The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan

Allegan Public Schools

Mr. Kevin Harness, Superintendent 550 Fifth Street Allegan, MI 49010-1698

Document Generated On June 26, 2015




Goals Summary


Goal 1: Student Achievement: All students in the Allegan Public Schools will improve their reading skills.


Goal 2: Facilities/Equipment/Technology: Allegan Public Schools will maintain a physical environment that is conducive to learning.


Goal 3: Community Relations: The District will strive to foster pride and ownership of Allegan Public Schools by all community members.


Goal 4: Personnel: Allegan Public Schools will utilize prudent hiring practices, relevant professional development opportunities, and appropriate evaluation procedures to ensure that all school personnel are highly suited to their assigned position.


Goal 5: Student Achievement: All students in the Allegan Public Schools will improve their writing skills.


Goal 6: Student Achievement: Allegan Public Schools will provide opportunities for every child to succeed to his/her maximum potential in all academic areas.


Goal 7: Student Achievement: All students will improve their math skills


Activity Summary by Funding Source


Activity Summary by School


The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Overview Plan Name The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Plan Description This is the final revision of the 2015-2016 APS District Improvement Plan

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Goals Summary The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. # 1 2 3 4

5 6 7

Goal Name Student Achievement: All students in the Allegan Public Schools will improve their reading skills.

Goal Details Objectives:2 Strategies:5 Activities:8 Facilities/Equipment/Technology: Allegan Public Objectives:2 Schools will maintain a physical environment that is Strategies:3 conducive to learning. Activities:5 Community Relations: The District will strive to Objectives:1 foster pride and ownership of Allegan Public Strategies:1 Schools by all community members. Activities:1 Personnel: Allegan Public Schools will utilize Objectives:2 prudent hiring practices, relevant professional Strategies:3 development opportunities, and appropriate Activities:4 evaluation procedures to ensure that all school personnel are highly suited to their assigned position. Student Achievement: All students in the Allegan Objectives:2 Public Schools will improve their writing skills. Strategies:4 Activities:7 Student Achievement: Allegan Public Schools will Objectives:3 provide opportunities for every child to succeed to Strategies:5 his/her maximum potential in all academic areas. Activities:8 Student Achievement: All students will improve Objectives:2 their math skills Strategies:5 Activities:5

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Goal Type Academic

Total Funding $94887













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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Goal 1: Student Achievement: All students in the Allegan Public Schools will improve their reading skills. Measurable Objective 1: 67% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency in reading comprehension in all of their core academic courses and in English Language Arts by 06/17/2016 as measured by M-STEP (MEAP), ACT (SAT 15-16), MME, DIBELS, Delta Math, Local Assessments, and Teacher Developed Formative Assessments. Strategy 1: Reading Comprehension - Teachers will involve students in using components that will help them improve their reading comprehension including: Comprehension Monitoring; Reciprocal Teaching; Graphic Organizers; Question-Answer Relationships; Question the Author; and Story Maps Research Cited: "A Principal's Guide to Intensive Reading Interventions for Struggling Readers in Reading First Schools" by Joseph K. Torgesen of the Eastern Regional Reading First Technical Assistance Center, October 2005. Tier: Tier 1 Activity - MAISA Unit Reading Training

Activity Type


The Elementary Teachers (K-5) will be provided in-service training on the implementation of the MAISA Reading units (Common Core). The Secondary Teachers (6-12) will be provided in-service training on the implementation of the MAISA units (Common Core).

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Schools:All Schools

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned


08/05/2013 06/17/2016 $4800

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part The A building principals and the elementary grade level lead teachers will help to ensure that these activities are productivel y implemente d and the information is disseminat ed to all grade level teachers.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Activity - VanAndel Education Institute -- Next Generation Science Standard Training

Activity Type

Teachers continue their training on how to teach / facilitate the new strategies associated with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through the VanAndel Institute.



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600

Activity - College, Career, Civic Life ("C3") Social Studies Standard Training

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

Teacher representatives from the Social Studies department will receive training on the new social studies standards "C3" and how they will be implemented and measured.

Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/07/2015 06/17/2016 $600

Schools:L. E. White Middle School, Allegan High School


Schools:All Schools

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part The A building principals and science department chairperson s will help to facilitate this training and to ensure that it will be meaningful and effective. Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part The Social A Studies Department Chair Person, the Principals, and the Curriculum Director.

Strategy 2: Monitoring Student Reading Skills - K-8 teachers will initially assess the reading skills of their students using the STAR Reading assessment in the first weeks of school. After the student's reading ability has been established, the" DIBELS Next " and "Running Records" will be used to dig deeper to determine needed interventions. The DIBELS Next will be then be given on regular intervals during the school year. The teachers or instructional assistants will utilize "Running Record" to develop "running records" for their students. Electronic scoring will be utilized in the assessments which will provide the teachers with immediate feedback. Student groups will be formed comprised of students who need the same or similar interventions to improve their reading skills. Research Cited: Ardoin, S. P., & Christ, T. J. (2009). Curriculum-based measurement of oral reading: Standard errors associated with progress monitoring outcomes from DIBELS, AIMSweb, and an experimental passage set. School Psychology Review, 38(2), 266-283. Tier: Tier 1 Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Activity - Reading Assessments -- DIBELS and Running Record

Activity Type

After the initial student reading assessment is completed in Star Reading, student reading skills will be assessed using a "dig deeper" assessment. The data from DIBELS "Next" and "Running Records" will be used to determine appropriate interventions. DIBELS "NEXT" and "Running Record" will be given during the school year at pre-established intervals. Teachers and/or Instructional assistants will use technology to administer DIBELS "Next" and "Running Record" resulting in digitally recorded student scores. Using the data generated, student groups will be formed comprised of students who need the same or similar interventions to improve their reading skills.



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Technology Tier 1 , Academic Support Program


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $32000

General Fund

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

Source Of Funding

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

Activity - "Running Record" Training


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e Classroom Teachers and Instructiona l Assistants will administer the assessmen ts. The Building Principals and Curriculum Director will assist teachers with the review of the generated data. Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Instructional Assistants and teachers will be taught how to use the new electronic platform for administering the " Running Record" skill assessment. to dig deeper into the reading skills of their students and determine interventions that will be needed to move students closer to their appropriate grade level in reading. If this training occurs during the school year, substitutes will be hired so that teachers and IAs can be away from their assigned duties.

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Getting Ready

08/11/2014 09/25/2015 $137

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

Title II Part The A building principals, grade level teachers and instructiona l assistants will be involved to ensure that all members of the instructiona l staff know how to properly utilize the DIBELS "Next" and "Reading 3D" component s of the new electronic version.

Measurable Objective 2: 67% of Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade Economically Disadvantaged students will demonstrate a proficiency in reading comprehension in all of their core academic courses and in English Language Arts by 06/17/2016 as measured by The DIBELS and Star Reading assessments. Strategy 1: Instructional Assistant Reading Support - Instructional Assistants will work with students in small groups or in one-to-one situations to help the students who are struggling with their reading skill development in all core academic subects. Research Cited: "What we need to know about Response to Intervention," Fuchs D. & Deschler D.D.; 2007 Tier: Tier 2 Activity - IA Reading Support

Activity Type


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their reading skills will receive extra help from highly qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or in one-on-one situations.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Title I Part A

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

The building principal, K5 Teachers, and Instructiona l Assistants assigned to each elementary school.

Strategy 2: Adult and/or Student Mentors - Adult Mentors and/or High School Student (PAL) Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in developing their reading skills. Research Cited: "Mentoring in America: A snap shot of the current state of mentoring -- 2005," MENTOR, Gail Manza. Tier: Activity - Adult/Student Mentors

Activity Type



Begin Date End Date

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in developing their reading skills.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e No Funding The Required building principal, teachers, and/or social worker will strive to be sure that those students who most need additional support will receive the help of an adult/stude nt mentor.

Strategy 3: Appropriate Reading Materials - Addtional paperback books will be purchased to provide appropriate reading level books for students. Research Cited: •All children should receive reading instruction using texts at their instructional reading level. A text in which a child can read 90 to 95 percent of the words accurately is considered instructionally appropriate. (Clay 1991: Fountas and Pinnell, 1996) •A book should be easy enough to develop a student’s confidence and facilitate understanding, but difficult enough to challenge without frustrating. (Clay, 1991) Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

•Appropriate reading materials for emergent readers should contain meaningful and natural language patterns and many high-frequency words. (Hiebert, 1998) Tier: Activity - Appropriate Reading Level Books

Activity Type



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

An assortment of books at will be purchased to support the reading development of students.


Tier 1


08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $5250

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Section 31a The K-5 ELA teachers, the building principals, and the Curriculum Director.

