea Science and Engineering, Dankook University, Yongin 16890, Republic of Korea Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract—Due to the difficulty of coordination in multi-cell random access, it is a practical challenge how to achieve the optimal throughput with decentralized transmission. In this paper, we propose a decentralized multi-cell aware opportunistic random access (MA-ORA) protocol that almost achieves the optimal throughput scaling in a multi-cell random access network with one access point (AP) and multiple users in each cell. Under our MA-ORA protocol, each user opportunistically transmits with a predefined physical layer data rate if the desired signal power to the serving AP is sufficiently large and the generating interference power is sufficiently small. As a main result, it is shown that the proposed MA-ORA protocol can achieve both the almost full multiplexing and multiuser diversity gains in a high signal-to-noise ratio regime if the number of users scales faster than a certain level. Our results are validated by computer simulations.

I. I NTRODUCTION Random access in wireless communications has received growing attention to support massive users owing to a relatively low protocol overhead with high spectral efficiency. Various random access protocols have been developed based on ALOHA and its variation with carrier sensing [1]. In random access networks, due to the explosive growth of users and their generated data packets, there is an intention to densely deploy access points (APs) to achieve higher system throughput with the unchanged limited frequency bandwidth. Thus, it is crucial to fully understand the nature of random access networks that consist of multiple cells sharing the same frequency band, so called multi-cell random access networks.1 In such networks, besides the intra-cell collision (simultaneous transmission from multiple users in the same cell), transmission without coordinated scheduling among APs will cause interference in other cells, which may lead to a failure of packet decoding at the receivers. Hence, inter-cell interference should be carefully managed in multi-cell random access networks. On the one hand, there are extensive studies on handling interference issues of cellular networks with multiple base stations. While it has been elusive to find the optimal strategy with respect to the Shannon-theoretic capacity in multiuser cellular networks, interference alignment (IA) was recently proposed for fundamentally solving the interference problem 1 Here, we use the term “cell” to denote the domain of an AP and the associated users.

978-1-4673-8999-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

when there are multiple communication pairs [2]. It was shown that IA can asymptotically achieve the optimal degrees of freedom, which are equal to K 2 , in the K-user interference channel with time-varying coefficients. Subsequent work showed that interference management schemes based on IA can be well applicable to interfering multiple access networks [3]–[5]. In addition to the multiple access scenarios in which collisions can be avoided, it is of significant importance how to manage interference in random access. For multicell random access networks, several studies were carried out to manage interference by performing IA [6] or successive interference cancellation (SIC) [7]. In [8], [9], decentralized power allocation approaches were introduced by means of interference mitigation for random access with capabilities of multi-packet reception and SIC at the receiver. On the other hand, there have been extensive studies on the usefulness of fading in single-cell broadcast channels by exploiting the multiuser diversity gain as the number of users is sufficiently large [10]–[12]. Moreover, scenarios obtaining the multiuser diversity gain were studied in multicell environments. In particular, opportunism can be utilized in multi-cell downlink networks through a simple extension of [12]. More recently, for multi-cell uplink networks, the optimal throughput scaling was analyzed by showing that the full multiuser diversity gain can be achieved by a distributed user scheduling strategy in each cell, provided that two scheduling criteria are properly determined and the number of users in each cell is larger than a certain level [13]. Besides the aforementioned multiple access scenarios, the benefits of opportunistic transmission can also be exploited in random access networks. The idea of single-cell aware opportunistic random access (SA-ORA) (also termed channel-aware slotted ALOHA in the literature) was proposed in slotted ALOHA networks with a single AP [14]. By assuming that channel state information (CSI) can be acquired at the transmitters, the SAORA protocol was shown to achieve the multiuser diversity gain without any centralized scheduling. Nevertheless, the protocol in [14] deals only with the single-AP problem, and thus cannot be straightforwardly applied to multi-cell random access networks in which the inter-cell interference exists. In this paper, we consider a K-cell random access network, consisting of one AP and N users in each cell, in the presence of quasi-static multi-path fading. Then, we introduce a decen-

