SoclelT Social Calendar FRIDAY P. E. O. Luncheon — Mrs. M. A. Cass Jr. SATURDAY Bridge Luncheon—Mrs. M. R.. K'anago. IMONDAY O. B. S.—Masonic Temple. TUESDAY St. George's Guild—Mrs. Chas. Von Berg. Young Ladles Auxiliary of P r e s b y terlan Church — Mrs. Jake Hoorneman. THURSDAY Woman's Club — M r s . . Clifford Eyres.

leen Kelley enteitdined a group of friends a t an eveing of bridge on Wednesday as a compliment to Miss Margery 'Petry, a S e p t e m b e r bride. A late luncheon' concluded the eve­ ning of bridge. A shower of towels and linen w a s presented t o the guest oC, honor. Evening Bridge— Honoring Miss Mary Moore of Downers Grove, lU., who i s a house guest of Mr. a n d (Mrs. John Moore, Dr. W. J. B r u c h e r entertained a small company of Intimate friends a t bridge on S a t u r d a y evening. After several hours of bridge u late luncheon w a s served. Lyie Sagen of ^ l o u x City was, an out of town guest. '

Tea Day— Tea d a y a t the Country club Thurs­ day brought to a conclusion t h e s e de­ lightful bridge teas which h a v e been held each week throughout t h e sum mer. On Thursday a no-hostess tea was served . a f t e r - s e v e r a l g a m e s of bridge. "A n u m b e r of l a t e s u m m e r vlhi t o r s . w e r e present' for t h e afternoon.

Tbrongho^fv i^metloft this week y o t u i g s t e r k wlU' Vetraoe their steps to t h e ' s c h o o l t r o o m ' t o begrin antither year'sii,8ta^]r>, S o m e w a l k , o t h e r s r i d e , lipt h o n e of t h e riden h a v e a more fmlqiie'-system.thaii the staaents',of , N o r t h , C a r o l i n a w h e r e a Btate-operdfb'drlbuk ' s y s t e m i s h a n dIed'^l|rso|y by: t h e students thems e l v e i p r A b o a t 50 p e r c e n t of t h e bus

d f l T e r S i a v e o f :,Bchool a g e , a n d woe td^the^mo^rlst' w h o c o n s i d e r s t h e m UghtilSf " ' O l i v e r s l a p p o l n t m o n i t o r s , fellow^bns-'rlders who s t d p ' t r a l Q o ,While>'yoan|[ateM-' c r o s s t h e - s t r e e t . iillna'!:monitor;'viiiile below a r e s o m e l^0i^iV^^S'ttii«iy to t a k e stodents I'e^atteriia d a y sin s c h o o l . E a c h hortly^ a f t e r 3 o ' c l o c k hun, bftsf M^sonveyanoes c a r r y rreBi«to^the, w a i t i n g p a r e n t s .


Free Methodist Sunday school convenes at 10 a. m. W e endehvor ,to> teach' a spiritual les­ son for the h e a r t as well ^s a m o m l lesson for t h e mind In our study of the.leason from God's Word. Come and study and worship with us. T h e revival continues and God is blessing. Rev. F o r r e s t e r will preach at 11, o'clock and at 2:30 and again at 7:45. / Y. P. M. S. meets a t 7 : 1 ^ All young people between ages of 14 and 30 are especially Invited. ' Mrs. F o r r e s t e r Is in charge of the singing and you will enjoy the gospel message In song and the special sing­ ing of Evangelist and Mrs. F o r r e s t e r . Come and enjoy the blessing of God with us.—-B. N. Garvin, pastor. St. John's Lutheran Sunday school at 9 a. m. Divine service nt 10 a. m. T h e r e will be no German j e r v l e e this Sunday. Sunday, the iirst Sunday in the month, Is pur family Sunday. At this service a chil dren's sermon will be preached on the subject: "Our Ten Little F r i e n d s " . , Ne?tt Sunday, September 11, our an­ nual mission festival will be celebrat­ ed: Services will be conducted in the morning, afternoon and evening. W a t c h next week's paper for an nouncements. Thursday, September 8, the Ladies Aid society will meet In the church "irarlbrs. T h e hostesses for this m e e t Ing win b e Mrs, W. Klohs and Mro. Anna Kock,


gilD IIWflH M«ftKW fflffion The Summer Round-Up School days a r e not far off. Soon school yards will be filled with shout­ ing boys and girls -and country lanes will be dotted with children carrying books and lunch boxes. For thous­ ands of boys and girls it will be "back to school" and for many others it will be a new experience. But wheth­ er the child is resuming school work or going to school for the first time it is important that he be well prepared tor the nine mouths of school.