Goal 2: Facilities/Equipment/Technology: Allegan Public Schools will maintain a physical environment that is conducive to learning. Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a behavior of proper and timely maintenance of district facilities, equipment, technology, and grounds to ensure proper stewardship of district funds and the maximization of district building and ground use by 01/22/2016 as measured by facilities, equiptment, technology and building sites that are functioning at maximum efficieny as designed and/or appear to be clean, neat and well cared for.. Strategy 1: Monitor all Allegan Public School Facilities - All facilities of the Allegan Public Schools will be reviewed on regular intervals by the liability insurance carrier to insure that all facilities are safe environments for both students and employees. Research Cited: Maintaining School Plants Throughout the Year: The Head Teacher's Role by Jamilu Shalihu; Academia, 2014 Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Review of Facilities

Activity Type


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Representative(s) of the Liability Insurance Company -- SET SEG, will visit all school building and facilities of the Allegan Public Schools on regular intervals to insure the those areas are safe and secure for students and employees.

Walkthroug Tier 1 h


07/01/2014 06/24/2016 $5000

General Fund

Schools:All Schools

The Director of Operations and the Head of Maintenanc e will assist SET SEG representati ves in their evaluation of school facilities.

Measurable Objective 2: demonstrate a behavior of continuous review of the District Technology Plan and an updating of it to provide timely support and to improve instruction and learning at all levels of the Allegan Public Schools by 06/24/2016 as measured by scheduled technology training, technology devices and resources that are being effectively utilized by students, teachers, and support staff and data that demonstrates the same are kept up-to-date. . Strategy 1: Technology Training - All teachers received training on the new student devices that were given to students in the fall of 2014. Teachers will continue to receive support on how to effectively utilize the student devices and applications as they are improved throughout the 2015-2016 School Year. Research Cited: Peruski, L., & Mishra, P. (2004). Webs of activity in online course design and teaching. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 12(1), 37-49. Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Technology Training and/or Support

Activity Type

A Technology Expert will be available to provide teachers with one on one or small group support on how to effectively use their classroom technology and student devices throughout the school year to provide students with improved instruction in all curricular areas.



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Getting Ready

08/26/2013 06/17/2016 $59000

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

Schools:All Schools

Activity - Evaluation and Monitoring of Classroom Technology Integration


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Building A Principals, Director of Technology , Building Sys Ops, Digital Learning Coaches, Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

We will utilize the TUPS survey through the Florida Center for Other Instructional Technology to measure Teacher and Student Use of Technology in the Spring of 2014 and a follow-up survey in the Spring of 2015.

Tier 1

Getting Ready

05/16/2014 06/26/2015 $0


Schools:All Schools

Teachers and Building Principals will be responsible for ensuring that all staff complete the initial survey and the followup survey.

Strategy 2: Developing District Experts - As the technology of the district advances in the "Information Age," it will be necessary to develop district level experts in the various technology applications in order to provide support for all members of the school staff in the use of the continuously evolving technology tools and applications. Research Cited: Encounters with the Information Society, Chapter 7: Local Experts, by James Stewart, cc. 2004. Tier: Tier 2 Activity - District Experts

Activity Type

The Digital Learning Coaches who were trained through the TRIG Grants (13-14 SY, 14-15 SY), will continue to support teachers in each building.



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning


08/17/2015 06/17/2016 $16875

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date


12/07/2015 05/27/2016 $8000

Schools:All Schools

Activity - MACUL Training


20 teachers will participate in the MACUL Technology Training Technology Tier 2 in the Spring of 2016. , Professiona Schools:All Schools l Learning

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Section 31a Building Principals, Technology Director, Digital Learning Coaches Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Technology A Director, Building Principals, Building Sy Ops, Digital Learning Coaches.

Goal 3: Community Relations: The District will strive to foster pride and ownership of Allegan Public Schools by all community members. Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a behavior to promote the importance of positive community relations by continually communicating/reminding staff and administration about its impact on the general public. by 06/24/2016 as measured by the number and frequency of communications through the various forms. Strategy 1: Involvement - Encourage involvement by staff, administration, and board of education in community organizations and activities. Tier: Activity - "C.O.D.E. Orange"

Activity Type


Encourage community-wide activities such as "C.O.D.E. Community Orange" to generate pride and excitement in the Allegan Public Engageme Schools. nt Schools:All Schools


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

05/13/2013 06/24/2016 $1000

Source Of Funding Other

Staff Responsibl e The leadership team of the Educational Foundation of the Allegan Public Schools committee will spearhead this effort. They will organize the campaign and encourage involvemen t on the part of all staff and community members.

Goal 4: Personnel: Allegan Public Schools will utilize prudent hiring practices, relevant professional development opportunities, and appropriate evaluation procedures to ensure that all school personnel are highly suited to their assigned position. Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to ensure that all school personnel will be highly suited to their assigned position. by 06/17/2016 as measured by All employees will have the required qualifications for each job as well as have the required State of Michigan and AdvancEd certification(s), if applicable, for their position. In addition, positive employee evaluations will also serve as evidence.. Strategy 1: Recruitment - All open positions requiring professional certification in the school system will be posted with all Universities and Colleges in the State of Michigan and closeby Universities and Colleges in surrounding states. All one non-certified positions will be advertised in all local and regional newspapers, through Michigan Works, and employment agencies. All open positions and the required qualifications will also be listed on the Allegan Public Schools website. Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Posting Jobs

Activity Type


Notify Universities and Colleges of the positions that are open Recruitmen Tier 1 in the school district and the certification requirements for each t and position. Retention


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned


04/29/2013 06/30/2016 $1

Source Of Funding General Fund

Schools:All Schools

Staff Responsibl e The Superinten dent, Building Principals, and assigned secretarial staff.

Strategy 2: New Educator Orientation - All new professional educators will receive orientation to the Allegan Public Schools. This orientation will include: District Policies, Philosophy and Expectations and the introduction to District Technology Applications (including but not limited to -- PowerSchool, Everyday Math, MAISA Math, Delta Math, DIBELS, Running Record, MAISA Reading & Writing, MAISA Social Studies, Battle Creek Science, VanAndel Institute, and Illuminate DNA). Tier: Tier 1 Activity - New Teacher Orientation

Activity Type


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

All new professional educators will receive orientation to the Allegan Public Schools. This orientation will include: District Policies, Philosophy and Expectations and the introduction to District Technology Applications (including but not limited to -PowerSchool, Everyday Math, MAISA Math, Delta Math, DIBELS, Running Record, MAISA Reading & Writing, MAISA Social Studies, Battle Creek Science, VanAndel Institute, and Illuminate DNA).

Career Tier 1 Preparation /Orientation , Policy and Process, Professiona l Learning

08/03/2015 06/24/2016 $100

General Fund

Schools:All Schools

Superinten dent, Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Mentor Teachers, Members of the new teacher's PLC.

Measurable Objective 2: demonstrate a proficiency in conducting effective evaluations of all professional educators using the evaluation tool "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom" on a yearly basis by 06/24/2016 as measured by the monitoring of completed professional educator evaluations at the end of June each school year. 100% completion is the expectation each school year. . Strategy 1: Teacher Evaluation - Beginning in the 2015-2016 School Year, the building administrators will begin to utilize a new teacher evaluation system, "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom" by K-12 Evaluation Solutions. In August 2015, the administrators will be trained on how to use the checklists, rubric, and forms of the "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom." In addition before the school year begins, all teachers will receive training on the essential elements of the "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom" model. Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Administrator "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom" training

Activity Type

All building administrators will be trained in how to utilize the teacher evaluation system, "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom." In the first training, they will learn to use the "Stages" software technology that will be utilized during teacher observations and evaluations ($1,500). In the 2nd training they will learn how to use "Thoughtful Classroom" model which provides the foundation for all observations and the final evaluation summary ($8,500).



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning


08/03/2015 06/17/2016 $10000

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Superinten A dent, Curriculum Director, Building Administrat ors

Schools:All Schools Activity - Teacher Training


Teachers will be introduced to the new teacher evaluation tool, Professiona Tier 1 "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom." l Learning Schools:All Schools Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

08/24/2015 10/02/2015 $100

Source Of Funding General Fund

Staff Responsibl e Superinten dent and Building Principals, Page 13

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Goal 5: Student Achievement: All students in the Allegan Public Schools will improve their writing skills. Measurable Objective 1: 51% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency in their writing process skills and their grammar and useage skills in English Language Arts by 06/17/2016 as measured by as measured by M-STEP (formerly MEAP Writing Assessment ) in 4th and 7th grades and with teacher formative assessments. . Strategy 1: MAISA Writing Unit Teacher Training - Teachers will be trained to utilize the MAISA Writing Units to help their students improve thier writing skills. The MAISA Writing Unit training will include support from the Allegan Area Education Service Agency (AAESA) ELA Consultant and facilitators of the "Great Lakes Writing Project." Research Cited: "Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Teaching Writing Grades 3-5 Book 1: Launching the Writing Workshop" Lucy Calkins Tier: Tier 1 Activity - MAISA Writing Unit Training

Activity Type


The elementary teachers (K-5) will receive MAISA Writing Unit Professiona Tier 1 implementation training from AAESA consultants from other l Learning Writer's Workshop facilitators. The secondary teachers (6-12) will receive MAISA Writing Unit implementation training from AAESA consultants and from other Writer's Workshop facilitators. Schools:All Schools

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned


08/05/2013 06/17/2016 $4800

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Section 31a The Curriculum Director, the building Principals, the Elementary Grade Level Teachers, and the Secondary Language Arts Department chairperson s will ensure that the planned activities will be educational ly beneficial and functionally productive.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Activity - Van Andel Education Institute Training on the Next Generation Science Standards

Activity Type


The K-12 Science educators will learn about the student Professiona Tier 1 communication expectations of the Next Generation Science l Learning Standards (NGSS) and learn how to develop strategies to help students learn to improve their science communication (presentation, writing, verbal).