IEEE ICC 2017 Wireless Communications Symposium

tralized multi-cell aware opportunistic random access (MAORA) protocol that almost achieves the optimal throughput scaling in the network model. First of all, it is worthwhile addressing the fundamental differences between our MAORA protocol and the two aforementioned different types of opportunistic transmission protocols: •

Unlike opportunistic scheduling in [10]–[13] for cellular multiple access environments where each base station selects users via feedback information, in our MA-ORA protocol designed for random access, both the intra-cell collision and inter-cell interference are mitigated solely by users’ opportunistic transmission in a decentralized manner. The SA-ORA protocol in [14] was shown to achieve the multiuser diversity gain (i.e., the power gain) for singleAP random access, but its extension to multi-cell random access is not straightforward due to the existence of intercell interference. Moreover, in addition to the multiuser diversity gain, it remains open in the literature how to provide the K-fold increase in the multiplexing gain via properly mitigating the inter-cell interference.

In our multi-cell random access network, we assume that uplink channel gains to multiple APs are available at the transmitters by exploiting the uplink/downlink reciprocity in time-division duplex (TDD) mode. We utilize this local CSI at the transmitter (CSIT) to design our protocol. In the initialization phase, two thresholds and a physical layer (PHY) data rate are computed offline and broadcast over the network as system parameters. Thereafter, in each time slot, each user in a cell first estimates the uplink channel gains via the downlink channel. Then, each user determines whether both 1) the channel gain to the serving AP is higher than one threshold and 2) the inter-cell interference generated by this user to the other APs is lower than another threshold. Users opportunistically transmit with the computed PHY data rate if the above two conditions are fulfilled. It is shown that the aggregate throughput achieved by the proposed MA-ORA protocol scales as K e (1 − ) log(SNR log N ) in a high signalto-noise ratio (SNR) regime, provided that N scales faster K−1 than SNR 1−δ for an arbitrarily small constant  > 0 and a constant 0 < δ < 1. This reveals that even without any centralized scheduling from the APs, the proposed protocol is able to achieve the almost full multiplexing and multiuser diversity gains. To validate our analytical result, we perform numerical evaluation via computer simulations. Moreover, under a practical setting (i.e., in a finite SNR or N regime) of our multi-cell random access, it is shown that the proposed MA-ORA protocol outperforms the conventional SA-ORA in terms of throughput. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II presents system and channel models. Section III describes the proposed MA-ORA protocol. Section IV provides numerical results for validation. Section V concludes this paper. Detailed description and the proof of the main theorem are omitted due to page limit.

User i in cell j AP j

Cell k AP k

Fig. 1: The system model of a multi-cell random access network with one AP and N users in each cell.

II. S YSTEM AND C HANNEL M ODELS As illustrated in Fig. 1, we consider a multi-cell random access network consisting of K ≥ 1 APs using the same frequency band, where N users are served in each cell. We assume that there is no cooperation among the APs for decoding, i.e., each AP attempts to decode the received packets from the belonging users independently. All the users and APs are equipped with a single antenna. The slotted ALOHAtype protocol is adopted and we assume the perfect slot level synchronization not only between users and the serving AP but also among the APs. We assume fully-loaded traffic such that each user has a non-empty queue of packets to transmit, similarly as in [15]. For each user, the head-of-line packet is transmitted with a probability p at random, regardless of the number of retransmission, i.e., each packet is assumed to be the same for all retransmission states. We adopt a modified signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) capture model, where each AP can decode the received packet by treating inter-cell interference (concurrently transmitted signals from other-cell users) as noise if the received SINR of the desired packet exceeds a given decoding threshold. The concurrent intra-cell transmission such that two or more users in the same cell simultaneously transmit causes a collision, and thus the receiver (AP) fails to decode any packet. In this paper, we assume the use of single-user detection at each AP rather than any sophisticated multiuser detection, since using multiuser detection schemes cannot fundamentally increase the degrees of freedom under our random access system model. Let αj→k hij→k denote the channel coefficient from the i-th user in the j-th cell to the k-th AP for i ∈ {1, · · · , N } and j ∈ {1, · · · , K}, where 0 < αj→k ≤ 1 is the large-scale pathloss component and hij→k ∈ C modeled by an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex Gaussian random variable is the small-scale fading component. In our network where the number of users is sufficiently large, it is simply assumed that αj→k = 1. We assume the local CSIT such that the users can acquire the uplink channel gains to multiple APs.