Dessert L u n c h e o n Mrs. W a l l a c e Hemphill will enter­ tain twelve friends a t a d e s s e r t lunch­ eon on F r i d a y \yhlch will be followed by an afternoon of bridge. O u t of town guests will be Mesdameis Willis Pox, 'Gordon Lockard and JorvIUe Stlnton of Merrill and Miss Mabel Tooker of Storm L a k e . ,

. Hlidreth Evangelical Church school, at 9:45 a. m.; divine worship at 10:4? a. m. ^ermon by the pastor. E. V. C. E. at 6:45 p. m. Union service at 8 p. m. a t First Baptist church, Rev. P. P. Pfaltzgraft, speaker. • Midweek prayer service T h u r s d a y evening at 7:30. T h e organizational meeting of the Junior C. E. will be held on next Sun­ day evening, September 4. All the children a n d young people too youiig to be In t h e young people's C. E. are invited to Join. Meet each Sunday eve­ ning from 6:30 to 7:30 for worship, discussion a n d study.—G. 0 . Thomp­ son, minister.

needs will be anticipated. Not every community has such a service unfor­ tunately. But every p a r e n t should feel responsible for a "summer round­ u p " for their own children. If the phy,sical examination for a .-•hild and the needed correction seem added burdens to some parents, t h e s e m e a s u r e s should be considered in terms of what they may save in avoiding long illnesses and school failures. The summer round-up is a n economy and a protection which no parent can afford to omit from t h e list of school provisions tor the child.

uno€P.STflnDinQ iOUJfl

Birthday P a r t y Dick Carey Invited a grpup of boy friends to help him celebrate h i s tenth birthday o n Wednesday afternoon. A program of Juvenile g a m e s w a s enJoyed a n d a t 6 o'clock Mrs. Carey served a picnic supper^on t h e lawn. Dick was t h e recipient of m a n y me­ mentos of the occasion.