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600


Begin Date End Date

Schools:L. E. White Middle School, Allegan High School

Activity - "C3 Framework" Training -- New Social Studies Standards

Activity Type


Resource Assigned

The Social Studies teachers will learn how to plan, develop and implement the "C-3 Framework" (communication (presentation, writing, verbal) expectations for the New Social Studies Standards .

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $600

Activity - MIELA Professional Development

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

15 of the K-12 ELA teachers will participate in the MIELA Professional Learning Conference in the spring of 2016.

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


11/30/2015 05/27/2016 $15750

Schools:L. E. White Middle School, Allegan High School


Schools:All Schools

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part The A Science Department Chairperso ns and Building Principals will help to ensure that this activity is meaningful. Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part The Social A Studies Department Chairperso ns and the Building Principals will ensure that this training will be meaningful and beneficial to all participants . Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Section 31a Building Principals, grade level Lead Teachers, Writing Coach, and Curriculum Director Page 15

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Strategy 2: Coaching for Writing Teachers - A "Writing Coach" will go into elementary classrooms and observe an elementary teacher teach a writing lesson. The "Writing Coach" will provide feedback on all aspects of the writing lesson observed. The expectation is that the writing teachers will benefit from the feedback and be able to use the feedback to improve their writing lessons. Research Cited: “Research on Coaching” by Jake Cornett and Jim Knight, 2008, in Coaching Approaches and Perspectives. Corwin 2009. Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Coaching of Writing Lessons

Activity Type


A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on all aspects of the observed lesson.

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, L. E. White Middle School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School, Allegan High School

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Section 31a The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director.

Measurable Objective 2: 51% of Economically Disadvantaged students will demonstrate a proficiency in their writing process skills and their grammar and useage skills in English Language Arts in English Language Arts by 06/17/2016 as measured by M-STEP (formerly the MEAP Writing Assessment ) in 4th and 7th grades and with teacher formative assessments.. Strategy 1: Instructional Assistant Writing Support - Instructional Assistants will work with students in small groups or in one-to-one situations to help the students who are struggling with their writing skill development in all core academic subjects Research Cited: "What we need to know about Response to Intervention," Fuchs, D. & Deschler, D.D. ; 2007 Tier: Activity - IA Writing Support

Activity Type



Begin Date End Date

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their writing skills will receive extra help from highly qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or in one-to-one situations.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding Title I Part A

Staff Responsibl e The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementry school.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Strategy 2: Adult or Student Mentors - Adult Mentors and/or High School Student "PAL" Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in accomplishing their assigned tasks. Research Cited: "Mentoring in America: A snapshot of the current state of mentoring -- 2005," MENTOR, Gail Manza Tier: Activity - Adult/Student Mentors

Activity Type



Begin Date End Date

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

Schools:All Schools

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e No Funding The Required building principal, social workers, and classroom teachers will strive to ensure that the needest students will receive the needed attention.

Goal 6: Student Achievement: Allegan Public Schools will provide opportunities for every child to succeed to his/her maximum potential in all academic areas. Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a behavior that all students are utilizing the academic support mechanisms that have been created for their benefit by 06/17/2016 as measured by the student participation logs or enrollment in the established support programs: Allegan Alternative Education High School, the Allegan High School Academic Tutoring Program, and the Learning Center in the middle school.. Strategy 1: High School Alternative Education Program - High school students who struggle academically or who need an alternative setting will be given the opportunity to enroll in the Allegan Alternative Education High School. The Alternative High School will provide smaller class sizes, a slower pace, the use of technology, and a curriculum that meet the specifications of the MDE Graduation Requirements. Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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Research Cited: "The Value of Alternative Education to Meet the Needs of At Risk students," John R. Kopacz, 2009. Tier: Tier 2 Activity - Alternative Education Program

Activity Type


High school age students will be given the opportunity to enroll Academic in the Allegan Alternative Education High School programs to Support meet the learning expecations of the MDE Graduation Program requirements.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $510000

Schools:Allegan Alternative High School

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Section 31a The Allegan Alternative Education High School Principal and teachers will be responsible for implementi ng the alternative education curriculum and programs.

Strategy 2: High School Academic Tutoring - Allegan High School will dedicate a classroom for academic tutoring. The classroom will be staffed by highly qualified teachers. The academic tutoring classroom will be available to all students during the school day and for one hour after school. Students can go to the academic tutoring classroom to receive extra help in math, English, science, social studies, and elective classes. Research Cited: "Response to Intervention: A Research Review," Charles Hughes, Douglas Dexter, 2007 Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Academic Tutoring

Activity Type


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

All students (including homeless students) can go the the Academic Tutoring Classroom from their math, English, science, social studies, or elective classes to get extra help on classwork, test preparation, and test/quiz make-up during the school day and after the school day ends (~1 hour).

Academic Support Program

Tier 1


09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $68500

Schools:Allegan High School

Section 31a The high school principal will oversee the program. The daily operation of the program is the responsibilit y of the teachers assigned to the Academic Tutoring classroom. The high school counselors will encourage students to utilize the resource.

Strategy 3: Middle School Learning Center - A room at the middle school will be staffed by a highly qualified para-pro. The purpose of the room will be to provide extra support to students each period of tghe school day and after school for one hour. Students will come to the Learning Center to have tests read to them, to take tests in a quiet setting, to make-up tests, to make-up missing work, to receive extra help on classwork, or to get one-on-one support by having an assignment / taks re-explained. High School "Mentors" will be rectuited to help in the Learning Center during the school day. After school two additional highly qualified instructional assistants will be present in the Learning Center to provide support to students after school. Research Cited: "Response to Intervention: A Research Review," Charles Hughes, Douglas Dexter, 2007 Tier: Activity - Learning Center Support

Activity Type


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

All students (including homeless students) will be able to go to Academic the Learning Center to receive extra help during the school day Support and after school. Program

Tier 1


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $41900

Schools:L. E. White Middle School

Section 31a The Learning Center paraprofessiona l, 2 parttime instructiona l assistants

Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to develop strategies and implementation methods of providing RtI (Response to Intervention) for all students by 06/16/2017 as measured by the successful development of RtI intervention strategies or intervention programs in each of the schools in the district.. Strategy 1: RtI Teacher Training - Teachers will be provided training on the RtI process on their return for the 2016-2017 School Year. The training by the national presenter, Dr. Anthony Muhammad, will emphasize all phases of the RtI process -- including: Collective Responsibility {Professional Learning Communities}, Concentrated Instruction {especially at Tier 1}, Convergent Assessment {Essential Standards & Common Formative Assessments} , and Certain Access {developing a plan for Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions}. Additional follow-up RtI sessions to the 2014-2015 training will be provided to teachers and administrators as they work through the process of developing the essential elements of a highly functional RtI process in their building. Research Cited: Teaching quality has been defined as "instruction that enables a wide range of students to learn" (Darling-Hammond, 2012), and it is the strongest school-related factor that can improve student learning and achievement (Hanushek, 2011; Nye, Konstantopoulos, and Hedges, 2004; Rivkin, Hanushek, and Kain, 2005). Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Teacher Training

Activity Type

Teachers will be provided opportunities to receive follow-up training on the fundamental elements needed to develop a successful RtI program. These include: Collective Responsibility (Professional Learning Communities {PLCs}, Concentrated Instruction {emphasis on Tier 1 strategies} , Convergent Assessment, and Certain Access through Response to Intervention (RtI) workshops and conferences.



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


08/03/2015 06/17/2016 $15000

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

Schools:All Schools Activity - Evaluation of RtI Professional Development


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Department A and Grade Level Chairperso ns, Building Principals, Curriculum Director, Superinten dent. Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Page 20

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

The RtI or MTSS Professional Development Activity will be Professiona Tier 1 monitored and evaluated through pre and post surveys. The l Learning agendas and participation sign-in sheets will provide evidence of implementation. Each school in the Allegan Public Schools will provide agendas for meetings where the RtI (MTSS) information is shared with colleagues will also provide evidence. Any documents created by the building teams regarding the implementation phases and/or timelines will also provide evidence.


09/02/2014 06/23/2017 $1

Title II Part The A Curriculum Director, Building Principals, School Improveme nt Chairperso ns, and Teachers.