IEEE ICC 2017 Wireless Communications Symposium

For instance, the channel gain from the i-th user in the j-th cell i = |hij→k |2 , is available at the to the k-th AP, denoted by gj→k i-th user. We consider a quasi-static fading model, where the channel coefficients are constant during one time slot and vary independently in the next time slot. The CSIT can be acquired by exploiting the uplink/downlink reciprocity in TDD systems, by virtue of calibrations on the radio frequency chain [16]. Practical CSIT acquisition methods have also been introduced for multi-cell multi-antenna systems [17]. In the previous seminal literature on SA-ORA with one AP deployment [14], the local CSIT and the corresponding distribution information were assumed to be available. Recently, the acquisition process was described in more detail for multichannel SA-ORA [18]. Inspired by [14], [18], a channel gain acquisition process for our model deploying multiple APs (i.e., our multi-cell random access model) is described as follows. Under the slotted ALOHA protocol, each AP broadcasts (0, 1, e) feedback to inform the belonging users of the reception status after each time slot by utilizing the downlink channel, where 0 means that no packet is received (idle); 1 means that only one packet is received (successful transmission); and e indicates that two or more packets are simultaneously transmitted (collision). In our multi-cell scenario, each AP broadcasts the feedback message in an orthogonal mini-time slot, which requires a small amount of coordination among the APs. By exploiting the channel reciprocity in TDD mode, each user is capable of estimating the channel gains to multiple APs through the received feedback messages. That is, it is possible for each user to conduct a multi-cell aware channel gain estimation. It is worth noting that since only the amplitude information of the CSI (but not the phase information) is required in our protocol, the length of this feedback stage can be greatly shortened by using quantization. The received signal yk ∈ C at the k-th AP is given by yk =

nk X

π(u ) π(u ) hj→kk xk k

π(u ) π(uj )

hj→kj xj

+zk ,


j6=k uj =1

uk =1



nj XX


desired signal




inter-cell interference


π(u ) xk k

where is the transmitted signal from the π(uk )-th user in the k-th cell and the binomial random integer nk ∼ B(N, p) is the number of transmitting users in the k-th cell. The received signal is corrupted by the i.i.d. complex additive white Gaussian noise zk ∈ C with zero-mean and variance N0 . For eachtransmission, there is an average transmit power  π(uk ) 2 constraint E xk ≤ P. III. M ULTI -C ELL AWARE O PPORTUNISTIC R ANDOM ACCESS (MA-ORA) In this section, we describe the procedure of our MAORA protocol including the design of system parameters. As illustrated in Fig. 2, in the initialization phase, the APs broadcast two thresholds ΦG and ΦI as well as the PHY data rate R for opportunistic transmission in our multi-cell random access network. During the data communication phase, it is

Users (Transmitters)

APs (Receivers) Initialization phase: Broadcast over the network

2. Receive three parameters broadcasted by APs

1. Obtain optimal offline

. . .

3. Estimate uplink channel gains and transmit a packet opportunistically

Data packet

Feedback message

4. Receive and decode the packet

. . .

Fig. 2: The initialization phase of the proposed MA-ORA protocol.