Golf Day— Birthday D i n n e r ^ On Tuesday golf, a noon day lunch­ To help celebrate h e r son's eleventh eon a n d afternoon of bridge was en^ birthday Mrs. L. E. Cooper Invited a Announcement Party— • joyed by a l a r g e group of club mem­ small group for dinner on Tuesday Mrs. Carl P e t r y and her daughter, bers at tbe Country club. Patricia evening. T h e after d i n n e r h o u r s were Dorothy, entertained at an evening and Ann Meloy of Cherokee, who are spent In playing games. Joan Teefey p a r t y on "Wednesday at their home as visiting in the home of their aunt, of Port Dodge was an out of town a compliment to Miss Margery P e t r y . ; Mrs. R. J. M. Long, were o u t of town guest. A scavenger hunt provided entertain- guests. Mrs. W a l t e r Spotta and Mrs. inentf for the guests, after which eacix M A, Cass Sr. -were club hostesses. Surprise Party— group wera given gifts t o m a k * for Barbara Hentges planned a surprise t h e guest of honor. At a l a t e hour the Sunday "Morning Breakfast— for her m o t h e r on Tuesday evening, hostesses served an attractive lunch­ As a courtesy to her niece. Miss the occasion being Mrs. H e n t g e s ' eon. s;x small tables, each centered Margery 'Petry, who will be a Septem­ birthday. Bridge w a s enjoyed until w i t h a colonial lady dressed in peach ber bride, Mrs. C a r l Nelson ol Sioux a late hour when an a t t r a c t i v e lunch­ a n d green, held the announcement of City entertained a t a Sunday inorning eon was served. the engagement and approaching breakfast, having as her guests rela­ m a r r i a g e of Miss Margery P e t r y t o tives of t h e bride-elect. One long table "Walter Luschen of LeMars •which 'will with a centerpiece of daisies, held be an event of September 18. places' for t h e guests. A shower of kitchen gifts "was given IMiss Petry. Daincing PartyThursday evening the Country club Ladles Auxiliary Met— •was t h e place chosen for an evening T h e Ladies Axixlliary of Hildreth Presbyterian of dancfng by Marian Flgg,, Carmen Evangelical church m e t on Tuesday Sunday school, a t 10 o'clock. Wor­ S h e r m a n , Jim Becker, Bob Figg and afternoon in t h e church parlors with ship service at 11 o'clock. W e extend J a m e s >Long at which time the young Mrs. S. H. Streyfleler and M r s . W, B. a most cordial Invitation to all to our people were hosts and hostesses to Parkinson a s hostesses. Mrs. Carol worship service.—Frederick P . Pfallztwenty-five couples of the younger Parkinson led t h e devotionals. T h e graH. pastor. net. Radio swing bands played a pro­ afternoon w a s spent In social visltlns g r a m of dance music which was great­ after which t h e h o s t e s s e s served aft­ St. George's Church ly enjoyed. This was the last occas­ ernoon t e a . ' Rev. A. F . Mitchell will be h e r e to ion for many of them for a " g e t to­ celebrate H o l y Communion a t 7:30 a. g e t h e r " meeting before departing for P. E. p . Lunchewn— m. next Sunday, September 4. He t h e i r various colleges. Favors and On F r i d a y t h e -members 'of t h e P . will also, celebrate Holy Communion Btunt dances w e r e most popular. At E. O. will m e e t in the h o m e ol Mr.s. the conclusion of the dance program M. A. Cass J r . for. a 1 lo'cloclc lunch­ a t 11 a. TO. on the second S u n d a y of t h e month, September 11. T h e 11 refreshments w e r e served. eon. Garden flowers will c e n t e r the o'clock service will be continued as luncheon tables. Mrs. C a s s -wfll b e as­ u s u a l throughout the month. sisted in serving by Mesdames Walter Briday Shower— Mrs. Theo. Love entertained twenty- Nuasbaum a n d 'Ralph (Marcue. Roll First Methodist four guests on Thursday evening a s call •will be answered to "Ups and Sunday . s c h o o r 10 a. m. Morning a courtesy to her niece. Miss Margery Downs of Vacation". worship 1 1 . Sermon subject, "Search­ P e t r y , bride-elect. Contract bridge e r s After T r u t h . " E p w o r t h L e a g u e 7 w a s ^ t h e diversion of t h e evening. At Missionary vPlcrilo— |"p. m- L e a d e r - W y r h a Overhne. t h e conclusion of the game iMrs: Love The Missionary society o'. t h e Pres­ Union evening service at t h e St. served" an attracflve luncheon, t h e byterian church held their j m r a a l pic­ J o h n ' s Evangelical church a t 8 o'clock. b r i d e ' s chosen colors, peach a n d nic in t h e church -parlprB /on Tne^day Tuesday afternoon. Ladies Aid cir­ green, being carried out in the table afternoon. A large group w a s present cle meetings.—Pastor, W a r n e r M. decorations and menu. Mrs. 'WIIHB to enj«y t h e social afternoon. The Hnbhard. IiV)x and Mrs. D. Wolfe of MCTr'H "were officers of t h e society w e r e In charge out of town guests; The guestk {(boyi 'Of . t h e a r r a n g e m e u t s a n d a t i^:30 >,w#jt-..«>*er^^JMlsa Petry* i Prlday, sWtember 2-iCh61r prac­ Boniil gifts. ' tice at 7:30 p. m. at church. Picnic Slipper— Sunday, September 4 — Sunday Billy H a a s celebrated Hia tenth Farewell Party— school at 9:30 a, m. Worship service A s h farewell courtesy to Miss birthday on S a t u r d a y by Inviting a a t 10:30 a. m. Union service at Baptist Elizabeth Fuller, welfare director, group of his boy friends to t h e munic­ church at 8 p. m. who left this ' week for her h o m e at ipal p a r k for a picnic supper. Wieners , W e welcome all to come a n d wor­ Mt.' Ayr, Misses Katherlne and Mar- cooiced 'over, the outdoor fires In true ship with -us.—Ralph R. Hunger, pas­ g r e t t a D u s t e r and Clara Belle Kehr- scottt Btyle w e r e greatly enjoyed h y tor. b e r g entertained a group of friends the b o y s . ' T h e afternoon w a s spent a t bridge on^ Saturday evening; In the i n playing games. St. John's Lutheran Church D u s t e r home. At a late hour the Sunday school at 9 a. m. (Divine twelve guests w e r e seated a t one long Merry-Go-Round Luncheon— t a b l e which w a s most attractively ap­ Mrs. Carl Marcue and M r s . W m . service at 10 a. m. , The Ladies Aid society will n o t m e e t pointed in l a t e summer flowcfrs w h e r e Brunsklll had as their luncheon guests luncheon was served. T h e giiests re­ the members of t h e Merry-Go Round this Thursda:y but will m e e t one week membered Miss Puller with a per­ club at tiie Country club on Wednes­ later, September 8. sonal shower. Choir r e h e a r s a l as usnal on Friday day. Onie long table with an attrac­ tive ftoral centerpiece of;zinnias held evening at 7 o'clock. Catechetical instructions for all places for the "fourteen g u e s t s . T h e Bridge Party— children from t h e ages of 10 y e a r s and Miss Eleanor Root and Miss K a t h ' .aitemoan WAS spemt inlormaHy. above will begin on Saturday, Sep­ tember 10, at 9 o'clock.—L. L. Belk, pastor, American L u t h e r a n church.

