The Reformer The Reformed Church of Port Ewen The Reverend Kevin Slusher - Pastor Volume 14, Issue 2

“The Necessity of Tradition” I love history. I love to read about

February 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

The Necessity of


Tradition (con’td) Bread and Soup


“Yellow Pages”


Family Care


Christian Education


Buildings and Grounds


Stewardship & Finance


Stewardship Moment


Birthdays and


Anniversaries Dorcas Society


Consistory hi-lites




Women's’ Ministries


Movies with Spirit


February Lectionary


Quilting Divas






Coloring page


people and events that happened before me. I can’t explain why I like history, I just always have. It’s like I am hardwired to like history just as much as my eighth-grade classmates were wired to dislike it and detest the U.S. history class know-it-all. History was my favorite subject in school. Outside of theology, history is what I read the most. One of my favorite periods to read about is the history of the United States of America, whether it be the Colonial Period, the Revolutionary Years, the Civil War or the Second Industrial Revolution. But of particular interest is United States presidential history. For pleasure in my spare time, or when I get bogged down in a theological book and need something fun to read, I turn to my favorite: presidential biographies. I have a long term project to work through Robert Caro’s monumental five volume biography of President Lyndon Johnson. I am two fifths of the way through and on pace to finish the other three in the next six years! By far, my favorite has been David McCullough’s biography of John Adams. Not only do I like a good underdog story (Adams, McCullough argues, was one of the true masterminds of the American experiment, often doing a lot of the real leg work but overshadowed by Washington and Jefferson and thus forgotten), but McCullough is also a great writer. As technical and detail oriented as Caro is (as you have to be to write five volumes on someone), McCullough is a storyteller and weaves the historical account of Adam’s life into a wonderful narrative. I also just finished a new biography of President George H. W. Bush by Jon Meacham. But one question always nags at me when I am reading history: why does it matter? Of course, the popular saying is that history is doomed to repeat itself—that if we do not learn from the past, we will make the same mistakes made before. Whatever truth there is to that, I’m not sure that’s enough of a reason. And further, that makes history into a utilitarian enterprise: it is only useful when it serves to help us. In other words, we only read history because we might need it, but other than that it has no value. I am currently reading a book with a group of friends from seminary: Reading the Bible With the Dead. The author is making the argument that we need to retrieve the work of the early Church and to listen to what they had to say about especially difficult passages in the Bible that as moderns, we tend to avoid. So for example, the author recommends to us the creative ways the early Church sought to understand hard texts like the sacrifice of Jephthah’s daughter or Psalm 137. My friends and I are scattered all across the east and the mid-west. Every other month we meet-up online to video chat about the book (technology makes crazy things like this possible). During our first conversation we discussed the author’s argument, which simply stated, is that others from centuries past might be useful to us as we study Scripture. I am inclined to agree with the author because I love history. I want to study the “tradition” and the teaching of those who lived before me. But his argument left me, one predisposed to agree with him, unconvinced. If that’s it—that what others have said might be useful to us—it’s an argument based on how we might “use” others. I don’t just want to use others for my own projects, I want to engage them and try to understand them and love them and I want others to do so the same, even if they don’t like history.