investigated that the maximum medium access control layer (MAC) throughput is achieved at the transmission probability p = N1 for large N in the conventional slotted ALOHA protocol deploying one AP. Similarly, in our MA-ORA protocol, the transmission probability p is also set to N1 to avoid excessive intra-cell collisions or idle slots, enabling us to find a relationship between ΦG and ΦI (to be discussed in Section III-A). In each time slot, each user first estimates the uplink channel gains by using the feedback messages sent from the APs. Then, the i-th user in the j-th cell for i ∈ {1, · · · , N } and j ∈ {1, · · · , K} compares the channel gains with the given two thresholds to examine whether the following two inequalities are fulfilled: i gj→j ≥ ΦG (2) and


i gj→k ≤ ΦI ,


k=1 k6=j

where (2) indicates a “good” channel condition to the serving AP that leads to a large desired signal power, and (3) means that the inter-cell interference generated by this user is well confined due to a “weak” channel condition to the other APs. In each cell, users satisfying both (2) and (3) transmit with the PHY data rate R (to be selected in Section III-B), while the other users keep idle in this time slot. Each AP then receives and decodes the desired packet by treating all the interference as noise. By virtue of such opportunistic transmission, when N is sufficiently large, it is possible for the packets simultaneously sent from multiple users in different cells to be successfully decoded with high probability. Note that our MA-ORA protocol operates for general K values. As a special case, for K = 1, each user just checks

IEEE ICC 2017 Wireless Communications Symposium

whether the condition (2) is fulfilled or not, which corresponds to the conventional SA-ORA protocol. A. The Selection of Two Thresholds The probability that each user accesses the channel is expressed as   X  i  i p = Pr gj→j ≥ ΦG , gj→k ≤ ΦI  k=1 k6=j

 i = Pr gj→j ≥ ΦG


X i  Pr  gj→k ≤ ΦI  ,


which is equivalent to 1 , (6) N where FG andPFI denote the cumulative distribution functions K i i of gj→j and k=1 g j→k , respectively. Then, the relationship k6=j between ΦG and ΦI is given by  (7) ΦG = FG−1 1 − (FI (ΦI )N )−1 . FG (ΦG )(1 − FI (ΦI )) =

In our MA-ORA protocol, ΦI is set to ρ−1 to achieve the almost full multiplexing and multiuser diversity gains as ρ increases, where ρ denotes the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In consequence, the two thresholds are given by ( ΦI = ρ−1  (8) ΦG = FG−1 1 − (FI (ρ−1 )N )−1 . Note that the transmission probability p is set to N1 in terms of maximizing the MAC throughput in each cell, which is thus independent of ρ. B. The Selection of PHY Data Rate At the receiver, even if an AP receives only one packet from the belonging user, this packet is still corrupted by the noise and the inter-cell interference. Thus, it is required that the received SINR of this packet exceeds a certain decoding threshold given by 2R −1. The successful decoding probability, ps , is given by  



where N p(1 − p)N −1 is the MAC throughput and R is the target PHY data rate.2 From the fact that p = N1 , the aggregate throughput of the K-cell random access network is given by K X

(j) Rsum


where the second equality holds since the channel gains to different APs are independent of each other. From the fact that p is set to N1 , we have    X i 1  i Pr gj→j ≥ ΦG Pr  (5) gj→k ≤ ΦI  = , N k=1

k=1 k6=j

(j) Rsum = N p(1 − p)N −1 · R · ps ,

Rsum =

k=1 k6=j

  i   P gj→j R  > 2 − 1 ps = Pr  , nk K P P π(u)  N + P g 0 k→j

where the binomial random variable nk ∼ B(N, p) is the number of simultaneously transmitting users in the k-th cell and π(u) denotes the index of transmitting users in each cell. By using the successful decoding probability in (9), the throughput at the j-th AP is given by