Back to School xm a Bus

For Autumn Fashion Parade


T h e g r o w i n g s e a s o n a l a t t e n t i o n t o a u t u m n a n d w i n t e r fi^^hlons m a k e s t h i s " l i t t l e g i r l " d e s i g n a n a t t r a c t i v e eyeful. B l a c k g a l y a k fur is t h e big f e a t u r e , wliile t h e Scotch p l a i d silk facing a d d s a flattering t o u c h of color a b o v e a b a n d e a u of t h e fur. F r i d a y eveiilng at 7 o'clock choir rehearsal, girls chorus and senior choir. ' W e welcome you to our,services.— L. L. Belk, pastor, American Luther­ a n church.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petersen, Helen, J e a n e t t e and Loren, Norman Swanson, iMr. and Mrs. F r a n c i s Swan­ son and Ruth left early Friday morn­ ing on a fishing trip and vacation t o Black Du£k Lake at Hines, Minn. Relatives and friends here have re­ ceived word from Mr. and Mrs. EJnar Hansen and Gene, who a r e visiting Perry Center ' relatives in Seattle, Wash. They ex­ ^Special Corresponaence) pect to visit Mr. and Mrs. Oral Bonnes in Petaluma, Cal., before returning Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson m a d s home. a trip to Cherokee Wednesday and while t h e r e visited t h e state hospital For careful Job printing a t reason­ for the i n s a n e . Misses Mabel Angove, Dorothy able prices call the Sentinel office. Schuttpelz a n d Ruth Swanson com­ pleted the t e r m of 12 weeks of sum­ Telephone your society items to the m e r school in W e s t e r n Union college Sentinel office. W e are anxious to in LeMars Friday. print all the news In L e M a r s .