Page 2 If we think of history and tradition in this way, it is then something that is only good insofar as it serves us and our interests. It’s like saying you should only listen to your spouse when he/she has something good to say. That's selfish and it doesn’t help you love one another well. When we treat history and tradition this way, we place ourselves over history and make it answer our questions, and use it for our purposes. This is a dangerous posture. It might make us blind to the actual historical events. It might make us use history by taking it out of context in order to use it and appropriate it however we determine we need it. It seemed like the author was saying: “I like history and you should too!” This works for someone like me, but what about those who don’t care about what happened fifty years ago, let alone reading about guys who have been dead for over 1,500 years? Our Christian brothers and sisters who are Roman Catholic have a fairly strong argument for their necessity of tradition and history. They argue that the tradition of church teaching holds authority alongside of Scripture. But the Reformers argued for Sola Scriptura— Scripture alone! Since then, Protestants have not had a good argument for why we should listen to the wisdom of those who have gone before us, hence the constantly changing, adapting and splintering protestant traditions. This has resulted in creativity, flexibility and growth but it has also resulted in many divisions, disagreements, and really bad teachings that have no grounding in Scripture and stand outside the historical tradition of the church. So, why should we care about the tradition, about history, about church teaching from different times than our own? I think it is because as Christians we do not only belong to our place and time, but through the power of the Holy Spirit we are united to Christ. In Christ we are united not only to others around us, but to those saints who belong to Christ and have gone on before us. As the book of Hebrews teaches us we are surrounded by the “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12). Paul writes in Philippians that we are citizens of heaven—we belong to the commonwealth of heaven (Philippians 3:20ff.) St. Augustine said it another way: while we live in the earthly city, we also belong to the City of God. What does this have to do with history and tradition? It means that I cannot ignore those who have gone on before me, just like I cannot ignore those who exist around me right now. I cannot discount the voice of St. Ephrem the Syrian because I live in communion with him, just as I cannot discount the voice of modern teachers and thinkers. As Christians we worship a God who stands outside of time and history, but who entered history at a particular moment, in the particular person of Jesus Christ. Likewise, by the Holy Spirit, we are united to those who have gone before us—in a way we stand outside of time and place with God. But on the other hand we are here now, in this place at this time. Because we are united to those who have gone before us, and because they too are united to God and listened to the voice of God in their time, we listen to their voices, ultimately trusting that we not only are reading their words and their thoughts, but their words and thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit. So when I read St. Augustine, or John Calvin, or St. Chrysostom, or Teresa of Ávila, it is not because I think they’re really cool (which I think they are), or because they are smarter than me (which they most definitely are), or because they are useful to us (again, which they are), but because I believe that God was with them as they were studying, thinking, and writing and as I read them and listen to them I am communing with my brothers and sisters to whom I belong in Christ. I read them and listen to them because as I do, I just might learn from them something about God and about God’s creating, redeeming and sustaining work among us. Your pastor, Kevin

Soup and Bread Throughout Lent we will be having a simple meal of soup and bread with prayer on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in helping to cook or prepare the meal, please let us know.

The Reformer

Page 3

R.C.P.E. Yellow Pages Prayer Chain

Consistory Meets

To activate the chain for you or someone else, call Katherine Kinsch at 338-6378. That day, a team will be praying for you. Confidentiality pledged.

The 2nd Tuesday of each month, Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. Meetings open--call 331-2782 for agenda space. Next meeting—

February 9th

When You’re Hospitalized

Help us stand beside you in health challenges: Tell an Elder as a hospitalization nears—or afterward in emergencies. 1) At admission, check “yes” for church to be told. 2) Do #1 above no matter the outcome of #2.

Let’s stay connected to God and each other—especially when large health issues descend!

Official office hours for Pastor Kevin is Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 am to 12 pm, but he will be in the office throughout the week and encourages you to stop by.

Remember In Your Prayers & Expressions of Christian love: Safe travels: Jayce & Jude on their trip to Trinidad (S. Hughes); Praise: engagement of Paul Rubeo & Mikella Ackerly (V. Rubeo); birth of Atom Kammerezell to Destiny Gaydos (mother) and Janis Loring (great grandmother). Medical challenges: Mike Kinsch (K.Kinsch); Judy Phillips (J. Pade); Amy Alley, Marge Peters (S. Goodrich); Janice Walsch (P. Van Aken); Peg Nichols (L. Nichols); Turek Plichta (Rhoda family); Rick Sutton (C. Sutton); Joan Steeley, Honora Bradley (Van Etten family); Kenneth Banks III, Peter Nelson (J. Loring); Jacque Helmer, Jessie Murray (M. Klippel); Blake Parker (Stickley family); Mike Cerini Jr., Michael Mackey (LaManna family); Jeffrey Henderson, Debbie, Tom Curley, Kelly Tiedemann (C. Van Deusen); Sue Phillips & family, Verna Allen, Ace Staley, Wilma Lemister, Pat Van Etten, Elnora McSpirit, Shannon Goodrich (Church family); Katie (S. Stocker); Earl Foster (B. Hogan); Mike Lalor (Lalor family) Wayne Scherry, Jerry Every, Linda Beatty (E. McSpirit); Wayne Lemister (W. Lemister); Andrew Allen (Bresnahan—McCarthy family). Classis of MidHudson: Al-Amana Centre, Oman, the Rev. Douglas Leonard, First Reformed, Cary, NC, School for Christian Living and Serving, Rural and Migrant Ministries. Homebound/nursing homes/institutions: Marge Robinson, Ruth Doyle, Martha Koelli, Mabel Striegl, Marie Klippel, Ruth Williams, & Charlie Black; grieving: family & friends of Rose St. Hilaire, Marie Esposito, Ray Smith, Wendell Scherer, Teresa Steltz Cumella, Mary J. Slover and Mike Ellsworth.