  N −1  ΦG 1 R · R · Pr ≥K 1− > 2 − 1 , N ρ−1 + n ˜ ΦI (11) where n ˜ ∼ B((K − 1)N, p) is a binomial random variable, representing the total number of signals from the Pinterfering K other cells, and is given by n ˜ = k=1 nk . Here, the inequality k6=j comes from (2), (3), and (9). Now, we focus on computing a lower bound on the successful decoding probability, qs , shown below:   ΦG R qs = Pr ≥ 2 − 1 ρ−1 + n ˜ ΦI (12)   (K−1)N X ΦG R = Pr ≥ 2 − 1 Pr(˜ n = i). ρ−1 + iΦI i=0 Let us consider an integer ν ∈ {0, 1, · · · , (K − 1)N }. If R is ΦG G < 2R − 1 ≤ ρ−1Φ+νΦ , set to a value such that ρ−1 +(ν+1)Φ I I   ΦG then Pr ρ−1 +iΦI ≥ 2R − 1 is given by 1 and 0 for i ∈ {0, · · · , ν} and i ∈ {ν+1, · · · , (K−1)N }, respectively. Based on this observation, the entire feasible range of 2R − 1 can be divided into the following (K − 1)N + 1 sub-ranges:   ΦG 0, −1 ,··· , ρ + (K − 1)N ΦI     ΦG ΦG ΦG , ,··· , ,∞ . ρ−1 + (ν + 1)ΦI ρ−1 + νΦI ρ−1   ΦG For R ∈ , ∞ , we have qs = 0, which is thus −1 ρ neglected in our work.   By using the fact that the term ΦG R Pr ρ−1 +iΦI ≥ 2 − 1 in (12) is an indicator function of R, we set R to the maximum under the condition  i that 2R − 1 lies ΦG ΦG in each sub-range ρ−1 +(ν+1)ΦI , ρ−1 +νΦI , which is given by   ΦG R = log2 1 + −1 , (13) ρ + νΦI where ν ∈ {0, 1, · · · , (K −1)N }. Note that we can improve qs at the cost of a lower R (corresponding to a higher ν) for each 2 The MAC throughput here is defined as the average number of successfully transmitted packets per time slot, where only one packet is transmitted in a cell, and thus is given by N p(1 − p)N −1 .

IEEE ICC 2017 Wireless Communications Symposium

transmitted packet. Based on this inherent trade-off between R and qs , a proper value of R (or equivalently ν) needs to be determined in terms of maximizing the aggregate throughput. C. The Throughput Scaling Law In this subsection, we present our main result showing that the proposed MA-ORA protocol can achieve the optimal aggregate throughput scaling under a certain user scaling condition. Theorem 1. Consider the MA-ORA protocol in the K-cell random access network. Suppose that ΦI = ρ−1 . Then, the MA-ORA protocol achieves an aggregate throughput scaling of   K (1 − ) log ρ(log N ) (14) Θ e with high probability in the high SNR regime if  K−1  N = Ω ρ 1−δ ,

Fig. 3: The aggregate throughput versus SNR for K = 2, where the proposed MA-ORA protocol is employed as N scales according to the user scaling condition. TABLE I: The lookup table of (Φ∗G , R∗ ) according to various K, N , and SNR.


where  > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant and 0 < δ < 1 is a certain constant.3 Here, the pre-log term 1e stems from the maximum MAC throughput obtained by the slotted ALOHA protocol for large N . The term 1 −  corresponds to the successful decoding probability, where  can be interpreted as a penalty of random access without any coordination. With an arbitrarily small  > 0, our MA-ORA protocol is able to achieve the almost full K-fold multiplexing gain as well as the multiuser diversity gain in the K-cell random access network. IV. N UMERICAL E VALUATION In this section, we perform numerical evaluation through Monte-Carlo simulations. We validate our analytical result by evaluating the aggregate throughput [bps/Hz] of the proposed MA-ORA protocol. Suppose that we set  = 0.01 and δ = 0.1. Then, ΦI and ΦG are determined according to (8) and R can be computed from (13).4 In Fig. 3, we evaluate the aggregate throughput achieved by the MA-ORA protocol versus SNR in dB scale for K = 2. The parameter N is set to a different scalable value according K−1 to ρ, i.e., N = ρ 1−δ in (15). One can see that the slope of the simulated curve coincides with the theoretical one in the high SNR regime. This numerical results are sufficient to guarantee our achievability (i.e., the throughput scaling under the given user scaling law). To further ascertain the efficacy of our MA-ORA protocol, performance on the aggregate throughput is evaluated in finite SNR (or N ) regimes. We slightly modify the MA-ORA protocol in Section III by numerically finding the optimal 3 We use the following notation: i) g(x) = Ω(f (x)) means that there exist constant C and c such that f (x) ≤ Cg(x) for all x > c and ii) f (x) = Θ(g(x)) if f (x) = Ω(g(x)) and g(x) = Ω(f (x)). 4 The parameter ν in (13) can be found by investigating the relationship between  and ν, which is however not described in this paper.