However, preparation of school does not simply mean t h a t the child is to be provided with the right books, paper, and pencils, necessary as these articles a r e . The important provisions Include an adequate health examina­ tion, measures for health protection, and the correction of physical defects. Frequently children need glasses to correct minor visual defects. Some­ times they lack certuin food elements which can be given by special atten­ tion to diet If the child does not hear well the teacher should be In­ formed and special provisions made for him. Often dental care is needed to protect the child from infection lodged in the teeth. Health protection from such diseases as smallpox, and diphtheria, essential for all children, la even more imperative for the school child. Some communities have what is known as the "summer round-up," when children are examined by health authorities In o r d e r t h a t these health

It j u s t h a s to be sandwich timo when the children s t a r t back to s,chool, if any of t h e m carry lunched. Unless t h e r e a r e some particular kinds which they prefer do try t o vary them;. A lunch box can be m a d e attractive with fresh f r u i t - a n apple, orange, grapes, plums or bananas. F r e s h raw vegetables, too—sliced or whole car­ rots, turnips, tomatoes, tender inner sections of cabbages or flowerlets of cauliflower all add to the food value and are b e t t e r uncooked and mors easily packed. If they are liked it is the best thing you can add. We used to think t h a t dried fruits were not to be e a t e n until thoroughly cooked but. except for small children, t h a t is an exploded theory and raisins, figs, dates and'. prunes add m u c h to the variety In packing t h e lunch. Variety is the -spice, not only of life, but of the daily lunch box and if one can add a special interest by a little surprise or an unexpected treat, how gladly it is welcomed. The breads tor t h e sandwiches should be changed often as t h e r e are so many from which to choose. Nut bread, date nut bread, orange bread, Boston brown bread and all kinds of buns' apd rolls. T h e r e a r e endless combinations for sandwich fillings. Of course If they ate my favorite—a plain onion sand­ wich—they would be very unpopular so don't try that. P e a n u t butter seems to be the general favorite with chil­ dren and m a y be combined In many ways — p e a n u t b u t t e r and d a t e s or m'arshmallows, with diqed, crisp ba­ con, preserves, b a n a n a s , candied or­ ange peel or lettuce and mayonnaise. Some o t h e r fillings — cottage cheese combinations, with salmon, tuna, nuts, olives or crushed pineapple. I have found t h a t with boys meat sandwiches are best liked, as bacon, ham and egg, pork, wiener and ham­ burger. Vegetable-hamburger should stand at t h e first of t h a t list for with big boys a n d hamburgers, their ca> paoity is limited by the sUpply. "Then comes the question of des serts. Of course t h e r e are all the cookies and cakes but alternate, these with cup custards, tapioca, corn-starch and chocolate puddings, with fruit tarts, pure sugar or homfe made candy and milk chocolate. By providing sandwiches, a raw vegetable, fruit, dessert and a bever­ age such a s milk or one of the chocolate-mllk drinks, the lunch box diet will be adequate and not tiresome. Is there such a thing a s a new kind of sandwich tilling? Let's see it you have t^'ied all of the following: Apple, Date and Cheese 1 package cream cheese 2 tablespoons cream \i poun'd dates % appie 6 slices bread. Moisten cheese with cream to spreading consistency and add salt, p u t dates in small bits. Peel apple and slice thin. Spread cheese m i x t u r e on tTivo slices of bread. Cover with


Sewing Suggestions ' Have you thought ot velveteen as a cotton material? It, is and so very practical. The rich appearance and texture, and luxurious coloring makes us forget these facts. Nothing is nicer for summer or fall evening wraps or short jackets. Choose rather a neutral shatfe—a soft green, woodsy brown, or powdery blue. A plaid shirt combining the color's may be worn with any one ot the Jackets. A silk or wool dress or i\ knitted outfit is dressed up immeas­ urably with^a smart swagger coat of thei velveteen. "With the seams fin­ ished nicely there need be no lining making the tailoring problem mucli simpler. Today's shirt waist dress ' is the most sensible garment one can make tor the girl going away to school. To make it, have short sleeves, open sport collar and a regular shirt tail. This last feature is one ot the inventions we have had in many years for girl's garments. W e a r tlie tail inside or out and have no worry about coming disconnected. Make the skirt open at one side with the belt attached. A striped material might be used for the dress, then make a second shirt the color of t h e stripe. Different types ot pockets and yokes could be used but do keep It all quite simple and tailored.