Elders - Linda Bresnahan-McCarthy, Peg Nichols, Steve Sickler, Matthew Van Aken and Pat Van Etten. Deacons - Monica Kelbaugh, Mike LaManna, Bonnie Lalor, Ray Wells and Shannon Goodrich. Food Offering First Sun., put non-perishables in chancel baskets to feed the hungry of our church (RCPE distribution) and in blue bin to feed neighbors (P.E. Food Pantry). Confidential referrals for food welcome (331-2782 or speak to a Mission & Outreach committee member).

Page 4

The Reformer Family Care Committee

What a Blessing! Jennifer and Brian Roscoe along with big sister Abigail, welcomed Joshua Daniel Roscoe to the family on December 18th, 2016.

Joshua was 8 lbs. 3 oz. born at 8:03 am! Mom and baby are both doing well. Praise God

Christian Education

So many people tell me that they never learned to pray.......Maybe this could help!

Stewardship and Finance Committee

Ray Wells, Chair

Expenditures as of December 2015

Receipts as of December 2015

Administration Buildings/Grounds Christian Education Family Care Mission/Outreach Spiritual Life Stewardship/Finance Parsonage Renov. Total

Weekly Offering Special Offering Facility Use Bequests and Gifts Other Income Total

$5,233.68 87.45 0 0 11,750.00 882.03 353.13 ________ $18,306.29

$10,010.00 1,891.00 27.00 1,367.41 _ __ ___ $13,295.41

Page 5

Volume 13 Issue 8 Buildings and Grounds Committee

We have been busy since last month. The leaking gutters over the handicap entrance to the Atrium have been repaired, as has the locking mechanism on the Atrium door, and the sweep on the Fairbrother Hall exit door was replaced, the closer adjusted. Repair of the carpenter ant damage under stained glass window was begun, and will continue when materials are procured. The Dorcas Society has graciously offered to fund at least part of this repair. We are investigating repair of broken pocket door in SCS room. We'll update you with that progress. The elusive, unpredictable, sewer odor has returned. The grease trap was pumped, which may help, but we're still trying to get an answer to the problem. We have tried to replace the bulbs in wall sconces on face of the Sanctuary, but discovered a possible problem with fixtures, or the timers. We are investigating the cause. Our building is used by many groups, and we want to announce that a new organization has joined. They are Renaissance Re-enactors, who will be using Fairbrother Hall on Wednesdays to practice their skills. This group is open to all interested people over the age of 18. For more information, please give me a call 687-9664.

We are working to attend to the many concerns which arise in caring for our buildings, and appreciate the help given by so many of our congregation. Peace, Pat and Linda, Co-Chairs B&G

Stewardship Moment

A steward is like a manager of a local McDonald’s Restaurant who carries out the aims of the owners, maximizes profits, while handling all the problems. Dr. Towns teaches a stewardship lesson in the Pastor’s Bible Class at Thomas Road Baptist Church which is the most requested lesson of all he has taught. "Who Owns Your French Fries". It is the story of a man who buys his little boy some French Fries. Then the father does what all fathers do, he reaches over and takes one French Fry to taste it. The little boy slaps his father’s hand and says, "Don’t touch my French Fries." The father thinks that his son is selfish. The father knows that he bought the French Fries and they belong to him. The father knows that his son belongs to him. The father could get angry and never buy his son another French Fry again to teach his son a lesson, or the father could "bury" his son in French Fries. The father thinks, "Why is my son selfish, I have given him a whole package of French Fries; I just want one French Fry." God has given us money, when He asks for a tithe, people figuratively slap His hand and say, "Keep Your hands off my money." God owns everything we have. He wants us: 1. To manage what we have for His glory. God expects us to manage our time, talent, temple, testimony and treasures. 2. To give back a portion of what he has given us. GIVING STORY:

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The Reformer

Loving God, be with us this Lent and always. Sustain and strengthen us to carry the crosses life sends our way, all so small compared to the cross you bore. Open our eyes to the burdens others bear and show us how to reach out to them with your own love and care. Lead us, guide us, this Lent and always. Amen

Family Care Committee February Birthdays 6 11 18 25

Mark Cozza 8 Kenneth Banks 11 Shannon Goodrich 18 Marie Klippel 27

Cole Navara 9 Lucille Van Steenburgh 10 Mike Kinsch, Sr. Peter Koelli 12 Bob Shelightner 15 Ashley La Manna Valerie Bruhn 22 Charles Black 24 Cheyenne Candlin Paula Van Aken

March Birthdays 1

Wendy Brandt

2 Ralph Allen

12 John Lapierre

20 Jerry Every

30 Bryan Bruhn

30 Johnny Candlin

Dorcas Society

The Dorcas Society elected Janis Loring as President, Dottie Bell as Vice-President, Elnora Mc Spirit as Treasurer and Diane Bradley as Secretary. After 49 years of continuous service, Wilma Lemister declined the office of Secretary. She has surely been a good and faithful servant. Hooray!! We’ve reached our goal of $1,000 in book sales. Do you realize that represents 4,000 books? We are receiving good and new reading material every week. Check it out—We’re starting on our second thousand. This month we assembled and distributed 3 “Sunshine Baskets”. They are so well appreciated and received by members of our community and congregation. We are always in need of items for the baskets. Soaps, body and hand creams and lotions seem to be especially appreciated. We want to thank our congregation for their great support in this project. Yours in Christ, Dottie Bell

Page 7


January 19, 2016

An important aspect of each consistory meeting continues to be “Communion Checkin”. At this time members are invited to raise up individuals in need of prayer and support. ( A visit, a note, etc.) Please remember this aspect of our church’s effort to care

for our family and bring individuals to the attention of any consistory member. The Capital District Women’s Conference for 2016 will take place on Saturday, March 5th. Information concerning this excellent event of worship and dialogue is now available. Several women have attended in the past and have found it to be very worthwhile. Buildings and Grounds has taken action to alleviate the sewer odor permeating the sanctuary. The issue will be pursued until all possible causes have been addressed. Pastor Kevin will be attending a conference of great interest to him at Wheaton College on April 7-8. “The People’s Book”: Reformation and the Bible”. A second time for Bible study, in addition to the current time of Wednesdays at 1 PM, is under consideration. Pastor Kevin will be gauging interest and is very willing to move forward with it if interest is there.

Ruminate You are invited to join a new study group, "Ruminate". We will meet Sunday evenings at the parsonage at 6 pm beginning February 14th to study the Heidelberg Catechism. The Heidelberg Catechism will help us to understand more deeply what we believe through its study of the Lord's Prayer, the Apostle's Creed and the Ten Commandments. Please let Pastor Kevin or Cheri know if you are interested by February 8th so that we can have a book for you!

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Volume 13 Issue 8

Women's Ministry Come join us for the Capital District Women's Conference Titled - Messes & Miracles Speaker - Ellie Lofaro Worship Leaders - Sacrifice of Praise Loudonville Community Church - March 5th - 8:50 - 3:30 $ 40.00 before March 1st - $ 50.00 March 2 - 5 We have room to carpool! - See Bonnie Lalor or Colleen Sutton

Movies with Spirit Feb. 20, THE YEAR DOLLY PARTON WAS MY MOM (2011), Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall St., Kingston — In this coming-ofage comedy drama, Elizabeth Alison Gray (Julia Stone), an 11-yearold suburban girl living in the central Canadian province of Manitoba in 1976, discovers she was adopted and becomes convinced country singer Dolly Parton is her biological mother. Determined to get back to her “roots,” Elizabeth runs away from home on a bicycle and embarks on an epic quest south of the border to find Parton and seek out her true identity. Elizabeth’s adoptive mother (Macha Grenon) realizes she hadn’t done her confused daughter any favors by hiding the truth of her adoption from the girl and searches desperately for Elizabeth in the hope of getting a second chance at becoming a real family. “A wonderfully low-key but engaging movie about identity.” — Jam! Movies. Rated PG.