2 3 4

(1.40, (1.70, (1.90,

2 3 4

(0.90, (1.70, (1.70,

2 3 4

(0.60, (1.40, (1.90,

SNR 2.32) 2.14) 1.54) SNR 4.40) 2.33) 1.70) SNR 4.65) 2.42) 1.54)

100 = 10dB (1.70, 3.64) (1.90, 2.45) (2.10, 1.60) = 20dB (0.80, 4.88) (1.60, 2.77) (1.90, 1.89) = 30dB (0.65, 5.70) (1.45, 3.05) (2.00, 1.89)

200 (2.20, 3.91) (2.30, 2.72) (2.20, 2.02) (1.10, 5.61) (1.30, 3.18) (2.20, 2.09) (0.70, 6.57) (1.50, 3.16) (1.80, 2.13)

parameters Φ∗G and R∗ in terms of maximizing the resulting aggregate throughput Rsum (ΦG , R), which is given by (Φ∗G , R∗ ) = argmax

Rsum (ΦG , R).



The optimal values of (Φ∗G , R∗ ) found via exhaustive search are summarized in Table I according to various K, N , and SNR. In Fig. 4, the aggregate throughput of the proposed MA-ORA protocol versus SNR in dB scale is plotted for K = {2, 3, 4} and N = 100. As baseline schemes, performance of the SA-ORA and slotted ALOHA protocols is also shown in the figure. Under the SA-ORA protocol, each user opportunistically transmits with the PHY data rate of  ΦG P log2 1 + N0 if its uplink channel gain exceeds ΦG [14]. This protocol can be treated as a special case of our MA-ORA protocol with K = 1, and thus leads to worse performance as K ≥ 2. For the slotted ALOHA protocol, since both details of the PHY layer and the effects of fading are neglected in the protocol design phase, we adopt the PHY data rate of log2 (1+SNR) for fair comparison. From Fig. 4, the following insightful observations can be found: • The MA-ORA protocol outperforms the slotted ALOHA and SA-ORA protocols in the low and moderate SNR regimes, and then gets saturated to a certain value in the high SNR regime. This throughput saturation comes from

IEEE ICC 2017 Wireless Communications Symposium

to validate the MA-ORA protocol and its analytical result, where the throughput scaling and user scaling laws were numerically confirmed and the superiority of our protocol over baseline schemes was shown in a practical setting. Future research directions include extensions to networks with multiantenna configurations, carrier sense multiple access networks, and practical channel models with the path loss component.

Fig. 4: The aggregate throughput versus SNR, where the proposed MA-ORA protocol is employed for K = {2, 3, 4} and N = 100, while the conventional SA-ORA and slotted ALOHA protocols are employed as baseline schemes. TABLE II: The lookup table of (Rsum , SNR) according to various K and N , where SNR denotes a crossover where two curves coincide. K\N 2 3 4

50 (2.83, 17dB) (1.91, 9dB) (1.69, 7dB)

100 (3.59, 22dB) (2.35, 12dB) (2.08, 10dB)

150 (4.05, 26dB) (2.68, 14dB) (2.28, 11dB)

200 (4.31, 28dB) (2.88, 16dB) (2.45, 12dB)

the fact that the multiplexing and multiuser diversity gains are not fully achieved due to the limited N (which is less than the one required by our user scaling condition). When K becomes large, the MA-ORA protocol achieves superior aggregate throughput in the low SNR regime, but gets saturated earlier due to a more stringent user scaling condition (note that N needs to exponentially increase with K for given ρ). The curve for K = 2 achieves inferior performance to the other curves for K = {3, 4} in the low SNR regime, but tends to increase steadily with SNR and then get saturated at a relatively high SNR point. It is worthwhile investigating a crossover where two curves meet when the aggregate throughput of the MAORA and SA-ORA protocols versus SNR is plotted. The crossover SNR and the resulting aggregate throughput Rsum (i.e., (Rsum , SNR)) are summarized in Table II according to various K and N . V. C ONCLUDING R EMARKS