Mrs. .Mike Bauler is attending a school of cosmetology in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W a r n e r and daughters spent Sunday with relatives at Pttullina. A fair sized crowd attended the an­ nual Pratt-Bainbridge picnic held in the Kingsley p a r k Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Mockler, who has been a patient at a Sioux City hospital for two weeks, returneii h o m e Monday. The regular school term started at Union .Monday. Three new faculty members have been added this year. Rev. and Mrs. Clyde motored ta Paullina Tuesday to spend the re­ mainder of the week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. /Melvin Bainbridge a n d family were dinner guests at t h e Francis Treptow residence in Marcus Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hodgen of Kingsley, Tip P r a t t and daughter, Harriet, of Henry, Wesley Pratt and daughter, Shirley, spent Thursday a t Beresford, S. D. Mrs. Paul P a r r y was hostess to the W. C. T. U. Thursday afternoon. T h e r e were sixteen ladies present. At the close of the business meeting lunch was served. .Miss Shirley Featherston, who is employed at Benton Harbor, Mich., ar­ rived h e r e Thursday to spend a week's vacation at the home of h e r p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs. B'red F e a t h e r s t o n .



FAIR PRIZEWINNERS T h e Blue Ribbon Bazaar, featured, n o w by y o u r ^ o c e r , Wnors b a k ­ ing champions everywhere—the w o m e n w h o by using OMAR Wonder FLOUR have t a k e n t h e t o p p r i z e s y e a r .after y e a r a t f a i r s t h e c o u n t r y over. The iyest Judges of flour—the w o m e n w h o w i n blue ribbons—choose OMAR 10 t o 1!


d a t e s and press lightly into cheese. Place apples on dates t h e n t h e other slice of bread cheese side down. P r e s s gently and cut into shape. Liver and Vegetable Filling (Maybe it would be better to call it something else). % pound liverwurst 1 cup celery small green p e p p e r ' 1 carrot 3 tablesp^oons mayonnaise Skin and. break u p liverwurst. Add to other ingredients, chopped fine, mix with mayonnaise. Southern Sandwich Spread Eggs, hard boiled Bacon, fried crisp Sweet pickles or relish Roasted peanutp., unsalted Grind all together and a d d enough boiled salad dressing to m a k e a paste. Neapolitan Club Sandwich A double sandwich consisting ot one layer of chopped chicken or veal (with or without salad dressing), and let­ tuce and another layer o t chopped egg and olives. Applebutter Sandwich Spread sliced bread with butter. Spread one slice with pimiento cheese, applebutter and chopped n u t s . Cover with second slice. Please' may 1 tell you how to mako a really good onion sandwich? Butter a slice of white bread thickly and put several slices of onion on it. Sprinkle liberally with salt and>sugar. Cover with another buttered slice. Don't try sending it to school but eat it late some Sunday, night out in t h e kitchen.




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DO TWO THINGS NOW! 1. Provide Proper Light for Study 2. Be Sure that Eyes Are Right Two out of ten children in our public schools hove defective eyesight. Safeguard the eyes of your children. One way to pre­ vent faulty vision is to provide them with I. E. S. Better Sight Lamps while they are at home. You, too, will enjoy proper light for reading and close-seeing tasks. Play safe with I. E. S. LampsI At your dealer or


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Weekly Review
Jan 13, 2015 - Government of National Unity (TGONU), defines its institutional .... Source: Sudan Tribune.

Page 1 of 15. Sheet1. Page 1. Semi marathon de Bourg en Bresse 2012. 1 Asvel Villeurbanne N4. 2 Athleg Provence N4. 3 Asvel Villeurbanne N4. 4 DECINES MEYZIEU ATHLETISME * IR1. 5 Eab IR2. 6 Running Club Mably IR3. 7 Asj74 IR3. 8 1h13'48'' EL KADI Mag

President's Message September 2, 2006 Dear BC Conservative ...
Sep 2, 2006 - Dear BC Conservative Member,. I would like to invite you to attend our party's 2006 Annual General Meeting on Saturday and. Sunday, October 21st and 22nd. The AGM will be held at the Best Western Inn in Kelowna. BC Conservative members