February 7th - Exodus 34: 29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:2; Luke 9: 28-36, (37-43a) February 14th - Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91: 1-2,9-16; Romans 10: 8b-13; Luke 4: 1-13 February 21st - Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35 February 28th - Isaiah 55:1-9; Psalm 63:1-8; 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13; Luke 13: 1-9

Page 9

Quilting Divas We meet at the church the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 10 am to 2 pm. We are happy to have Joyce Pade on board with us. Recently we gave the Ulster County Pregnancy Center 13 baby quilts. We also have been working on fleece hats for children that are in need. We gave 20 hats to the George Washington School and approximately 30 hats to the John F Kennedy School. We enjoy this mission work also the comradery among each other and the lunch visits from Pastor Kevin. Come and visit us. You might find this to be a blessing in your life also.

Kingston City Schools Consolidated John F. Kennedy Elementary School 107 Gross Street Kingston, NY 12401 January 11, 2016 Port Ewen Reformed Church 160 Salem Street Port Ewen, NY 12466 To Whom It May Concern:

John F. Kennedy Elementary school wanted to express our appreciation for your generosity in the donation of handmade hats for our students. We know that the students are fortunate to have such generous individuals and organizations in our community. Sincerely, Dr. Paula C. Perez Principal

Page 10

Mission and Outreach

Mission and Outreach had a very active and rewarding 2015, thanks for everyone’s support. The Mission of the Month total for the year 2015 was $1,564.31. The Christmas card project amounted to $253.00 which was donated to the Clinton Avenue United Methodist Church “Community Soup Kitchen”. We sponsored the Crop Walk, Pregnancy Center, Angel Tree Project as well as supporting those in need individually.

We are just starting up for the year 2016 and look for any suggestions that you may have so that we continue to have a successful year. At the present the following have agreed to be on the Mission and Outreach committee: Monica Kelbaugh, Janis Loring, Beverly Sickler and Bob Van Etten. Special Projects and helpers: Kathy Kinsch and Paula Van Aken. Anyone else wishing to serve on this committee please contact me. Preparations are underway to have a start up meeting and have assignments assigned for 2016.

Respectfully submitted, Patricia Van Etten


9:00 am Senior Choir Reh. 10:00 am Worship


9:00 am Senior Choir Reh. 10:00 am Worship



9:00 am Senior Choir Reh. 10:00 am Worship


9:00 am Senior Choir Reh. 10:00 am Worship




6:30 pm Line Dancing


6:30 pm Line Dancing


6:30 pm Line Dancing


6:30 pm Line Dancing



6:30 pm Webelos 2 6:30 pm Tiger Den 7:00 pm BSA 26

10:00 am Quilting Divas


6:30 pm Webelos 1 7:00 pm BSA 26

10:00 am Quilting Divas


6:30 pm Webelos 2 7:00 pm BSA 26 7:00 pm Consistory Mtg.

10:30 am Dorcas Society

6:30 pm Tiger Den 6:30 pm Webelos 1 7:00 pm BSA 26

6:30 pm Line Dancing

10:00 am Quilting Divas






6:30-9:30 pm Medieval Group (FH)

1:00 pm Bible Study


6:30-9:30 pm Medieval Group (FH)

1:00 pm Bible Study


7:30 pm Joint Worship @ Methodist Church

5:15-9:15 pm Family of Woodstock (Classroom) 6:30-9:30 pm Medieval Group (FH)

1:00 pm Bible Study



1:00 pm Bible Study 6:30-9:30 pm Medieval Group (FH)



6:00 pm Girl Scouts


6:00 pm Girl Scouts


6:00 pm Girl Scouts


6:00 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Scout Meeting (library)



February 2016

4:00 pm Wolf Den


12—10:00 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 26 Blue & Gold Dinner (FH & Kit)


4:00 pm Wolf Den







10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Private (FH)


7:00-10:30 p.m. Hudson Valley Community Dance



The Reformed Church of Port Ewen at Salem and Green Streets P.O. Box 580 Port Ewen, NY 12466

(845) 331-2782 Church Office (845) 339-6938 Church Hall E-mail: [email protected]

February 2016

We’re on the net!

Our facilities are handicapped accessible

Kid’s Coloring page

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