The MA-ORA protocol operating in a decentralized manner was proposed for the K-cell random access network, where no centralized coordination from the serving APs is required. As our main result, it was shown that the MA-ORA protocol asymptotically achieves the aggregate throughput scaling of K − ) log(SNR log N ), provided that N scales faster than e (1 K−1 SNR 1−δ for small constants  > 0 and 0 < δ < 1. It thus turned out that the almost full multiplexing and multiuser diversity gains are obtained in our multi-cell random access network. Extensive computer simulations were also performed

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (MSIP) (2015R1A2A1A15054248). R EFERENCES [1] D. Bertsekas and R. Gallager, Data networks (2nd Ed.). New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1992. [2] V. R. Cadambe and S. A. Jafar, “Interference alignment and degrees of freedom of the K-user interference channel,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 3425–3441, Jul. 2008. [3] C. Suh and D. Tse, “Interference alignment for cellular networks,” in Proc. 46th Annu. Allerton Conf., Monticello, IL, Sep. 2008, pp. 1037– 1044. [4] B. C. Jung and W.-Y. Shin, “Opportunistic interference alignment for interference-limited cellular TDD uplink,” IEEE Commun. Lett, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 148–150, Feb. 2011. [5] B. C. Jung, D. Park, and W.-Y. Shin, “Opportunistic interference mitigation achieves optimal degrees-of-freedom in wireless multi-cell uplink networks,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 1935–1944, Jul. 2012. [6] S. Gollakota, S. D. Perli, and D. Katabi, “Interference alignment and cancellation,” ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 159–170, Aug. 2009. [7] D. Jakoveti´c, D. Bajovi´c, D. Vukobratovi´c, and V. Crnojevi´c, “Cooperative slotted Aloha for multi-base station systems,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1443–1456, Feb. 2015. [8] H. Lin, K. Ishibashi, W.-Y. Shin, and T. Fujii, “A simple random access scheme with multilevel power allocation,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2118–2121, Dec. 2015. [9] ——, “Decentralized power allocation for secondary random access in cognitive radio networks with successive interference cancellation,” in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC), Kuala Lumper, Malaysia, May 2016, pp. 1–6. [10] R. Knopp and P. A. Humblet, “Information capacity and power control in single-cell multiuser communications,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC), Seattle, WA, Jun. 1995, pp. 331–335. [11] P. Viswanath, D. N. C. Tse, and R. Laroia, “Opportunistic beamforming using dumb antennas,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1277– 1294, Aug. 2002. [12] M. Sharif and B. Hassibi, “On the capacity of MIMO broadcast channels with partial side information,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 506–522, Jan. 2005. [13] W.-Y. Shin, D. Park, and B. C. Jung, “Can one achieve multiuser diversity in uplink multi-cell networks?” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 3535–3540, Dec. 2012. [14] X. Qin and R. A. Berry, “Distributed approaches for exploiting multiuser diversity in wireless networks,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 392–413, Jan. 2006. [15] Y. Li and L. Dai, “Maximum sum rate of slotted Aloha with capture,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 690–705, Feb. 2016. [16] M. Guillaud, D. T. Slock, and R. Knopp, “A practical method for wireless channel reciprocity exploitation through relative calibration.” in Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Sig. Process. and Its Applications, Sydney, Austrilia, Aug. 2005, pp. 403–406. [17] R. Liao, B. Bellalta, M. Oliver, and Z. Niu, “MU-MIMO MAC protocols for wireless local area networks: A survey,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 162–183, 2014. [18] Z. Khanian, M. Rasti, F. Salek, and E. Hossain, “A distributed opportunistic MAC protocol for multichannel wireless networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1–1, Mar. 2016.

Achieving the Optimal Throughput Scaling in Multi-Cell ...

with a predefined physical layer data rate if the desired signal power to the ... obtaining the multiuser diversity gain were studied in multi- cell environments.

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problem of achieving optimal throughput in data networks, with single or multiple ...... degree already, which also has a low capacity, since the link bandwidth is ...