Begin Date End Date

Source Of Funding

Elementary (K-5) English Language Arts (ELA) Teachers will Teacher Tier 1 be provided time during the school year to determine/select the Collaborati ELA Essential Standards for each grade level. on, Curriculum Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Developme Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward nt Elementary School

Getting Ready

09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $4800

Title I Part A

Activity - Common Formative Assessment Development

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

Source Of Funding

Core subject area teachers and grade level teacher teams will be provided time to collaborate to develop Common Formative Assessments for the Essential Standards that the have determined for the subject area. MS - ELA & Math = $3000. HS - ELA & Math = $1500

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt, Professiona l Learning

Getting Ready

01/09/2015 06/17/2016 $4500

Schools:All Schools Activity - Essential Standard Determination

Schools:All Schools

Activity Type



Resource Assigned

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Grade Level Lead Teachers

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Curriculum A Director, Building Principals, Department Chairperso ns.

Measurable Objective 3: collaborate to develop "Performance Tasks" that are meaningful and realistic applications of student learning by 06/03/2016 as measured by the development of "Performance Tasks" that students can successfully solve/complete. Strategy 1: Performance Task Training - Teacher representatives from all grade levels will learn how to develop meaningful "Performance Tasks" that can be given to students that will have real world application of their learning in all core subject areas. Research Cited: Training in virtual environments: transfer to real world tasks and equivalence to real task training, DOI:10.1080/001401300184378 F. D. Rose, E. A. Attree, B. M. Brooks, D. M. Parslow & P. R. Penn; Published online: 10 Nov 2010 Tier: Tier 1

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Activity - Performance Task Training

Activity Type


Teachers will learn how to develop meaningful "Performance Tasks" for their students that have real world applications.

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Getting Ready

09/02/2014 06/24/2016 $100

Source Of Funding General Fund

Schools:All Schools

Staff Responsibl e The Department Chairperso ns, Grade Level Lead Teachers, Building Principals, and the Curriculum Director.

Goal 7: Student Achievement: All students will improve their math skills Measurable Objective 1: 46% of Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency in their number sense skill (including computation) and their ability to solve "connections" problems in mathematics in Mathematics by 06/17/2016 as measured by the M-STEP (formerly MEAP Math Assessment) , Delta Math, and if available STAR Math. . Strategy 1: Math MAISA Unit / Common Core Training - The elementary teachers and the secondary math teachers will receive training on how to develop and implement the strategies / topics of the MAISA Math Units and then learn to develop "Common Assessments" for the units in each grade level and/or course as well as the math teaching strategies that make up the elements of the Mathematics Common Core. Research Cited: NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, Grades 6-8 Edition Tier: Tier 1 Activity - MAISA Math Training -- re: Common Core

Activity Type


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

In the 2015-2016 School Year, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Elementary teachers will receive in-service training on how to plan and design MAISA Math units for their respective grade level math classes.

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

Title II Part The A Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Elementary Grade Level Lead Teachers, and the Secondary Math Department Chairperso ns will ensure that the planned activies are educational ly beneficial and implemente d with fidelity.

Strategy 2: Every Day Math Inservice for Teachers - Teachers will receive inservice training on how to effectively utilize the Everyday Math materials in the teaching of math. Research Cited: Aaron, D. (1993). Classroom implementation and impact of Everyday Mathematics K-3: Teachers’ perspectives on adopting a reform mathematics curriculum. Chicago: UCSMP Tier: Tier 2 Activity - Everyday Math Inservice

Activity Type


Teachers will receive training on how to effectively utilize the Everyday Math series in their classrooms as well as align the Everyday Math Units with the MAISA Math units.

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part Building A Principals and grade level lead teachers.

Strategy 3: Delta Math Student Screening - Delta Math will be used to identify all student who may not be ready to learn the current grade level content standards. Delta Math will generate "Student Performance" reports that will be used to communicate with parents and the plan to provide appropriate support for the student's skill development. Research Cited: Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making, Recommendations 3, 4, 5 Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Tier: Tier 1 Activity - Delta Math Interventions

Activity Type

High School teachers will be trained on the use of the Delta Academic Math screeners for Algebra I. Students will be given the Delta Support Math grade level readiness screener to determine his/her Program readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.



Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, L. E. White Middle School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School, Allegan High School

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e Title II Part The 3rd A through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process.

Measurable Objective 2: 46% of Economically Disadvantaged students will demonstrate a proficiency in their number sense skills (including computation) and their ability to solve "connections" problems in mathematics in Mathematics by 06/17/2016 as measured by the M-STEP (formerly Meap Mathematics Assessments), Delta Math and the STAR Math assessments.. Strategy 1: Instructional Assistant Math Support - Instructional Assistants will work with students in small groups or in one-to-one situations to help the students who are struggling with their math skill development. Research Cited: "What we need to know about "Response to Intervention," Fuchs D. & Deschler D.D.; 2007 Tier: Activity - IA Math Support

Activity Type


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

K-5 students who are having difficulty with their learning their Academic math facts and understanding their math skills will receive extra Support help form highly qualified Instructional Assistants in small Program groups or in one-on-one situations.

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $48500

Title I Part A

Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementary school.

Strategy 2: Adult and/or Student Mentors - Adult Mentors and/or High School Student "PAL" Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additonal support in accomplishing their assigned tasks. Research Cited: "Mentoring in America: A snapshop of the current state of mentoring -- 2005," MENTOR, Gail Manza Tier: Activity - Adult/Student Mentors

Activity Type

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program


Schools:Pine Trails Elementary School, North Ward Elementary School, Dawson Elementary School, West Ward Elementary School

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $0

Source Of Funding

Staff Responsibl e No Funding The Required building principal, teachers, and social worker will strive to be sure that those students with the greatest need receive the extra attention.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Activity Summary by Funding Source Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source Section 31a Activity Name

Activity Description

MAISA Writing Unit Training

MIELA Professional Development

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

The elementary teachers (K-5) will receive MAISA Professiona Tier 1 Writing Unit implementation training from AAESA l Learning consultants from other Writer's Workshop facilitators. The secondary teachers (6-12) will receive MAISA Writing Unit implementation training from AAESA consultants and from other Writer's Workshop facilitators.


08/05/2013 06/17/2016 $4800

15 of the K-12 ELA teachers will participate in the Professiona Tier 1 MIELA Professional Learning Conference in the l Learning spring of 2016.


11/30/2015 05/27/2016 $15750

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e The Curriculum Director, the building Principals, the Elementary Grade Level Teachers, and the Secondary Language Arts Department chairperson s will ensure that the planned activities will be educational ly beneficial and functionally productive. Building Principals, grade level Lead Teachers, Writing Coach, and Curriculum Director

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Academic Tutoring

All students (including homeless students) can go Academic the the Academic Tutoring Classroom from their Support math, English, science, social studies, or elective Program classes to get extra help on classwork, test preparation, and test/quiz make-up during the school day and after the school day ends (~1 hour).

Tier 1


09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $68500

Coaching of Writing Lessons

A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a Teacher Tier 1 writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. Collaborati The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on on all aspects of the observed lesson.


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The high school principal will oversee the program. The daily operation of the program is the responsibilit y of the teachers assigned to the Academic Tutoring classroom. The high school counselors will encourage students to utilize the resource. The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Alternative Education Program

High school age students will be given the opportunity to enroll in the Allegan Alternative Education High School programs to meet the learning expecations of the MDE Graduation requirements.

Academic Support Program


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $510000

District Experts

The Digital Learning Coaches who were trained through the TRIG Grants (13-14 SY, 14-15 SY), will continue to support teachers in each building.

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning


08/17/2015 06/17/2016 $16875

Appropriate Reading Level Books

An assortment of books at will be purchased to support the reading development of students.


Tier 1


08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $5250

Academic Support Program

Tier 1


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $41900

Activity Type



Begin Date End Date

Learning Center Support All students (including homeless students) will be able to go to the Learning Center to receive extra help during the school day and after school.

The Allegan Alternative Education High School Principal and teachers will be responsible for implementi ng the alternative education curriculum and programs. Building Principals, Technology Director, Digital Learning Coaches The K-5 ELA teachers, the building principals, and the Curriculum Director. The Learning Center paraprofessiona l, 2 parttime instructiona l assistants

No Funding Required Activity Name

Activity Description

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e Page 28

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $0

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

The building principal, teachers, and social worker will strive to be sure that those students with the greatest need receive the extra attention. The building principal, social workers, and classroom teachers will strive to ensure that the needest students will receive the needed attention.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in developing their reading skills.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

The building principal, teachers, and/or social worker will strive to be sure that those students who most need additional support will receive the help of an adult/stude nt mentor.

Activity Name

Activity Description

Activity Type



Begin Date End Date

Teacher Training

Teachers will be introduced to the new teacher evaluation tool, "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom."

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

08/24/2015 10/02/2015 $100

New Teacher Orientation

All new professional educators will receive orientation to the Allegan Public Schools. This orientation will include: District Policies, Philosophy and Expectations and the introduction to District Technology Applications (including but not limited to -- PowerSchool, Everyday Math, MAISA Math, Delta Math, DIBELS, Running Record, MAISA Reading & Writing, MAISA Social Studies, Battle Creek Science, VanAndel Institute, and Illuminate DNA).