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Achieving Optimal Degrees of Freedom in Multi-Source Interfering Relay Networks ... Computer Science and Engineering, Dankook University, Yongin 16890, ...

Throughput and Delay Scaling of General Cognitive Networks
The scalability of ad hoc networks has attracted tremendous interest in the networking community for long. It provide fundamental insight into whether a system.

Achieving Optimal Degrees of Freedom in Multi-Source ...
multi-stream opportunistic network decoupling (MS-OND), to en- able us to transmit 1 ≤ S ≤ M data streams per S–D pair, oper- ating in virtual full-duplex mode ...

High-Throughput Multi-dimensional Scaling (HiT-MDS) for cDNA ...
reduction technique for embedding high-dimensional data into a low- dimensional ... Data analysis is a multi-stage process that usually starts at the raw data in- spection ..... Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, pages 221–228. ASCI ...

A Distributed Throughput-Optimal CSMA/CA
time, non-zero carrier sense delay and data packet collisions. ... in [4] to include data packet collisions. ... By definition, the first packet in success at time t + 1 in.

The Asymptotic Limits of Interference in Multicell ...
the same path loss), the average difference between the no- interference ... considered which we call the symmetric and the asymmetric model, depending on ...

Throughput in the ARPANET-Protocols and Measurement
of Electrical Engineering and 'Computer Science and a consultant to. Codex Corporation. .... tion IMP is received from any source HOST within 250 ms, .... must of course be shared with all other HOST's that are sending messages to the same destinatio

Distributed Multicell Beamforming Design Approaching ...
This work is to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. ... Processing Lab, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (email: {mats.bengtsson, b-.

primitive IP in the system, such as common block ciphers, and not a special .... access and read the security system's memory (RAM) to reveal our keys and ...

digital signatures, MACs are computed and verified with the ... MACs are used in public key digital .... access and read the security system's memory (RAM) to.

Dynamically Scaling Applications in the Cloud
on service horizontal scaling (i.e. adding new server replicas and load balancers to ... rent status on platform scalability and challenges ahead for the next ..... go in private or hybrid clouds in which application components can be placed in publi

Research Article On Throughput-Fairness Tradeoff in Virtual MIMO ...
Our analysis reveals that in the presence of 3GPP physical layer signaling, the additional multiuser diversity gain that is obtained at the cost of relegating ...

Throughput Improvement through Precoding in OFDMA ...
Mar 30, 2010 - Sufficient conditions guaranteeing that our proposed technique outperforms the ... in these systems to achieve high rate wireless transmission. ..... May 2008. [2] Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems ..

Throughput Maximization in Cognitive Radio System ...
lows the hyper-Erlang distribution [16]. – When the spectrum sensing at the SU is imperfect, we quantify the impact of sensing errors on the SU performance with ...

practical-considerations-in-scaling-supercritical-carbon-dioxide ...
N. (1) Turbine specific speed calculation. Page 3 of 76. practical-considerations-in-scaling-supercritical-carbon-dioxide-closed-brayton-cycle-power-systems.pdf.

Throughput Differentiation for TCP Uplink Traffic in ...
traffic over IEEE 802.11e's Enhanced Distributed Channel Access. (EDCA) ..... same: For propagation delay 50 ms and 200 ms the throughput is 3.93 Mbps and ...

Rapid Note Anomalous scaling in the Zhang model - Springer Link
We apply the moment analysis technique to analyze large scale simulations of the Zhang sandpile model. We find that .... Here the index k runs over the set of all nearest .... we plot the data collapse analysis for the size distribution. The perfect 

Novel Scaling Laws for the Langmuir-Blodgett Solutions in Cylindrical ...
Jun 28, 2013 - Coulomb blockade regime for a nanogap, where the electron number may be in the single digits, and the transit time frequency is in the THz ...

Predators alter the scaling of diversity in prey ...
for colonization (Chase et al. 2009). Predators can increase β-diversity by increasing the .... no predator-free space in the prey metacommunity, P is decreased by the number of species in the region that can- .... ulation models to include descript