Career Tier 1 Preparation /Orientation , Policy and Process, Professiona l Learning

08/03/2015 06/24/2016 $100

Staff Responsibl e Superinten dent and Building Principals, Superinten dent, Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Mentor Teachers, Members of the new teacher's PLC.

General Fund

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Performance Task Training

Teachers will learn how to develop meaningful "Performance Tasks" for their students that have real world applications.

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Getting Ready

09/02/2014 06/24/2016 $100

Review of Facilities

Representative(s) of the Liability Insurance Walkthroug Tier 1 Company -- SET SEG, will visit all school building h and facilities of the Allegan Public Schools on regular intervals to insure the those areas are safe and secure for students and employees.


07/01/2014 06/24/2016 $5000

Posting Jobs

Notify Universities and Colleges of the positions that are open in the school district and the certification requirements for each position.


04/29/2013 06/30/2016 $1

Recruitmen Tier 1 t and Retention

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The Department Chairperso ns, Grade Level Lead Teachers, Building Principals, and the Curriculum Director. The Director of Operations and the Head of Maintenanc e will assist SET SEG representati ves in their evaluation of school facilities. The Superinten dent, Building Principals, and assigned secretarial staff.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Reading Assessments - After the initial student reading assessment is - DIBELS and Running completed in Star Reading, student reading skills Record will be assessed using a "dig deeper" assessment. The data from DIBELS "Next" and "Running Records" will be used to determine appropriate interventions. DIBELS "NEXT" and "Running Record" will be given during the school year at pre-established intervals. Teachers and/or Instructional assistants will use technology to administer DIBELS "Next" and "Running Record" resulting in digitally recorded student scores. Using the data generated, student groups will be formed comprised of students who need the same or similar interventions to improve their reading skills.

Technology Tier 1 , Academic Support Program


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $32000

Classroom Teachers and Instructiona l Assistants will administer the assessmen ts. The Building Principals and Curriculum Director will assist teachers with the review of the generated data.

Activity Type



Begin Date End Date

Tier 1

Getting Ready

05/16/2014 06/26/2015 $0

Staff Responsibl e Teachers and Building Principals will be responsible for ensuring that all staff complete the initial survey and the followup survey.

Other Activity Name

Activity Description

Evaluation and We will utilize the TUPS survey through the Other Monitoring of Classroom Florida Center for Instructional Technology to Technology Integration measure Teacher and Student Use of Technology in the Spring of 2014 and a follow-up survey in the Spring of 2015.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

"C.O.D.E. Orange"

Encourage community-wide activities such as "C.O.D.E. Orange" to generate pride and excitement in the Allegan Public Schools.

Community Engageme nt

Activity Name

Activity Description

Activity Type

MACUL Training

20 teachers will participate in the MACUL Technology Training in the Spring of 2016.

Technology Tier 2 , Professiona l Learning

Van Andel Education Institute Training on the Next Generation Science Standards

The K-12 Science educators will learn about the Professiona Tier 1 student communication expectations of the Next l Learning Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and learn how to develop strategies to help students learn to improve their science communication (presentation, writing, verbal).

05/13/2013 06/24/2016 $1000

The leadership team of the Educational Foundation of the Allegan Public Schools committee will spearhead this effort. They will organize the campaign and encourage involvemen t on the part of all staff and community members.


Begin Date End Date


12/07/2015 05/27/2016 $8000

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600

Staff Responsibl e Technology Director, Building Principals, Building Sy Ops, Digital Learning Coaches. The Science Department Chairperso ns and Building Principals will help to ensure that this activity is meaningful.

Title II Part A

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Resource Assigned

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

"C3 Framework" Training -- New Social Studies Standards

The Social Studies teachers will learn how to plan, develop and implement the "C-3 Framework" (communication (presentation, writing, verbal) expectations for the New Social Studies Standards .

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $600

MAISA Math Training -- In the 2015-2016 School Year, the 3rd, 4th, and Professiona Tier 1 re: Common Core 5th grade Elementary teachers will receive inl Learning service training on how to plan and design MAISA Math units for their respective grade level math classes.


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Everyday Math Inservice Teachers will receive training on how to effectively Professiona Tier 1 utilize the Everyday Math series in their l Learning classrooms as well as align the Everyday Math Units with the MAISA Math units.


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The Social Studies Department Chairperso ns and the Building Principals will ensure that this training will be meaningful and beneficial to all participants . The Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Elementary Grade Level Lead Teachers, and the Secondary Math Department Chairperso ns will ensure that the planned activies are educational ly beneficial and implemente d with fidelity. Building Principals and grade level lead teachers.

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Teacher Training

Teachers will be provided opportunities to receive Professiona Tier 1 follow-up training on the fundamental elements l Learning needed to develop a successful RtI program. These include: Collective Responsibility (Professional Learning Communities {PLCs}, Concentrated Instruction {emphasis on Tier 1 strategies} , Convergent Assessment, and Certain Access through Response to Intervention (RtI) workshops and conferences.


08/03/2015 06/17/2016 $15000

Evaluation of RtI Professional Development

The RtI or MTSS Professional Development Activity will be monitored and evaluated through pre and post surveys. The agendas and participation sign-in sheets will provide evidence of implementation. Each school in the Allegan Public Schools will provide agendas for meetings where the RtI (MTSS) information is shared with colleagues will also provide evidence. Any documents created by the building teams regarding the implementation phases and/or timelines will also provide evidence. All building administrators will be trained in how to utilize the teacher evaluation system, "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom." In the first training, they will learn to use the "Stages" software technology that will be utilized during teacher observations and evaluations ($1,500). In the 2nd training they will learn how to use "Thoughtful Classroom" model which provides the foundation for all observations and the final evaluation summary ($8,500). A Technology Expert will be available to provide teachers with one on one or small group support on how to effectively use their classroom technology and student devices throughout the school year to provide students with improved instruction in all curricular areas.

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


09/02/2014 06/23/2017 $1

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning


08/03/2015 06/17/2016 $10000

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Getting Ready

08/26/2013 06/17/2016 $59000

Administrator "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom" training

Technology Training and/or Support

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Department and Grade Level Chairperso ns, Building Principals, Curriculum Director, Superinten dent. The Curriculum Director, Building Principals, School Improveme nt Chairperso ns, and Teachers. Superinten dent, Curriculum Director, Building Administrat ors

Building Principals, Director of Technology , Building Sys Ops, Digital Learning Coaches,

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

MAISA Unit Reading Training

The Elementary Teachers (K-5) will be provided in-service training on the implementation of the MAISA Reading units (Common Core). The Secondary Teachers (6-12) will be provided in-service training on the implementation of the MAISA units (Common Core).

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


08/05/2013 06/17/2016 $4800

College, Career, Civic Life ("C3") Social Studies Standard Training

Teacher representatives from the Social Studies department will receive training on the new social studies standards "C3" and how they will be implemented and measured.

Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/07/2015 06/17/2016 $600

Common Formative Assessment Development

Core subject area teachers and grade level teacher teams will be provided time to collaborate to develop Common Formative Assessments for the Essential Standards that the have determined for the subject area. MS - ELA & Math = $3000. HS - ELA & Math = $1500

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt, Professiona l Learning

Getting Ready

01/09/2015 06/17/2016 $4500

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The building principals and the elementary grade level lead teachers will help to ensure that these activities are productivel y implemente d and the information is disseminat ed to all grade level teachers. The Social Studies Department Chair Person, the Principals, and the Curriculum Director. Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Department Chairperso ns.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

"Running Record" Training

Instructional Assistants and teachers will be taught how to use the new electronic platform for administering the " Running Record" skill assessment. to dig deeper into the reading skills of their students and determine interventions that will be needed to move students closer to their appropriate grade level in reading. If this training occurs during the school year, substitutes will be hired so that teachers and IAs can be away from their assigned duties.

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Delta Math Interventions High School teachers will be trained on the use of Academic the Delta Math screeners for Algebra I. Students Support will be given the Delta Math grade level readiness Program screener to determine his/her readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Tier 2

Getting Ready

08/11/2014 09/25/2015 $137


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

The building principals, grade level teachers and instructiona l assistants will be involved to ensure that all members of the instructiona l staff know how to properly utilize the DIBELS "Next" and "Reading 3D" component s of the new electronic version. The 3rd through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process. Page 37

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

VanAndel Education Institute -- Next Generation Science Standard Training

Teachers continue their training on how to teach / Professiona Tier 1 facilitate the new strategies associated with the l Learning Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through the VanAndel Institute.

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600

The building principals and science department chairperson s will help to facilitate this training and to ensure that it will be meaningful and effective.

Activity Name

Activity Description

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

Essential Standard Determination

Elementary (K-5) English Language Arts (ELA) Teachers will be provided time during the school year to determine/select the ELA Essential Standards for each grade level.

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $4800

IA Writing Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic writing skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-to-one situations.


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Staff Responsibl e Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Grade Level Lead Teachers The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementry school.

Title I Part A

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Tier 2

Resource Assigned

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

IA Reading Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic reading skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-on-one situations.

IA Math Support

K-5 students who are having difficulty with their Academic learning their math facts and understanding their Support math skills will receive extra help form highly Program qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or in one-on-one situations.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $48500

The building principal, K5 Teachers, and Instructiona l Assistants assigned to each elementary school. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementary school.

Page 39

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Activity Summary by School Below is a breakdown of activity by school. All Schools Activity Name

Activity Description

Activity Type

MAISA Unit Reading Training

The Elementary Teachers (K-5) will be provided in-service training on the implementation of the MAISA Reading units (Common Core). The Secondary Teachers (6-12) will be provided in-service training on the implementation of the MAISA units (Common Core).

Posting Jobs

Notify Universities and Colleges of the positions that are open in the school district and the certification requirements for each position.


Begin Date End Date

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


08/05/2013 06/17/2016 $4800

Recruitmen Tier 1 t and Retention


04/29/2013 06/30/2016 $1

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e The building principals and the elementary grade level lead teachers will help to ensure that these activities are productivel y implemente d and the information is disseminat ed to all grade level teachers. The Superinten dent, Building Principals, and assigned secretarial staff.

Page 40

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

"C.O.D.E. Orange"

Encourage community-wide activities such as "C.O.D.E. Orange" to generate pride and excitement in the Allegan Public Schools.

Community Engageme nt

MAISA Writing Unit Training

The elementary teachers (K-5) will receive MAISA Professiona Tier 1 Writing Unit implementation training from AAESA l Learning consultants from other Writer's Workshop facilitators. The secondary teachers (6-12) will receive MAISA Writing Unit implementation training from AAESA consultants and from other Writer's Workshop facilitators.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

05/13/2013 06/24/2016 $1000


08/05/2013 06/17/2016 $4800

The leadership team of the Educational Foundation of the Allegan Public Schools committee will spearhead this effort. They will organize the campaign and encourage involvemen t on the part of all staff and community members. The Curriculum Director, the building Principals, the Elementary Grade Level Teachers, and the Secondary Language Arts Department chairperson s will ensure that the planned activities will be educational ly beneficial and functionally productive. Page 41

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

The building principal, social workers, and classroom teachers will strive to ensure that the needest students will receive the needed attention.

Technology Training and/or Support

A Technology Expert will be available to provide teachers with one on one or small group support on how to effectively use their classroom technology and student devices throughout the school year to provide students with improved instruction in all curricular areas.

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Getting Ready

08/26/2013 06/17/2016 $59000

Teachers will be provided opportunities to receive Professiona Tier 1 follow-up training on the fundamental elements l Learning needed to develop a successful RtI program. These include: Collective Responsibility (Professional Learning Communities {PLCs}, Concentrated Instruction {emphasis on Tier 1 strategies} , Convergent Assessment, and Certain Access through Response to Intervention (RtI) workshops and conferences.


08/03/2015 06/17/2016 $15000

Representative(s) of the Liability Insurance Walkthroug Tier 1 Company -- SET SEG, will visit all school building h and facilities of the Allegan Public Schools on regular intervals to insure the those areas are safe and secure for students and employees.


07/01/2014 06/24/2016 $5000

Building Principals, Director of Technology , Building Sys Ops, Digital Learning Coaches, Department and Grade Level Chairperso ns, Building Principals, Curriculum Director, Superinten dent. The Director of Operations and the Head of Maintenanc e will assist SET SEG representati ves in their evaluation of school facilities.

Teacher Training

Review of Facilities

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Tier 2

Page 42

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Evaluation and We will utilize the TUPS survey through the Other Monitoring of Classroom Florida Center for Instructional Technology to Technology Integration measure Teacher and Student Use of Technology in the Spring of 2014 and a follow-up survey in the Spring of 2015.

Evaluation of RtI Professional Development

Performance Task Training

Administrator "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom" training

Tier 1

Getting Ready

05/16/2014 06/26/2015 $0

The RtI or MTSS Professional Development Activity will be monitored and evaluated through pre and post surveys. The agendas and participation sign-in sheets will provide evidence of implementation. Each school in the Allegan Public Schools will provide agendas for meetings where the RtI (MTSS) information is shared with colleagues will also provide evidence. Any documents created by the building teams regarding the implementation phases and/or timelines will also provide evidence. Teachers will learn how to develop meaningful "Performance Tasks" for their students that have real world applications.

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning


09/02/2014 06/23/2017 $1

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Getting Ready

09/02/2014 06/24/2016 $100

All building administrators will be trained in how to utilize the teacher evaluation system, "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom." In the first training, they will learn to use the "Stages" software technology that will be utilized during teacher observations and evaluations ($1,500). In the 2nd training they will learn how to use "Thoughtful Classroom" model which provides the foundation for all observations and the final evaluation summary ($8,500).

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning


08/03/2015 06/17/2016 $10000

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Teachers and Building Principals will be responsible for ensuring that all staff complete the initial survey and the followup survey. The Curriculum Director, Building Principals, School Improveme nt Chairperso ns, and Teachers. The Department Chairperso ns, Grade Level Lead Teachers, Building Principals, and the Curriculum Director. Superinten dent, Curriculum Director, Building Administrat ors

Page 43

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

New Teacher Orientation

All new professional educators will receive orientation to the Allegan Public Schools. This orientation will include: District Policies, Philosophy and Expectations and the introduction to District Technology Applications (including but not limited to -- PowerSchool, Everyday Math, MAISA Math, Delta Math, DIBELS, Running Record, MAISA Reading & Writing, MAISA Social Studies, Battle Creek Science, VanAndel Institute, and Illuminate DNA).

Career Tier 1 Preparation /Orientation , Policy and Process, Professiona l Learning

08/03/2015 06/24/2016 $100

Teacher Training

Teachers will be introduced to the new teacher evaluation tool, "Stages with Thoughtful Classroom."

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

08/24/2015 10/02/2015 $100

MIELA Professional Development

15 of the K-12 ELA teachers will participate in the Professiona Tier 1 MIELA Professional Learning Conference in the l Learning spring of 2016.


11/30/2015 05/27/2016 $15750

District Experts

The Digital Learning Coaches who were trained through the TRIG Grants (13-14 SY, 14-15 SY), will continue to support teachers in each building.

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning


08/17/2015 06/17/2016 $16875

MACUL Training

20 teachers will participate in the MACUL Technology Training in the Spring of 2016.

Technology Tier 2 , Professiona l Learning


12/07/2015 05/27/2016 $8000

Common Formative Assessment Development

Core subject area teachers and grade level teacher teams will be provided time to collaborate to develop Common Formative Assessments for the Essential Standards that the have determined for the subject area. MS - ELA & Math = $3000. HS - ELA & Math = $1500

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt, Professiona l Learning

Getting Ready

01/09/2015 06/17/2016 $4500

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Superinten dent, Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Mentor Teachers, Members of the new teacher's PLC. Superinten dent and Building Principals, Building Principals, grade level Lead Teachers, Writing Coach, and Curriculum Director Building Principals, Technology Director, Digital Learning Coaches Technology Director, Building Principals, Building Sy Ops, Digital Learning Coaches. Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Department Chairperso ns.

Page 44

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

College, Career, Civic Life ("C3") Social Studies Standard Training

Teacher representatives from the Social Studies department will receive training on the new social studies standards "C3" and how they will be implemented and measured.

Curriculum Tier 1 Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/07/2015 06/17/2016 $600

The Social Studies Department Chair Person, the Principals, and the Curriculum Director.

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Staff Responsibl e The Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Elementary Grade Level Lead Teachers, and the Secondary Math Department Chairperso ns will ensure that the planned activies are educational ly beneficial and implemente d with fidelity. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementary school.

West Ward Elementary School Activity Name

Activity Description


MAISA Math Training -- In the 2015-2016 School Year, the 3rd, 4th, and Professiona Tier 1 re: Common Core 5th grade Elementary teachers will receive inl Learning service training on how to plan and design MAISA Math units for their respective grade level math classes.

IA Math Support

K-5 students who are having difficulty with their Academic learning their math facts and understanding their Support math skills will receive extra help form highly Program qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or in one-on-one situations.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $48500

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in developing their reading skills.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

IA Writing Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic writing skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-to-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $0

The building principal, teachers, and social worker will strive to be sure that those students with the greatest need receive the extra attention. The building principal, teachers, and/or social worker will strive to be sure that those students who most need additional support will receive the help of an adult/stude nt mentor. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementry school.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

IA Reading Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic reading skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-on-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Everyday Math Inservice Teachers will receive training on how to effectively Professiona Tier 1 utilize the Everyday Math series in their l Learning classrooms as well as align the Everyday Math Units with the MAISA Math units.


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Appropriate Reading Level Books

Tier 1


08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $5250

Technology Tier 1 , Academic Support Program


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $32000

An assortment of books at will be purchased to support the reading development of students.

Reading Assessments - After the initial student reading assessment is - DIBELS and Running completed in Star Reading, student reading skills Record will be assessed using a "dig deeper" assessment. The data from DIBELS "Next" and "Running Records" will be used to determine appropriate interventions. DIBELS "NEXT" and "Running Record" will be given during the school year at pre-established intervals. Teachers and/or Instructional assistants will use technology to administer DIBELS "Next" and "Running Record" resulting in digitally recorded student scores. Using the data generated, student groups will be formed comprised of students who need the same or similar interventions to improve their reading skills.


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The building principal, K5 Teachers, and Instructiona l Assistants assigned to each elementary school. Building Principals and grade level lead teachers. The K-5 ELA teachers, the building principals, and the Curriculum Director. Classroom Teachers and Instructiona l Assistants will administer the assessmen ts. The Building Principals and Curriculum Director will assist teachers with the review of the generated data.

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The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Coaching of Writing Lessons

A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a Teacher Tier 1 writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. Collaborati The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on on all aspects of the observed lesson.


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800

"Running Record" Training

Instructional Assistants and teachers will be taught how to use the new electronic platform for administering the " Running Record" skill assessment. to dig deeper into the reading skills of their students and determine interventions that will be needed to move students closer to their appropriate grade level in reading. If this training occurs during the school year, substitutes will be hired so that teachers and IAs can be away from their assigned duties.

Getting Ready

08/11/2014 09/25/2015 $137

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director. The building principals, grade level teachers and instructiona l assistants will be involved to ensure that all members of the instructiona l staff know how to properly utilize the DIBELS "Next" and "Reading 3D" component s of the new electronic version.

Page 48

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Delta Math Interventions High School teachers will be trained on the use of Academic the Delta Math screeners for Algebra I. Students Support will be given the Delta Math grade level readiness Program screener to determine his/her readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.

Essential Standard Determination

Elementary (K-5) English Language Arts (ELA) Teachers will be provided time during the school year to determine/select the ELA Essential Standards for each grade level.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $4800

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

The 3rd through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process. Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Grade Level Lead Teachers

Pine Trails Elementary School Activity Name

Activity Description

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e

Page 49

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

MAISA Math Training -- In the 2015-2016 School Year, the 3rd, 4th, and Professiona Tier 1 re: Common Core 5th grade Elementary teachers will receive inl Learning service training on how to plan and design MAISA Math units for their respective grade level math classes.


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

IA Math Support

K-5 students who are having difficulty with their Academic learning their math facts and understanding their Support math skills will receive extra help form highly Program qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or in one-on-one situations.

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $48500

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $0

Academic Support Program

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Elementary Grade Level Lead Teachers, and the Secondary Math Department Chairperso ns will ensure that the planned activies are educational ly beneficial and implemente d with fidelity. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementary school. The building principal, teachers, and social worker will strive to be sure that those students with the greatest need receive the extra attention. Page 50

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in developing their reading skills.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

IA Writing Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic writing skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-to-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

IA Reading Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic reading skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-on-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Everyday Math Inservice Teachers will receive training on how to effectively Professiona Tier 1 utilize the Everyday Math series in their l Learning classrooms as well as align the Everyday Math Units with the MAISA Math units.


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The building principal, teachers, and/or social worker will strive to be sure that those students who most need additional support will receive the help of an adult/stude nt mentor. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementry school. The building principal, K5 Teachers, and Instructiona l Assistants assigned to each elementary school. Building Principals and grade level lead teachers.

Page 51

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Appropriate Reading Level Books

An assortment of books at will be purchased to support the reading development of students.

Tier 1


08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $5250

Technology Tier 1 , Academic Support Program


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $32000

A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a Teacher Tier 1 writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. Collaborati The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on on all aspects of the observed lesson.


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800

Reading Assessments - After the initial student reading assessment is - DIBELS and Running completed in Star Reading, student reading skills Record will be assessed using a "dig deeper" assessment. The data from DIBELS "Next" and "Running Records" will be used to determine appropriate interventions. DIBELS "NEXT" and "Running Record" will be given during the school year at pre-established intervals. Teachers and/or Instructional assistants will use technology to administer DIBELS "Next" and "Running Record" resulting in digitally recorded student scores. Using the data generated, student groups will be formed comprised of students who need the same or similar interventions to improve their reading skills.

Coaching of Writing Lessons


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The K-5 ELA teachers, the building principals, and the Curriculum Director. Classroom Teachers and Instructiona l Assistants will administer the assessmen ts. The Building Principals and Curriculum Director will assist teachers with the review of the generated data. The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director.

Page 52

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

"Running Record" Training

Instructional Assistants and teachers will be taught how to use the new electronic platform for administering the " Running Record" skill assessment. to dig deeper into the reading skills of their students and determine interventions that will be needed to move students closer to their appropriate grade level in reading. If this training occurs during the school year, substitutes will be hired so that teachers and IAs can be away from their assigned duties.

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Delta Math Interventions High School teachers will be trained on the use of Academic the Delta Math screeners for Algebra I. Students Support will be given the Delta Math grade level readiness Program screener to determine his/her readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Tier 2

Getting Ready

08/11/2014 09/25/2015 $137


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

The building principals, grade level teachers and instructiona l assistants will be involved to ensure that all members of the instructiona l staff know how to properly utilize the DIBELS "Next" and "Reading 3D" component s of the new electronic version. The 3rd through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process. Page 53

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Essential Standard Determination

Elementary (K-5) English Language Arts (ELA) Teachers will be provided time during the school year to determine/select the ELA Essential Standards for each grade level.

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $4800

Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Grade Level Lead Teachers

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Staff Responsibl e The Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Elementary Grade Level Lead Teachers, and the Secondary Math Department Chairperso ns will ensure that the planned activies are educational ly beneficial and implemente d with fidelity. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementary school.

North Ward Elementary School Activity Name

Activity Description


MAISA Math Training -- In the 2015-2016 School Year, the 3rd, 4th, and Professiona Tier 1 re: Common Core 5th grade Elementary teachers will receive inl Learning service training on how to plan and design MAISA Math units for their respective grade level math classes.

IA Math Support

K-5 students who are having difficulty with their Academic learning their math facts and understanding their Support math skills will receive extra help form highly Program qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or in one-on-one situations.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $48500

Page 54

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in developing their reading skills.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

IA Writing Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic writing skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-to-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $0

The building principal, teachers, and social worker will strive to be sure that those students with the greatest need receive the extra attention. The building principal, teachers, and/or social worker will strive to be sure that those students who most need additional support will receive the help of an adult/stude nt mentor. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementry school.

Page 55

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

IA Reading Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic reading skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-on-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Everyday Math Inservice Teachers will receive training on how to effectively Professiona Tier 1 utilize the Everyday Math series in their l Learning classrooms as well as align the Everyday Math Units with the MAISA Math units.


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Appropriate Reading Level Books

Tier 1


08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $5250

Technology Tier 1 , Academic Support Program


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $32000

An assortment of books at will be purchased to support the reading development of students.

Reading Assessments - After the initial student reading assessment is - DIBELS and Running completed in Star Reading, student reading skills Record will be assessed using a "dig deeper" assessment. The data from DIBELS "Next" and "Running Records" will be used to determine appropriate interventions. DIBELS "NEXT" and "Running Record" will be given during the school year at pre-established intervals. Teachers and/or Instructional assistants will use technology to administer DIBELS "Next" and "Running Record" resulting in digitally recorded student scores. Using the data generated, student groups will be formed comprised of students who need the same or similar interventions to improve their reading skills.


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The building principal, K5 Teachers, and Instructiona l Assistants assigned to each elementary school. Building Principals and grade level lead teachers. The K-5 ELA teachers, the building principals, and the Curriculum Director. Classroom Teachers and Instructiona l Assistants will administer the assessmen ts. The Building Principals and Curriculum Director will assist teachers with the review of the generated data.

Page 56

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Coaching of Writing Lessons

A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a Teacher Tier 1 writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. Collaborati The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on on all aspects of the observed lesson.


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800

"Running Record" Training

Instructional Assistants and teachers will be taught how to use the new electronic platform for administering the " Running Record" skill assessment. to dig deeper into the reading skills of their students and determine interventions that will be needed to move students closer to their appropriate grade level in reading. If this training occurs during the school year, substitutes will be hired so that teachers and IAs can be away from their assigned duties.

Getting Ready

08/11/2014 09/25/2015 $137

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director. The building principals, grade level teachers and instructiona l assistants will be involved to ensure that all members of the instructiona l staff know how to properly utilize the DIBELS "Next" and "Reading 3D" component s of the new electronic version.

Page 57

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Delta Math Interventions High School teachers will be trained on the use of Academic the Delta Math screeners for Algebra I. Students Support will be given the Delta Math grade level readiness Program screener to determine his/her readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.

Essential Standard Determination

Elementary (K-5) English Language Arts (ELA) Teachers will be provided time during the school year to determine/select the ELA Essential Standards for each grade level.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $4800

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

The 3rd through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process. Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Grade Level Lead Teachers

L. E. White Middle School Activity Name

Activity Description

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e

Page 58

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

VanAndel Education Institute -- Next Generation Science Standard Training

Teachers continue their training on how to teach / Professiona Tier 1 facilitate the new strategies associated with the l Learning Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through the VanAndel Institute.

Learning Center Support All students (including homeless students) will be able to go to the Learning Center to receive extra help during the school day and after school.

Van Andel Education Institute Training on the Next Generation Science Standards

Academic Support Program

Tier 1

The K-12 Science educators will learn about the Professiona Tier 1 student communication expectations of the Next l Learning Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and learn how to develop strategies to help students learn to improve their science communication (presentation, writing, verbal).

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $41900

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600

The building principals and science department chairperson s will help to facilitate this training and to ensure that it will be meaningful and effective. The Learning Center paraprofessiona l, 2 parttime instructiona l assistants The Science Department Chairperso ns and Building Principals will help to ensure that this activity is meaningful.

Page 59

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

"C3 Framework" Training -- New Social Studies Standards

The Social Studies teachers will learn how to plan, develop and implement the "C-3 Framework" (communication (presentation, writing, verbal) expectations for the New Social Studies Standards .

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Coaching of Writing Lessons

A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a Teacher Tier 1 writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. Collaborati The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on on all aspects of the observed lesson.

Delta Math Interventions High School teachers will be trained on the use of Academic the Delta Math screeners for Algebra I. Students Support will be given the Delta Math grade level readiness Program screener to determine his/her readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Tier 2

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $600


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

The Social Studies Department Chairperso ns and the Building Principals will ensure that this training will be meaningful and beneficial to all participants . The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director. The 3rd through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process.

Page 60

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Dawson Elementary School Activity Name

Activity Description

Activity Type


MAISA Math Training -- In the 2015-2016 School Year, the 3rd, 4th, and Professiona Tier 1 re: Common Core 5th grade Elementary teachers will receive inl Learning service training on how to plan and design MAISA Math units for their respective grade level math classes.

IA Math Support

K-5 students who are having difficulty with their Academic learning their math facts and understanding their Support math skills will receive extra help form highly Program qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or in one-on-one situations.

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Begin Date End Date

Resource Assigned


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $48500

Staff Responsibl e The Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Elementary Grade Level Lead Teachers, and the Secondary Math Department Chairperso ns will ensure that the planned activies are educational ly beneficial and implemente d with fidelity. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementary school.

Page 61

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need support in accomplishing assigned tasks.

Academic Support Program

Adult/Student Mentors

Adult and/or Student Mentors will be assigned to those students who most need additional support in developing their reading skills.

Academic Support Program

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $0

IA Writing Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic writing skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-to-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $0

The building principal, teachers, and social worker will strive to be sure that those students with the greatest need receive the extra attention. The building principal, teachers, and/or social worker will strive to be sure that those students who most need additional support will receive the help of an adult/stude nt mentor. The building principal and instructiona l assistants assigned to each elementry school.

Page 62

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

IA Reading Support

K-5 Students who are having difficulty with their Academic reading skills will receive extra help from highly Support qualified Instructional Assistants in small groups or Program in one-on-one situations.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $48500

Everyday Math Inservice Teachers will receive training on how to effectively Professiona Tier 1 utilize the Everyday Math series in their l Learning classrooms as well as align the Everyday Math Units with the MAISA Math units.


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $2040

Appropriate Reading Level Books

Tier 1


08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $5250

Technology Tier 1 , Academic Support Program


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $32000

An assortment of books at will be purchased to support the reading development of students.

Reading Assessments - After the initial student reading assessment is - DIBELS and Running completed in Star Reading, student reading skills Record will be assessed using a "dig deeper" assessment. The data from DIBELS "Next" and "Running Records" will be used to determine appropriate interventions. DIBELS "NEXT" and "Running Record" will be given during the school year at pre-established intervals. Teachers and/or Instructional assistants will use technology to administer DIBELS "Next" and "Running Record" resulting in digitally recorded student scores. Using the data generated, student groups will be formed comprised of students who need the same or similar interventions to improve their reading skills.


Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The building principal, K5 Teachers, and Instructiona l Assistants assigned to each elementary school. Building Principals and grade level lead teachers. The K-5 ELA teachers, the building principals, and the Curriculum Director. Classroom Teachers and Instructiona l Assistants will administer the assessmen ts. The Building Principals and Curriculum Director will assist teachers with the review of the generated data.

Page 63

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Coaching of Writing Lessons

A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a Teacher Tier 1 writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. Collaborati The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on on all aspects of the observed lesson.


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800

"Running Record" Training

Instructional Assistants and teachers will be taught how to use the new electronic platform for administering the " Running Record" skill assessment. to dig deeper into the reading skills of their students and determine interventions that will be needed to move students closer to their appropriate grade level in reading. If this training occurs during the school year, substitutes will be hired so that teachers and IAs can be away from their assigned duties.

Getting Ready

08/11/2014 09/25/2015 $137

Technology Tier 1 , Professiona l Learning

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director. The building principals, grade level teachers and instructiona l assistants will be involved to ensure that all members of the instructiona l staff know how to properly utilize the DIBELS "Next" and "Reading 3D" component s of the new electronic version.

Page 64

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Delta Math Interventions High School teachers will be trained on the use of Academic the Delta Math screeners for Algebra I. Students Support will be given the Delta Math grade level readiness Program screener to determine his/her readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.

Essential Standard Determination

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

Elementary (K-5) English Language Arts (ELA) Teachers will be provided time during the school year to determine/select the ELA Essential Standards for each grade level.

Teacher Tier 1 Collaborati on, Curriculum Developme nt

Getting Ready

09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $4800

Activity Description

Activity Type


Begin Date End Date

The 3rd through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process. Curriculum Director, Building Principals, Grade Level Lead Teachers

Allegan High School Activity Name

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Resource Assigned

Staff Responsibl e

Page 65

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

VanAndel Education Institute -- Next Generation Science Standard Training

Teachers continue their training on how to teach / Professiona Tier 1 facilitate the new strategies associated with the l Learning Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through the VanAndel Institute.

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600

Academic Tutoring

All students (including homeless students) can go Academic the the Academic Tutoring Classroom from their Support math, English, science, social studies, or elective Program classes to get extra help on classwork, test preparation, and test/quiz make-up during the school day and after the school day ends (~1 hour).


09/08/2015 06/17/2016 $68500

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Tier 1

The building principals and science department chairperson s will help to facilitate this training and to ensure that it will be meaningful and effective. The high school principal will oversee the program. The daily operation of the program is the responsibilit y of the teachers assigned to the Academic Tutoring classroom. The high school counselors will encourage students to utilize the resource.

Page 66

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Van Andel Education Institute Training on the Next Generation Science Standards

The K-12 Science educators will learn about the Professiona Tier 1 student communication expectations of the Next l Learning Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and learn how to develop strategies to help students learn to improve their science communication (presentation, writing, verbal).

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $3600

"C3 Framework" Training -- New Social Studies Standards

The Social Studies teachers will learn how to plan, develop and implement the "C-3 Framework" (communication (presentation, writing, verbal) expectations for the New Social Studies Standards .

Getting Ready

08/04/2014 06/17/2016 $600

Coaching of Writing Lessons

A "Writing Coach" will observe the teaching of a Teacher Tier 1 writing lesson in the elementary classrooms. Collaborati The "Writing Coach" will give the teacher feedback on on all aspects of the observed lesson.


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $3800

Professiona Tier 1 l Learning

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

The Science Department Chairperso ns and Building Principals will help to ensure that this activity is meaningful. The Social Studies Department Chairperso ns and the Building Principals will ensure that this training will be meaningful and beneficial to all participants . The elementary teachers, principals, and curriculum director.

Page 67

The 2015-2016 Allegan Public Schools District Improvement Plan Allegan Public Schools

Delta Math Interventions High School teachers will be trained on the use of Academic the Delta Math screeners for Algebra I. Students Support will be given the Delta Math grade level readiness Program screener to determine his/her readiness to learn the the current grade level content. Students who did not perform as expected will have the readiness standards identified and targeted interventions will be developed.

Tier 2


09/02/2014 06/17/2016 $480

The 3rd through 10th grade math teachers will ensure that the Delta Math readiness screeners are given, . The grade level lead teachers, department chairs, the building principals, and the curriculum director will oversee the process.



Begin Date End Date


09/03/2013 06/17/2016 $510000

Staff Responsibl e The Allegan Alternative Education High School Principal and teachers will be responsible for implementi ng the alternative education curriculum and programs.

Allegan Alternative High School Activity Name

Activity Description

Activity Type

Alternative Education Program

High school age students will be given the opportunity to enroll in the Allegan Alternative Education High School programs to meet the learning expecations of the MDE Graduation requirements.

Academic Support Program

Allegan Public Schools © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Resource Assigned

Page 68

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